Tuesday, May 1, 2018

When State ruined itself : Pakistan, Zia , AZO & the popular Party...A mindset

When State ruined itself 

Pakistan, Zia , AZO &

the popular Party...A mindset 

Abdullah Malik was a senior journalist and was among those communists who participated in Pakistan movement and arrested by Khazir Hyat Tawana government in early 1947. Due to his journalistic career he witnessed rise and fall of many governments and personalities. He knew many things and wrote about it too. Here is a page from his book about Qasori family and Mian Mahmood Ali Qasori. At page 27, while writing about Movement for Restoration of Democracy (MRD) he mentioned Al Zulfiqar and infamous 1981 PIA hijacking case. This book was published in 1995 by Jang Publishers. His analysis shows reservation regarding involvement of PPP , the popular party of the day in it. As par his writing, formation of MRD puzzled rather disturbed Zia & the establishment who wanted to finish the party at any cost. Interestingly it was a time when establishment had strong relations with US block due to its participation in Western sponsored Islamic Jihad against USSR in Afghanistan.  Just to fix the popular PPP, they use hijacking case smartly. It shows the mindset and this is still there in Pakistan.
ٰIt is interesting that Benazier Bhutto never supported hijacking incident and always registered her reservations about it. 

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