Sunday, October 26, 2014

Setting the Political Priorities? Census, Electoral Reforms and Local Government Elections

Setting the Political Priorities? 
Census, Electoral Reforms and Local Government Elections

So real Dhrna is ended by Qadri yet IK is running his "evening Shows". It is high time for politicians to set the future agenda of Pakistan. Electoral reforms and election of local bodies are essential yet in the absence of Census we cannot judge the electorates nor we can readjust constituencies at federal, provincial, district and union council level. Parliament should act proactively in post Dhrna failures. No doubt it is important to protect Democracy and parliament in its joint session create new history but to stop future interventions it is essential to set Priorities.
From October 1958 two forces are consistently fighting and history of last 56 years is a witness of this quarrel. Researchers, policy makers and intellectuals called it Civil Military Balance but in fact our non elected elite is behind this game. Months of July and October are famous for this intervention yet some forces tried to include August but failed terribly in 2014. One is Anti democracy force which has a colonial baggage of authoritarianism, centralism and totalitarianism.  Some times this force used enlightened face (like Ayub, Yahya, Musharaf) and some times it used Islamic face (like Zia ). They also used Urdu, Islam, decentralization and fight against corruption and have love to create New Leaderships. The other force is pro democracy people who are now on a same page especially after CoD of may 2006. From 2007 Judiciary also left the anti democracy front yet still reluctant in many ways. May is the month of pro democracy forces as May 16 (2006)and May 11(2013) saved democracy in Pakistan.
For complete article click here


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