Saturday, June 23, 2012

Review Subhas Chandar Bose Biography

The victim of the great game
An exhaustive biography of Subhas Chandra Bose is the best work to date to clarify some of his paradoxes
By Aamir Riaz
In His Majesty’s eyes, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was a rebel, an agent of the fascist Germans and a persona non-grata. But, in people’s memories, he is still alive as an immortal leader who sacrificed his career and life for them.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Annexation of the Punjab and British Policy 1-22


22- famous sayings in Praise of MahaRaja of Lhore darbar...Ranjeet singh

21- Ranjeet Singh period and European writers

قسط 21: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

20-  Ranjeet singh army and European officers

 قسط 20: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

19- Rise of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh and his Army

قسط 19: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

18- British policy and the Punjab:towards Land and Sea trade routes 

قسط 18: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

17- Snatching  opportunity out of political crisis

16- State of diplomacy Metcalfe Vs Maharaja of The Punjab

قسط نمبر ۱۶: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

15-Charles Theophilus Metcalfe, his mission to Lhore 1808-9 , Afghanistan and the Punjab

 قسط نمبر۱۵: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

14-Birth of frontier forward policy and British interests in our lands

قسط نمبر14: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

13-Mapping British interests in the Punjab in early 19th century ....a piece written with reference to Metacafe mission to Lhore 1809

قسط نمبر۱۳: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟


12-Problems in Religious and Nationalist discourse 

 قسط نمبر۱۲: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

11-How British infected our history

قسط نمبر۱۱: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

10-Revisiting Mughal decline

 قسط نمبر ۱۰: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

9-Nepolian and the Punjab

 قسط نمبر۹: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

 8-Emergence of new international players and the Punjab

  قسط نمبر ۸: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

7- conscious misuse of the term angreez to confuse English identity with European identity

 قسط نمبر7: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

 6- concious misuse of the term Khan and confusion in history

  قسط نمبر 6: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

5- analysing British policy and plans- an anti thesis of nationalist and colonial interpretations

پنجاب کہانی5-: انگریز پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

4- Story of the important port at Sind---The Lhori Bandar or Lhori Dharo

پنجاب کہاڻی 4: انگریز پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

3-Pirates and thesis of European hegemony

 پنجاب کہاڻی 3: انگریز پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

 2- Britain in search of trade routes esp Sea Trade Routes(STRs)

پنجاب کہاڻی 2: انگریز پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

 1- Why Britishers annexed the Punjab in 1849

انگریز دے پنجاب تے قبضے دا دیہاڑ - پہلی لڑی

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Interview of ZIM Bhadur

Interview of Zafar Iqbal Mirza

Review of Jangalwala sahib..a translation of the Crow eaters

Review of Jangalwala sahib..a translation of the Crow eaters
it is translation of Bapsi Sidwa famous Novel The Crow Eaters Published by Ilqa Publications-an imprint of Reading Lhoire

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Campaign to revisit our text books part 2
Extracts from the report “What we are teaching our Children”
PTB book Pak Studies Class 5 page 57
Author did not mention Motorway and
Punjab government is publishing it from last 4 years.
it is an example of carelessness from politicians towards Textbooks.

The book was prepared under 2003 curriculum and it was Pervaizi period so they did not include Motorway in the lessons out of their biases. But the same book is printing there in the Punjab from 2008. Same issue is there in all other text book boards.

Campaign to revisit our text books part 1

This text is included in Pakistan Studies class 7 books at page 13. It is not only against Christians but also against Muslim children. What will a Muslim kid thinks about fellow Christian Pakistanis? Such biased and narrow minded lessons are harmful not only for Pakistani nationalism but also push our kids against the spirit of tolerance and peace.
Campaign to revisit our text books
Extracts from the report “What we are teaching our Children”

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...