Sunday, November 10, 2013

New world alliances are On the Way??

New world alliances are On the Way??

دنیا اک وار فیربدلن لگی جے؟

نویں نویں اتحاد بنن جا رہے جے، جس نوں یقین نہ آے اوہ ذرا 20ویں صدی دے اتحاد اں بارے مڑجھات مار چھڈے۔ کسنجرہوراں نیں اپنی چین بارے لکھی کتاب وچ آکھیا سی پئی امریکہ افغانستان وچ چین نوں واڑے تے اس نوں پھسا کے بھارت تے ویت نام ولوں چین مخالفتاں نوں ودھائے۔ پر اوبامے اس توں اپنا مطلب کڈیا۔ چین، جرمنی، ترکی تے امریکہ کیہہ کردے پئے نیں اس بارے تے ویکھو۔ سعودی عرب نیں سیکورٹی کونسل وچ اپنی سیٹ کس غصے وچ چھڈی ہے، ایس بارے جھات پاؤ۔ ایرانی مڑ’’سامراج‘‘ دی یاری وچ جا رہے نیں؟ پر دنیا دی سیاستاں وچ ترکی دی وادھوپھرتیاں اتے معاہدے تے تسی ویکھ ہی سکدے ہو۔ ویسے ہر نویں صدی وچ، کھٹو کھٹ دو ترے صدیاں توں پہلے ویہہ سالاں وچ نویں کم پیندے نیں۔
New alliances are on the way while old alliances are shifting. Recent abrupt Rise in anti drone campaign has roots not in  FATA but some where else. According to Guardian's writer Jonathan Sale said "In 1916, a military scientist conceived of an "aerial torpedo" designed to be loaded with explosives and steered into the deadly Zeppelins on their bombing raids over southern England". His article published in feb 2013 under the title "The secret history of drones". But from at-least 2004, it is in use yet in the 2nd decade we observed its opposition more from the "friends or old partners" then from its traditional opponents. Although it is a violation of Nation State System yet the question is Where were Amnesty People from 2004? is there a shifting of players on cards?  we may smell it by checking recent shifts of different conflicting nation states, either big or small, developed or under developed. 
Is there a message in this shifting or not, it is up to you to think. India's shift to US camp happened in the first decade, can e seen in this continuation. Saudi Arabia who got first time in history a seat in UN assembly as non permanent member is another case. SA rejection of the seat is another sign. On the other hand, her regional rival Iran is again getting close to "imperialism" which is interesting. Rise in role of Turkey is a common fact and every one knew it well especially in Pakistan. 
If we glance history we will observed that every first 20 years of a the world were very crucial regarding new policies or alliances. i-e in early years of 19th century Britain smartly used fear of Napoleon and in 20th century used Fear of Germany. Fear for recent century is already ready yet this time it is Invisible enemy. It is fact that Britain smartly side lined Germany in 20th century yet she was checked in 1941 by signing Atlantic Charter. 
Trading and sharing of knowledge had an ancient tradition  between Asia & Europe , with Eurasia as epic centre and known in history as Silk Route yet it was dis-mental. In late 19th century (1894) and early 20th century (1914) it was further scraped by introduction of two LINES i-e Durand Line & MecMohan Line. That system  not only ruined any future possibility of  trade till Europe but also disturbed people living from China including Tibet to Turkey and infect East Europe especially Greece and Germany too.  The test case for new alliances is recovery of Silk Route and removal of Evil Lines. Globalization or world with porous borders suits to many big or small , national and multi national companies but before this we have to finish all regional disputes as first step.  It is time for Americans to revive old neutrality concept and say good bye to lend & Lease. But the question remains , Is the world alliances are ready for a new change? What is position of China, Germany, United States and Germany is also an interesting study.Read and enjoy it

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