Saturday, June 28, 2014

Is Media used again in Qadari show?

قادری کا انقلابی ڈراپ سین کیا میڈیا پھر ’’ استعمال ‘‘ ہوگیا؟

Is Media used again in Qadari show?

As a viewer just recall what happened this month, from 30th May till last week of June 2014. darma started at 30th may from London where meetings started among Chudhries of Karachi & Gujrat and Qadari. A tiny alliance was formed yet Media did numerous programs on that tiny alliance. IK too was in London yet he wanted to sit on driving seat but Qadari was sitting there so Captain announced restricted support but did not join. He will try his luck with the support of same people after Eid.   Media did many programs on that tiny alliance and from that day till the end of Qadari darama, in almost 25 days 5 assemblies passed  5 budgets while government not only announced Zarb e Azab but also formed a 32 member parliamentary committee on future electoral reforms. But media had focus only on One issue and that was Qadari. Media management is a modern art and with the rise of media, power players too learned to use media smartly. In this struggle "politics of Non-Issues" is a smart weapon while Ball to Ball commentary of political events acts like catalyst in this regard. In this situation media can be used by power players. Qadari inqalab was among such non issues yet another non issue is ready for launch after Eid. Read and enjoy this at weekly HumShahri magazine just published at 29th june 2014

اس دن سے قادری ڈرامہ کے اختتام کے درمیان گزرے۔ 25,20 دنوں میں ملک پاکستان میں وفاقی و صوبائی سطح پر 5 بجٹ منظور ہوئے جبکہ ’’آپریشن ضربِ عضب‘‘ کا اعلان بھی کر دیا گیا جس کا 2010ء سے انتظار تھا۔ لامحالہ آپریشن ضربِ عضب کے نتیجہ میں لوگوں نے نقل مکانی کرنی ہی تھی مگر اس کے لیے 
وفاقی اور صوبہ خیبر پی کے کی حکومتوں نے کوئی تیاری نہ کی تھی

ناجی صاحب نے تو یہ بھی لکھ ڈالا کہ 300مسافروں میں سے 180مسافر قادری صاحب کے انقلاب کے’’پاسداران‘‘ تھے جنھیں منصوبہ بندی کے تحت جہاز پر سوار کیا گیا تھا۔ لندن اور گجرات میں اقتدار سے باہر کر دیے ’’چوہدریوں‘‘ نے اس ڈرامہ کو بنانے میں جو کردار ادا کیا اس بارے بھی چپ سادھی گئی کہ بغض معاویہ میں کی جانے والی سیاست و صحافت میں’’ویری کو نکرے لگانا‘‘ ہی اصل ہدف ہوتا ہے۔ ’’قادری ڈرامہ‘‘ کا آغاز لندن میں 30 مئی کو الطاف حسین، چوہدری شجاعت، طاہرالقادری کی ملاقاتوں سے شروع ہوا کہ اس میں عمران خان شامل تو ہونا چاہتے تھے مگر قادری کو ڈرائیونگ سیٹ پر دیکھ کر وہ بوجوہ اس’’بس‘‘ میں سوار نہ ہوئے بلکہ ارد گرد چکر کاٹتے رہے۔

دوسری جنگ عظیم کے موقع کسی پنڈ میں فوجی بھرتی کے لیے ملکہ کا پیغام سنایا جا رہا تھا۔ منجھی پر دھوتی میں بیٹھا چوہدری فوجی بھرتی کے لیے ملکہ برطانیہ کا طویل پیغام سن کر بولا، اب اگر ملکہ نے اپنی حکومت بچانے کے لیے ہم سے مدد مانگ لی ہے تو پھر سلطنت کا خدا ہی حافظ۔ آج کل ریاست بھی کیبل آپریٹروں اور ہاکروں سے مدد کی درخواستگار ہے کہ ہم بھلا کیا کہہ سکتے ہیں
Read the full article at

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Real Face of South Asia: One Step Forward 5 Steps Back

Real Face of South Asia
 One Step Forward 5 Steps Back

South Asia, home of almost 2 billion people is the poorest region in the world. Am sharing some extracts from a World Bank Report published 7 month back which shows trends and facts related to us. Indicators are best judge to understand ground realities yet neither our ruling classes nor international investors are concerned with these challenges.
They have some certain and fixed ideas of development. In Bangladesh or Pakistan one may use the excuse of military regimes but Indian example is the pathetic in this regard and India alone shares large chunk of poverty.

6 Mantras of development are
1.       Reliance on 20 to 30% upper & middle classes
2.       Dependence on privatization as sole solution
3.       Measuring human progress by the usage of high-tech gadgets
4.       Evaluating progress by the graphs of stock exchanges
5.       Determining strengths by foreign currency (either pound or Dollar) reserves
6.       Judging progress by growth rates

These are the mantras in fashion. But such claims evaporate in the middle whenever we check huge poor population on one hand and shortage of drinkable water & poor health services for common people.
Some extracts from the report

1.      Between 1990 and 2010, the number of people living on less than US$1.25 a day in South Asia decreased by only 18 percent, while the population grew by 42 percent.
2.      There are tremendous variations among countries in terms of access to infrastructure services. Afghanistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh have access rates that resemble the average Sub-Saharan country.
3.      It is commonly asserted that the poor have less access to infrastructure than the rich, similar to the case of private assets. In effect, a non-regressive access to infrastructure services would mean no correlation between actual access and different poverty related measures (such as households below poverty lines, and certain income and consumption levels).
4.      only 25 percent of the population has access to piped water and 24/7 water supply is a rare exception in South Asian cities
5.      Despite recent rapid growth and poverty reduction, the South Asia Region (SAR) continues to suffer from a combination of insufficient economic growth, slow urbanization, and huge infrastructure gaps that together could jeopardize future progress. It is also home to the largest pool of individuals living under the poverty line of any region, coupled with some of the fastest demographic growth rates of any region. Between 1990 and 2010, the number of people living on less than US$1.25 a day in South Asia decreased by only 18 percent, while the population grew by 42 percent.
6.      For the past two decades, SAR and East Asia and Pacific (EAP) have enjoyed similar growth rates, yet SAR lags significantly behind EAP, Latin America, and the Caribbean (LAC) when it comes to access to infrastructure services—with certain areas featuring access rates comparable only to Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).
7.      In SAR only 71 percent of the population enjoys the benefits of electricity access, ahead of SSA at 35 percent, but way behind the rest of the regions at above 90 percent.
8.      If South Asia hopes to meet its development goals and not risk slowing down—or even halting—growth, poverty alleviation, and shared prosperity—it is essential to make closing its huge infrastructure gap a priority.

The report addresses the issue of infrastructure Gap which means “difference between available resources and the amount of investment required to meet a country’s core infrastructural needs” But what you can expect in a situation where progress is linked with economic growth only. Ironically, “economic growth is measured as the annual percent change of gross domestic product (GDP)”. If policy makers remain relaying on above 6 mantras than gap between have and have not’s will increase

Read the report by clicking link below

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Forgotten Punjab For new generation of Punjabis. Must watch

Forgotten Punjab
For new generation of Punjabis. Must watch
A glimpse of greatness of the pre-British Punjab 1707-1849

It is story of the post Mughal Punjab till annexation 1849. That is a period when South Asia was transforming from Kingships to Nation States.  From the Punjab till Bengal a new world was in making based on geography based kingships. Some over smart writers called that a period “Taif ul Malooki” or disturbed period. Patrly due to the fact that they still fail to understand the historic transformation from Kingships to nation state phenomenon and partly due to misleading history wriiten by colonial masters and their cronies. Just check the Globe and u will realize that such transformation was happening at that time in numerous countries. From US to South Asia 18th century witnessed transformation of new Nation States based on geography. French, English, German, Turks, Russian forces were there to exploit it and they wanted to give it their colors yet Punjab developed on his own and established an independent Kingship along with Kashmir, KPK and FATA and called it Lhore Darbar. It resisted foreign powers for 50 years (1799-1849) which was a rare thing in that period of history. Now listen what the young Fakir is telling us about Forgotten Punjab
Note:  It is a great effort by young Fakir and in appreciation I selected it for Punjab Punch yet I have some observation regarding some historical misconceptions and errors too. For example, the name of Masil Bhangi was not due to use of Bhang only but it was due to trade of Bhang (Hemp (from Old English hænep) is a commonly used term for high growing varieties of the Cannabis plant and its products, which include fiber, oil, and seed. Hemp is refined into products such as hemp seed foods, hemp oil, wax, resin, rope, cloth, pulp, paper, and fuel.) From Brian Hugel, Sten Bach, Gardner till Ganish das numerous travellers and intellectuals of that time mentioned major trades like Pashmina ( a special wool), Bangh etc. Bhagi Masil was established on a trade route from kangra , Amritsar, lhore to D I Khan and they protect that trade. i am writing my book on trade forms and trade routes along with politics arround it in pre British times regarding Punjab, Kashmir, FATA, GB, KPK, Sindh and Baluchistan. There are some more misconceptions in this vedio based on colonial knowldge and I will try to write more on this yet first u listen Voice of Young Fakir

here is the link of Vedio and am thankful to Ahmad Ali of I-SAPs for sharing it. Watch urself ty Yaad karo DES PUNJAB noo

Some more useful Links of History of the Punjab


Monday, June 23, 2014

IDPs & Reforms....More Parliamentary reforms: Democratic Vs Qadri way

IDPs & Reforms.....
More Parliamentary reforms
Democratic Vs Qadri way

On the one hand a military operation is continuing but on the other hand an internal pressure is increasing in which institutions are fighting with each other or divided visibly. IN order to deal with natural or man-made disasters or fallout of any action by the State we have a constitutional body and that is National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). It is devolved body which has its centers in provinces and districts. It has members of government as well as leaders of oppositions of national assembly and senate in it. But it is neither working with full powers in federation nor in any provinces or districts. Our media has no time to raise this issue yet whenever some disaster hits our media started a blame game rather pinpointing the weak NDMA/PDMAs/DDMAs. Issue of IDPs is also related to it. In the absence of a national disaster policy how can we combat with such situations?

The other important issue is about more parliamentary reforms by the parliament.  No doubt, development of a constitutional document is in the credit of Pakistani politicians yet the spirit of that document was destroyed by Zia and Musharaf extensively. Politicians again revive it in 2010 by 18th amendment yet it needs more rethinking and amendments to make it more democratic, more transparent, more representative and pro-people.  In the absence of such reforms mistrust is increasing day by day. Moreover, there are external and internal forces who want to exploit that situation in their own interests.  Infighting among institutions and gulf within sectors is also a result of comparatively weak elected tiers at federal, provincial and district levels. Although, in 2013, we observed First democratic Transition in last 65 years but it is high time to invest in parliamentary system. A parliamentary system is an answer to infighting provided every institution has to accept parliament as supreme body. Supremacy of parliament does not mean an end to independence of various institutions working in Pakistan. Such perception is a legacy of past marshallah governments.  At June 20th this month parliament has formed a 32 member parliamentary committee on electoral reforms yet due to Qadari affairs media failed to discuss it which is very bad. Electoral reforms   are one part of parliamentary reforms yet government should establish a commission for parliamentary reforms. Government can start it from post 18th amendment scenario.  There are numerous issues related to implementation of 18th amendment and it too needs attention.  Interestingly, after 18th amendment provinces are constitutionally bound to develop laws regarding devolved subjects yet neither PPP+MQM, PTI+JI, NP+other nor PML (N) did it in Punjab, KPK, Baluchistan and Sindh.  Local government system is not the only sector in this regard. Strengthening of economy and energy sector is a good move yet in the absence of pro-people policies elite and upper middle class will be the only beneficiary by and large. It will create gulf between elected tier and common people. Such gulf can be use or exploit easily by those who have reservations against democratic way. 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Why Blockage & destruction is our fate? From Khilafat & Non-cooperation to Talban & Qadri

Why Blockage & destruction is our fate?
From Khilafat & Non-cooperation to Talban & Qadri

We still don’t know how to launch a protest in a democratic & constitutional way. Instead of exhausting all democratic options like using democratically elected institutions or courts we love to start things from Non-cooperation, closure of markets, strikes. There is a background or legacy of that mindset and in this piece I tried to explore its hidden dimensions. Just read and comment at


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tahirul Qadari & legacy of Zia ul Haq & Taliban

Tahirul Qadari & legacy of Zia ul Haq & Taliban 
In his Tv talk Mr Pervaiz Ellahi exposed his heart and called this situation similar to PNA (Qomi Itehad) times. We all knew very well the forces behind PNA. So in a way he exposed this. He was talking in Mujeeb Ur Rahman Shami show at dunya TV. No body can ever support killing of police or common people at all yet playing his own game on to it is too a bad taste and remind us politics of mahatama gandhi. Just read the piece and rethink what is going to happen 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Eurasia: An old trade route with new openings

Eurasia: An old trade route with new openingsOne region- 6 CountriesPakistan+China+Iran+Afghanistan+India+RussiaPutin is convinced that Russia is part of Eurasia.

Revival of Eurasian trade route is in the interest of our region yet some big powers have reservations on it. After signing of Gas pipeline with China now Putin is convinced that Russia is part of Eurasia. There is a visible change in geopolitics yet fault lines are crumbling from Ukraine to Pak-Afghan borders due to obvious reasons. Just remember, rise of Bulkh and Bukhara was due to the Eurasian Trade and Silk route and from Byzantine times till recent history some powers are against it too.
The Silk Road symbolizes trade and cultural exchange linking Eurasian cultures through history and has been an increasingly popular topic. Over recent decades the idea of a greater Eurasian history has developed with the aim of investigating the genetic, cultural and linguistic relationships between European and Asian cultures of antiquity, which had long been considered distinct
“Eurasia has been the host of many ancient civilizations, including those based inMesopotamia and the Indus Valley.”
“Eurasia covers around 52,990,000 square kilometres (20,460,000 sq mi), or around 36.2% of the Earth's total land area. The landmass contains around 4.6 billion people, equating to 72.5% of the human population. Humans first settled in Eurasia from Africa, between 60,000 and 125,000 years ago”
1.     "Hints Of Earlier Human Exit From Africa". Science News. doi:10.1126/science.1199113. Retrieved 2011-05-01.
2.     Jump up^ Paul Rincon Humans 'left Africa much earlier' BBC News, 27 January 2011
The word "Eurasia" is often used in Kazakhstan to describe its location. Numerous Kazakh institutions have the term in their names, like the L. N. Gumilev Eurasian National University 
 Russian intellectuals traditionally view Russia itself, being European and Asian, as “Eurasian.
Thus, it is not surprising that today one of Russia's main geopolitical interests’ lies in ever closer integration with those countries that it considers part of “Eurasia.
 Sergey Aleksashenko of Moscow times wrote a story under the title “Russia's Eurasia Model Becoming a Grim Reality” which may interest you all. Here are some extracts along with link too.
Calling Russia part of Europe alone is a trick to neutralize it from moving towards Eurasian route. Till 15th century that route was in swing and many East European countries and Germany were among main beneficiaries along with Russia, China and South Asia. Now one can understand what is happening in Ukraine and Pak-Afghan borders. Anyway, u read what Sergey wrote
·         Last week's EU-Russia summit can be considered a foreign policy victory for President Vladimir Putin. That might sound paradoxical given the unusually cool reception he received in Brussels. But in politics, substance is always more important than form, and the content of the summit boils down to one thing: Russia and Europe have no items left on the agenda that could form the basis of a meaningful dialogue
·         That would be strange if Russia considered itself part of Europe, but Putin is convinced that Russia is part of Eurasia. Thus, for him, the absence of a meaningful agenda with Europe can be considered normal
Things started changes in late 19th century and formation of Durand line was a step to abandoned Eurasia. After destroying Germany, Austro Hungarian Empire, Ottomans and Tsar in the First World War no one can think about revival of Eurasia. During 2nd European war (Miss quoted as WW2) Cold war did not allow to think about revival too yet in the world of Globalization it is not possible to continue such restrictions. Now regions are free to decide about their fates.
Here is the link

Thursday, June 12, 2014

some more facts: Resignation of Iqbal Alvi from Irtiqa with comments

some more facts: Resignation of Iqbal Alvi from Irtiqa with comments
Iqbal Alvi sent two emails so that friends can understand his point of view. below r both. no one mentioned the amount yet u can inquire by ur own. 

 Forwarded message ----------
From: Iqbal Alavi <>
Date: Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 12:01 PM
Subject: Resignation from the Life membership of NCA
To: Muqtida Ali Khan <>, huma ghaffar <>, Drsja pscuok <>, Muhammad Bin Ahmed <>,,, Iqbal Ahmed <>, Rahat Saeed <>, Tausif Ahmed Khan <>, zabist <>,, Kaleem Durrani <>,

Dear NCA President,
Dear Members of NCA 

Resignation from the life membership of NCA

After having served the NCA in my humble capacity from 1994-2014, 
I have decided to say good by in good grace. Effective June 2, 2014,
I tender my resigntion from life membership of NCA. 

However before leaving this august organization, I place on record
that Inquiry Committee appointed by  the EC has established that 
Mr. Rahat Saeed, was receiving donations from Iqbal Haider and 
his family for and on be half of Irtiqa/NCA. He has not credited the  
donations received to NCA accounts. 

I as a General Secretary had pointed out the irregularity in the year 2006 before
the full meeting of the EC including star witness Dr. Jafar Ahmed. The minutes
of the meeting were authenticated by the same Dr. Jafar Ahmed. 

I had done my duty as GS to safeguard the interest of NCA in 2006 and again
in 2014. My last communication dated 31 May 2014, addressed t o to Dr. Jafer Ahmed,
 Mr. Ali Yavar, and Mr.Muqteda Mansur, the GS of NCA refers. A copy of this communication
was placed before the meeting held on 31 May but it was not read. It remains part of the 
record of the EC meting.  NCA EC  has closed its eyes on the misappropriation of NCA funds
Mr. Rahat Saeed disclosed to the Committee that Iqbal Alavi is an agent of intellegence 
agencies in side the NCA. None of the members spoke a word to accept or deny his

I have, therefore, decided to disassociate my self from NCA.
I hereby tender my resignation from NCA basic membership with effect 
from June 2, 2014. A hard copy will be mailed to all. Since have worked to build this
organization from zero, I will never launch any smear campaign against NCA and 
members of the NCA EC. Wish you best of luck and wish to see NCA grow and
serve the humanity.

Iqbal A. Alavi
Former Life Member NCA
 National Council of Academics

                                                                Date May 31, 2014

Dr. S. Jafar Ahmed
Mr. Ali Yavar
Cc: Muqteda Mansur, GS

Subject:  Comments on Inquiry Committee Report
                Dated May 14, 2014.

At the outset, I offer my sincere thanks to you, the  members of the IC for their  report.
In the conclusion of the report has categorically stated as follows:
Quote “ So the situation is this that there does exist the
             Testimony for giving the donation, there is a
             Counter foil of the receipt which was later 
             Cancelled, the amount pertaining to the two
             Cheques was not credited to the NCA’ account
             (as per audit report) but has been the fate of the
             Cheques is not known” unquote
In his email to Rahat Saeed Shb Mr. Iqbal Haider writes,
Quote “Fortunately, the above document lists the amount, dates and the payee name which I would want to believe to be accurate”. Un quote.

He further writes Quote “ I do fondly remember going to  the Irtiqa office in connection with my newly published book “Aasman Bhi Hey” during my visit to my birthplace, Karachi in 2006. I visited Pakistan in June and July 2006”

 The above circumstantial evidence highlights the following points:
1.   Mr. Rahat Saeed is a close friend of Iqbal Haider Shb and his family members.
2.  As a focal person of Irtiqa, Mr. Iqbal Haider and his family were giving him donations to credit in Irtiqa accounts.
3.  The donations received from Iqbal Haider and his family were not credited to Irtiqa Accounts.
4.  The issue of a receipt from the Irtiqa Accounts caused to unveil the fact that Rahat Saeed was receiving donations for Irteqa.
5.  One cheque was issued 7 Oct. 2005. Other cheque was issued after more than three months on 22nd Jan. 2006.
6.  A receipt was obtained from Irtiqa without physically handing over the cheques.
7.  It means the cheques were en-cashed by the recipient.
8.  The IC failed to find out who en-cashed the cheque.
9.  The only source of checking the encashment is through checking the bank account of the suspect
recipient who is responsible for issuance of the receipt from Irtiqa funds.
10.              No one in Irtiqa was aware of the transactions
between Iqbal Haider and Rahat Saeed. It only came to light because a receipt was obtained without giving the cheques or the cash.

I submit my above comments for the benefit of the NCA EC.

NCA Finance Secretary
31 May 31, 2014
Previous link of the same story

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Resignation of Iqbal Alvi from Irtiqa & Financial transparency

Resignation of Iqbal Alvi from Irtiqa & Financial transparency

Iqbal Alvi of Karachi has resigned from IRTQA’s National Committee For Academics (NCA) and here his resignation is pasted below after getting his approval on phone. The reason behind this resignation is issue of financial transparency which reminds us many old splits too. "It is the most important issue and one must shows zero tolerance in this regard" this statement of Alvi ji may sound good but he should also keep in mind management qualities of friends too. Issue is not any particular individual but we should take it as a phenomenon among REDs. As we donot have Rahat saeed’s point of view so one should tries to inquire it too.  According to Karachi based kaleem durrani, who is associated with the IRTAQA , a comitee of seniors had check the issue and after that they told Alvi ji to give some proof in favour of his allegations but Alvi ji resigned. Artiqa was founded by Ali Yawar and his fellows and it is still working. I remember words of Khwaja Masood which he said when i recorded his interview published in Awami Jumhori Forum. While commenting about formation of DSF in 1948 in Punjab he said we had intellegent students with good cadamic record in DSF yet at later stage , during 1960s, i observed that things had been changed. Noe we had student leaders with bad acadamic record.
Such deterioration was not only observed in student or labour politics but  also in developing new institutions. Management skills and transperency was missing or rather had no importance. So one should see Mr Alvi's resignation as a phenomenon so that friends should adress the core issue. 

Dear Mr.Wahid Bashir,
Dear Mr .Muqteda Mansur
Dear Mr .Jafar Ahmed

Mr. Rahat Saeed, has issued SMS to members of the EXecutive Committee, of NCA  and asking members to  come to the meeting and "decide what should be done about the malacious attempt at my character assassination".

Dr. Jafar Ahmed, telephoned me to say that he is going to Lahore on Monday 26 April, 2014, therefore, he will not be able to attend the meeting.

A special meeting was  fixed to discuss the report and its findings. In the absence of the convenor and signatory of the report, the discussions will 
not be meaningful. 

I being the complainant of the incident of the misuse of the NCA Funds would like to confront Dr. Jafar Ahmed Saheb himself and find out from him on 
various grey areas in the report. 

The report has established that the funds were given by the donor. A receipt was issued without physical receipt of the cheques just on the 
urging of the recepient  of the cheques Mr. Rahat Saeed. 
There are other matters on which I wish to questoin Dr. Jafar Ahmed, who was present in the EC Meeting held on 12th November 2006. and subsequently signed the minutes as" approved" on 3rd December 2006. Dr. Jafar Ahmed is the Star Witness in this case.

My point is proved beyond doubt that donations received by Mr. Rahat Saeed were not paid to NCA Accounts.

Since the matter is serious the presence of the Star Witness, Dr. Jafar Ahmed, is essentail in any meeting to disucss the report.

I, Iqbal A. Alavi, Finance Secretary  of NCA, officially demand that the meeting be postponed. The next meeting be scheduled with the consent 
of Dr. Jafar Ahmed and he may pelase be asked to ensure his presence. The respected General Secretary Mr.Muqteda Mansur, is requested to 
please take action and advise all concerned. 

My dear friends  I stand as a rock to defend the NCA Constitution, NCA Finances, and would fight against corruption and mismanagement
Of NCA Funds. I am not running away. I am as loyal to NCA as any one else. But as Office bearer I carry more responsibility. Please NOTE
I will not give up and fight to protect the interest of  NCA till I live.

Your humble friend 
Iqbal A. Alavi
Finance Secretary NCA  

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Scattered Pearls: New thesis regarding Left Movement in Pakistan " Bikhray Moti" by Mukhtar Bacha

Scattered Pearls: New thesis regarding Left Movement in Pakistan " Bikhray Moti" by Mukhtar Bacha
Along with the new thesis am pasting a link of his interview we did it in last quarter of 2004 under Awami Jumhori forum magazine. bacha on telephone told me to invite friends so that we can discuss on it. Hope by publishing it at this blog it may get some audience too. It is available at Book Home, Lhore 0423-7231518. So along with interview, u can taste both flavours. Link of the interview is 

Now u read His New thesis. I will write on this later. If u want to add something u can send ur comments at so that i can publish it here too. Thanks

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...