Sunday, September 22, 2013

Peshawar incident and the Mindset

Peshawar incident and the Mindset
Attack on Kohati bazar Church and killing of Punjabi speaking Christians of KPK is an attack not only on Pakistani Christians but it is an attack on PAKISTAN

The issue should not be taken as an issue of religious minorities only but it should be taken as an issue of Pakistan.  No doubt communalism and sectarianism are fatal not only for the country but also for the future generations yet it is high time to learn how to respond on such issues. The one good recent example is a promo on Geo TV which is a statement by the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The statement is very clear and the spirit of that statement is also there in our constitution of 1973 too. But that spirit is not there in our text books(both private & public). Respect for other faiths is the core issue and through interfaith harmony we can address it but if we have "prejudices and prides" in text books then it will be a lost battle. In 2011, I did a study “What are we teaching our children” ( and identified lot of prejudices not only against other religions but also against some Muslim school of thoughts. During this study I found a book of ethics for class 9/10 students published by Punjab Text Book Board. Next year I found another book of same subject for class 6. These books are good examples of interfaith harmony yet there is room for improvement too. Unfortunately, these books are for non Muslim students only. These books are for non Muslims who had to read Islamiat till 2008. But after 2008, at least in the Punjab they have seperate books for non Muslims but not for all students from class 3 to 10.

  1. Cannot we add same selected and approved  lessons of these books in Urdu  (the most infected subject as par study regarding prejudice material)  and English? 
  2. We have enough material in Islamic literature regarding interfaith harmony. Cannot we add selected things in Islamiat?
In this situation media (especially Urdu press & TV chanells) can play vital role yet it is still missing. Media acts in reaction rather then preparedness mode. There is no concept of emergency relief in social disasters at all. Media should play a role of early warning system otherwise it will lost its appeal sooner or later.
We are trying to address the issue of sectarianism in a situation where State by law has endorsed sectarianism. Cannot we develop a single book of Islamiat acceptable to all Muslim school of thoughts?  This practice of two different books of Islamiat is there from Bhutto’s times and it was recommended none the other but Council of Islamic Ideology(CII) in mid 1970s. There is an urgent need to check content of text books (Public as well as private) regarding promotion of interfaith harmony and identification of prejudice material. By this constant check, media can play her role as early warning system.As it is very important & sensitive subject regarding public perception so it needs little care, research and more responsibility. Such programs cannot develop in emergency relief mode.  In some cases that mode is essential yet one should not apply it on social disastersand for this we have to change the mindset. It is high time to change Kohati Bazar Church accident into opportunity  and change this mindset without waiting for the next accident.

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