Friday, October 21, 2016

Punjabi Protest against Elite School Misconduct : What next?

Punjabi Protest Against

Elite School Misconduct : What next?

Yesterday at 20th October 2016 Punjabis registered their protest against misleading notification and below the belt clarifications of an Elite School Beacon House in which numerous participants including university professors, teachers, journalists, NGO activists, intellectuals, Publishers,editors and lovers of the biggest and oldest Pakistani language (Punjabi) participated. They registered their anger in front of Beacon House Headquarter @ Guru Mangat Road, Gulberg Lhore and stayed for two to three hours there. School representatives came for negotiations that failed due to their bad justification.  Interestingly Pakistani private media ignored it as elite education business is a  wealthy client. The practice is common in elite schools where one often listen voices against Pakistani mother tongues especially the Punjabi. 
The Story of a misleading narrative based on colonial pride and prejudice. Curses or abuses in Punjabi are not allowed means Student are allowed to use abusive language either in English and Urdu...Is this so-called enlightened education we are giving to our children? Elite English medium schools better revisit it. 
One cannot think of such behavior especially from an education institution yet since colonial times we often confront with that misleading pride either on the name of English or Urdu/Hindi.  With such prejudices what they are serving in education is easily understandable. 

A petition is in the court of law and an MPA Hinna Butt also raise it in Punjab assembly so it is not possible to ignore it any further for elite schools. It is time to rethink. 

It shows how we often look to our own languages. The protest is against this behavior and that is why intellectuals, professors etc participated in it. Elite schools should think about it. Respect their own culture, respect their own land is important thing and they can include lessons regarding Punjabi sufi poets in their curriculum. it is time for government and private actors in education to revisit it for once. 

The Bad and misleading Notification 

A clip of the Protest

An English medium school`s definition of foul language...Dawn column

Organizer Ahmad Raza talking about the protest in front of Beacon House Headquarter Guru-Mangat road Lhore

A Beacon House representative unsuccessfully defending misleading narrative: It was not merely a typing par this narrative curses in English and Urdu are allowed...What a defenseless narrative by the so-called supra educationists

A Clip of the procession, Lhore 20th October 2016...Sharam Karo

A clip just to explain misleading narrative....just watch

In the last few days a notice of the Beaconhouse School System Sahiwal campus from August 2016 has been doing the rounds on social media. The usual mundane school notice on discipline has excited comment because in the section on ‘Foul language’ it has interestingly included ‘Punjabi,’—yes, the Punjabi language, the language spoken by almost 50 per cent of Pakistan’s population as a first language. When the school clarified in a bizarrely strong, arrogant and derisive statement, it conveniently added the word ‘curses’ after the word ‘Punjabi’ in order to make it all go away.

Another View Published in Hum-Sub and more

پنجاب اسمبلی کی خاتون رکن حنا بٹ نے بیکن ہاؤس اسکول بوائز کیمپس ساہیوال کی طرف سے پنجابی زبان کو غلیظ زبان قرار دینے پر 2016-10-19 کو پنجاب اسمبلی میں تحریکِ التوا داخل کردی ھے۔ تحریک میں استدعا کی گئی ھے کہ تحریک کو باضابطہ قرار دے کر ایون میں بحث کی اجازت دی جائے۔

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