Wednesday, February 27, 2019

JillianWalla Massacre & Forgotten Facts: The mindset still haunting us after 100 years

JillianWalla Massacre & Forgotten Facts

The mindset still haunting us in South Asia even after 100 years

At Forth Punjabi Literary Festival Lyalpur, held at Feb 25-26 2019
Discussion about JillianWalla Massacre 13 April 1919

Will upload complete recording of discussion soon. Here are some clips

Problems in our misleading resistance mantra

Anti German mindset & the Empire

How JillianWalla massacre effected common people

ؐMembers of the committee who had prepared misleading Sedition report 1918, it included two Indians along with three English.

Sedition report , German Hindu conspiracy, Blaming political workers as terrorists, traitors etc, a mind set still prevalent

Sedition report 3

Sedition report 4

Further Readings

Rise of People's politics and JillianWalla incident 1919 in the Punjab

JillanWalla Bagh Massacre & Role of Rudyard Kipling, Mahatma Gandhi Vs Montagu,  Iqbal, Jinnah, Tagore and Churchill.

Amritsar Massacre: House of Lords, British Media & Mahatma Gandhi's negative Role...Revisiting History

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Thal, SindhSagar, Harappa & the Punjab in History & Archaeology (A book Review in The News)

Thal, SindhSagar, Harappa & the Punjab in History & Archaeology

(A book Review in The News) 

Read and unlearn, we will soon do a radio program with author soon. 

Story of coin collection
In recently held ThinkFest literature, festival French scholar J M Lafont mentioned a big collection of coins of general Court placed in Royal British museum with the title Cunningham Collection.

In the recent past, many of us have come across the word Waseb, used to describe the Seraiki/Lahndi speaking areas. Thal is among them but very few people know about its ancient roots and its linkages with Harappan civilisation and Punjanad. With this book, they may be able to discover their forgotten history entrenched and embedded in the punj daryaee dharti since long.

Punjab, the land of five rivers, has had historical significance from ancient times. Greeks called it Penta-potamia while in Mahabharat and Ramayan it was called Punjnad (spelt by English writers as Punjanada). One of the oldest names of Indus River was Punjab and the famous dictionary of Hobson-Jobson recorded it with numerous references.
Among its five doabs, the biggest yet thinly populated one was the Sindh Sagar Doab, the area between rivers Jehlum and Sindh. Main areas in this doab include the Kala Chitta Range, Margala and Murti hills, Potohar, Salt Range and Thal. Some of the major cities in this doab are Attock, Mianwali, Pindi, Islamabad, Chakwal, Khushab, Layyah, Bhakkar, Muzaffargarh and Kot Addu.
Read complete article/review

Book                      Thal of the Sindh Sagar Doab during Indus age

Author                  Zubair Shafi Ghauri

Date of Publication          June 2018

Pages                    260 (almost A4 size)with color pictures

Publisher             Iqbal Publisher 112/A BoR Colony Johar Town, Lahore

Price                      Rs 1000

Forgotten Thal and its ancient roots

Aamir Riaz


Reading history through archeology is an interesting discipline and when you try to decode mysteries resided in stones, you may leave numerous prides and prejudices. Reading history through archeology & anthropology largely open doors of new world. Unfortunately, in-spite of very rich archeological remains throughout Pakistan, performance of concerned departments is very poor and its result is obvious; we have numerous unexplored remains in all the four provinces. The book ‘’ Thal of the Sindh Sagar doab during Indus age’’ under review once again reminding us our collective negligence regarding state of Archeology in the land of pure.

Zubair Shafi Ghauri, is among the rare civil servants of modern times who is doing great service not only for the historians but also for the society through his non-political cum research writings. It remind us numerous British colonial officers who left a great resource for regarding. That resource was largely penned to serve London yet it is still beneficial for us, even we disagree with it.  Writings of Pakistani archeologists including works of Ghauri are beneficial for Pakistan in many ways but our policy makers have little interest in it partly due to religio-political mantara designed under ideology of Pakistan and partly due to ignorance. Pakistan as a State & nation lost many opportunities due to this neglect.

His previous book about Harappa & Pre-harappan settlements along with abandoned course of river Ravi can be considered rare work in Pakistan not only for archeologists but for young researchers & historians largely.

Henry Thoby Prinsep’s famous book ‘’History of the Punjab’’ published in 1846, London (Two volumes) recorded beginning of archeological discoveries of Gandhara at Manikayala, now a village (Kallar Sydan road) during Ranjit Singh times by his French generals Vantura & Court in 1820s. With the orders of Maharaja they had saved 15 hill topes where they found countless coins, precious stones, ear rings, boxes of decomposed animal substance etc and  till the book was published many such things had been deposited with Maharaja permission in Royal library of Paris. In recently held ThinkFest literature, festival French scholar J M Lafont mentioned a big collection of coins of general Court placed in Royal British museum with the title Cunningham Collection. Alexander Cunningham was a British military officer , participated in wars for the annexation of the Punjab (1849) and founded & organized what later became the Archeological Survey of India.

Punjab, the land of five rivers, is known in history from ancient times. Greeks called it Penta-potamia while in Mahabharat & Ramayan it is called PunjNad (spelled by English writers as Punjanada) and as per old record areas of present Pakistan were part of land of five rivers and its doabs. One of the oldest names of Indus River was Punjab and famous dictionary of Hobson Jobson recorded it with numerous references. Among its five doabs, the biggest yet thinly populated doab was Sindh Saghar doab, a land between rivers Jehlum and Sindh. Main areas in this doab include the Kala Chita range, Margala & Murti hills, Potohar, Salt range and Thal. Some of the major cities in this doab are Attock, Mianwali, Pindi, Islamabad, Chakwal, Khushab, layyah, Bhakkar, Muzaffargarh and Kot Addu.

From 2009, Ghauri spent three years in Sindh Saghar doab and penned a new book. His latest work is about Thal dessert and it consists of an account and analysis of 226 prehistoric settlements of the Hakara, early & late harappan period in the Punjab. Author told that he has discovered 300 more settlements too and will write 2nd part of this book. Dr Saif ur Rahman Dar wrote an extensive preface in which he admitted that author ‘’is more mature than most of the present-day senior professional archeologists’’. Many of us who worked on Punjab must update their knowledge and try to understand the unwritten history of the 5th doab of Punjab with special reference of Thal.  

Dar seems agree with author that Indus once used to follow in the middle of the tract now called Thal. ‘’Some of the present days tracts of Thal called patties (Laks) are almost certainly the ancient routs of the old bed of the Indus’’. Those lands were used for cultivation in ancient times. When author explored it, he admitted that unlike Cholistan, Thal is, at times of the years, a heavily cultivated country.

Author, not only acknowledge previous works but also quoted Settlement reports and gazetteers of British Punjab extensively. It included Muzaffargarh settlement report 1873, Shahpur district gazetteer 1866 & 1897, Mianwali gazetteer 1915, Settlement report Jhang 1874, Jhang gazetteer 1929, Land revenue settlement D I Khan of Punjab 1872, D I Khan gazetteer 1883,Muzaffargarh gazetteer 1908, 1929, gazeteer of Tahsil Layyah 1916 and many more.

Discovery of harappan settlements in Thal is important to understand the common bounds between Sindh & the Punjab from ancient times. Thanks to Islamization of General Zia and provincial nationalisms we often ignore it in our narratives. But can we ignore archeology? Can we overlook Muhanjo-Dharo, Kot Deji, Gandhara and Harappa? No matter it suits to limited nationalism narrative or not but it is hard to ignore harappan and pre harappan settlements.

Ghauri knew it well that his work is just a beginning rather opening of a new arena for young researchers. With modesty he wrote that his work will ‘’persuade research scholars to conduct detail surveys and reshape ideas  associated with settlements patterns of the Indus age’’.

In the end he rightly advised that due to opening of Thal Canal pre historic past of Thal dessert will vanish forever so better preserve it before time.

In recent past, many of us often talk about Waseb, a word used for Seraiki/Lahndi speaking areas and Thal is among them but very few people knew about its ancient roots and its linkages with Harappan civilization and PunjaNad. With this book they may able to discover forgotten history entrenched & embedded in the Punj Daryaee Dharti since long. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

State of Private Education in Pakistan: Misleading Facts & Ground Realities ( A radio discussion)

State of Private Education in Pakistan

Misleading Facts & Ground Realities ( A radio discussion) 

Why Private Education along with INGOs/NGOs, Private Media along with Social Media is under fire these days? Unlike #KSA we have a strong liberal & democratic past but some thing is cooking in power corridors since few years. But here we will focus on State of Private education in Pakistan only.
What is history of Private education?
It was largely absent in colonial times.
Current shape of private education was missing even  in Pre Zia times yet since Gen Ayub times Public education came under bureaucracy and even schools were taken away from Districts.
Do we have any up to date data of Private education? or we are under the misleading impression that private education means only elite schools?
As par article 25 A State should give education to all citizens but can State do it alone? 

A radio discussion in LOK LHAR show at MastFM103
Guests: Jameel Najam, Ex DPI, schools Punjab, Noreen Hameed owner of a private school, Lhore and Sheikh Akram Owner of private school chain in D G Khan, Punjab.

وچار تے پروگرام دی خبر دا لنک
اج جداں اک موٹے اندازے پاروں نجی تعلیم40فیصدی توں ودھ ہے پورے ملک وچ تے 70فیصدی توں ودھ ہے کراچی، اسلام آباد تے لہور ورگے پردھان شہراں وچ تے اساں نجی تعلیم بارے نویں سوال یکدم چکنے شروع کر دتے نیں۔ ایس سب بارے لوک لہر شو وچ اک توں ودھ پروگرام کیتے جان گے
Sealed the school: Clip of Punjabi radio show Lok Lhar

State of Private education in #Pakistan: A Punjabi radio show recorded at MastFM103, Feb 7th 2019 in weekly Radio Show Lok Lhar. Sheikh Akram of D G Khan is talking about  schools that were closed or sealed in Sargodha. Noreen Hameed is also seen with Aamir Riaz, the host, Lhore Station. Will share complete show at soon.


Another Clip: Jameel Najam Ex DPI Punjab sharing his views

Listen complete recording of the discussion at the link below

Friday, February 8, 2019

Higher Education mantra failed? No research, No standards (A Radio Discussion) Listen

Higher Education mantra failed? No research, No standards (A Radio Discussion) Listen  

Why our universities are far behind not only in the world but also in the region? Since 2002, we had invested much through #HEC but what is the outcome? State of Higher Education was much better than current situation? We have raised salary packages of Professors, given numerous lucrative grants for research, have mushroom growth of PhDs, Mphils,  but result is not encouraging at all. How many local PhDs or Mphils have published their research papers in internationally recognized journals in last 17 years? How many local #Universities are among top 200? Can we strengthen Higher Education without strengthening Primary Education? Is our #HE promoting joblessness? Do we have market oriented Research & Education?

Listen the discussion and unlearn

News of the program reported at

معیار تعلیم تے اگے ہی ڈگیا ہویا سی، اتوں ہائر ایجوکیشن وچ پیسے آگئے تے کم ہور خراب ہو گیا۔
ڈگریاں دتیاں جارہیاں نیں، علم نہیں۔
کھوج دا کم نہیں ہو رہیا۔
ترقی لین لئی ایم فل تے پی ایچ ڈی ہو رہی ہے۔
ریسرچ دے طریقے ہی پتہ نہیں، جے پتہ ہے تے فیر سوچن دا گھاٹا ہے۔
سرکاری تے پرائیوٹ دوناں طرحاں دے سکولاں وچ علم تے معیار دا گھاٹا ہے، زور نمبراں تے ڈگریاں تے ہے۔
نرا پی ایچ ڈی دی ڈگری دا مسلہ نہیں سگوں ایہہ ویکھنا وی لوڑی دا ہے کہ اوس ڈگری والے نوں پڑھانا وی آندا ہے یا نہیں۔
یونیورسٹی دا درجہ لین لئی پی ایچ ڈی دی شرط دا ایہہ انجام ہویا کہ اجہے ڈگریاں والے رکھ لتے جنہاں کول پڑھان دا تجربہ نہیں سی۔
امریکہ وچ ریسرچ دا پردھان معیار ہے تے پالیسیاں وچ یونیورسٹیاں دا کردار وادھو ہے۔

Listen complete radio Program at

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Why to divide Punjab again? A discussion paper about 6th division of Land of 5 Rivers.

Why to divide PUNJAB again? Analysis of previous 5 divisions and its impact not only on the Punjab but also on the adjacent areas. 

A series of articles: 8 Parts are uploaded so far
The politics of divisions and the interest groups along with in-depth analysis of International & national politics. What happened with Land of Five Rivers that was mentioned not only in ancient texts like Ramayan, Mahabharta etc but from Megasthenes to Arrian it was called Pentapotamia. It's antiquity is well defined in history from Pre-harappan times and along with Gandhara, Mohanjodharo, Kot Deji, you may find its civilization too. History of five Doabs and its surroundings is well documented in old text like Indika of Megasthenes, Ramayan, Mahabharth, AlHind of Alberuni, Firdosi too.

But why this land is under target since 1809?
Why it faced divisions in 1809, 1846-49, 1901, 1947 & 1966? Why its main port in deep sea, linked with lion rivers, The Lhori Bandar was either burnt or closed by different European powers? Why our historians are still silent on river channel trade and its links with sea route? How our trade destroyed after Garrison Project? Today it is divided between Kashmir, Sindh, Khyber PK, Baluchistan, Gilgit Baltista, Afghanistan but in past it was home of huge trade. The policy of divide & rule altogether changed it under the mantras of religion & nationalisms. Are we ready to revisit it for once? 

Part 1 

Part 2

How colonial rulers played with #Communalism, #Languages & #Scripts and in the it started with #AmritsarAgreement 1809 and #British played with #SikhMuslim conflict & divided all three communities, i-e #Sikh, #Hindu & #Muslim #Punjabis. #Ludhiana was declared pivotal part for that campaign and a printing press was installed there along with opening of school system erected to enhance conflicts. That was prelude of #SocialEngineering Agenda started after #annexation of the #Punjab in 1849. An external part of the agenda was to isolate Punjab from its surrounding areas and for it Anti-Punjab & Anti-Punjabi propaganda material spread in adjacent areas like #UP #Kashmir #Kabul.

Part 3

10 years that shock our region 1839-49. After the death of colonial power annexed , , cut , , and made it a State and finally annexed the at 29th March 1849. Read and Unlearn
رنجیت سنگھ دے مرن(27 جون 1839) تیک  لہور دربار اک تگڑی پادشاہی سی، انگریز کابل نہیں جا سکدا سی، سندھ تے وی انگریز قبضہ نہیں کیتا سی پر مہاراجہ دے مرن بعدوں قلات، کابل، قندہار، سندھ وارو واری انگریزاں دے تھلے لگدے گئے تے فیر 1846 دی لڑائی وچ  لہور دربار نوں پہلا وڈا جھٹکا لگیا۔ہشیار انگریزاں  جموں تے کشمیر نوں لہور دربار توں وکھرا کر دتا کہ جتھے وڈی گنتری وچ پنجابی ہی رہندے سن۔مہاراجہ دے ویلے اتے 1846 تیک کشمیر دےگورنر دو شیخ بھرا رہے  پر انگریز نے انہاں نوں ہٹا دتا۔جموں وچ تے اج وی پنجابی ہی سب تو وڈی زبان ہے تے کشمیر دی جیہڑی تھاواں پاکستان وچ نیں اتھے وی سب لوک پنجابی ہی بولدے نیں۔کشمیر، جموں تے پنجاب اک دوجے وچ مہاراجہ دے ویلے وی اک مک سن  کہ مہارجہ ویلے انہاں تھاواں تے پھرے سیاح برائن ہیوگل ایس کار ویہار تے ملن ورتن بارے لکھیا ہے۔ پر انہاں تھاواں نوں 1846 وچ پنجاب توں وکھرا کر کے اک دھرو کیتا گیا۔جموں دے گلاب سنگھ نوں انگریزاں نال ملایا تے ہزارہ، جموں، کشمیر تے گلگت بلتستان اوس نوں دے دتا۔ایہہ پنجاب تے انگریزاں دا دوجا گجا وارسی۔

Link of Part 4

Link of Part 5

Link of Part 6

Link of Part 7

Part 8

1947 وچ جداں برٹش پنجاب دے دو ٹوٹے ہوئے تے پاکستان دے حصے مغربی پنجاب آیا اتے بھارت  نوں مشرقی پنجاب دتا گیا۔ فیر اوس مشرقی پنجاب دے ترے ٹوٹے کیتے گئے تے گل 1984 تیک اپڑی۔ پنجاب دی کہانی دا ایہہ اوہ اونترا پکھ ہے جس بارے پوری گل چھونی لوڑی دی ہے۔

Link of Part 8

To be continue

Further Readings.

Ranjit rule was up to FATA and Kabul was in Suba Lhore during Mughal times and Kashmir was among various districts under Ranjit and Akbar times it was under Suba Lhore.Kashmir State was carved by Britishers by cutting various districts of Lhore darbar namely Kashmir, Baltistan, Hazara, Jummu and Chota (Small Tbet). Land of 5 rivers icludes Ravi, Jehlum, Satluj, Chenab and Sindh and its tributaries like Kunhar and Kabul rivers. It is important to understand the #Punjab and its history with special context of Punj Daryaee dharti

Monday, February 4, 2019

6th Division of the Punjab? What is the game plan? Analysis

6th Division of the Punjab?

What is the game plan? Analysis 

A series of articles 

In last 209 years the 6th division of the Punjab is on the cards. In last 4 divisions British colonial power had played vital role yet the credit of 5th division goes to clever Bharat and now Pakistan is ready to follow these misleading narratives too.
1809, 1846-9, 1901, 1947 and 1966 were the years when the Land of Five rivers had to face divisions but it largely damaged the society & areas adjacent to Punjab too. 

Link of the Part 1

کیہہ اج 2018 وچ  ایس تے جھات پاون نوں  اساں سب پنجابی تیار ہاں؟
اوہ وی جیہڑے ستلج پار معاہدے(1808) دی نذر ہوئے تے انہاں نوں اردو، ہندی دی گوند لا کے  دلی ول کر دتا گیا۔
اوہ وی جنہاں نوں سبھراوں دی لام(1846) کھا گئی تے انہاں نوں لہور دربار توں رات و رات وکھرا کر کے'' ریاست جموں و کشمیر'' بنا دتا گیا۔
اوہ وی  جنہاں نوں 19ویں صدی دے اخیری دہاکے اساری گئی ترے مونہی پالیسی نے ڈنگیا جس پاروں   تاشقند توں امیر عبدالرحمن نوں لیا کےگندمکی معاہدے بعدوں افغانستان نامی ملک بنایا گیا، فیر 1894 وچ ڈیورینڈ لین کھچ کے فاٹا  کھڑا کیتا تے ترے مونہی پالیسی دا تریجا پندھ 1901 وچ بنادے ہوئے پنجابیاں، پٹھاناں، کوہستانیاں دی تھاواں رلا کے صوبہ سرحد بنایا گیا۔
اوہ وی جنہاں نوں  کابینہ مشن دی  کندھ توڑ کے 3 جون 1947 وچ مشرقی تے مغربی پنجاب وچ چیر کے ونڈ دتا گیا کہ اجہی دھرمی ونڈ، اتھل پتھل تے قتلام دی مثال رہندی دنیا وچ کوئی دوجی نہیں۔
اوہ وی  جنہاں نوں 1956 تے 1966  دے سالاںوچ کجھ ہور پھٹ وجےتے  ٹٹے پنجاب دے ترے ہورٹوٹے ہوئے جس بارے گنی پنجابی سوجھوان،  اگانہہ ودھو دانشور، شاعر تے ایڈیٹر فیض احمد فیض جون 1947 وچ ہی پاکستان ٹائمز دا اداریہ لکھ کے خبر دے دتی سی۔ مشرقی پنجاب وچوں  ہما چل،ہریانہ کڈہدے ہوئے سکھی ول گھیسی  بنائی کہ1984 تے ہونا ہی ہونا سی۔
انہاں 5 ونڈاں دے نال نال 1849 توں 1947 وچکار لنگھے98 ورہیاں وچ دیس پنجاب نال دو وڈے دھرو ہور ہوئے سن کہ انہاں دا ذکر لوڑی دا ہے۔عسکریت پسندیاں اتے دھرمی تے لسانی ونڈاں نال  پنجاب تے ایس دی آل دوال دی تھاواں  وچ انگریزسرکار   سوشل انجئیرنگ کیتی   کہ ایہو انہاں دا ایجنڈا سی۔جوگی صوفی ریت نوں لانبے کر دتا گیا تے زمینی تے آبی تجارتاں نوں  بند کہ ایس وچ سارا الار جنگاں تے مار دھاڑ ول ہی ہو گیا۔ ساڈا ایہہ حال کہ اساں اج وی اوس نوں گل لایا 
ہویا ہے۔  اوس سب بارے  جھات  پائے بغیر اجوکی سیاستاں سمجھ نہیں آسکدیاں۔


Sunday, February 3, 2019

Playing with Sikh Muslim Conflict exposed (A colonial legacy still in practice) Read & Unlearn

Playing with Sikh Muslim Conflict exposed 

(A colonial legacy still in practice) Read & Unlearn

How colonial scholarship spread numerous conflicts is known to historian yet in the Punjab it was specific among Sikhs & Muslim Punjabis on the one hand & Pathan & Punjabis on the other hand. For Punjabi Muslims they had portrayed Ranjit Singh as Anti-Muslim but for Pathans they had painted Ranjit as Anti-Afghan. Similarly to mislead Sikhs they painted Afghan cum Pathan King Abdali as Anti-Sikh. To strengthen their misleading propaganda they spread many false things and one of them was closure of Grand Mosque of Lhore for Muslims. But facts are very different from perception created by colonial rulers through their court historians. That propaganda still exists in our misleading scholarship till today. Read the piece and also check the link below too for further reading. It is about a book , a daily diary manuscript written in Persian during 1810 to 1817. It was translated in 1933 from Persian to English.
In the entry of 9th January 1811, it is recorded that one noble person of Lhore Qazi Faqirullah proclaimed by drum beat all over the town on the day of Eid uz zuhah that all the Muslims must go to Royal Mosque to offer their Id prayer there. In result all Muslims had gone to that Id Gah i-e Badshahi Mosque.
It was just opposite what British historians had wrote in colonial scholarship.
Now read both links and unlearn
اگلے دن سرکار ویلے توں پہلاں ہی دربار آ گئے۔سردار مت سنگھ بھرانیہ، جودھ سنگھ سوریانوالہ، کرم سنگھ جاہل، منشی مہتاب رائے، سردار حکم سنگھ اٹاری والہ،حکیم عزیزالدین خان،حکیم محمد علی خان،حکیم محی الدین،گنگا سنگھ کمانڈر سنے پردھان سرداراں سرکار دا استقبال کیتا۔سرکار نوں تازہ جوس دتا گیا۔حکیم ہوراں سرکار نوں دسیا کہ قاضی فقیر اللہ ڈھول بجوا بجوا کے شہر بھر وچ دھنڈورا پٹوایا پئی ایس وار سب لوک عید الضحی دی نماز بادشاہی مسیت وچ پڑھن گے۔ جیہڑا اتھے نماز نہیں پڑھے گا اوہ گناہگار ہو سی۔ایس ڈھنڈورے دی وجہ توں لہور دے سب واسیاں عید دی نماز بادشاہی مسیت وچ ادا کیتی۔ہن قاضی ہوری سرکار دے دربار آئے نیں۔سرکار نے قاضی ہوراں نوں اپنے کول بلایا تے قیمتی اونی شال پیش کیتی۔ ایہہ وقوعہ شاہی قلعہ لہوردا ہے۔ایہہ دسدا ہے پئی شوہدے انگریز حکمراناں تے سکھ مسلم جھیڑیاں نوں ورتیا ہی سی پر انگریز دے ٹٹو اج وی اوسے انگریزی پراپیگنڈیاں نوں چلا رہے نیں۔


6th division of the Punjab

For further readings see this link too

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...