Saturday, July 20, 2019

Carrot and Stick policy: A visit of US First lady to Pakistan March 1962

 Carrot and Stick policy: A visit of US First lady to Pakistan March 1962

Masters always love to use Carrot and Stick policy to fulfill their interests. Masters always get a Bashir in this regard but in real terms for masters everyone is Bshir. The story of BASHIR is a proof of shameful flight in which #US media made Bashir a hero but the hidden message in it was more clear for the elite i-e Americans can make dust into Gold so elite must understand it. We still, in 21st century, due to multiple reasons, failed to deconstruct Bashir phenomenon and one fine proof of it is Aqeel Abbas Jaffery short film at #BBC. In post WW2 scenario, power was shifting from colonial masters to uncle Sam yet colonial selected elite during 1950s and 1960s remained reluctant to accept it So Bashir was a symbol and in the eyes of Americans local rulers were Bashirs. Sikandar Mirza and General Ayub and many in civil military elite including Korean War beneficiaries (Business tycoons)  were their first love because in early 1950s many of them had played vital role for new masters. But they were not the permanent employees. Before his departure from power Ayub had to write Friends not masters but it was too late. What happened with Zia and Musharraf is a known story in this regard. So like every master, Americans too need Bashirs only, but our rulers often ignore it and it is the history. 


another link

Visit of UK Queen same year

The Friday Times

1 comment:

  1. Bashirs in trouble as masters r now entangled in their own traps
    Now the time arises for neo bashirs to come sooner or later it will happen this will be a changed battle


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