Thursday, May 30, 2013

Post Transition fears in Pakistan

Post Transition fears in Pakistan 

Professor Aziz u din ( editor of Pakistan today) reminded past politics by writing some pertinent questions in his recent column just published a day before the completion of First Democratic Transition in Pakistan yet he avoided many more important questions too. i think he should balance it as 
1- Will courts accept Supremacy of elected tier i-e parliament? 
2- will media stop its usual tradition to defame Only elected representatives? 
3- will smaller parties learn to respect people's mandate as given to big party? 
4- will independent election commission learn how to enjoy independence by restricting itself under law? 
5- will political parties make more clear laws for interim set-up? 
6- will unaccountable NGOs and rich donor community will restrict themselves to development and philanthropy only? 

it is high time to raise these questions too otherwise it looks odd to criticize politicians especially elected people always. - See more at:

Now read the article at

Who will hit the Drone?

Who will hit the Drone?
aamir riaz

Ex Husband of a rich British lady and leader of third major party as par resent polls, Imran Khan is trying to maintain pre-poll sentiments of his workers by releasing tricky statements. No doubt, he was ready to repeat 1970 election results, but failed even to get a runner-up position thanks to PPP.  His latest statement is largely an effort to confuse Nawaz Sharief rather then addressing the  pinching issue of drone strikes. Interestingly, media as usual twisting the statement in order to make it more flashy as there is plenty of content in IK's statement to exploit. just read the Urdu content fist
the English statement is

LAHORE - Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on Thursday asked prime minister-designate Nawaz Sharif to either ask the United States to stop the drone attacks and in case Washington did not heed the warning, he should order shooting down the drones violating Pakistan’s territory.

“Drone attacks will not be tolerated inside Pakistan,” the PTI chief said in statement.

He said the people had voted those parties to power which promoted anti-drone policies. “The people have rejected the policies adopted and pursued by former president General (r) Pervez Musharraf,” he added. - See more at:
But in urdu headline, editor himself removed the option of asking US to stop drone. At the same time IK give approval to his KPK comrades to do an agreement with PML(N) KP so that PML(N) will support PTI speaker in KP and PTI will support PML(N) nominated speaker in NA. The fact remains pinching many Pakistanis  that the foreign minister who allowed US done strikes is PTI leader and IK's close friend. IK should ask him to come forward and tell the truth to public first. If ex-foreign minister is reluctant then IK has Lal Heavili owner with him. after all, he was information minister at that time when Musharaff allowed US to launch drone strikes. But it is obvious that the aim of the IK is to fix or confuse Nawaz sharief rather then solution. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Law which Changed the world scenario.......Lend & Lease Act

A Law which Changed the world scenario......Lend & Lease Act 
End of the Empire & rise of Sole World Power

The actual name of that law was An Act to Further Promote the Defense of the United States. US representative institutions passed it in March 1941 yet it was on card from late 1939. Isolationists were against it , democrats view point was clear as they were in favour of continuity of US neutrality policy. But FDR, more precisely US State was ready to exploit their technological edge of war industry so they left neutrality policy and entered in the "European conflict". The empire (Britain) was under pressure especially after May 1940 i-e defeat of France. 
A total of $50.1 billion (equivalent to $639 billion today) worth of supplies were shipped: $31.4 billion to Britain, $11.3 billion to the Soviet Union, $3.2 billion to France, $1.6 billion to China, and smaller sums to other Allies. Reverse Lend-Lease comprised services such as rent on air bases that went to the U.S., and total $7.8 billion; of this, $6.8 billion came from the British and the Commonwealth. The terms of the agreement provided that the material was to be used until time for their return or destruction. Supplies after the termination date were sold to Britain at a large discount for £1.075 billion using long-term loans from the United States. Canada operated a similar program that sent $4.7 billion in supplies to the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union.[2] The United States did not charge for aid supplied under this legislation.
This program was a decisive step away from non-interventionist policy, which had dominated United States foreign relations since the end of World War I, towards international involvement.(ref:

    • L & L Act                 11- March 1941              US President became the most powerful man in the world
    • L & L extends                 April 1941           China was also included in it
    • New Pact                       July 1941            Under new scenario Britain has to stop russo-phobia temporarily and now both Britain & USSR were friends in arms
    • Atlantic Charter         14- August 1941        Beginning of the end of colonization
    • L & L extends                October 1941       USSR was also included in it
    • Tehran Conference                       1943      USA+Britain+USSR
    • End of 3rd International                 1943     USSR abolished International body of communists (comentern)   and then formed a new international body of communists (cominform) which had only pro-russian communist parties only. Exclusion of Chines Communist party was one example to understand it
    • Yalta conference                           1945       new world arrangement finalized 
  •  That was a changed world yet when that process started there were very few people who had an eye on it. read the story and enjoy

How we should gauge popularity of any political party? percentage of vote castes or Seats of assemblies

How we should gauge popularity of any political party?  percentage of vote castes or Seats of assemblies 

aamir riaz
These days media is making claims regarding popularity of political parties. Today in his program Kamran khan declared PTI , 2nd largest political party of Pakistan regarding percentage of votes PTI got in 2013 elections. according to ECP latest updates PPP is runners up and far head from PTI regarding National assembly seats yet analysts are relaying on percentage of votes. ironically, at ECP website there is no comparison of seats but emphasis is on percentage of votes. this is relatively new technique and is adopted due to some obvious biases or likes. Interestingly, PTI got almost 76 lak votes while PPP got 69 lak yet PPP gained more seats. Percentage of votes cannot be treated as a gauge to check popularity. for example if we study election results in provinces we see contrary figures. i-e In Sindh after PPP & MQM, national people's party got maximum votes regarding ratio ( PPP almost 32 lak- MQM 25 lak, NPP 2 lak, PTI 60000, PML(N) 59000) so What it means? Before declaring PTI, no.2 popular party analysts should rationalize their claims. Another interesting example is KPK results where the difference of votes between single largest PTI with 13 seat winner PML(N) is only 1,50000 yet difference in seats is almost three times. so can we says that regarding popularity PTI and PML(N) are on equal footings. In final analysis no of seats is the only criteria to gauge success and one should not confuse it with popularity.

you can easily check ECP website where votes obtained got more prominent coverage than seats obtained. 
detaeen  hain Bazi-gar Dhoka khula

EDITORIAL : Altaf Hussain’s purge....Daily times

EDITORIAL : Altaf Hussain’s purge.....Daily Times
  •  Allegations of elements of the MQM’s involvement in land grabbing also figure
  •  Altaf warned that anyone involved in unacceptable activities would be expelled. Already, in the current shakeup, many bigwigs have been expelled, ostracized, or given an opportunity to mend their ways while working as ordinary workers of the party.
  • . The biggest demotion is that of Dr Farooq Sattar, previously the Coordination Committee’s deputy convener, a position virtually equivalent to being the leader in Pakistan of the party as a whole. He has been ‘demoted’ to head the international and diplomatic committee of MQM
  • The context of the purge is the unprecedented setback suffered by the MQM in the elections in Karachi
  • MQM has ended up losing the support of at least part of its traditional base in the cities of Sindh. So, back to the drawing board perhaps.
  • Clearly, the knocks the once unassailable MQM has received in this election at the hands of the PTI in Karachi are the basis of the purge. MQM will have to tread furiously in the water if the trend of losing votes, particularly of the youth, is to be reversed. 

MQM chief Altaf Hussain has carried out one of the most radical purges in the party’s history. The party’s main Coordination (Rabita) Committee and the Karachi Tanzeemi (Organisational) Committee have been dissolved and replaced by a 23-member apex and 10-member Karachi committee. The ostensible reasons for these wholesale changes as quoted by Altaf Hussain in a speech from London to a general workers meeting in Jinnah Ground near the party’s Nine Zero headquarters on Sunday are violations of party discipline, corruption, mishandling workers of the party and intimidation of ordinary citizens. Allegations of elements of the MQM’s involvement in land grabbing also figure. Altaf Hussain categorically declared a policy of “no tolerance” for the “enemies of society” within the MQM’s ranks. He exhorted his newly installed leadership to treat the workers of the party with affection. This is an indication that trouble within the party centres on a group within the previous setup that stands accused of trying to acquire power in defiance of Altaf Hussain’s directives, purging of elements involved in criminal and corrupt practices at the expense of the citizens of Karachi, and winning back loyal committed workers alienated during the tenure of the previous leadership. Altaf warned that anyone involved in unacceptable activities would be expelled. Already, in the current shakeup, many bigwigs have been expelled, ostracized, or given an opportunity to mend their ways while working as ordinary workers of the party. Altaf Hussain warned his cadres not to get involved in bazaars that ostensibly sell goods cheaply, a source it is thought of illegal gratifications for the organisers or controllers of such bazaars. The biggest demotion is that of Dr Farooq Sattar, previously the Coordination Committee’s deputy convener, a position virtually equivalent to being the leader in Pakistan of the party as a whole. He has been ‘demoted’ to head the international and diplomatic committee of MQM, although compensated by being declared the parliamentary leader of the party in the National Assembly. Altaf in his speech criticised the previous coordination committee for not acting against those who ‘insulted’ him, a reference it is thought to the accusation by Imran Khan that Altaf Hussain was responsible for the murder of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) leader Zahra Shahid Hussain in Karachi on the eve of the re-polling in many of the polling stations in a constituency of Karachi. MQM boycotted the re-polling. The seat was won by PTI Secretary General Dr Arif Alvi.

The context of the purge is the unprecedented setback suffered by the MQM in the elections in Karachi, where the PTI not only won a seat, it emerged as the second largest party in terms of the popular vote in the city. It is thought that this reflects the migration of the youth vote to Imran Khan’s party, a loss the MQM could not have envisaged or been prepared for. The activities of criminal and corrupt elements within the MQM’s ranks may have dented its popular vote, and this worrying development lies at the heart of Altaf Hussain’s radical reorganisation of the leading bodies of the party. There has emerged a tentative debate within the MQM regarding the policy it has adopted for some years of trying to expand beyond an urban-based party of Sindh enjoying by and large the support of the province’s Urdu-speaking people towards an all-Pakistan political formation. That policy has not reaped the results expected, with the MQM’s forays into Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit Baltistan producing rather poor results. The argument is that in the effort to garner new support in these other provinces, the MQM has ended up losing the support of at least part of its traditional base in the cities of Sindh. So, back to the drawing board perhaps.

It remains to be seen whether the reorganisation wrought by Altaf Hussain produces the results he hopes for of rejuvenating the party, especially its dormant workers, eliminating the image that unfortunately clings to the party of the original author of bhatta (extortion) activities in Karachi, and the accusations and allegations against some of its cadres of morphing into a land mafia in the city. Clearly, the knocks the once unassailable MQM has received in this election at the hands of the PTI in Karachi are the basis of the purge. MQM will have to tread furiously in the water if the trend of losing votes, particularly of the youth, is to be reversed. *

Monday, May 27, 2013

were Jinnah's ancestors Punjabi?......

were Jinnah's ancestors Punjabi?...... 
aamir Riaz
In good old days My friend Imran Khalid once told me sarcastically about a radio talk in which the anchor informed listeners regarding Punjabi dissent of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah's ancestors. My friend declared it Punjabification of Pakistan and repeated radio information that Quaid's ancestors were from the area near to SahiWaal. It was a time when we both were in left circle so such news were part of our entertainment too. I did not know that one day i, myself will write on the line almost similar to that anchor. In the first decade of 21st century, a friend Khalid mahmood, lovely short story writer & poet remind me about a article written in past regarding Nawab Ismail Khan, an old friend of Jinnah. Nawab Sahib was among rare friends of Jinnah who had liberty to tease, making fun of Jinnah. Indeed, like Nawab Bhadar Yar Jang he was among great friends of Jinnah. It was Nawab Ismail Khan who mentioned about ancestors of Jinnah and his reference was none the other then the Jinnah himself. According to him, ancestors of Jinnah came from the area near to Sahiwal in the Punjab and had settled in Kathiwar, Gujrat before settling in Karachi, Sindh.  The same news was confirmed by Hector Bolitho in his biography JINNAH; CREATOR OF PAKISTAN published in 1954, London. This book is recently published by Oxford University Press Pakistan  yet i could not find the important reference of Zamir Niazi in it which was regarding efforts to censor Jinnah's august 11, 1947 speech. In his Urdu book "Ungliaan Fagar Apni" at Page 20 famous journalist cum historian and author of trilogy on Pakistani media, zamir Niazi gave a reference about that incident in which some over smart people tried to stop or censored Jinnah’s August 11, 1947 speech. At page 41, in same book Niazi gave reference of London edition page 197-99 but in current edition it is not there. Anyway, in this reprint at page at Page 2, Bolitho wrote about his meeting with Fatima Bai (a distant bhabi of Jinnah who lived in same house where Jinnah lived) and her son Muhammad Ali Ganji. According to them, Jinnah’s ancestors were belonged to the Punjab, near Multan. They were memons and like many of us were from this land. They never came from outside. So from Punjab they shifted to Kathiwar, Gujrat.
Unfortunately, I also read Urdu translation of Bolithi’s book re-published by Urdu science board, an official institution in 2001. It is an interesting fact that Bolitho started writing this book in 1952. At that time a lot more friends of Jinnah were alive. He met many yet people like H.S.Suhrawrdy, MS Fatima Jinnah, Mumtaz Dautana, Khuro, Hussain Imam were reluctant about that first effort of writing Jinnah’s official biography. Fatima Jinnah did not share Jinnah’s private papers with the author, the fact confirmed by Zuhair sadiquee in his note who did urdu translation. Why MS Fatima Jinnah did not share her notes, it was quite obvious. She knew very well that after the death of her brother things had been changed. Rulers had no passion with historical facts nor interested to know what Quaid said yet they want to change history according to their new needs. Due to that fact she herself started writing a biography and engaged G Allana for that job. G Allana had promised her that he would not share it with General Ayub Khan but than Allana joined Ayub khan and adjusted as representative in UN. So she stopped writing and at her death, there was an incomplete manuscript, almost three chapters found among her papers.

Before sharing this piece I also want to mention some   misleading facts regarding bad urdu translation. The Urdu book published in 1966. In Urdu or hindi, the word communal translated as garohi means from community. In south Asian literature we often read communal politics and generally this term refers to intra-religious affairs. But the term sectarian refers to the affairs related to issues within numerous sects or school of thoughts in a religion. We often read misleading translations of the term communal especially in Urdu books translated in India. Zuhair also followed that path and in many places he translated the word communal as Firqapasti which creates confusion.  Now you read the piece and tries to find original London edition of Bolitho too.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Defeat of PPP & Anti-Punjab Syndrome.....lesson learned?

Defeat of PPP & Anti-Punjab Syndrome.....lesson learned?

پنجاب مخالفاں پی پی پی نوں مروا دِتا

The party lost its popularity at its birth place. will it be a temporary defeat? or it will be an end in the Punjab? it depends on future realization and strategies. Anti-Punjab politics is not a PPP's Baby yet its in the agenda of MQM, ANP like parties and they successfully sold it to PPP during last tenure. They mixed Anti-Nawaz + Anti-Punjab politics smartly and launched their agenda i-e
  • like Zia ul Haq raise issues and strengthen Pujab Vs Three provinces infighting
  • Use federal machinery  ministries against  Punjab
  • creation of new provinces only in the Punjab
  • Instead of depending on PPP strength esp. workers in the Punjab, always support third party intervention like MQM, PML (Q), Qadari, etc
  • always select a submissive leader to run the party in the Punjab
  • Playing with terrorism issue by fixing it to the Punjab
it was neither PPP traditional politics nor PPP workers were habitual of such narrow politics. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

When Churchill and Stalin spent All-Night Wartime Drinking Session

 Churchill and Stalin in All-Night Wartime Drinking Session

actually till 1938 both Britain and Russia tries their best to had agreements with Hitler separately. till early 1939, Hitler was not fascist in their eyes. Operation Barbarossa was authorized by Hitler on 18 December 1940 (Directive No. 21) for a start date of 15 May 1941, but this would not be met, and instead the invasion began on 22 June 1941. but things started changing after Roswelt decision to end its neutrality in late1930s. US president introduced Lend and lease act and in March 1941 it was passed after much horse trading. till may 1941, US had sold more than 7 billion arms to USSR, Britain (major partner) , china & France. so at 14th august 1941 Atlantic Charter US turned tables and from that day he is supper power while all other major powers r acting like her junior partners, some as partners, some as enemies , as prescribed in drama
For those who wanted to read more about this shifting of power , just read it

The two leaders did not engage in much military talk during the meeting, but Churchill did probe Stalin about his policy on the kulaks.
LONDON — Soviet dictator Josef Stalin and Britain's wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill enjoyed an alcohol-fueled all-nighter in Moscow as World War II was in full swing, previously secret files have revealed.
Relations between the two leaders were stiff until Churchill arranged a tete-a-tete with Stalin, with the aid of interpreters, which led to a late-night boozy banquet in 1942, according to files released by Britain's National Archives.
"There I found Stalin and Churchill, and Molotov who joined them, sitting with a heavily laden board between them: food of all kinds, crowned by a suckling pig and innumerable bottles," wrote Sir Alexander Cadogan, permanent under-secretary at the Foreign Office, of the visit.
The mood was "merry as a marriage-bell," he added, though Churchill was complaining of a "slight headache" when Cadogan came to find him at one in the morning, and "seemed wisely confining himself to a comparatively innocuous effervescent Caucasian red wine."
The two leaders did not engage in much military talk during the meeting, which went on until 3 a.m., but Churchill did probe the Georgian-born dictator about his internal policy.
Asked what was happening with the kulaks, the relatively rich farming class Stalin had vowed to exterminate, he responded "with great frankness" saying that the kulaks had been given land in Siberia but '"they were very unpopular with the rest of the people!"'
The evening was dubbed a success by the author of the note, as the two men got on.
"Certainly Winston was impressed, and I think the feeling was reciprocated," he wrote.

The Moscow Times 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Part 11-Amritsar Massacre: House of Lords, British Media & Mahatma Gandhi's negative Role...Revisiting History

Part 11-Amritsar Massacre: House of Lords, British Media & Mahatma Gandhi's negative Role...Revisiting History

The story began from 1918 when britsh government awarded dominion status to 4 out of 5 colonies. these were Australia, Canada, new Zealand and South Africa but refused India.Home Rule League was demanding Home rule and after its foundation since 1916 it gathered major political actors and all were pressurizing British administration to award home Rule in India too. yet instead of Home rule, conservatives introduced Rowlatt Act in March 1919 in Central legislative Council. All Indian members opposed it yet it was enforced. the month of April began with agitations. It was a time when king of Afghanistan was busy in playing with Jihad and he was sending messages to Indian Muslims of launching Jihad against Britishers. Actually he wanted to get maximum concessions from British administration so Jihad was an easy weapon in this regard. conservative, sitting both in Indian administration & London tries to link anti-Rowlatt act agitations with Afghanistan and Bolsheviks, a usual tactic played successfully not only during Ruuisa-Britain cold war but also used during USSR-USA cold war. At April 10th, agitators in the trade center of the Punjab, Amritsar  fired many buildings, killed 4 English people and injured two English women too. At April 11th, Dyre was called on from military base Jalandhar. 
What dyer did is known to every one yet after 4 days mahatama Gandhi wrote " he complained that the dead (at Jalianwala) 'were definitely not martyrs. Were they heroes they would have unsheathed the sword, or used at-least their sticks or they would have bared their breast to Dyer and died bravely when he came there in all insolence. They would never have taken to their heels." P-20 Liberty or death by Patrick French. 

  • letter of Gandhi against martyrs of Jalian Wala bagh
the letter was written at 18 April 1919, Just 5 days after the incident. Patric French and Alexander Tunzeleman gave refrence of that letter in their books “Partition of India, Liberty & Death” and “Indian summer –a secret history of the end of the empire”. Both used reference of mahdev Desai’s famous voluminous book “collected works of Mahatama Gandhi Vol 15 P-243
  • Britishers awarded the title of Qaiser-e-Hind to Mahatma Gandhi in June 1915 due to his efforts in recruitment campaign. But he did not return that title.
  • Tagore returned his title of Knighthood at 30th May 1919 and showed his sympathy with the Punjab
  • House of lord passed a resolution in favor of Dyre
  • Morning news raised 26000 pounds for dyre in a campaign and Rydyard kiplling was among those who gave funds for dyer.
  • Secretary of State for India, Edwin Montagu, was among those who not only criticized Dyer in assembly, faced fierce criticism from conservatives yet he declared dyer racist & terrorist.
  • In October 1919, Hunter commission declared Dyer racist and retired him by force
  • It was Jinnah who resigned in March 1919 when British Indian administration passed Rowlett Act when all local members were opposing it. Jinnah told assembly that if that Act passed there would be severing uprising and he proved right.
  • After a year and half, Mahatama had to return his title of Qaiser-e-Hind and launched stayagrah in order to reinstate his politics.
Unfortunately these facts are neither in Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi textbooks nor in so-called post-colonial literature or in subaltern press. Read it, it has two parts and 2nd part will be publish soon.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Amritsar Massacre: House of Lords, British Media & Mahatma Gandhi's negative Role...Revisiting History

Amritsar Massacre: House of Lords, British Media & Mahatma Gandhi's negative Role...Revisiting History
  • letter of Gandhi against martyrs of Jalian Wala bagh
the letter was written at 18 April 1919, Just 5 days after the incident. Patric French and Alexander Tunzeleman gave refrence of that letter in their books “Partition of India, Liberty & Death” and “Indian summer –a secret history of the end of the empire”. Both used reference of mahdev Desai’s famous voluminous book “collected works of Mahatama Gandhi Vol 15 P-243
  • Britishers awarded the title of Qaiser-e-Hind to Mahatma Gandhi in June 1915 due to his efforts in recruitment campaign. But he did not return that title.
  • Tagore returned his title of Knighthood at 30th May 1919 and showed his sympathy with the Punjab
  • House of lord passed a resolution in favor of Dyre
  • Morning news raised 26000 pounds for dyre in a campaign and Rydyard kiplling was among those who gave funds for dyer.
  • Secretary of State for India, Edwin Montagu, was among those who not only criticized Dyer in assembly, faced fierce criticism from conservatives yet he declared dyer racist & terrorist.
  • In October 1919, Hunter commission declared Dyer racist and retired him by force
  • It was Jinnah who resigned in March 1919 when British Indian administration passed Rowlett Act when all local members were opposing it. Jinnah told assembly that if that Act passed there would be severing uprising and he proved right.
  • After a year and half, Mahatama had to return his title of Qaiser-e-Hind and launched stayagrah in order to reinstate his politics.
Unfortunately these facts are neither in Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi textbooks nor in so-called post-colonial literature or in subaltern press. Read it, it has two parts and 2nd part will be publish soon.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Skill base education: an essential step

Skill base education: an essential step
Those who have read the 1946 report of "post war plan " or voluminous report of 2nd Education conference of 1951, can easily understand the importance of Skill education. Some times people treat it as an separate entity but it is essential to link it with general education. From British colonial times we are producing an army of Matriculation, F.A, B,A and M,A  who does not know a single skill and are useless for the market and society simultaneously. Without changing this practice we cannot develop at all. On the one hand we need literate skill people every where in textiles, agriculture, repairing, etc but our education system is not helpful in this regard. Why we want to develop separate skill education institutions? like poli-technique or TEFTA etc?  we can introduce basic skill courses in general education and than interested students can go to specific skill base institutions. If our general education creates narrow-mindedness regarding skills then we cannot achieve above goals. What we are promoting through our textbooks these days is an interesting study and i tried to understand it in both reports ( What we are teaching our children & our girls..our future) published by JAAG (available at jaag website & Blog) we r promoting such things like
1- Boys can learn every skill while girls should learn some specific skills
2- these days our books are promoting computer related skills , in past we were promoting engineering and medical sciences. Due to such selective approach we often miss majority who cannot afford long spell of education due to their poor economic conditions. we should promote basic skills in textbooks
3- no one wants to learn about sanitation yet everyone wants to learn about computers. why? we are not respecting labour but some specific labour
4- A woman or girl can become a doctor, teacher, nurse yet our textbooks neither publishes any pictures of women sitting in office as administrator or instructing her male employees
5- Urban bias is also visible in textbooks as we generally promoted urban skills

Now first democratic transition (FDT) is near to complete, PML (N), PPP, PTI along with their allies will hold governments in the Punjab, KPK, Baluchistan and Sindh. Education is now a provincial issue so they can do alot in their respective provinces. read the piece

Will PPP revive in future? پیپلز پارٹی کھوبے وچ

Will PPP revive in future?   

پیپلز پارٹی کھوبے وچ

It is high time for Pakistan people’s Party to revisit her post Benazier policies. I wrote many columns at the website of wichaar much before election on this issue and finally at April 8, 2013 I published and circulated a booklet “ Anti-Punjab syndrome in Pakistani politics” in Urdu. PPP was born neither in larkana nor in Karachi but its founder and visionary founded it at Lhore yet due to anti-Punjab policies adopted by PPP during last tenure, the party ruined herself at her birth place. It was establishment who wanted to abolish this party from the Punjab yet Zia failed terribly in his efforts and April 10th, 1986 was day of mourning for them. Even 1988 election results in Punjab were shocking for those who invested a lot in removing PPP from the Punjab.  In May 2006, it was BB who signed an agreement with Nawaz sharief which turned tables and it was beginning of countdown of Musharaf. In 2008, Musharaf and some of his over smart cronies wanted an alliance between PPP and Q-league but BB did not opted that way and on top of it she convinced Mian sahib to  cancel his boycott.  When BB came back to Pakistan in October 2007, Musharaf said that she broke the agreement which means she had nothing to do with NRO yet it was self-imposed by Musharaf.
With this background, after the assassination of BB Mr. Zardari took charge of the party.  Initially he made a joint government with PML (N) yet on the issue of Judges he failed to manage things and from that day till May 11th, he indulged in Anti-Nawaz, Anti-Punjab policies.  His non-political or A-political friends are largely responsible for the defeat of the populist party of Pakistan.  According to Pakistan Today, Govt spend 7.3 billion rupees from secret funds during last 33 months but that money failed to save the party. In this article I tries to understand wrong decisions done by PPP, just read it. thanks

Monday, May 20, 2013

Family in Politics: is PTI ready to follow PPP & PLM (N) ?

Family in Politics: is PTI ready to follow PPP & PLM (N) ?
Aamir Riaz
The PTI claims to be the only non-family party of mainstream Pakistani politics yet in post-election scenario things are moving toward its logical ends. Family in politics is reality not only in South Asia but also in US too. Kennedys, Bushs, Castros , Ghandies, are still realities in international and regional politics. Yet IK always criticized PPP, PML (N), ANP, JUI regarding involvement of families of leaders in party. But now after formally entered in the power circle and becoming part of the power mechanics instead of PTI leadership IK family is leading the party. In Lhore Defence Dharna (D.D) it was Aleema Khan, sister of IK who looked more active then PTI’s lhore or Punjab leadership. Today we read a story of her visit in Karachi. ‘’The PTI chairman’s sister told the media that Imran was concerned about the safety of the PTI supporters protesting in Karachi’’…..The British government has contacted Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan with regards to his concerns for the safety of party workers in Karachi, the PTI chairman’s sister Aleema Khan said on Monday.  (Tribune Pakistan 21 May 2013)

Why she is in media? Where are PTI seniors? Yes, IK is ill but in his absence who should contact with media?  Hope now IK has realized the meaning of Family in Politics. It is not simply Family rule always. We have a strong legacy of Kings and heroes, and people love to remember their leaders as Kings or heroes. They feel closeness while listening something from close relatives and especially in the physical absence of political leader they usually relays on close ones.  Mechanical organizational structures always restrict parties to remain in small groups yet popular parties avoid it by and large. In modern state structures, either in developed world or in countries likes us, non-elected elite is more powerful than elected ones.  This modern state structure is heavily dependent on enemy construction and security paradigm. Due to this some institutions have more power than the rest of institutions.  As absolute power corrupts itself so from John F.K till Rajive and B.B there are numerous incidents of political victimization. In this case, family in politics provides some safety yet it is not cure but some sort of security only.  After de-constructing the lofty claim of non-family party I should close this discussion with this conclusion i-e
Politics is art of understanding your people, accepting ground realities and giving a way forward by avoiding lofty claims and extremism.  

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Infighting within Party: MQM = PTI clash with another groups

Infighting within Party: MQM = PTI

Usually such news do not get place in media due to some obvious reasons. If such news of infighting came from PPP or PML (N) then media feels free to exploit it. The news items came from Karachi and Lhore, two major urban centers of Pakistan yet both involved Parties are youth centric, high tech and civilized. One is blue revolutionaries while other is black current and these days both are busy in media war against each other. But the both news are related tofighting & infighting. In one case media has to switched off its cameras but allowed to watch with naked eye while in other case media has recordings but not allowed to telecast.  An old hawk of Jamat e islami once said that during late 1980s J.I was high jacked by Islami jamiat Talba and seniors in J.I had to depend on the wishes and interests of its own product. Over emphasis on youth and gangsters always lead to self-disaster.  Regarding PTI , according to a Tv channel ( both in news and in AAmir Ghuri Show)two groups fought each other and it shows intense infighting scenes which shows how literate they are. Both parties and media knew the names yet silence is necessary in both cases due to opposite reasons.
Just read both news and reconsider ur assumptions

English news is from Pakistan today and urdu is from daily express published today 20th may 2013

2-  Agitated MQM workers beat up their leaders?
MQM workers reportedly beat up some members of the party Rabita Committee on Sunday following a telephonic address by Altaf Hussain, in which he said the Rabita Committee members considered him a “machine” that delivered addresses and did not keep him informed about the ground realities.

Following the speech, party workers got infuriated and asked media personnel to turn off the cameras.

Afterwards, the workers reportedly took some members of the Rabita Committee to task, even beating some of them up.

Earlier in his speech, Altaf said he had come to know of his value, as his “workers did not listen to me”.

He said unknown entities were leveling baseless allegations against him, but his party workers were only listening to the same.

The MQM chief said the media was projecting unimportant people and portraying them as heroes, but he knew well the character of these “heroes”.

“Still, I kept quiet and did not expose them,” Altaf added.

He said he would file a defamation case against PTI chief Imran Khan, which would prove what was true and what was not. - See more at:

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Last days of Jinnah & Col Ellahi baksh

Last days of Jinnah & Col Ellahi baksh

A piece from Late Major Ishaq's Book

A piece from Late Major Ishaq's Book
major Ishaq was a leader of pakistani left , famous due to his courage and mazdor kisan party ,he founded yet during early 1940s as a army-man he fought at Burma front and later he wrote his memoirs regarding these days. its name is SHUTAR GAMZAY

Friday, May 17, 2013

Election 2013:2nd Highest Turnout & reality of Rigging & low voting ratio

Election 2013

2nd Highest Turnout & reality of Rigging & low voting ratio

According to available data ratio of voting is around 53.4% in 2013 elections which is about 9% high as compared to 2008 elections yet it is not the highest in Pakistan as claimed by some leaders and media-men.the ratio of voting in 1970 elections was around 63% .

Regarding voting ratio Punjab is on top while baluchistan is as usual on low side. the issue of Baluchistan is little complex which needs some attention. militancy is not the only reason for such a low ration of voting as often presumed. There real time challenge to Baluchistan is its demography. universal suffrage has two necessary components, the right to vote and opportunities to vote, but in case of Baluchistan it is associated only with the right to vote and ignores the other aspect. the area is very large and population is very small and in many cases it is hard to cover even a union council. Baluchistan demographic situation invites all of us to revisit system of democracy with reference to election campaign for once. You neither can canvasing nor monitoring that scattered population. 

everyone is raising their voices against rigging in selective constituencies , Fazul ur rahman & ANP are skeptical about Peshawar while PTI is reluctant about lhore, Sindhi & Baloch Nationalists are too following this practice. yet everyone is 100% sure regarding rigging at selected seats in Hyderabad and Karachi. On the other hand some over-smart NGOs too used the atmosphere by using wrong data yet majority of international media is not only showed satisfaction but also acknowledged some important changes done by ECP. 

read it now 




Thursday, May 16, 2013

Review Daily JANG: Anti-Punjab Syndrome in Pakistani Politics

Review Daily JANG

 Anti-Punjab Syndrome in Pakistani Politics

Adult franchise: Tangible step towards democracy 1948

Adult franchise: Tangible step towards democracy 1948 

"Universal suffrage (also universal adult suffragegeneral suffrage or common suffrage) consists of the extension of the right to voteto adult citizens (or subjects) as a whole, though it may also mean extending that right to minors (Demeny voting) and non-citizens. Although suffrage has two necessary components, the right to vote and opportunities to vote, the term universal suffrage is associated only with the right to vote and ignores the other aspect, the frequency that an incumbent government consults the electorate. Where universal suffrage exists, the right to vote is not restricted by racesex, belief, wealth or social status. Historically, universal suffrage often meant universal adult male suffrage".

2nd Yet Last term of Trump & Digital World: 2 Years, less time, tough fight

  2nd Yet Last term of Trump & Digital World 2 Years, less time, tough fight Dealing with more than 10 million unauthorized immigrants (...