Sunday, December 31, 2017

Lahore I Am Coming (Poetry by Rizwan Akhtar) Radio show & Extracts with Praise

Lahore I Am Coming (Poetry by Rizwan Akhtar) Radio show & Extracts with Praise 

Guests Dr Saeed ur Rahman & Aysha Baraq along with Poet Dr Rizwan Akhtar
Host Aamir Riaz RuTu

Book is Published by Punjab University Press and Available at Readings, Lhore. One may order it by Clicking here

News of the program

Link of the Radio recording 

In Praise and about the poet


Lhore I Am Coming

Poems about Jinnah, Bhutto and Punjab's French connection

Other Extracts

Monday, December 25, 2017

Mr Viceroy You have Double Crossed Me. Said Mr Jinnah to Powerful British Officer

Mr Viceroy You have Double Crossed Me. Said Mr Jinnah to Powerful British Officer
At 142nd Birthday 
Jinnah was rarest Indian politician who could speak to the Viceroy frankly whilst other politicians talked in terms of the "best English gentleman'' and ''the best Christian''. wrote none the other but Congress Working Committee member Kanji Dawarkadas in his famous book Ten Years to Freedom published in 1968. Many enlightened things regarding Jinnah and Indian politics written by Jaswant Singh, Raj Mohan Gandhi, Daleep Hero etc were mentioned by Kanji in 1960s yet till that time we were not ready for any rational inquiry. Here below are pages that will tell you why Kanji said this about Jinnah and what he did in August 1940.
Read this link too

جداں جناح انگریز وائسرائے نوں منہ تے ڈبل کراس(نوسرباز) آکھیا

Selected pages of the book

Link of book

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Kyani & Iftiqar helped Nawaz to form Government in 2013. Ch Manzur PPP. What next now?

Kyani & Iftiqar helped Nawaz to form Government in 2013.
Ch Manzur PPP. 
What next now?

نواز نوں کیانی، افتخار گٹھ جوڑ لیایا سی۔
چوہدری منظورپی پی پی 
ہن تسی وی ایہو کر رہے ہو؟

اج اک ٹی وی پروگرام وچ پی پی پی دے لیڈر چوہدری منظور اوہ گل کر دیتی جس بارے تبصرے وادھو۔گل تازے سکرپٹ بارے ہو رہی سی جس دے جواب وچ چوہدری منظور ہوراں نویں گیم وچ پی پی پی دے کردار ول ہشیار اشارے کر دتے۔انہاں آکھیا پئی سکرپٹ تے چلدے ہی رہے نیں ملک پاکستان وچ۔ اتے فیر انہاں ایہہ آکھ دتا پئی2013وچ اوس ویلے دے آرمی چیف جنرل کیانی اتے اوس ویلے دے جیف جسٹس چوہدری افتخار نواز شریف نوں ہورے اک سکرپٹ دے راہیں اقتدار وچ لیائے سن۔کیہہ اوہ ایہہ من گئے نیں پئی اج کل انہاں لئی اجیہا بندوبست بناون دا ایجنڈا ہے؟ اک زمانے تیک پی پی پی جمہوری تسلسل دی گل کردی رہی پر اج کل نویں دلیلاں دے زمانے نیں۔ پر دوجے پاسے پرویز مشرف دے انٹرویو مڑ چلانے شروع ہو گئے نیں۔اوہ کسی نویں سیٹ اپ راہیں آئین وچ بنیادی تبدیلیاں لیاون دی گل کر رہے نیں۔مشرف وی ضیا الحق وانگ نیشنل سیکورٹی کونسل بناون دی گل پہلے وی کردے رہے نیں۔اک پاسے ہر کوئی آکھ رہیا ہے پئی الیکشن ویلے سر ہون پر دوجے پاسے ایہہ آکھیا جا رہیا ہے پئی دبا ایڈا ودھے پئی حکومت اپنے آپ نویں چوناں دا سینیٹ دے چوناں توں پہلاں اعلان کر دتا۔قومی اسمبلی دے سپیکر ایاز صادق وی کسے سازش بارے گل کر دتی ہے۔لوک سارے گلاں ویکھ رہے نیں پئی کون کیہہ آکھ رہیا ہے تے کس بارے دروٹے ہویا جے۔میڈیاکیہہ کر رہیا ہے تے 28جولائی بعدوں کس نوں فیدہ ہویا اتے کس دا ایجنڈا پورا نہیں ہویا۔ایس انفارمیشن دے دور وچ ایس بارے لکویں گلاں کوئی نہیں۔سینیٹ وچ جنج پی پی پی نے اوس بل تے یو ٹرن لتا جس نوں اوس نے قومی اسمبلی وچ پاس کیتا سی اوہ اپنا مذاق آپ۔سینیٹ دی چوناں تیک ایہہ کھیڈ اینج ہی چلے گا؟ایس دا جواب وی جلد آ جائے گا۔جے پی پی پی کسے سکرپٹ تے چلدی پائی گئی تے اوس کول کسے پرانے سکرپٹ خلاف گل کرن دا جواز ہمش لئی مک جا سی۔

Friday, December 8, 2017

Listen: Discussion about Citizen Rights, Hate Speech and Pakistan (Lok Lhar Radio Show)

Listen: Discussion about 

Citizen Rights, Hate Speech & Pakistan

 (Lok Lhar Radio Show)

Guests Faiza Malik (MPA) PPP, Younas Naul Advocate, Usman Akhtar  & Sabiha Shaheen (Bargad)

This live radio Program was recorded at MastFM103, Lhore Station at November 2, 2017

Click & listen Radio Show at

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Review : Hum nafsoon ki Bazam meen by Shameem Hanfi

A picture gallery of some eminent literati – past and present

Shamim Hanafi’s style is 
aphoristic, and it is intended 
to unfold the character, 
conduct, and contribution 
of a literary figure in the 
manner of a convex lens.

Order your book @ Readings

‘But this does not mean that
his subjective stance on
character portrayal tends to
affect the vivacity, as also
authenticity, of the figures
painted by him in the book.
His innate catholicity of
temper among other things
serves to enhance the
readability of the book.’

Monday, November 27, 2017

Book Launch of Nain Sukh new title (Reporting and other things)

Book Launch of Nain Sukh New Title (Reporting, Recordings & other things)

Attended by Professor Aziz udin Ahmad, Shahbaz Mian, Dr Nadeem Omar Taror, Dr Naveed Alam, Dr Yaqoob Bangash, Hafiz Rashid Mahmud, Iqbal Haider Butt, Irfan Malik, Professor Zubair Ahmad, Syeda Diep, Shafat Khan, Naved Pushkan, Azhar Sukhera, Yaser Jawad, Afzal Sahir, Aamir Riaz and many more.

LAHORE: `Aai Purapy Di Waa` (The East Wind Comes), the fourth short stories collection of poet and fiction writer Nain Sukh whose real name is Khalid Mahmood, was launched at the Lahore Press Club on Sunday.

Besides short stories, Nain Sukh, who got his pen name from a painter of 18th century India, has got a novel and a collection of poems to his credit.

Book Is available @ Readings, Lhore Click and order and get discount too.

Author reading his short story, a video clip from Lok Lhar Radio Show (Complete link of program is there in the end)
Listen the Author , in his own voice..Watch it

His poetry collection, Kikkar Day Angoor, was followed by short stories collections of, Theekrian, Uthal Pathal and Shaheed? However, Aai Puray Di Waa is a slightly different in terms of style of writing and subject.

A clip of Dr Yaqoo Bangash

`Nain Sukh`s last bool(, Shaheed?, was written with a lot of anger and angst,` said Professor Zubair Ahmad.

`But this current book seeps from a lot of love for his characters.

He pointed out that in today`s context, what was happening in the country, the level of radicalism would never have stood a chance in front of any of the characters in his book.

Concluding Remarks by Professor Aziz ud din Ahmad

The book revolves around a fictionalised account ofsixrealcharacters from real life, including ID Shahbaz, a priest who translated into Punjabi the Christian (or the Book of Psalms as some scholars believe it to be).

`Today`s youth do not even know about these people and theirachievements. Women don`t know, for example, about the struggle of Nasreen Anjum Bhatti. It is a sad situation,` Zubair lamented. It was a quality of Nain Sukh`s fiction that everything was real apart from the names, he added.

Dr Yaqoob Bangash termed the story of ID Shahbaz very important.

Afzal Sahir reading a short story of author

`It`s an exceptionally researched book which contextualises the man, ID Shahbaz, in the society he lived in rather than speaking about his works only. And it spells out what the society was going through, especially with so many conversions going on.

Dr Bangash added that ID Shahbaz never changed his name or his identity after his conversion and that was important because it showed that the Punjabi Christian identity was developing,especially sincemost Christians in the north of united India were settled in Punjab and most missions came to this region.

Dr Naveed Alam (BNU) is sharing his views regarding Nain Sukh New book

`Yet his work had touched millions. His translated Punjabi hymns were sung all over the subcontinent and by people of other languages too.

`In today`s country and milieu, it is important to situate this person and through this particular story we learn also that Punjabi culture itself has the characteristic to assimilate into other cultures.

The other characters in the book are Ubaidullah Sindhi, Dada Amir Haider, Agha Khan Sehotra, a Dalit leader of his time, Aliya Begum, afilm, stage and TV actress, and Nasreen Anjum Bhatti, Punjabi feminist poet.

In an interview with Dawn, Nain Sulch said his stories always revolved around history, culture, and politics set in a dynamic social order.

`The common thread among these people (characters in the book) is that they were all liberals, all of them represented the masses who struggled for their causes,` he said.

`What is happening today would have appalled these people all of them.

Speaking about the Punjabi as a language, he said although there was an impression that Punjabi was a `dying language` but it was not completely true. `There are many people who are trying their best to keep it alive. In India, the Gurmukhi script is being used while here we use the Urdu script for writing but writing is being done.

Nain Sukh said there was more Punjabi poetry in the Pakistani side of Punjab while more prose on the Indian side.

Excerpts of all chapters were read out and discussions over them were held.

Speakers included Professor Azizuddin Ahmed, Abbas Siddiqui, Nadeem Muhammad, Iqbal Haider Butt, Hafiz Rashid Mehmood, Akram Warraich, Diep Saeeda, Naveed Alam while the session was conducted by Punjabi poet Afzal Sahir and Aamir Riaz.

Link of the news

Radio Show & extracts

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...