Saturday, March 29, 2014

Media Coverage: 165th Annexation of the Punjab day

Media Coverage: 165th Annexation of the Punjab day

At 29th a meeting was organized jointly by PunjabPunch & Lhore Press Club Literary committee at the Library of LPC Davis road Shimla Phari lhore. 

The meeting was conducted by Aamir Riaz who shared his view regarding History of the Punjab with special emphasis on Post Aurangzeb era in which Subcontinent witnessed growth of independent or semi-independent regional powers.  Had French and Britishers not intervened, those independent states may join in loose federation like US finally yet E.I.C out maneuvered all other players by using conspiracies as well as open or proxy wars. Yet under Lhore darbar Punjab, Kashmir, Peshawar, FATA remained independent until 1849.  From 1809, Britishers wanted to go to Kabul yet Ranjeet did not allow it. So after annexation of the Punjab they had a plan under which they did

1.    Social engineering

2.    Stopped river channel trade by introducing canal system

3.    Removed sufi tradition literature from learning

4.    Removed mother tongues

5.    Introduced religion base historiography

6.    Called Lhore darbar a Sikh rule

7.    Started military recruitment

8.    Laid foundations of a garrison State

9.    Destroyed all past trade routes by establishing Durand Line Fiasco

10.    Introduced Urdu for Punjabis, Pukhtoons, Kashmiries, Baltastanies, balochs etc

Under Frontier Forward Policy they changed traditionally tolerant and peace loving region. 

The session was presided by qazi javed, writer & columnist & currently Director of Institute of Islamic culture. Among prominent People who attended the session and shared their view were Muhammad shabaz mian , Vice president of LPC, Advoctae Khalid mahmood , Punjabi writer and co-director JAAG, Mushtaq sofi, President Punjabi Adabi Board, Rana Abdur Rahman Awami jamhori forum, Professor Saeed Bhutta, Punjabi writer & researcher, Zahier watto, editor Punjabi magazine, Kashif Bukhari, Pervaiz Majeed, Aamir Butt Punjab Urban resource Centre, Muhammad waseem, M Anwar ul Haq, Saeed Akhtar, Qamar Bhatti, Hammad Raza, Tariq Khursheed, Raja Jalil Akhtar, Sarfraz Kashar Butt and Iqbal Bukhari secretary literary committee of LPC.

people shared their diverse views yet all agreed to continue such efforts to explore History of the Punjab.

The Links of various papers are
Daily Express
Daily Times
Dunya newspaper
daily times story is 
‘Annexed Day’ of Punjab observed for the first time
* British colonialists formally annexed the region on this day in 1849 * Punjabi intellectuals hold debates on several aspects of ‘Fall of Lahore Darbar’
LAHORE: This is for the first time that some Punjabi intellectuals in collaboration with the Lahore Press Club, Punjab Punch and Readings observed the ‘Annexed Day’ of Punjab by the British 165 years ago, holding a special debate on different aspects of the ‘Fall of Lahore’ on March 29, 1849.
They marked this considering that the day, which has a great and strong impact on the lives of the inhabitants of Punjab, was ignored or suppressed by the alien rulers (British) and their local supporters (nawabs) deliberately for their individual incentives, twisting the local history in favour of British Raj and raising misconceptions against the local rulers, especially dividing them on the religion, caste, language and profession basis.
A good number of progressive people attended the debate and expressed their point of views about the ‘Fall of Lahore Darbar in 1849’, while Punjabi writer and historian Amir Riaz delivered a lecture on the issue. 
Prominent progressive intellectual who spoke on the occasion included Qazi Javed, Mushtaq Sofi, Syed Kashif Bukhari, Muhammad Pervez, Javed Akhtar, Abdur Rehman, M Waseem, Mian Shahbaz, Saeed Akhtar, Qamar Bhatti, Hammad Raza, Tariq Khursheed, Raja Jalil Akhtar, Sarfraz Kashar Butt and Iqbal Bukhari.
Highlighting different aspects and reasons for the failure of the local ‘kings’, the speakers said that the British Raj was just succeeded to capture Punjab as Maharaja Ranjeet Singh did not establish any mechanism of transfer of power in a peaceful manner for his heirs, while lack of establishment of any kind of institutions or the systems was also a strong issue.
They also clarified some misconceptions forwarded by some biased historians on the behest of their English masters, or on their personal religious grounds, like the English Raj provided stability and peace in India after their possession, or gave democracy or a system and mechanism for transfer of power in society.
Pointing out one of main misconceptions, they said that it was wrong that the East India Company took the throne from Muslim King Bahadur Shah Zafar in Dehli or Sikh rulers in Punjab as they (Englishmen) did not get the rule from King Bahadur Shah Zafar but Marhatas because the Delhi King was getting a salary (stipend) himself from Marhatas who were opposing the Company.
The speakers also coined the view that though the locals have some knowledge about the Mutiny Day of 1857 on May 11, but the day of annexed of Punjab on March 29, 1849, was intentionally ignored by the reasons and never highlighted in the past, as the people of Punjab resisted the British Raj for a long time after the annex too. 
Anyhow, they said that the day should be remembered at all formal and informal stages to bring forth the details and the truth about the Fall of Lahore Darbar to correct the history. They also emphasised to celebrate the day next year with more enthusiasm.
At the end, Lahore Press Club’s Literary Committee representatives, as organisers, gave thanks to the participants and assured to continue such debates to promote intellectual activities in the future.

Friday, March 28, 2014

29th March article about the Punjab published @ Daily Express Today

29th March article about the Punjab published @ Daily Express Today
It is esential to deconstruct traditional scholarship of 19th century  so that we can understand what happened with our lands

click here for full article

Invitation of baitak from Punjab Punch: A DAY WHEN PUNJAB WAS ANNEXED.

Invitation of baitak from Punjab Punch


29th March is a day when 165 years back( in 1849) East India company annexed the Punjab. At that time the name of the Government was LHORE DARBAR, founded by Maharaja ranjiet singh along with his Muslim, Sikh and Hindu comrades. Delhi was annexed by E.I.C in 1803 and Shah alam 11 was taking pension from Faranges yet Punjab, Kashmir, Peshawar, FATA remained independent under Lhore Darbar for 50 years and finally after so many conspiracies and wars Faragees annexed it in 1849. As new masters were habitual of using religion so they called previous empire as Sikh Rule. They changed the Punjab by social engineering and turned it into a recruitment area. From that day our lands under Frontier forward Policy lost their traditional entrepreneurship and tolerance based traditions set by Sfi poets like Baba Farid, baba Nanak, shah Hussein, Mian meer, Bulleh Shah, warish shah, Khwaja farid, Mian Muhammad baksh etc. the proof is textbooks published during Raj in which they neither included Sufi poetry of Punjabi poets nor refered to traditional entrepreneurship of Kashmir, Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Baluchistan and FATA at all. It is high time to rethink about it so that we can know who ruined us and how we can construct a peace loving region once again.
Program is attached as follows

Venue: Lhore Press Club (Library)
Time: 3.30 pm
Guest of honor Qazi javed (writer and intellectual)
29th March 2014 Saturday

Program is attached as follows

Venue: Lhore Press Club (Library)
Time: 3.30 pm
Guest of honor Qazi javed (writer and intellectual)
29th March 2014 Saturday

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Changes in 23rd March text: How we ruined our generations

Changes in 23rd March text: How we ruined our generations
"The explicit issue is sticky and needs pressing attention.  South Asian students are replica of the text they have to read in their schools from class 1 to 12. One can easily identify conflicting interpretations of a same historical event in Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Indian Text books. Lessons regarding partition & creation of Pakistan, creation of Bangladesh and stories of freedom struggle are among few examples yet a comparative study can easily mention roots of prides and prejudices infiltrated in their respective youth through text books." Extract from my unpublished paper 

“Resolved that it is the considered view of this Session of the All India Muslim League that no constitutional plan would be workable in this country or acceptable to the Muslims unless it is designed on the following basic principles, namely, that geographically contiguous units are demarcated into regions which should be so constituted, with such territorial readjustments as may be necessary that the areas in which the Muslims are numerically in a majority as in the North Western and Eastern Zones of India should be grouped to constitute ‘independent states’ in which the constituent units shall be autonomous and sovereign.”[1]

The textbook author omitted the word All India and then add words like Hidu and Muslim States. Just imagine when a child visit Minar e Pakistan and compare the statement what will he thinks about textbook knowledge? If he lost his confidence on textbook knowledge then he gradually lost his confidence on state institutions; ready to use by anyone, 

read the piece urself 

[1] this Statement is still written on the  Minar e Pakistan at Lhore, Punjab

Who Killed 23rd march? تیئس مارچ کا قاتل کون؟ Read and Unlearn what You read in Textbooks

Who Killed 23rd march? تیئس مارچ کا قاتل کون؟
Today is 23rd march, a national holiday but we have to revisit our 67 year history. had we adopted 23rd march resolution as spirit of constitution things would be very different in Pakistan. Allahbad address of Allama Iqbal of 1930, 23rd March resolution 1940 and august 11 speech of jinnah were in harmony with the notions of safeguards of minorities, provincial autonomy and acceptance of diversity yet after the death of Jinnah Liaqat Ali Khan, Moulvi Tameezudin, Sir zafrullah, Khwaja Nazimudin, Abdur Rab Nishtar, Sahbir ahmad usmani and Moduddi supported Objective Resolution which was the first departure from 23rd March. Ghulam Muhammad was the only sane voice along with mian Iftiqar u din , mamdot and shurawardy. It was Ghulam Muhammad who used his pressure and due to which Objective Resolution became part of preamble instead of Liaqat ali's wish to include it in the proposed constitution.
Both Pakistan and India were created under an act of British parliament; Act of Independence 1947 and in both newly formed countries first responsibility of the constituent assemblies was to make Constitution. Yet in our part ICS officers had fears from parliamentary system  so they played smartly under the cover of One nation theory, One nation, One language and One religion i-e Objective Resolution. hence delay in constitution was 2nd attack on 23rd march resolution. Declaration of Urdu a Sole national language in 1952 was 3rd attack on 23rd march. Creation of One unit in 1954 was similar to Lucknow pact politics and at that time Allama Iqbal and Hakim ajmal Khan like people objected it timely yet afterwards even great C R das too opposed it. so One unit was 4rth attack on 23rd march resolution. Another attack was 1956 constitution which was free from Senate. Marshallah of 1958 by military  chief was another attack on the resolution and its parliamentary spirit.
No doubt, 1973 constitution was a real time effort by politicians to revive the spirit of 23rd march Resolution yet Zia jeopardise all hopes once again. it was zia who included Objective resolution in the constitution and then rest was history till 2008. Indeed, NFC award and 18th amendments in 2010 protected the spirit once again and this time the credit went to politicians again. In 2013, Pakistan witnessed its first democratic transition which is a move in spirit of 23rd March resolution. Yet March 23rd killers are still wandering in streets. So be-aware and keep an eye on them. read and enjoy it
آج 23 مارچ ہے جو ہمیں اس دن کی یاد دلاتا ہے جب آج سے 74 برس قبل پنجاب کے دل لاہور میں آل انڈیا مسلم لیگ نے فیصلہ کن تحریک کا آغاز کیا تھا۔ اجلاس کی پشت پناہی وزیراعظم پنجاب سر سکندر حیات کر رہے تھے جبکہ قرارداد پیش کرنے والے بنگال کے وزیراعظم مولوی اے کے فصل الحق تھے۔
اس قرارداد میں وہی سیاسی بصیرت مدنظر تھی جس کا اظہار 1930 میں علامہ اقبال نے تاریخی آلٰہ آبادی خطبے میں کیا تھا۔ مسلم اکثریتی علاقوں کو اکائیوں کی شکل میں خودمختاری دینے کے اردگرد بنی اس قرارداد کے ذریعے مسلم لیگ نے اپنا سارا بھار مسلم اکثریتی صوبوں کے حق میں ڈال دیا تھا۔
مسلم لیگ نے تو اس دستاویز کو"قرارداد لاہور" کہا تھا مگر کانگرس کے حمایت یافتہ میڈیا نے اسے "قرارداد پاکستان" کا عنوان دے کر اس کے خلاف بھرپور اخباری مہم چلائی۔ 
Read original article here
مضبوط مرکز کا فلسفہ 23 مارچ کی قرارداد کے خلاف پہلا حملہ تھا کہ جس کے لیے قرارداد مقاصد کو استعمال کیا گیا۔ ایک مذہب (اسلام)، ایک زبان (اُردو) اور مضبوط مرکز کے نام پر قومی تعمیر نو (Nation building) کا جو بیڑہ اٹھایا گیا تھا وہ قرارداد لاہور سے روگردانی تھی۔

Prejudice Base politics of Congress & 23rd March

Prejudice Base politics of Congress & 23rd March

1937 elections proved a bench mark in the politics of All India Congress and it was beginning of the end of club politics too. The 1937 election was the first in which large masses of Hind-Punjab were eligible to participate. An estimated 30.1 million persons, including 4.25 million women, had acquired the right to vote (14% of the total population), and 15.5 million of these, including 917,000 women, actually did exercise their franchise.
The results were not in favour of the Indian National Congress. Of the total of 1,585 seats, it won only 707 seats in all 11 provinces. It was not a decisive victory and that is why from Kanji Dawarkadas till Jaswant singh there are numerous Indians who exposed & criticized prejudiced base politics of Congress. Just imagine, in 2014 Congress is ready to face another challenge and this time it is neither from Indian Muslims nor from Jinnah but from BJP and Mudie. Had Congress accepted its faults of pre-partition & post 1947 days, things would  be different today. Prejudice based politics was self destructive at all. In 1937 elections Congress was defeated both in the Punjab and Bengal yet instead of realizing its shortcoming Congress itself use religion in the form of Muslim Mass Conduct movement. Just realize the facts. majority of Muslims were living in 4 provinces Punjab, Bengal,  NWFP and Sindh. In sindh Congress got 7 out of 60 seats. In Punjab only 18 out of 175 seats and in bengal 54 out of 250 and NWFP 19 out of 50. Interestingly, in NWFP Sahibzada Sir Abdul Qyum Khan was CM yet Congress stalwarts Khan Abdul Qyum Khan and Khan abdul Ghaffar Khan with horse trading formed Congress ministry and installed a friend a Sikandar Mirza and brother of Ghaffar Khan, Pro-British Dr Khan sahib. On the other hand muslims Congress got very less seats in Muslim minority provinces on Muslim seats. The fact was smart move by Jinnah who in novel way successfully formed Muslim parliamentary boards in which jinnah accommodated JUH and olf players of Khilafat movement.   The known example in that period was selection of Ch Khalikuzaman who was once president of Khilafat Committee U.P. Jinnah accommodated him even against the opposition of Liaqat ali Khan.  JUh under its president Moulvi Kafait ullah too supported ML in those areas. 
Keeping in view its weak areas, Congress could gaim momentum but it took path of prejudice base politics. After the lection, jinnah wrote 6 letters for cooperation, recorded in his book by H M servai but Nehru's answers were provocative. From the adoption of controversial Song of banday mataram till the untimely selection of Hindi Congress remained under prejudices and prides.  On the other hand Congress did not raised her voice against alarming amendment in Defence of India act passed in 1938 in which colonial masters declared opposition of military recruitment a crime. The only party which opposed it was Ahrar and it created a wide bridge between congress and ahrar.  In his writings Sabhas not only criticized Congress policies but also praise Ahrar too.  But Congress did not realized its faults and on 23rd March Prime Ministers of Punjab and Bengal were with jinnah which finally turned the tables. Even after that resolution Congress did not leave prejudice base politics against the Punjab, Bengal, Jinnah and ML. Read and enjoy

THE NEWS ON SUNDAY: Jamil Omar’s revolutionary road by Aamir Riaz March 23, 2014


 Jamil Omar’s revolutionary road

Aamir Riaz  March 23, 2014
After completing his high school from the elitist Aitchison College Lahore, Jamil joined BSc honours (a three-year degree course) in the Punjab University in 1970 where his subjects were English, Physics and double Maths. At that time, Professor Azizuddin was associated with the English Department at the Punjab University. It was a time when our campuses were sharply divided across Left and Right ideologies with NSO, factions of NSF and PSF representing the Left while Islami Jamiat Talba(IJT) the Right.
Jamil remained politically neutral in those heydays of ideology. He was a supporter of Student Own Power (SOP) (Liberals) whose twist can be smelt in its slogan “Na surkh hai Na sabaz hai/Asia ko Qabaz hai” (loosely translated as “It’s neither red nor green, Asia is constipated”).
read complete article @
to view it in paper form view this@

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Beware: Global Powers are Proactive NOW Russia Gets Crimea, Should Germany Get Kaliningrad?

Beware: Global Powers are Proactive NOW
Russia Gets Crimea, Should Germany Get Kaliningrad?
According to Moscow Times correspondent Gabrielle Tétrault-Farber some states are apparently more equal than others when it comes to correcting "mistakes" of the past. In its story of 21st March he is refereeing President Vladimir Putin who said in his speech to the nation that Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev's decision to hand Crimea to the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic in 1954 was a "clear violation of the constitutional norms that were in place even then." Putin depicted the annexation of Crimea as correcting a "historical error," arguing that the region has played a vital role in Russia's history and culture for centuries.
So if it is the case will other global powers follows Moscow? The same correspondent in the story refers old capital of Prussian Germany, Kaliningrad near Baltic sea; Russian region of Kaliningrad, a historically German exclave that Germany lost to the Soviet Union in 1945 following the conclusion of World War II.
Than what will Turkey do? Will it claim territories of Ottoman Empire? Britain can also start day dreaming. It is indeed an endless effort. 100 years back we witnessed disintegration of several empires i-e Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Empire, Tsarist Russia and Prussian Germany  yet after 100 years situation is much different and if such tug of war starts its beneficiaries will be Transnational companies rather than Nation states. Keeping in mind Power of Capital and a weak UN system Global powers should not open the Pandora box of “correcting the historical errors”.
“Germany does not make claims on Kaliningrad, formerly known as Konigsberg, but some consider its status as a Russian territory erroneous, just as many Russians viewed Crimea's status as part of Ukraine. Inesis Feldmanis, head of the Faculty of History and Philosophy at the University of Latvia, said he believed Kaliningrad's annexation by the Soviet Union was, similarly, "an error in history."
Situation is not as smart as Russian thinks. “A spokesman from Russia's Defense Ministry said in December 2013 that Russia had deployed nuclear-capable Iskander tactical ballistic missiles to Kaliningrad, putting the Baltic States and Poland on high alert. Putin later denied the ministry's statement.

Global reshuffling will have impacts not only in Europe but also on other parts of the world. As in 21st century US is far away from the sermons of Franklin Bingaman and Wilson’s neutrality so it will be hard to save her from the flames of reshuffling in this interdependent world. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The World known as Freemasons...Jadogar....

There were many muslims who worked in it as members and in Pakistan Freemason loudges were present atleast in LHORE, KARANCHI AND MOOLTAN. u may add other cities if u knew it. In mooltan a lawyer Sahibzada Abdul Saeed was its member during mid 1950s. Some names of its members from Karachi is written in the piece yet some one can threw light of its Lhore members. 

read Article in Dawn @

another interesting piece is 

History and Purpose of the Freemasons and other Secret Societies

If you patiently read the following paragraphs of historical explanation, you may come to an understanding of "the hidden mysteries of nature and science". Then we can discuss Freemasonry, and you will see truths your Worshipful Master has never contemplated.
From the Garden of Eden a battle has raged between two deadly enemies. The battle began when Lucifer incarnate the serpent, a man-like creature - great giant of a fellow, until God changed every bone in his body and put him upon his belly. Lucifer being God's right-hand man, knew that God's Plan was to build a kingdom. Knowing it would be inherited by Michael, (or Christ), he became jealous and set about gaining it for himself.
God commanded man to multiply, fill and subdue the earth, and to have dominion over it. But by his wisdom, Lucifer knew that as the seed of a horse can fertilize a donkey to produce the hybrid mule God never created, so the seed of the serpent could fertilize the woman and create a hybrid species uncreated by God. And whenever the offspring of Eve by the serpent intermingled with the seed of Adam, the progeny would always be serpent's seed, and NOT on the Book of Life. So he incarnate the serpent and seduced Eve.
From that time to this there have been two races of people on this earth. The seed of Cain, and the seed of Adam. Cain was begotten of that wicked one (I John 3:12). Abel was the son of Adam who was the (only) son of God (Luke 3:38).   God placed enmity, that's "hatred," between us. Lucifer knew that by miscegenation, he could exterminate the seed of Adam and thus fall heir to the kingdom of Christ.
In the time of Noah, God destroyed the world with the Flood because of miscegenation between the races of Adam and Cain. The serpent seed was in the Ark and it is with us to this day. It populated the land of Canaan, and afterwards spread throughout the world (Genesis 10:18).
God made a Covenant with Abraham, and promised his seed would inherit the land of Canaan. As the Promise unfolded we find Abraham's seed was not to be Ishmael, but would come through his wife Sarah.....
and also

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Will Language Commission Woks?

Will Language Commission Woks?
Language issue and use of mother tongues are among the controversial issues yet we hope this time politicians will resolve it amicably too. After CoD of 2006 signed by two heads of popular parties Pakistan is gradually moving towards a sustainable democracy. Although some supper intellectuals and media giants are trying to defame the process yet if we map last 8 years, Pakistan's gradual movement toward strengthening of democracy is unprecedented.
Charter of Democracy May 2006
Lawyer Movement     March 2007
Return of Popular leadership late 2007
Elections & shifting of power balance towards elected tier 2008
Removal of General Musharaf after fear of impeachment  August 2008
Return of Chief Justice 2009
Singing of NFC award 2010
18th amendment 2010
Senate election 2012
General election & first democratic transition 2013
Moving towards sustainable democracy is there not only in federal level but also in provincial level too. Provinces are rule by popular parties too and hopefully this year politicians will complete local government elections too.
In this scenario we hope politicians will resolve the controversial issue of languages too.
Major questions are

  1. Status of English as language  of POWER?
  2. Status of Urdu as Sole National language?
  3. Acceptance of diversity and Role of Pakistani mother tongues?
  4. Unlike Marshalla governments, bridging gapes among mother tongues by developing consensus

now u read the article and share your experience too. Its time to speak

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Jang gud editorial in support of Pakistani mother tongues YET...

Jang gud editorial in support of Pakistani mother tongues YET...
Finally Pakistan's Urdu press amended its mind set and Jang took the lead in support of Pakistani mother tongues and establishment of a languge commision at federal level. Hope Express, Daily Times, Pakistan Today, Tribune etc will follows it. Although there are some misconception too in editorial yet its timing is admirable. British Indian administration have a double standard policy regarding Use of mother tongues. For example they adopted Bengali and later on Sindhi as media of instruction yet in Punjab including Khyber PK , Qallat and Kashmir they used Urdu in 1865-78. In Madrass during 1867, instead of Tamil they inforced Hindi. In India, they setup Dar Commision and tackle the isue of languages yet the article regarding dividing provinces with simple majority and without aproval of the province was a bad taste in Indian constitution.
it is good editorial by Jang yet now it is the duty of the media group to start at least 4 pages (one in each province) of Punjabi, Balochi, Pashto and Sindhi. it should be remembered that daily imroz was pioneer in this regard who had a punjabi page, Salute to Mian Iftiqarudin, Faiz Ahmad Faiz and Chiragh Hassan Hasrat. now read the editorial @

Friday, March 14, 2014

Language Commision propsal

Language Commision propsal
Gud move yet needs little care. The Language commision shoild consider 1- Role of English by delinking it from Power 2- Role of Urdu 3- Role of Pakistani mother tongues, so that in future no dictator can play on the issue of languages and dilects

Mollana Moudoddi , JUH and some hidden facts

Mollana Moudoddi , JUH and some Hidden Facts
I read many books in which senior leaders of Jamat e Islami and Jamiat Ulmma Hind and Jamiat Ulama Islam have written sever crticism on each other. Workers of these tiny Islamic parties are often pass below the belt remarks against each other even in small gatherings. There rivalery is more strong than communists who were divided in Pro-Russian and Pro-Chinese camps since 1960s. Yet in this piece i tried to explore some facts opposite to their current positions. 
There was a time when Mollana Mudoddi was close commissar of Hafiz Kafait Ullah (president of JUH from 1920-1939). Till mid 1940s and much before creation of Pakistan, JUH had been divided in many groups and among them Jamat Islami, Jamiat Ulma Islam, Tablighi Jamat and remaing faction of JUH were prominent. Before 1939, Hafiz  Kafait Ullah was president while Mollana Ahmad Saeed was General Sectratery and they served the party right from its creation in 1920. Yet after that Hussain Ahmad Madni and Hizfur Rahman Suharvi took the seats and due to their pro Congress character JUH divided in many factions. Just read and enjoy
For easy reading, click here

Monday, March 10, 2014

Obaid ullah Sindhi: A Religious leader with difference مولانا سندھی: اک وکھری ٹائپ کا مولوی

Obaid ullah Sindhi: A Religious leader with difference مولانا سندھی: اک وکھری ٹائپ کا مولوی

"ہم اس وقت جس مذہبیت کا شکار ہو رہے ہیں، یہ روگی ہو چکی ہے۔ یہ سُنی کو شیعہ سے لڑاتی ہے۔ اہلحدیث کا دل حنفی سے میلا کرتی ہے۔ احمدی اور غیراحمدی میں نفرت ڈالتی ہے۔ ہندوﺅں اور مسلمانوں کو ایک دوسرے کا جانی دشمن بناتی ہے۔ اس مذہبیت کے طفیل انسان انسان کے خون کا پیاسا ہو گیا ہے۔ میں اس روگی مذہبیت کو مٹانا چاہتا ہوں۔" مولانا سندھی --
Ubaidullah Sindhi (Sindhiعبیداللہ سنڌيUrduمولانا عبیداللہ سندھی‎), (March 10, 1872 - August 22, 1944) was a noted nationalist leader and a political activist. An Upal Jat born at Sialkot, Sindhi is remebered as a liberal, rationalist religious intelectual who faced opposition not only by enemies but also by Devband. He timely adviced Congress to reject One nation theory (India is a one nation) and like European union called South Asia a close federation of nations. He loved Congress but had respect of Muslim League and Unionist Party of the Punjab. 
His rational aproach in religion became problamtic for other leaders of Devband namely Anwar Shah Kashmiri etc So he had to shift in Delhi where he worked under Hakim Ajmal Khan. In 1915 he was sent to Kabul under the intsruction of Mahmudul Hassan where an anti-British First Provisional Government was in making with help of Afghan Government, Germans and Ottomans. He joined the Provisional Government of India formed in Kabul in December 1915, and remained in Afghanistan until the U-Turn taken by ghazi Amanullah in favour of British government via an agreement. Sindhi moved to Russia with a hope that new revolutionary government would support him against Britsh Indian government. after that unsucessful effort Sindhi visited Kamal atta turk's Tukey and finally settled in new born Saudi Arabia. He returned till 1939 and shared his practicle experience with his fellows. It was a time when Congress was busy in pinching Muslim League while Jamiat Ulma e Hind under its new leader Hussain Ahmad madnai was vetually playing as a B team of Congress. Professor sarwar was among the few who supported Mollana's rational aproach and Like Engles preserved Sinhi's thoughts. 
Later on, people tried to change Mollana sindhies thoughts yet Ubaid Ullah Sindhi Foundation is now a days ready to reprint those books in orignal form. 

وہ آل انڈیا کانگرس کے طرفدار تھے مگر انھیں مسلم لیگ اور یونینسٹ پارٹی آف پنجاب بھی پسند تھیں۔ مہاتما گاندھی کی سیاست کے مخالف ہی نہ تھے بلکہ کانگرس سے ان کا مطالبہ تھا کہ وہ ہندوستان کو ایک قوم کہنے کی بجائے قوموں کا وفاق کہے۔ علامہ اقبال اور سر سکندر حیات (وزیراعظم پنجاب) کی وفات پر ان کے لکھے خطوط کراچی کے دانشور ابو سلمان شاہجہان چھاپ چکے ہیں۔
For full article click here

"جب کسی وجہ سے قوم کا ذہین طبقہ جو اخلاق اور افکار کا مالک ہوتا ہے اپنے فرض منصبی سے غفلت برتتا ہے، تو اس کی یہ صلاحیتیں ذلیل کاموں میں صرف ہونے لگتی ہیں۔ ان کی ذلت کا پہلا قدم تملق ہے یعنی حکمران طبقے کی خوشامد کر کے ان سے زیادہ سے زیادہ وصول کرنے کی کوشش۔"

Friday, March 7, 2014

Opposition of English rulers, English language and defeatist Nationalisms

Opposition of English rulers, English language and defeatist Nationalisms

We are extremists in so many ways and it is high time to check our extremes too. Like rulers of Bukh, Greeks and Turks(Mughals) English nation too came like an uninvited guest and ruled there in Hind-Punjab. Naturally like previous rulers English rulers too faced resistance in so many ways. They replaced language of the knowledge Persian with English. From that day till today there is a constant conflict of languages in our lands.  There were two important reactions in this regard yet synthesis prevailed the balance .
1- Those who opposed English language and English rulers
2- Those who supported English rulers and English languge
Those who opposed both called anti-colonialists, revolutionaries, etc while who supported both called Todies or pro-imperialists.
But just remember leaders like Allama Iqbal, Jinnah, Nehru, Gandhi, C R Das, Subhas etc who negotiated "decolonization", they were the people who learned English language,  understand European development but had reservations regarding English rulers. So in reality, middle path prevailed yet in post 1947 scenario, we failed to continue that middle path partly due to vision and partly under defeatist nationalisms. In India one can map flight of defeatist nationalism from Scino Indian war 1961(as admitted by Krishna Kummar) while in Pakistan it was post 1965 fears which gave birth to Noor Khan policy . read and enjoy
یونانیوں اور ترکوں (مغلوں) کی طرح انگریز قوم کا شمار بھی ”بن بلائے آقاﺅں“ میں ہوتا ہے۔ انگریزوں نے جب آہستہ آہستہ یہاں اقتدار پر قبضہ کرنا شروع کیا تو ان کی حمایت و مخالفت میں بہت سے گروہوں نے سرگرمیاں دکھائیں۔
عمومی طور پر ان میں دو طرح کے نقطہ نظر زیادہ حاوی رہے۔ ایک وہ تھے جو انگریز حکمرانوں کے ساتھ ساتھ انگریزی زبان اور اس سے وابستہ علم و ادب بشمول سائنس کے خلاف سر پر کفن باندھ بیٹھے۔
دوسرے وہ تھے جن کے دلائل کے مطابق انگریزی زبان میں موجود ادب و سائنس کے خزینوں کامطلب یہ ٹھہرا کہ آنکھیں بند کر کے انگریز حکمرانوں کی پالیسیوں پر بھی آمنا صدقنا کہا جائے۔
ایک کی دلیل یہ تھی کہ انگریز حکمرانوں کی بھی مخالفت کی جائے اور انگریزی زبان و علم سے بھی کنارہ کشی اختیار کی جائے تو دوسرے گروہ کے نزدیک انگریزی زبان پڑھنے والوں کے لیے انگریز حکمرانوں کی پالیسیوں کی حمایت بھی لازم ٹہری۔
20ویں صدی میں اپنے خطّے کی تاریخ کو دیکھیں تو معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ پاکستان اور ہندوستان کی سیاسی لڑائی جیتنے والے نہ تو انگریز پرست تھے اور نہ ہی انگریز مخالف۔ مسلم لیگ اور کانگرس کی قیادت کرنے والے علامہ اقبال، محمد علی جناح، میاں شفیع، ممتاز دولتانہ، لیاقت علی خان، حسین امام، غلام محمد، چوہدری محمد علی، چوہدری خلیق الزمان، حسین شہید سہروردی ہوں یا پھر مہاتما گاندھی، موتی لال نہرو، ولبھ بھائی پٹیل، جواہر لال نہرو ہوں، سب میں مشترک بات یہی تھی کہ انہیں انگریز حکمرانوں کی پالیسیوں بارے تحفظات بھی تھے مگر یہ انگریزی زبان و ادب اور علم کے قائل بھی تھے۔
کیا ہمیں آج پھر اقبال و جناح جیسی اعتدال پسند و جدیدیت کی حمایتی سیاسی قیادت کی ضرورت ہے جو نہ صرف عدم تحفظ پرپلنے والی تنگ نظر و شکست خوردہ قوم پرستی سے ہماری جان چھڑائے بلکہ تعصب و تفاخر کے اس بھنور سے نکلنے میں معاون ہو جس میں ہم پھنسے ہوئے ہیں۔
انگریزی علم و ادب کی حمایت کرنے والوں کو نہ صرف خود کو امریکہ و برطانیہ کے حکمرانوں کی پالیسیوں سے دور رکھنا ہو گا بلکہ مادری زبانوں اور اُردو میں موجود علم و ادب کی تکریم بھی کرنی ہوگی۔
اس تیزی سے بدلتی ہوئی دنیا میں بھی اعتدالی و معقولاتی انداز فکر ہی نئی راہیں کھولنے میں کارگر ہو گا۔ جب تک ہم تنگ نظر قوم پرستی اور اس سے وابستہ عدم تحفظ کو خیرآباد نہیں کہیں گے اس وقت تک یہ پرنالہ وہیں گرتا رہے گا اور ہم کوئی قابل عمل و موثر پالیسی نہیں بنا سکیں گے۔  

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...