Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Arabic poetry , our past history and Khusdar

Arabic poetry , our past history and Khusdar

Arabs started their campigns to our lands in late 6th or early 7th centuries and according to traditions those lashkars had poets, intelectuals and travellers along with armed people. like Mahabhart, or Shahnamas, in those days history was recorded in poetry so lot of Arab poets recorded that entries, traditions of new lands, religion, culture etc. Some lashkars came from sea via persian gulf , some cam from Debal Gulf ( here was the famous sea port near thatta named Lhori Bandar or Lhori Dahro in local languge as resembling with Mohanjo-dharo) while some lashkars used land routes after conquering Khurasan. Arabic author in his historic account of 10th century recorded too many poets who did poetry and preserved those days. In one of veerses a poet even recorded grapes of Khusdar too. In this campaigns they covered areas present these days in Pakistan which includes Baluchistan, Sindh, Kyber PK & the Punjab yet till today , in pride or prejudice, our historian did not pay any attention on this resource. read the piece and enjoy

Monday, October 28, 2013

Oh, look, a Pakistani Hindu …an interesting reading

Oh, look, a Pakistani Hindu …an interesting reading

Oh, look, a Pakistani Hindu …an interesting reading

To be born in an ethnic or religious or sub religious or linguistic minority is not an issue until one starts thinking under the minority mindset. No matter situation or circumstances pushes you, one should relates oneself with the society. Just read what the lady wrote

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Why such haste on Local bodies ? Is all set for November?

Why such haste on Local bodies ? Is all set for November?

پھڈے باز نومبر آ رہیا جے

جمہور ہشیار باش، پہلاں تے پاکستان وچ سیاستدان لڑیندے سن پر’’ شوہدے ‘‘سیاستدان جمہوری تسلسلاں پاروں ’’مک مکا‘‘ کر کے لڑائی دا میدان خالی کر چھڈیا ہے۔ بس درشنی پہلوان کدی کدی اکھاڑیاں دے چکر لالیندے نیں اتے کم بڑکاں تیک ہی مک جاندا ہے۔ بس اینج جاپدا ہے ہن ملک پاکستان وچ پرانے سٹائل دے یدھ مک رہے نیں۔ جمہوری آدرشاں پاروں بلدیاتی چوناں نوں تے اسی سب منیندے ہاں۔ ایہہ وی لوڑی دا ہے پئی بلدیاتی چوناں 2014 دے ادھ تیک جے ہو جاون تاں 2018 توں پہلاں اک وار فیر ہو جاون نال جمہوری بندوبست بہوں تگڑا ہو جاسی۔ پر ایہہ چوناں 30 دسمبر 2013 توں پہلے پہلے ہوون، ایس منطق دی کوئی سمجھ نہیں آئی۔ نہ ہی ایہہ گل پلے پیندی ہے پئی 2001 توں کنٹونمٹاں یعنی چھاونیاں دی بلدیاتی چوناں تے اکھاں بند ہی رکھن بعدوں 2012 توں انہاں بارے دُہایاں کیوں وادھو سنائی دین لگیاں نیں؟ مشرف نوں بلدیاتی چوناں کڈیاں چنگیاں لگدیاں سن ایس دا نرا ثبوت تے ایہی ہے پئی اس نیں چھاؤنیاں وچ ایہہ’’ مثالی بندوبست ‘‘لایا ہی ناہی۔ بلدیاتی چوناں توں مال کماون والی غیرسرکاری تنظیماں وی ایس تے در وٹی رکھیا اتے دن رات مشرف دے بلدیاتی نظاماں نوں ہی چکدے رہ

What is happening on the name of local bodies election? In past local bodies issue was used against civil governments especially politicians smartly by Ayub, Zia and Musharaf. Everyone knew that for a participatory democratic system decentralization is an essential things yet in all three cases of dictators used local bodies not only against politicians but also against provincial governments. Let us see what will come out from this recent tussle. When Musharaf introduced local bodies system , even some NGOs were supporting him. HRCP annual report (2000) editorial discussed decentralization system of Musharaf instead of talking about military take over incident happened just two months back. Proof of Musharaf's love for decentralization was his decision not to apply that holy system in cantonments. Even Courts did not object at that time, what to talk about NGOs. Yet from last year, issiue of local bodies in cantonment raised. According to tribune, PM approved a new law for local bodies which is now in president office for aproval
What is that law? previously, local bodies were held under 1926 law which was a colonial legacy and against democratic supremacy. if the new law is a shift then it will be a good move. ECP has to work more in this regard. Everyone knew that months of november and december are important as government has appoint new Chiefs. local bodies election can held in march 2014, why so much haste for holding election before december 2013? read the article by clicking

Language Commission: need of the hour

Language Commission: need of the hour

English, a colonial legacy is still language of the Power in South Asia. After removing Persian, colonial masters introduced Hindi & Urdu in numerous provinces of British India in 1860s. In some provinces like Bengal and Sindh, they promoted mother tongues yet in many provinces like the Punjab, Kashmir they did not allow mother tongues at all. After 1947, Dar commission partially helped newly formed Bharati parliament to resolve language issue. it identifies 96 languages with 26 having more than 5000 speakers. So Bharti constitution allowed these 26 languages to be used as medium of instruction. In Pakistan, first education minister Fazl ur rehman had the vision(see his speech in Nov 1947 in favor of Pakistani mother tongues delivered at First education conference) to tackle the language issue yet politics of Objective resolution ruined this vision. Liaqat Ali Khan, Moulvi Tameezudin khan, Sir Zafrullah khan, Shabir Ahmad Osmani, Khwaja Nzamudin, Abdur Rab Nishtar were main spokesmen of that vision. First draft of proposed Pakistani constitution came in 1950 which proposed Urdu as Sole national language which was not only against vision of Iqbal as narrated in Allahbad Adress of 1930 but also against vision of Jinnah as narrated by him in three speeches in East Bengal during March 1948. Iqbal supported linguistic diversity while in Jinnah's vision there was a room for mother tongues yet Khwaja Nazmudin in 1952 declared Urdu as Sole National language. In reaction opposition picked the point and raised a movement. After historic defeat of Nazmudin group in 1954 provincial elections of Bengal, victors ( Jugto front) agreed on a compromise formula ( Muhammad Ali formula) which not only created One Unit but also proposed  Bengali as co-national language. So Bengali got place with Urdu yet in reality conflict of Urdu with Pakistani mother tongues was in favor of English and ICS officers were behind that game. In the first Pakistani constitution of 1956, both languages got place as national languages yet the conflict remained there as there were lot more Pakistani languages like Punjabi, Pashto, Balochi, Sindhi etc. The conflict remained there till 1971 and after 1971, instead of accepting its faults, establishment decided to tackle issue of languages in more negative way. Now they planned to raise in-fighting between Pakistani mother tongues on the name of language & dialects. So from Zia period till the 3rd PPP tenure we have witnessed that negative politics. 
There is an immediate need to address this issue by establishing a national commission. read urself


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Some stray thoughts in response to imran khan article

Some stray thoughts in response to imran khan article

Accepting dialogue as an option does not mean that everyone has same point of view regarding the scenario. If dialogue is the only option then what IK did in Karachi? What he did in Balochistan? Regarding Taliban phenomenon, there r numerous point of views 1- who r supporting WoT but were against afghan jihad 2- who supported afghan jihad but now r against WoT 3- who think both were fake wars 4- who think we should support every act by international forces and get dollars. In APC all r supporting dialogue but it does not mean that they r following PTI stand

Special to The News

By Imran Khan
The debacle of East Pakistan, which led to the breakup of our country, left me with a strong conviction that military operations are never a solution to any problem, least of all one involving one’s own people.

I stood firmly with those who opposed Musharraf’s Balochistan operation and earlier the sending of the military into Waziristan.
 It was IK who himself accept his close relationship with Zia and Musharaf. In his book he recorded his meeting with zia who wanted to nominate him future PM yet his plane crashed. Regarding musharaf he already apologized in public. So till 2003, he was neither against military dictators nor against operations by the military. He left musharaf when general opted for chudries.
Today, as I remain convinced that peace cannot be restored in Pakistan through continuing military operations, the entire political leadership of the country has shown the same conviction through the APC held last month. Three previous APCs had also sought peace through dialogue.
Accepting dialogue as an option does not mean that everyone has same point of view regarding the scenario. If dialogue is the only option then what IK did in Karachi? What he did in Balochistan? Regarding Taliban phenomenon, there r numerous point of views 1- who r supporting WoT but were against afghan jihad 2- who supported afghan jihad but now r against WoT 3- who think both were fake wars 4- who think we should support every act by international forces and get dollars. In APC all r supporting dialogue but it does not mean that they r following PTI stand

Yet, the saboteurs of the call for peace are at work too.
Here IK used the word too, it means that there r some more saboteurs , can he identify them? But he is silent even to mention.
With each series of bomb attacks, war hysteria seems to be increasing with demands for military operations. It is therefore critical we understand how we got to this state of affairs in the first place. We have been seeing continuing military operations since 2004, beginning in South Waziristan, and they have not stopped so far, even up to the APC. According to an ISPR statement, 100 people were killed in Orakzai Agency and in Tirah, Khyber Agency also army action has taken place.

We have seen over 3000 military personnel martyred in the process and we know the suffering of their families along with the families of the injured personnel, especially those permanently handicapped. We have seen our ill-equipped police martyred in the frontlines of terror attacks, especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. We have also seen our civilians suffering, not only through the illegal and inhumane drone attacks in FATA but also through the displacement of whole tribes who continue to remain homeless in their own country. The sacrifices of our people at so many levels are immeasurable.

Military operations without an overarching strategy to restore peace in the country are mere holding operations. The APC provides the legitimacy for a holistic approach, beginning with a structured dialogue. Military action and war are always the last resort option.

In the end they too, after much bloodshed, lead right back to the dialogue table, especially when a state is dealing with its own people.
Some groups r in favor of dialogue because funding on WoT is closed. Someone still want to use talibans as future assert so they r supporting dialogue. So numerous groups and parties have their own reasons and understandings but IK is trying to give it a gandhian twist
 Most countries have eventually had to dialogue with their people who have taken up arms and conducted acts of terror against the state and innocent civilians - be it the UK with the IRA, the Sri Lankan government with the LTTE, The Philippines with the Moros, India’s Andra Pradesh Government with the Naxalites, to name just a few cases. Even the US had to hold talks with the Viet Cong and now with the Taliban.
Do it in balochistan and Karachi too. Why only wazieristan

Yet we went headlong into a one-dimensional militarist path with disastrous consequences after 9/11.
We are following this one-dimensional militarist path since 1958 why r u hesitant to mention pre-9/11 incidents. The fact is that one-dimensional militarist path is a British colonial legacy yet an atechisonian mindset will never say this.
 Musharraf misled the nation about his commitments to the US on behalf of Pakistan. In the September 2001 APC, where all the political forces present questioned why our country was being dragged into the US-led War on Terror, he lied by saying that Pakistan was only providing the US with logistical support.
 Curse those including you who believed in him
Through a series of lies, we saw an “invasion” of all manner of US personnel being given freedom of action within our country, with no control or accountability, and renditions of Pakistanis and others - some landing in Guantanamo, others simply disappearing. We slid further into an abyss of terrorism alongside drone attacks and military operations as we fell in line with the US militarist approach to the US ‘war on terror’. Drones have always been opposed on principle by PTI because not only are they a violation of international law, they do create more space for militancy.
Are u against militancy? Our textbooks are promoting Militancy; does u ever talk about it? U has a government in KPK so just remove such trends in KPK textbooks.
 The attack on a Madrassah in Damadola in 2006 killing 80 civilians, including 60 children, is just one example of how it is civilians that have been the major victims of these illegal strikes. Damadola also directly led to a sharp spike in terror attacks in Pakistan. Simply ignoring the impact of drone strikes is an ostrich-like approach. A judgement of the Peshawar High Court earlier this year, awaiting implementation, vindicates our position on drones.

The question we need to ask is: has terrorism and violence increased or decreased in Pakistan both in terms of numbers of acts committed and the severity of these attacks? If we are honest, we will recognise that this policy has not only singularly failed but has also brought more instability, destruction and heightened extremism to the country.

So today, the nation and all the political forces stand united in giving peace a chance through dialogue, while recognising that there are no easy options available anymore. The September 2013 APC recalled previous ones calling to “give peace a chance” and reiterated its commitment to the same. In this context, the APC gave a mandate to the federal government, inter alia, “to initiate dialogue with all the stakeholders forthwith and for this purpose, authorize it to take all the necessary steps as it may deem fit, including development of an appropriate mechanism and identification of interlocutors. Needless to state the process should be as inclusive as possible, with full participation of the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and other stakeholders.”

When some in the country, in an accusatory fashion, declare that PTI has given legitimacy to the Taliban by asking that an office be set up, they should recognize that it is the APC that used the word “stakeholder”. What I am suggesting is the initiation of a mechanism whereby we can begin to structuralise the dialogue process. We should know the nature of the enemy - there are 15 big Taliban groups and around 25 smaller ones, some of whom are funded by our enemies.

Therefore we need to identify and separate those groups willing to dialogue with the government and those not prepared to move beyond their agenda of violence, so that the latter can be isolated and dealt with. For that to happen we need to have a structured approach to dialogue rather than conducting it through the media. It is incumbent upon the federal government to inform us about the structure of the talks. As part of aiding the government in this context, we are suggesting that those groups willing to dialogue should be brought together and have a common base from which to conduct the dialogue and be held responsible for it - hence an office or “offices”. Structuring the talks prevents sabotage of the process. This will also show our sincerity to the tribal people who have the greatest stake in peace today and they can help in isolating the hard core militants.

All the political parties of Pakistan have given the federal government an unequivocal mandate to conduct talks to restore peace in the country, including for the first time in the context of FATA.

Previous attempts at dialogue and peace in FATA were attempted by the Army and they failed. The agreements reached were between the army and the militants, not the government that represents the state; and the federal head of state’s representative in FATA, the Political Agent, was opposed to these dialogues. Now it is the collective leadership of all the political parties of the country that has given a mandate to the federal government to move to dialogue and beyond.

In conclusion, I am aware of the fact that people voted for peace, especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. That is the PTI mandate from the people and PTI is committed to fulfilling this sacred trust. We realize our responsibility to protect the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and we remain steadfast in taking on this task, despite the province being surrounded on three porous sides by FATA over which it has no authority or control. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is deliberately being targeted by those forces who do not want to see peace and stability restored in Pakistan. But we are determined to face the challenge of giving peace a chance against all odds and against all those forces determined to keep us weak, war ravaged and divided.Imran Khan is Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf, Pakistan’s second largest political party

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Political Drone Let’s sucks more: HOOR CHUPOO

Political Drone Let’s sucks more: HOOR CHUPOO

How the policy of Drones exposed the world political scenario

Pakistan secretly endorsed drone strikes: Report

State and None State actors usually use hidden policies but in the end it always bounced back.  According to the report CIA did it without informing US parliament and Musharaff too did the same.  The report came a day after Amnesty International said that the United States may have broken international law by killing civilians with drones.  The story once again proved the thesis that secret agencies are above law in all countries either small or big, either “civilized or under develop”.  All policies, including external affairs (foreign policies), human rights etc are subservient to this nexus. No one can predict how many more policies are still hidden? Why some policies leaked? There is not any justification for such hidden policies. Can we know who is fighting with whom at international front? Who have agreements with whom? What is happening on the name of security?  Now u can well imagine why conspiracy theories got so much space in media. Is it the world we are proud of?

Click,Read and enjoy

Thursday, October 10, 2013

UNUSUAL FACTS: A joint venture of Ahrar and Muslim league 1936


A joint venture of 

Ahrar and Muslim league 1936

Distortion in history is a common phenomenon sometimes done by the State, some time by the resistance groups and some times by the ideologically inclined people or groups. There is another type of distortion which I need to mention here. In this case distortion suits to all conflicting groups and in this piece you will read it yourself. Post khilafat scenario gave birth to so many groups and one of them was Majlis e Ahrar who was born at December 1929. Recently OUP has published a book

 "Political Islam in Colonial Punjab: Majlis-i-Ahrar 1929-1949"

It is a common perception that both Ahrar and All India Muslim League were against each other yet Samina Awan with strong references(mostly party official writings) told us about an incident when both parties were in an alliance. Although it was an alliance of less than 150 days yet intelectuals and historians of both parties tried their best to ignore that incident. During first half of 1930s it was Ahrar who had emerged as a vibrant political force in the Punjab, won three provincial by elections and got two seats in central legislative council. At the eve of election 1937, Jinnah visited the Punjab. He wanted to develop an alliance with ruling Unionist Party of the Punjab on his own terms yet Mian Sir Fazle hussain rejected that offer. At this moment it was Allama Iqbal who came for rescue and At Abdul Qavi Luqman resident in Lhore Ahrar and Jinnah met in May 1936. Jinnah also attended a public meeting of ahrar where Ahrar workers gave slaami too. Four Ahrar leaders were inducted in ML's Muslim Parliamentary Board. These were Ch Afzal haq, Sheikh Hassamudin, Abdul Aziz Bogewal and Ghulam Hussain. Remember, when you hide facts from your own workers it always bounced back. CPI or CPP intellectuals after partition always tried to hide Syed sajjad Zaheer articles in favor of Pakistan movement, Allama Iqbal and Jinnah, similarly Jamat e Islami always tries to hide Matchi Got split, All India congress tried to hide 1922 and 1939 splits of Sawaraj party and Subhas Chandar Bose But no one can hide facts. It is the lesson for all. Read the article.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Using insomnia smartly: a case of some 6 successful people

Using insomnia smartly: a case of some 6 successful people

Some people thinks less sleep is a disease yet numerous successful people in this world use it smartly as an opportunity. It is a common perception that both Z A Bhutto and Shahbaz Sharief were/are insomniac yet both used/use it smartly. Lust for power or money or knowledge or sex or  any other thing may lead to insomniac situation yet before analyzing such people we have to know the difference between lust and passion. {What is the difference between someone who sleeps for 10-12 hours a day to someone who sleeps for 4 hours a day? According to some, the latter is more likely to be a successful entrepreneur or a scientist or a philanthropic leader. While scientist like Thomas Edison who preferred to sleep three hours in a day, declared sleeping as “a heritage from cave days”}
Interestingly Urdu translation of insomnia is misleading while its Punjabi translation is up to the mark. According to English Urdu dictionary of Urdu Language Authority its meaning is "dreamless" or "bay-khwabi" yet in Punjabi its translation is Jug-rata means the one who do not sleep or has less sleep. The word is also present in Sardar Muhammad Khan' famous Punjabi Urdu Dictionary. It is a co-production by Sachal Studios & Punjabi Adbi Board lhore. Unfortunately, Urdu/Hindi modern intellectuals have a common habit of not using the words from  the mother tongues of subcontinent. They love to include terminologies from English in their languages yet they have a common reservation against the mother tongues of the area like Punjabi  Bengali  pasto, Maharashtran, Tamil , Sindhi  etc. It is a modern practice and a product of colonial India , for reference you can check poetries of Bhagat Kabier, Ameer Khusro till Wali Dakhni yet from colonial times puritanism killed diversity, a case which needs your attention.Anyway, u just see the list of 6 people who use the skill of insomnia smartly in their lives. it includes people like Barak Obama, the US president who sleeps for 6 hours ( from 1 am till 7 am), Helena Morrissey  CEO of Newton Investment Management who is mother of 9 children. Helena wakes up early in the morning around five, attends to emails and later starts doing the household work till her children wake up. Dropping her children off to school, this workaholic mother heads to work by 8 am and continues to work till in the evening. next in the list is Donald Trump, Chairman of The Trump Organization who said “How does somebody that's sleeping 12 and 14 hours a day compete with someone that's sleeping ". similarly Sergio Marchionne, CEO of Fiat and Chrysler, Martha Stewart Founder of Martha Stewart Omnimedia and Dominic Orr President and CEO of Aruba Networks are in the list according to Silicon india website record. It is list of "Successful" people yet if we remove the criteria of so-called success then for sure Street boys or tharaybaz will take the lead even on to Obama. read the piece and enjoy

Lessons from Afghanistan. Story of failed attempt for a representative Government

Lessons from Afghanistan. Story of failed attempt for a representative Government
Extract from Pakistan and Afghanistan by Riaz M Khan ex foreign secretary Govt of Pakistan
The story is important especially with respect to future withdrawal of NATO and its narrator is none the other but Riaz Muhammad Khan who describe it in his latest book in Urdu published by Readings, Lhore. No doubt it is a rare document in Urdu because Urdu print media has a legacy not to comment on this issues.

Monday, October 7, 2013

How our entire history was dumped in a horse stable: Story of Archives @ Civil secratariat by Hamid Sheikh

How our entire history was dumped in a horse stable:

The Story of Archives

 @ Civil secratariat by Hamid Sheikh 

"The archive: if we want to know what this will have meant, we will only
know tomorrow."
--Jacques Derrida, "Mal d'Archive: Une Impression Freudienne."

But if u realize it tomorrow then u will also be part of the archives. It is what we are doing with our national asserts. Majid Sheikh righty pinpointed it so that we can realize it today, not tomorrow. read the article urself

Away it went in ignominy, on hundreds of wheelbarrows to be dumped in a dirty, humid and putrid discarded horse stable. I am talking about one of the world’s finest, and surely the second largest collection of rare books, manuscripts and document dealing with the history of Punjab, from Kabul to Delhi and from Kashmir to Sindh over the last 500 years.
In the old horse stable of the Lahore Civil Secretariat, in dark, moldy, dingy conditions, lies this amazing collection, all official record let me clarify, of over 70,000 rare books and under one million rare manuscripts and documents, piles upon piles, on the floor, on old broken desks, in cupboards without glass panes. The stink and humidity overwhelms the senses. Only in the British Museum Library of London is there a better collection, all kept in mint condition. They respect our rich history. In terms of our own history, we are the wretched of the earth.
I do not know the daft former chief secretary who ordered this evil move. All I have learnt from officials inside the Secretariat, and I have no reason to doubt their opinion, that after retiring he sits on judgment on the fate of other bureaucrats. His antics, they claim, still reads like a mad hatter’s tea party. But then that is what our present rulers probably want. I leave his bizarre ways for younger journalists unearth.
My attention today is focused on the old official horse stable in Lahore’s Civil Secretariat and the damage done to our heritage. In any other sane society he would be arrested and tried. In his reign he got vacated the old world-famous library and record-room in General Allard’s old home, where once Lawrence, Kipling and Garrett studied and researched and produced books that will live forever. Small men need a lot of space; such is their ‘imagined greatness’. A spacious second conference hall and a new rest room emerged. The brown ‘sahib’ acted his part with a vengeance.
In wheel-barrows by the thousands went the world’s finest record, rare manuscripts, rare documents and books, even the first litho prints the world had ever seen from the year 1600 onwards. In heaps he got them stacked in the horse stable, throwing them on the floor to decay. Mind you I am talking about over 70,000 rare books and under a million documents and manuscripts, the world’s second largest collection after the British Museum Library. If you are shocked, I am not surprised, for you have no idea what the Punjab bureaucracy has morphed into. The brilliance of Hallard is a distant dream.
You might well ask just why I am stung. Well let me share just a few, only a few examples of what lie in these heaps, in the putrid humid environment with the smell of dampness and decay heavy in the air. Initially I did not believe what an honest official had told me, so I went to the place myself. Let me begin by telling you that the original letter written by the great poet Mirza Asadullah Khan ‘Ghalib’ in his own hand seeking a restoration of his pension lies among this heap. What would the poet have said? But then who really cares, save a few sorrowful ‘letters to the editor’ that might, maybe, follow this piece.
Forget the fact that by any measure this is a national crime. Bureaucrats are never punished, especially of the ilk I am talking about. When the rulers are ignorant and insolent, bureaucrats fear for their jobs. Heritage has no place in the scheme of traders, who only know how to sell what everyone collectively owns.
Next let me tell you of a rare document that once lay in the record of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. It is the 1616 original litho print, among the first of two left in the world, of Sir Thomas Roe. It is an original, and in Lahore original rarities lie on the floor. The only other version in the world is in the British Museum Library in a nitrogen-filled glass casing, a rare manuscript that the British are proud of. In Lahore such rarities lie in heaps, only to be picked up and put on a table by an enlightened public servant. Beyond that he dare not. Honesty brings no laurels.
The original record of the Bhagat Singh incident, known as the Lahore Conspiracy Case, also is in this collection. Among the books are the original prints of all the great masters of Punjab, which once included Delhi and Kabul. Just run your mind from the year 1600 to 2000, a full 400 years of rich heritage, a collection of the Mughals, the Afghan rulers, the Sikhs, the British and the finest record of the early Pakistan years, and all you can see of this glorious period lies on the floors of the dark main halls and verandahs. Our retired bureaucrat ordered a huge bathroom to be built in the middle of the horse stable, one last stab at immortality which adds to the stench.
The roof of the main hall collapsed just six months ago, and given the way bureaucracy runs in Punjab, funds for the roof’s repair were denied. The rain did the rest. A deft educated bureaucrat of another department spared funds from another project to erect a makeshift roof. But then it is a matter of time before it gives way and we will have a massive deluge, which will, all things going the way they are, produce a massive killing field of the finest collection of rare books, documents and manuscript the world has ever seen.
Yes Sir, it is a matter of time only. The fun is no one is bothered, least of all the ruling family. The funds allocated for the library repair, in a stroke of ‘genius’ were diverted to construct a huge new ‘canteen’ serving burgers and sandwiches. Life goes on and the heap continues to grow where once horses treaded.
Tucked away in the heaps are the rare manuscripts of letters from royalty and rulers of the world over 400 years to the various rulers of Lahore. There is an array of secret documents about the hundreds and thousands of happenings in Punjab and its neighbourhood over the centuries. This is a researcher’s goldmine. The original record of the entire 1857 Uprising (War of Independence) is there. Mind you Lahore was the epicenter from where was controlled the fight for Delhi. This is a world original that not even the British have. Our khaki rulers demolished the historic ‘1851 Barrack’ which was the operations headquarters to make way for housing plots. Who dare challenge their intellect?
Mind you among the record are even older manuscripts, one almost 1,000 years ago which, in Sanskrit, records the invasion feared from the ‘looting Afghans who know no morals’. Excuse me, morals. That concept died a thousand years ago. In any other country all this would need 20 massive libraries the size of the Quaid-e-Azam Library, built by the British, to hold. Mind you these foreigners – the British – left behind almost 900 libraries in Punjab, of which only 179 remain. Who needs libraries now?
The head of libraries sits in the Lahore Civil Secretariat with just one typist. That is his department and mind you he is a secretary level bureaucrat. Full stop. That is his status in the present scheme of things in Punjab. A very hurt friend signed and commented: “There is a difference between the strokes of an ironmonger and a goldsmith”. Aptly put.
The table on which the chief of Punjab libraries sits is the original teak table built by the former principal of Government College, Lahore, and once Punjab’s first Record-Keeper, the great Lt. Col. Garrett. Even that was retrieved from the rubble that our daft former chief secretary created in the horse stable. I am not surprised at just where we are headed.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

it is also Pakistan! Reality is louder than sermons

It is also Pakistan! Reality is louder than sermons

Here is a link of a Pakistani village and you can imagine absence of basic necessities by watching it.  There are many areas in Pakistan who have similar conditions but neither government nor civil society has concerns regarding them.  Youngsters must knew that Pakistan is not Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad or Quetta, Peshawar but there are numerous areas where life is at stand still. The vedio is about a village KACHOO, at Tehsil/ Taluka JOHI in District Dadu of Sindh province.  In reality we have no record of such disadvantage groups. In this case state, media political parties and civil society all are responsible. U just watches it and then rethink about the development models we have. 
The link is 

A rejoinder to Indian Intellectuals & Journalists....

A rejoinder to Indian Intellectuals & Journalists....

The reference of this piece is a Geo TV show in which Hamid Mir was anchor with three guests including a known Indian lady journalist, Javed Insari and a Pakistani Journalist absar Aalam.  The lady journalist is known for his secular and open talk yet when Absar criticized Narendar Modi and remind Indians that his nomination as candidate for Indian Premiership is a bad taste for Indian democracy then the lady started defending Mr Moody by saying “he is an elected representative”.  Although the lady may have reservations against Moody but as she was in front of a Pakistani channel with Pakistani guests so under the pressure of nationalism she lost her secular grip. I think nomination of Muddy is like a double edge weapon and both congress and secular intellectuals are confused on dealing with it. Congress cannot defeat him on in anti-Pakistan campaign; neither that race will be good for Indian future yet on peace agenda congress can deal with him. It is a paradox not only for the Congress but also for secular Indian journalists and intellectuals. 
ہن چنگے بھلے، سیکولر بھارتی جداں ’’مودی‘‘ ورگیاں دی حمایتاں کردے نیں تاں سڑ سوا ہو جاندیاں نیں۔۔۔ اگے تسی سمجھدار ہو۔ اینج جاپدا ہے پئی بھارتی سیکولر سارے ’’پٹھان‘‘ ہو گئے نیں۔ تہانوں تے پتہ ہی ہوسی اک پٹھان نیں ویکھیا کہ ہک ہندو قبلے ول منہ کر کے دھاراں ماردا سی۔ اس نیں اوس نوں دھون توں جا پھڑیا۔ کچھ دِناں بعد ہندو مہاراج نیں ویکھیا پٹھان آپوں ایہو کم کر رہیا سی۔ اس جا کے آکھیا خان جی، ایہہ تسی قبلے ول منہ کر کے دھار کیو ں مار رہے ہو؟ پٹھان بولیا، اوئے قبلہ ساڈا ہے، اسی جو مرضی کرئی
 Read the column  at this link

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

European Ladies with dessi Males....Some more facts

European Ladies with dessi Males....Some more facts

In the previous post I shared some facts about those Europeans who married with local ladies in South Asia and in this post let me introduce European Ladies who had relations with local males. This whole debate is interesting in a world which is divided in Nation States. It was Allama Iqbal, who timely called Nationalism "new god". Last day when i post the previous story, someone called it a good example of our multicultural past. She may include this one too yet analyses past with modern notions is not a very good idea at all. you can understand things in their own perspective. Now read the post which is based on information from the same book "Mushahidat e Farhang". The story started from Chandar Gupt Murya of Taxila (Punjab) who married with the daughter of Salukis , a leader of Alexander's army who was among many Greeks who stayed in the Punjab. After that the author included Akbar who m arried with "Marry" daughter of William from Goa. Akhbar's Son Danyal (Daniel) followed his father and he had a farhangi lady in his harm. According to Burnes Danyal himself converted to Christianity with the permission of his uncle King Jhangieer. Thomasro, wrote that his kids were christian yet later reverted to Islam. Then comes Joliana, a Hakim, who ruled on Moazzam (Elder son of Aurangzeab). Whenever Joliana comes on roads, two elephants with white Cross follows her. Kings or Rajas or Lords used to do such things as it was order of that day. Now nationalists and fundamentalists are using them according to their needs or ideologies yet they were primarily Kings. Ahmad Shah was on throne in 1748 when a trader visited him. He died there then her daughter Mrs Rose was included in herm. She got a title "Noor Jahan" yet after some time she ran away to London along with pearls of greater value. Shah Alam Sani too followed that tradition and had Mrs Handi with him. The lesson is very clear and that is, donot extract nationalism or religious politics from past yet we , the inhabitants of modern Nation States are still busy in using prides & prejudices. Some times on the name of Indian, Bangali, Mahrashter nationalisms, sometimes on the name of Hindvta, Islamism etc and many times on the name of liberalism. read the story

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...