Monday, September 30, 2013

European Husbands & dessi wives...Some historical facts

European Husbands & dessi wives...Some historical facts

We usually read history of Kings, power players, resistance masters, mythical charterers yet  we often miss many aspects which are equally important. For your information here we reproduce some information from a book " Mushahidaat e Farhang" compiled by Mahmood Ahmad Barakati with additional notes by Mazhar Mahmood Shirani Son of poet & intellectual Akhtar Shirani. It is a travelogue of M Hassan Londani yet additional notes made the book more interesting. When you read it , you may be astonished to know how many local ladies had spend their lives with Europeans, some time by marriage and many times without marriage. Change of religion and reversal to old religion was also common which reminds us the life at power corridors. No doubt, Mughals, Central Asians, Nawabs, Rajas had harams with lady servants and concubines yet even employees or officers of East India Company   too had same category of ladies. The other interesting study is their kids. Living in harams without marriage was a fashion at that time and it was reflection of slave society which was there not only in our lands but also in other parts of the world. From Maunochhi to Dalrempel , many Europeans pinpointed Mughals, Afghans and Punjabis who had harams but they did not talk about Europeans who were in same practices. It created a misconception and even some smart local historians used their one sided approach in writings. Next time i will share list of European ladies too who married with local men and sometimes played important role in power struggle too. In this piece the author narrated many stories regarding European husbands. I reproduced few examples, one was Mr Water Hard who was born in 1720 and at early age came to South India. he first joined with Syed Qasim (Mir Qasim) and then joined Sirajud dullah and finally allied with E.I C. He got land in Meerut (merth) where he married with daughter of Lutaf ullah khan and she turned Christian. Water Hard had a militant group (lashkar) with him and  he supported Shah Alam. After his death, his wife took the command and Shah Alam gave her title of Zebun Nisa. She remained loyal to the powerless King yet when Britishers were ready to annex Delhi (1803) she supported general Lake. She left 7 Lak pounds which were distributed, according to her waseat to missionary institutions. Mr Gokal Chand wrote his biography in poetic form which is preserved as "Zeb ul Tawarikh". The other example is Skins, a french who married with a rajput lady. Mrs R D was from that mixed family who constructed a Church in Delhi. His son James too married with Muhammadi Begum. Similarly Mr James headily was a son of a European rich person. He joined Fort William College and then got special services in different cities. He did marriage with a muslim lady who gave birth to a child Alexander. Alexander was a captain, hakim & poet. He did his Urdu poetry with the name AZAD. In an early age of 30, he died yet his brother Thomas published his work in 1863. Example of Wlliam Fraser is also there in the book who often visited Nawab Luharo family. According to author he had some relation with a lady of the family and one day he was short dead. Fraser’s promotion to the post of the British Resident at Delhi also became the cause of his death. On 22 March 1835 he was shot twice. Shams u din, son of nawab was hanged to death by the authorities. In the last there is a story of Sir David Ochterlony, 1st Baronet GCB (12 February 1758 – 15 July 1825) who was a British general. He was reputed to have thirteen Indian concubines. Every evening, he used to take all his thirteen wives on a promenade around the walls of the Red Fort, each on the back of her own elephant.The most prominent among his wives was Bebee Mahruttun Moobaruck ul Nissa Begume, a former Brahmin dancing girl from Poona who had converted to Islam. Nicknamed"Generallee Begum", she was Ochterlony's favorite wife and mother of his youngest children. You may declare her General Rani of that time. As such, she took clear precedence over the others. It was  Ochterlony who defused Gorkha power and enforced an humiliating agreement on Nepalies (1816) yet Maharaja Ranjeet Singh of the Punjab acted smartly and timely and saved Punjab China border by establishing his writ in Hamachal pardesh and Kashmir.  Now read the piece here

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Extract from Anti Punjab syndrome in Express newspaper today

Extract from Anti Punjab syndrome in Express newspaper today

read it at this link

Fatal impact of Pak-India Cold War: Distortion’s long history

1962 defeat of India & 1971 defeat of Pakistan strengthen regressive forces in the region

Distortion’s long history 
A look at curriculum development after 1947 on wards and what factors shaped its present form 
By Shahzada Irfan Ahmed

“It’s quite natural that regressive forces get strengthened after a country is defeated in a war.”

An expert on curriculum analysis, Aamir Riaz, believes there are two major divisions in this regard. First, he says, pertains to “the era from 1947 to 1965. During this period, four reports on educational policy were produced, conferences were held and commissions set up. This, Aamir says, was the time “when Indian films were shown in Pakistani cinemas and, apparently, there was no threat to country’s security and integrity.
It all changed drastically in 1969 — a phenomenon which, Aamir says, can aptly be called as parting of ways. Following the 1965 war between Pakistan and India, relations between the two countries deteriorated and there were conscious attempts to glorify the armed forces in Pakistan,” he adds. Afterwards, educational content was designed in such a manner that it would always portray Pakistanis, the armed forces of the country, and its Muslim population as the best in the region. There was even a proposal to close missionary schools.
Aamir says the same had happened in India, which after the 1962 war with China, had centralised its curriculum development policies and started focusing on Hindi. An Indian writer, Krishan Kumar, wrote a book to explain this phenomenon. His point is that it was the approach to rebuild a nation and its morale through a purposefully designed curriculum that filled educational content with biases of all sorts.
A few attempts at reforming the curriculum were made in the Ayub Khan era but the desired results could not be achieved due to various reasons. “It was during this period that the well-known Sharif Commission made valuable recommendations. It is believed that the policy announced by the commission, which comprised of seasoned educationists, is perhaps the best one. The three-year graduation degree was also announced during this period, which led to the launch of anti-Ayub movement by students. It was also in this era that Pakistan Studies and Social Studies were introduced and there was hardly any mention of India versus Pakistan in these books.”
A major transformation in Pakistani textbooks occurred during the 1970s, especially after the country’s armed forces suffered defeats in East Pakistan. The curriculum of this period is filled with mention of war heroes, sanctity of two-nation theory, the wickedness of Hindus and Indians who engineered separation of Pakistan, and so on. “It was in 1975 when different religious textbooks were introduced for Sunni and Shia students. This was tantamount to legalisation of sectarianism on the part of the state,” says Aamir, adding, “It’s quite natural that regressive forces get strengthened after a country is defeated in a war.”
read complete article at The News on Sunday

Nawaz-Manmohan @ Newyork What will happen Today?

Nawaz-Manmohan @ Newyork What will happen Today?

Both are victims of their legacies yet in this changed world senario no one can shut his eyes any more. Economy is a prime concern for both leaders and they knew very well what is the meaning of bussiness. So a Jehlum(chakwal) born prime minister (b.1932) is meeting with Lhore born (b.1949) prime minister who’s family was migrated from Amritser. Both are meeting in US where US has an eye on 2014. Media is saying that Manmohan cannot do anything because of upcoming elections in India. But if we remember eletion campign of may 2013, even in his last speech before election Nawaz promised to have good relations with India. Even then majority of pakistanis voted for Nawaz which means people liked his thoughts. It is neither 1960s nor 1980s, from Burma till Afghanistan people have sever reservations regarding narrow nationalisms based on enemy construction. In the competition of anti-Pakistan sologans Congress cannot defeat BJP and in the presence of Modi orthodox hardliners will won this cometition. Manmohan can learn from May 2013 Pakistani elections yet for this he has to show some courage.  

Woodrow Wilson's 14 points & Allama Iqbal

Woodrow Wilson's 14 points & Allama Iqbal
Thomas Woodrow Wilson (December 28, 1856 – February 3, 1924) was the 28th President of the United States, in office from 1913 to 1921. He was famous due to his policy of neutrality. As we know, every policy is made to protect specific interests. Generally, a successful policy always camouflage interests and portrays it as a coconut cake. The real issue is how to deconstruct a policy and understand the specific interest. In this way one can find spaces for the people. Normally powerful nations have ability to construct charismatic, appealing and attractive policy which has been packed in multiple ribbons so that no one can reach till the end. Till 1940s neutrality was a major policy and after 2nd world war it was replaced by Cold war of two systems yet these days we are living in the age of terror. No doubt US policy makers have outnumbered her all opponents in constructing fabulous policies. Here the reference is policy of neutrality and its impact on people living in the age of colonization. We will observe who understand it timely and who found spaces for the people. Till early 20th century, Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, British Empire, Prussian Germany, Tsarist Russia had occupations on different areas (countries & nations) but United States had no colony outside US. Keeping in view this scenario, one can easily understand genesis of the neutrality. Hence in his famous 14 Points (1918) Wilson added issue of sovereignty of nations. “Free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, based upon a strict observance of the principle that in determining all such questions of sovereignty the interests of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the government whose title is to be determined.” As we were living in colonial times so our up to date intellectuals picked the point smartly and that is why we saw resonance of Wilson’s 14 points in the resolution written and announced by the Allama Iqbal in a public gathering at historic Mochi gate ground in November 30, 1919. The protest meeting was held to remind Britishers promises as done by Willson and in the Treaty of Versailles (28 June 1919). Don’t mix it with Khilafat movement because Mian sir Fazle Hussain (who was presiding the meeting) and allama iqbal had reservations with that movement. The resolution and extract from his speech is reproduced in the piece. Just read and enjoy

For easy reading click

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Awaran earth quake & media coverage..lessons for all

Awaran earth quake & media coverage..lessons for all

The scale of the earth quick is very big and it ruiened all possible living things in the district. we all knew in 1935 Quetta was hit by an earth quick but at that time, if we can scan , due to vibrant media lot of people themselves started help activities. lot of people themselves visited qetta from the Punjab at that time. But these days our source of information is private media who is present in less then dozen important cities. That is why we have less news. i just talk to two friends , both from turbat and they told me that from north of turbat, an area HOSHAB and from there till awaraan, situation is very bad. As it is an area of insergency so there are issues of security too yet keeping in view all things, one can raise campaign regarding rehabilitation and relief. remember, u will not find good information on google regarding Hoshab but private media can send her people there for direct reporting. according to media death toll is raised upto 355 yet keeping in view dempographic situation this poorest district needs more attention then anything else.
Even local sources cannot confirm the situation regarding villages and towns far from the main road. 

Monday, September 23, 2013


u can downlod it easily

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Peshawar incident and the Mindset

Peshawar incident and the Mindset
Attack on Kohati bazar Church and killing of Punjabi speaking Christians of KPK is an attack not only on Pakistani Christians but it is an attack on PAKISTAN

The issue should not be taken as an issue of religious minorities only but it should be taken as an issue of Pakistan.  No doubt communalism and sectarianism are fatal not only for the country but also for the future generations yet it is high time to learn how to respond on such issues. The one good recent example is a promo on Geo TV which is a statement by the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The statement is very clear and the spirit of that statement is also there in our constitution of 1973 too. But that spirit is not there in our text books(both private & public). Respect for other faiths is the core issue and through interfaith harmony we can address it but if we have "prejudices and prides" in text books then it will be a lost battle. In 2011, I did a study “What are we teaching our children” ( and identified lot of prejudices not only against other religions but also against some Muslim school of thoughts. During this study I found a book of ethics for class 9/10 students published by Punjab Text Book Board. Next year I found another book of same subject for class 6. These books are good examples of interfaith harmony yet there is room for improvement too. Unfortunately, these books are for non Muslim students only. These books are for non Muslims who had to read Islamiat till 2008. But after 2008, at least in the Punjab they have seperate books for non Muslims but not for all students from class 3 to 10.

  1. Cannot we add same selected and approved  lessons of these books in Urdu  (the most infected subject as par study regarding prejudice material)  and English? 
  2. We have enough material in Islamic literature regarding interfaith harmony. Cannot we add selected things in Islamiat?
In this situation media (especially Urdu press & TV chanells) can play vital role yet it is still missing. Media acts in reaction rather then preparedness mode. There is no concept of emergency relief in social disasters at all. Media should play a role of early warning system otherwise it will lost its appeal sooner or later.
We are trying to address the issue of sectarianism in a situation where State by law has endorsed sectarianism. Cannot we develop a single book of Islamiat acceptable to all Muslim school of thoughts?  This practice of two different books of Islamiat is there from Bhutto’s times and it was recommended none the other but Council of Islamic Ideology(CII) in mid 1970s. There is an urgent need to check content of text books (Public as well as private) regarding promotion of interfaith harmony and identification of prejudice material. By this constant check, media can play her role as early warning system.As it is very important & sensitive subject regarding public perception so it needs little care, research and more responsibility. Such programs cannot develop in emergency relief mode.  In some cases that mode is essential yet one should not apply it on social disastersand for this we have to change the mindset. It is high time to change Kohati Bazar Church accident into opportunity  and change this mindset without waiting for the next accident.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Review: Anti Punjab Syndrome in Pakistani politics @ weekly Humshari


Anti Punjab Syndrome in Pakistani politics

 @ weekly Humshari

I wrote this booklet before April 8, 2013 and at that time we were passing through the first democratic transition in Pakistan. May 11 Elections were knocking at our doors while media with "heavy funding" was busy by telecasting adds/programs. No matter, many brains got ample benefits yet lot more are still reluctant even to point out this new trend. you can read the booklet by just writing "anti punjab syndrome in Pakistani politics" in Google. The booklet was posted and delivered to many people especially media persons yet it is essential to raise debate on numerous conflicting issues covered in it. you read the review and enjoy. it is published in weekly HumShahri issue of September 16-21 which is available in market too. its web link is

Friday, September 13, 2013

Adina Beg Khan (1710-1758) A Smart Punjabi

 Adina Beg Khan (1710-1758)
A Smart Punjabi

While studying history, we usually mislead by “titles”. Look this name, Adina Beg Khan who looks Turk or Afghan yet he was an Arian Punjabi who ruled Lhore, Jlandhar, Sir-hind and had vassal states like Jammu, Kaporthala and Kangra. He managed Sikh pinjabies, Marathas, Dehli and Afghans smartly. He was born near Lhore at Sharaqpur Sharief in 1710. With his political maneuverings he managed to rule out Dehli & kabul supremacy and used Turk titles for himself like beg and khan which was a usual practice.  Just check Beg, Khan, Singh, Aga (agha), these are titles like “sir” or Khan Bhadur yet now we have an impression that these are hereditary but it was not. We usually attribute them either with race, ethnicity or area which mislead history in general. Adina was “Dina” who was born in the Punjab at the time when States or provinces were gaining power, moving towards autonomy and had semi independence, based on particular areas. From Bengal to Punjab we had more than a dozen semi independent groups in different areas, associated with river channel trades. Some linked with sea trade like Surat (Indian Gujrat) or Lhori Bandar (Thatta, now in Sindh but was linked with Lhore via multan) while many were linked with land trade routes. They were centers of revenue. Even in Mughal times they had semi independence yet it was colonial rule in which they experienced centralism and by using modern state craft especially Law, education and centralized administration British Indian administration ruined their history smartly. So when Adina born there was a rise of semi independent states. Those states were quarreling and negotiating with one another and we had many examples from Bengal till Kabul yet our colonial masters told us that they were only quarreling. At that time we had British and French powers in our lands who also participated in power struggle. Mughals practically lost their authority till 1739 when Nadir Shah came which enabled emerging powers to get more strength. Adina beg started his political journey when he became faug-dar of Jalandar doab (old name bast doab) which was very rich in revenue. According to Hein Sin , a 7th century chine’s traveler, that area was very rich. He managed power players smartly and then with smart political maneuverings he ruled the Punjab. From Dina, he became Adina and then selected titles like Beg and Khan for himself, a usual tradition. His story reminds us that there were many adinas at our lands but we usually failed to recognized them due to their titles. Read it and enjoy histograpghy , one day we South Asians will able to change colonial history and can include such things in our textbooks too.  

Thursday, September 12, 2013

An interesting Autobiography of Abdul Majeed Salik, .editor & intellectual ....SARGUZASHT

An interesting Autobiography of Abdul Majeed Salik, 
Editor & intellectual 
Those who wish to know art of biography can read this book as guide. Salik sahib was born at 1894 (Gurdaspur, now in Indian Punjab) lived in Batala (East Punjab) and then moved to LHORE. The book is an eye witnessed account of the Punjab of first half of 20th century. He was a kakayzai by family and a Punjabi by conviction, wrote both in Punjabi & Urdu yet could talk freely in Persian. The man was also founder of meaningful humorous writings yet his autobiography unfolded numerous shades of his life. The book is a record of 20th century Punjab (first 50 years), Pakistan Movement, Unionist Party of Punjab, Allama Iqbal, history of journalism and no doubt, an encyclopedia of personalities & movements. Unfortunately, the book ended at 1947, though he had written numerous things after partition in Punjabi & Urdu which can be incorporated as appendices and off course there is not his date of death yet The book moves you in the first half smartly. He did not emphasize on some movements yet he covered many too. The most important thing which is still relevant in 21st century in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh was his comment on Journalism. “Partab” was a newspaper , a supporter of Arya Smajies , Maha Sabahies & congress. It used below the belt language against Muslims, Unionist party and AIML. According to Salik Sahib, a Khilafat movement supporter, use of such a bad journalism pushed Punjabi Muslims towards Muslim League. Everyone knew that Arya smajies and Maha Sabahies, like UP, CP Muslims were a minority. A minority cannot dictate majority, either it has wealth & power or not. The book also revealed why Punjabi Muslims left Khilafat movement and Congress? Why Punjabi Muslims opted for Unionist party of Punjab, Ahrar and then Muslim League? It is high time to reconsider our past history. In Punjab and Bengal non Muslims were in minority yet in UP, CP, Maharashter etc Muslims were in minority. C.R.Das, Hakim ajmal Khan, Allama Iqbal, Mian Fazl e Hussein and many more including Ubaid ullah Sindhi were aware from that facts yet there were forces who were not ready to accept it in all three leading communities. Read the piece and just reconsider what we have lost in Pride & prejudice.

Book ur copy online at

Monday, September 9, 2013

Bhutto, Shah Iran and Dawood: victimized on the name of "Revolutions"

Bhutto, Shah Iran and Dawood: victimized on the name of "Revolutions" 

There are similarities between "power politics" of a village, union council, soviet or the State & international politics. As attributed from its name it largely depends on "Power" and centers of power. Ideology, religion, ethics and ideas (in modern time’s campaign for Rights) always acted as subservient players. No matter you are living in a village, town or province, State or in the world of Nation states, situation remains same. From the times of Chanakya (370-283 BCE, Taxila Punjab), Machiavelli (1469-1527, Italian) till Chartist Movement (first half of 18th century) , Karl Marx(1818-1883) and Gramsci (1891-1937) everyone pointed out the POWER in detail. The piece is written with reference to Benazir Bhutto's book "Foreign Policy in Perspective" which reminds us mid 1970s days when Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan were ready to resolve their issues in cooperation with one another. At that time, all international powerful players US, Britain, USSR and FRANCE acted against it from different angles. As a smart politician Benazir Bhutto just explained what was happening in power circles in all three states between 1977 till 1979 yet when you read her book till the end you will realized who was who in that scenario. 

In all the three countries, powerful international players used local oppositions & contrdictory ideolgies smartly. Shah Iran was dethroned by Islamic revolution, Dawood by socialist Revolution and Bhutto by Military revolution. According to B.B an agreement was ready till the end of 1976 between Pakistan and Afghanistan while Iran was also supporting it too. Sardar Dawood was ready to negotiate on Durand-line issue (an issue we got as colonial legacy) and even in his recent book , Pakistani foreign secretary quoted reference from the book of Sardar dawood's foreign  secretary who admired and admitted these developments. But from 5th July 1977 till April 1978, All the three rulers were in trouble, dethrone smartly not directly, as they vanished Qaddafi in recent past, but by helping their oppositions through diverse sources and powers. As a matter of fact, 2014 is near and in this situation B.B’s book looks more relevant now. Pakistan is trying to develop a consensus which is good but political situation both in Afghanistan and Iran is quite different. Both countries have neither democracy nor political consensus. Both countries can learn from Pakistan regarding political consensus within country. if they have a political consensus within country then they can move towards regional cooperation. Now u read what BB said in this regard and what happened during 2nd half of 1970s.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Litner & Pre-British Education System in the Punjab

Litner & Pre-British Education System in the Punjab
Thanks to Allu din Sheikh of Qasoor, A PML (N) MPA, We are again discussing G.W.Litner  M.A., Ph.D., L.L.D., D.O.L. (14 October 1840 – 22 March 1899) who was not only established and run modern higher education institutions in the Punjab but also wrote about Pre-british education system extensively. Although some columnists wrote about him yet if your sole reference is Wikipedia then what can we say about these newspapers or columnists.  While some writers used the assembly issue against the Punjab as usual yet some emphasized on wrong or misleading facts. British Administration did not follow Litner advice and ruined old decentralized, vibrant and efficient education system based on  Perssu-Punjabi traditions. After demolishing it they constructed new education system based on Urdu/Hindi-English which had no links with previous system at all. Interestingly, Raja Ram Mohan Rai, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Devband, Islamya Schools, Khalsa Schools, D.A.V Schools, Imamya Schools, etc all followed new system of schooling one way or other in 2nd half of 19th century. Even in 20th century, from fundamentalists to progressives & anti-imperialists JUH, Communist Party, PWM, AINC, AIML failed to comprehend what Britishers had done with their generations. Although i am writing about this flip-side in my upcoming book with details yet in the piece you can smell what Litner actually said. My reference is his report published by Government of the Punjab in 1882, reprinted by Sang e meal, Lhore under the title "History of the indigenous education in the Punjab". The book is rejoinder for all those who want to understand core issues of education including medium of instruction, misuse of language, foundations of cultural superiority, misuse of religious identities etc. Here i will reproduce some points from the book. Anti federalism approach was one reason while frontier forward policy (capturing the Punjab, Afghanistan and Tibet region) was the basic motive behind adopting that centralist mindset. In love for Urdu, Hindi and modernity our intellectuals too deceived and till today are not ready to deconstruct its fatal effects. the book is a must read not only for Punjabis, Pukhtoons, Sindhies & Baluchs but also for all South Asians .Now read from the Book

  • The true education of the Punjab was crippled,cheeked and is nearly destroyed
  • Our system stands convicted of worse then official failure
  • Torn by invasion and civil war, it (Punjab) ever preserved and added to educational endowment
  • There was not a mosque, a temple, a dharamshala (khanqas, Gurdawaras) that had not a school attached to it
  • There were also thousand of secular schools frequented alike by Muhammadans (Muslims), Hindus and Sikhs, in which Persian or Lunde ( One of the more then half dozen scripts in which Punjabi language was written and according to Litner, Punjabies were used three commercial scripts Lunde, Sarafa and Mahajani which was a proof of their extensive commercial activities before the raj)
  • there was not a single villager who did not take a pride in devoting a portion of his produce to a respected teacher
  • In respectable Muhammadan (Muslim) families husbands taught their wives and these their children
  • we have changed all this
  • These (English) officers were surrounded by ambitious and needy adventurers, many from the North western Provinces, whose knowledge of persso-urdu  which they shared with us, was the key to the mysteries of government and to the exploitation of the province
  • Urdu and subsequently English were welcome as an avenue and claim to employment under government by the more needy in the community & by those who wished to ingratiate themselves with the authorities.
  • As regard Hindi, i have already explained that Beyond Delhi, this language does not exists in the Punjab
  • Urdu is now taught in several Persian indigenous schools and hindi textbooks are now used in a few Hindu schools. 
  •  The teacher's seat was almost monopolised by them (Punjabi Muslims).
  • The idea of education is not new to Punjabis. We find all the school phraseology ready made to our hands and chiefly supplied by the Muhammadans (Punjabi Muslims)
  • In Dehli, for instance, we find that , before the annexation of the Punjab (1849), Six Public Schools for girls , were kept by Punjabi women.
  • There has been a decline in female education (in the Punjab) since annexation
There are numerous facts in that report which are still useful for us. It was Litner who told administration not to use Bible in schools, it is neither in favor of Christianity nor Queen, (the same suggestion was present in Lord Macaulay's famous minutes yet under the Frontier Forward Policy british policy makers neither listen them). now u read the piece i wrote in newspaper

Friday, September 6, 2013

PM house show: a Rejoinder to non elected elite & infiltrators

PM house show: a Rejoinder to non elected elite & infiltrators

Finally democracy prevails in Pakistan, a country where non elected elite had a history but now it is gaining democratic spaces everywhere. It is a rejoinder not only for non elected elite but for all those insiders who earn loyalties by using below the belt language against rival political party. Yesterday meeting of PM house strengthen the feelings that politicians have learned lessons and still torch bearers of CoD. Next three months are important because non elected elite is not ready to accept this situation at all. 

I remember, in June 2006 issue of awami jamhori forum we called that agreement a beacon of light while till now we maintain this position in our At that time friends were divided and some smart friends even participated in bad politics, some took benefits while many of them just followed old prejudices and prides. But in AJF editorials we neither wrote against both national parties nor against civil society initiatives especially lawyer movement and from senate elections 2012 till may 11 elections 2013, we supported democratic continuity. we had an opinion that Pakistani politics is developing and one should not involved in the conflict between both major parties.That is why we praised consensus on 18th amendment and other similar decisions. it was unprecedented in Pakistani politics and showed a maturity yet some infiltrators were not happy. Time has proved it well. Yet A,B and c class leadership in both parties have to learn this. No doubt, partners or subordinates of non elected elite have inroads in these parties and they always become nervous in the time of peace, friendship and consensus. In this time of democratic continuity such people is last resort for non elected elite.
Nawaz sharief recalled “pleasant memories – from the meeting in Jeddah with Benazir Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari, and the signing of Charter of Democracy” while Zardari assured Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that the Pakistan People’s Party would fully support the PML-N government and would not involve in politicking before five years till the announcement of next general elections.
For the top leadership of both parties it is a big challenge to translate their vision down the streets otherwise it will not be a sustainable thing. Now-a-days there are more than one power players, numerous interest groups as well as complex power centers in Pakistan. On top of it, thanks to general Musharaff , we have a vibrant but misleading media there. No doubt, it has positive and negative trends yet even some journalists too have reservations regarding its maturity. In these circumstances, a centralist and monolithic mindset cannot run the state of affairs in Pakistan. There are strong and weak institutions yet democracy is the only way to make a respectable balance between them. It all depends on political front and with the introduction of Imran Khan now we have at least three national parties.
The issue of supremacy of parliament is essential yet for this we have to re-frame the construction of democratic institutions. It should be more representative public wise as well as sector wise. It needs little attention. If we have professionally sound parliamentarians in assemblies , accountability and representative local body system it will strengthen democratic continuity.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

MisUse of Religion: Mollana Sindhi's criticism on Gandhian politics & misleading revolutionaries

MisUse of Religion
Mollana Sindhi's criticism on Gandhian politics
Misleading Revolutionaries 

Using religion, mass politics, philanthropy, ideology as well as nationalism is not knew yet in 20th century we had witnessed plenty of events regarding misuse of religion, nationalism and ideology. by & Large, Misuse of religion became part of modern state craft from 19th century and extensively used not only in politics but also in education, media and arts. Even historians started use it in reinterpreting histories. 
In our lands, that policy was part of colonialism and after 2nd world war, under lend and lease war US war industry is also depending on it. They used religion similarly against communism from early 1950s till 1992 and now using liberalism/secularism against  religious extremism. Like cold war, this new war is also a planned war and heroes, villains, guest actors, producers, writers are playing their parts smartly. 
From Khilafat Movement (1920s) till today, we have a long, vibrant yet misleading history of use of religion in Subcontinent. it is attributed as Gandhian tactics. He smartly mixed anti colonialism with religion, used Hindu Muslim icons and that phenomenon is still there in our politics not only in Pakistan but in other south Asian countries including Afghanistan. 
Mollana sindhi was an admirer yet he had ability to change himself. just see what he said about gandhian politics in his letter to media.

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...