Friday, August 24, 2012

Other side of Burma Muslim killings

why there is sudden hue and cry regarding Burmi Muslims? such issues of valiance were there at Bangladeshi-Burmi border when i visited at 2009. Burmi govt was using Buddhist tribes living at Bangladeshi borders (Chittagong hill tracks) while there were many muslim villages at Burmi side. both countries were using religion extensively. Bangladeshi govt with help of Saudi+Us funding while Burmi govt with Chinese support. jamat e islami and tableghi jamat were engaged in at Bangladesh. now after 2011 settlement situation has been changed. burmi leader is now released and USA accepted Burma status while burmi govt is holding elections. it means after collaboration of US-China that hot point is defused mutually. yet it is not acceptable to Britain who created McMahon line in 1914. neither it is acceptable to US war industry as they are dependent on hot points. nor it is accepted to religious groups in Bangladesh who were gaining huge money . the situation resembles with 1857 revolutionaries in royal Bengal army who had a fear to lost there position as British Indian administration needs military recruitment from areas adjacent to Afghanistan. the situation resembled with post Geneva accord where religious fundamentalist groups lost heavy funding of afghan jihad. so they became anti US or anti imperialist. so after a visible change in Burma, old jihadies r trying to regain old findings. we should expose all these game plans and should not depend on new claims. 
 it is published at


1 comment:

  1. What an awesome written by you! I am too glad to read this kind of informative blog article. Thanks to sharing this with us, really thank you!!!!
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