Monday, August 31, 2020

Partition Debate 1947: Last 14 Months What went Wrong? Watch Part 3


Partition Debate 1947: Last 14 Months

What went Wrong? Watch Part 3 

1947 Events:14 Months that had changed the Punjab all-together, an unprecedented massacre and migration history has not witness it till today. From July 1946 to August 1947.

Partition of Punjab and Kashmir in 1947 and its Impacts, 3rd episode on 

Sukh Dev Sohal (Amritsar), Aamir Riaz (Lhore), HarJinder Singh (Melbourne) , Gangveer Rathore Rahon along with Bikram Singh      

Click & Watch complete show

Some Notes

1.    CM from 24 March till 17 April met 472 people in 182 sittings, Cabinet Mission (CM) met azad at 6th April. Azad supported weak centre with Defense, Foreign affairs and communication in centre. Kanji reproduced Azad 15th April statement in favor of weak centre. From 5 to 11th May CM did a meeting at Shimla with both Congress & ML and at 16th May they issued complete scheme. On May 26 Mahatma accepted CM in harrijan, ML accepted the plan in june. 

1.    Speech of Mian Iftiqaruddin 28 March 1946 page 39 selected speeches and statements. April,May,June are important. He directly addressed Khizar hayat tiwana, Lala Bhim Sen Sachar, Dr Gopi Chand Bhargava, Mr Virendra and said due to your policies in the Punjab  we will get Pakistan and Sikhs will get Khalistan soon. You are not ready to accept democratic right of the biggest party that have 80 seat means you cannot respect people.  Lala sachar is a secular nationalist, how many muslims are in his Sun Light of India Insurance company, I want to know dr gopi .. same in his Lakhshami insurance company? Same question to Virendra whose father own Partab?  If  the leaders commit a mistake now , they will be held guilty for ever by coming generations. 

Patel in April said kanji, that I am hopeful, congress and Britishers will coin solution and if Jinnah refuse, he would have no place. Kanji give many references, dinner of miller, US mission head in New Delhi, Tegh bhdur spru letters etc Congress was very hopeful.

1.    April 10 CM plan B…. it was Pakistan scheme it was emergency fall back position. Atlee said due to plan B India will be confronted in great danger  Pf 237, TOP V11

1.    Ambidkar member national defense council, congress out of govt but Ambadikar was in? in his book he talk like a colonist god, giving examples of turkey, czechoslovakia divisions, displacements to justify division of Punjab on the basis of religion.

1.    congress changed Azad as president and he was replaced by Nehru who at July 10th rejected CMP. As azad wrote

This was one of the most fiery, provocative and uncalled for statements in his long public life.  Azad further said one of those unfortunate events which change the course of history. At 27th July ML had to reject CMP because they failed to fulfill their promise.

1.    Kanji met Stuart Gelder, correspondent New Chronicle (London) Everyone was surprise Why Congress rejected CMP.

by rejecting CMP, now plan B was the only option. Slop was ready and it needs only a push, it started from direct action day then bihar riots in August September 1946…

1.    6 December London meeting was the last chance when Wavel, Jinnah, Nehru went there but it also was a failed attempt. Kanji reached London after a day of meeting from US, but met Jinnah, and many people. He also met Woodrow wyatt who had accompanied with CM and he told that British government will give a 12 month plan to leave british india.  It was beginning of the end.

1.    Before arrival of Lord Mountbatten, at March 8. 1947 in Delhi Congress and Akalis demanded communal division of the Punjab. 

Division of Punjab on communal lines means total surrender to ML narrative.


Fot part 1 & 2 Click the link below

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Some Stray thoughts regarding Mid August 1947 events & unheard story of a Punjab Assembly document ( A radio show)


Some Stray thoughts regarding Mid August 1947 events & unheard story of a Punjab Assembly document. Check Who voted for the partition of the Punjab in 23rd June sessions.

( A radio show Lok Lhar, every Friday 2 to 4pm)

Out of 170 members 91 Punjab assembly members including 89 Muslim & two christian members voted against the partition of the Punjab. So more than 50% Punjab assembly members including non Muslim  leaguers voted against the partition of the Punjab in 1947. 

Politics of last 31 years, from misleading Lucknow Pact of 1916 to Mid 1947 in the Punjab & Bengal overshadowed all other issues yet it was fought under the banners of One Nation Theory (ONT) & Two Nation theory (TNT). It is important to deconstruct whole politics of 31 years in general and last 10 years in particular. How Lucknow Pact had ruined our politics is on record either we like it or not. Due to Act of India 1947 two new Nation States were born. That act was passed by British parliament in haste yet they debated it for a month or so. The act is not included in our textbooks due to various reasons. The act was designed on 3rd June Plan as agreed by Congress & Muslim League in 1947. ٰIn spite of all, both Congress & ML were reluctant supporters of 3rd June plan but these things were not taught in post 1947 text.  In the  end there is a document and a link that will tell you that Punjabi Muslim members of British Punjab assembly did not vote in favor of partition of the Punjab while non Muslim members voted for it. 

Recording of the lok Lhar Show recorded at 14 August 2020 in Lhore Studios of MastFM 103

Punjab Assembly Document that will show you

Who was Who voted for the Partition of the Punjab in June 1947. Don't trust but check the document and watch a lecture on it delivered at the

Lyalpur Young Historian Club online series on the Punjab.

Punjab assembly was divided in Eastern & Western blocks. 

S, P Singha was Speaker of Western section consisting of Muslim majority districts while Depuy Speaker Sardar Kapur Singh headed Eastern section. There were 96 members in Western block and 72 members were in Eastern section or block who participated in the historic Punjab assembly session. Including two speakers 170 out of 175 members were attended it. As par Result of 1946 provincial elections ML had 73, Congress 51, Akalis 22, Unionists 20, Independents 7 and Ahrar 2 members in assembly. Who were absent among 5, is  still not known. 

In Western block out of 96 members 69 voted against partition and it included C E Gibbon, S P Singha and Khizar Hayat Tiwana. Only 27 members voted for the partition of the Punjab and they all were either Sikh or Hindu members. In Eastern block out of 72 members 50 voted for partition and 22 were against the partition of the Punjab. 

Fact we often hide from our youth in South Asia 

So out of 170 members 91 Punjab assembly members including 89 Muslim & two christian members voted against the partition of the Punjab. So more than 50% Punjab assembly members including non Muslim  leaguers voted against the partition of the Punjab in 1947. 

What happened in Bengal, needs further inquiry. 

Watch the lecture about the document delivered at 14 August 2020. 


Partition, Punjab & 3rd June Plan: Some Facts

Further things on same topic

Partition of Punjab & Kashmir & its Impacts
( A 4 parts series)  What Went Wrong?

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Partition of Punjab & Kashmir & its Impacts ( A 4 parts series) What Went Wrong?


Partition of Punjab & Kashmir & its Impacts
( A 4 parts series)  What Went Wrong?

Sukh Dev Sohal (Amritsar), Aamir Riaz (Lhore), Harjinder Singh (Melbourne) , Gangveer Rathore Rahon along with Bikram Singh

Part 1: New Constitution, new political realities, reconciliation and denials 1935 - 1940.

Part 2: US, the New global leader, De-colonization and emergence of new political powers in British India. From Atlantic Charter of 14 August 1941 to December 1945 elections.

Part 3: 14 months that had changed the Punjab & Kashmir altogether, an unprecedented massacre and migration; history has not witnessed until today. From July 1946 to August 1947.

Part 4: Denial, Betrayal and conflict in post 1947 India and Pakistan. From 1947 to 2020.

Note: Series started at 15th August 2020, Till this time two parts are aired, 2nd part was aired at 22 August and rest others will air at 29 August & 5 September 2020. 

Watch the first part here

Part 1New Constitution, new political realities, reconciliation and denials 1935 - 1940.

Some important issues discussed in part 1

1.   Pre 1935 politics

·       3rd division of Punjab 1901. Muslims felt it as decrease in Muslim pollution percentage while non Muslim thought it as making another Muslim province while for colonial rulers it was part of 3 duck policy to counter Germans i-e (a) formation of Afghanistan as separate country other than British India in 1880s  (b) Erection of Durand line 1894 (c) Formation of NWFP & FATA. Beginning of Land alienation act and its politics. Shifting of battle of Urdu Hindi controversy in Punjab. Making of a new intelligence system IPI.

·       Gradual shifting of Centre from coastal  Calcutta to the borders of Punjab through Delhi Darbar politics and its reactions. 1877-1904-1911

·        Pagri Sanbhal jatta 1907

·       Shifting of Centre and expulsion of Delhi from Punjab 1911 December

·       McMahon Line 1914


·       Collapse of Ghadar movement 1914

·       Beginning of Gurdawara politics

·       Tricky Lucknow Pact 1916

·       Jillianawalla bagh massacre : End of Arms struggle & club politics & beginning of new spaces for people politics &  misleading movements, khilafat, Hijrat, non-cooperation etc

·       Linguistic Provinces resolution 1920

·       Swaraj & Shafi league politics

·       Gurdwara act 1925

·       Provincial elections 1920, 23, 26

·       Secret lease agreement for Chutta Tibet, (GB) from Maharaja Kashmir 1927

·       Nehru Report 280 pages 1928

·       Allahbad address 1930

·       First Kashmir movement 1930-1 & Punjab: a movement started by those who were out of State mainly in adjacent Punjabi districts or in cities where migrants were in meaningful number.

·       Communal award, beginning of Dalit politics, Lucknow pact revised. Ahrar, ML, Unionists supported but Congress & Akalies did not.

·       Shaheed Ganj and advice of fazl e Hussain

2.   Results of 1937 elections

·       Total seats 1585.. Congress 707 Independent 385  Muslimleague 106 (Bombay, UP, Bengal) Others 397

·       95 (Unionist Party), 14 (Khalsa National Board), 11 (Hindu Election Board), 10 (Akalis), 4 (Majlis-e-Ahrar-e-Islam), cong 18, Muslim League 1/2

3.   Reconciliation efforts by Jnnah: 6 letters between Jinnah & Nehru & answers 1937

4.   Arrogance of Congress to portray it as sole spokesman of British India. 1937

5.    Nearness between Muslim Majority provinces with ML, Inclusion of A K Fazlul Haq in ML, Sikender Jinnah pact 1937

6.    Amendment in Defense of India act 1915 and reactions as well as actions 1938

7.   Atrocities, communal policies largely anti Muslim, shift from Hindostani to Hindi, Urdu Hindi Controversy, Hindi Tamil Controversy, Banday Matram, Correspondence between Tagore & Subhash C Bose regarding Banday matram, Mahatma, Azad, Birla nexus against S C Bose who was President of Congress, Muslim mass contact movement ,  Two letters of Iqbal to Jinnah,  1938, that indicated two Muslim States within or outside British India. 

8.   WW2, resignation of Congress ministries just to  blackmail Colonial power, Day of deliverance by ML, closeness between Muslims of Minority & Majority provinces under ML, German radio & influence of Germans, Hitler Stalin secret meeting regarding Eurasia, Antiwar narrative of Ahrar and CPI, 1939

9.   English governor removed Hindi as essential subject in Madrass at 21 Feb 1940 that was the demand of Tamil protests since Congress rule 1937-9. Lhore Resolution 1940, exactly after ten years of Baghat Singh hanging, Punjab & Bengal premiers attended it, Authors  said that we followed US constitution based on federalism, No mention of Pakistan in resolution yet Pro Congress media called it Pakistan Resolution instead of Lhore Resolution. Protests & arrests continue against war efforts yet Congress remained confused in spite of out of power, book of Dr Ambedkar and smart suggestion to divide Punjab &  Bengal on communal lines 1940. 


Part 2 US, the New global leader, De-colonization and emergence of new political powers in British India. From Atlantic Charter of 14 August 1941 to December 1945 elections in British India.


1.    US & USSR were supporting China in AntiJapanese war since 1937

2.    Tri partite agreement signed between Germany Japan & Italy Sept 1940

3.     Throughout 1940, Germany & USSR were taking control of various nations including fall of France in June 1940 in favor of Hitler & bombing in UK.

4.    Lend & Lease politics , the law passed at 11 March 1941, US President got immense powers

5.    Attack of Hitler on USSR 22 June1941

6.    Atlantic Charter 14 August 1941

7.    Correspondence between Roosevelt & Churchill 1939-45, book of Peter Clark. 

8.    Attack on Pearl Harbor USA by Japanese  7 December 1941

9.    Conference of 26 countries in Washington 01 Jan 1942

10.                      Cripps Mission March 1942

11.                      INA and its politics

12.                      Defeat of Germany & Italy  mid 1943

13.                      End of Comintern, 3rd International May 1943

14.                      Tehran Conference December 1943… end of

15.                      The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were both created at an international conference convened in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States in July 1944

16.                      Yalta Conference Feb 1945

17.                      Defeat of Japanese June 1945

18.                      Use of  Atomic bomb in Japan August 1945

Politics in British India 1940-46 elections

19.                      Lala Lajpat Rai, Nehru Report & Ambedkar suggestion of communal division vs C R Formula, Allahbad address & Lhore resolution

20.                      August Offer 1940

21.                      Muslim League annual session 1941 in Madrass , dravidistan Justice party was with ML. E V Ramaswami Naicker Periyar.

22.                      National Defence council, Sir Sikandar included but left due to ML demand 1941.. in War council Ambedkar, noon, Sir Hormasji Pherozeshah Modi, Jogender Singh,

23.                      Cripps Mission March 1942 but since late 1941 it was on cards. Punjabi communistoon ka daftar meclord road lhore, inclusion of communists in training at Burma front, a book written by an indian communist.

24.                      2nd C R Formula April 1942 Rajgopal Acharya and Mian Iftiqaruddin along with 13 other congress working committee members.

25.                      July 1942 Lifting ban on CPI , but since late 1941 it was on cards. Punjabi communistoon ka daftar meclord road lhore, inclusion of communists in training at Burma front, a book written by an Indian communist.

26.                      Quit India resolution, too late, without Punjab, Bengal, Madrass, without Ahrar, Communists.. leaders arrested

27.                      Answer to Churchill from Roosevelt after quit india… do more

28.                      Death of Skandar 27 December 1942

29.                      Adhikari thesis. Support of CPI to AIML 1943-46

30.                      Anticommunist lobby in congress

31.                      Comparison of CPC & CPI

32.                      Gandhi Jinnah talks May 1944

33.                      Result of 1946 elections and an article

Punjab 175 Sindh 60 NWFP 50 Bengal 250=535

Cong    51              18               30             86= 185

AIML   73               27              17             113= 230

Others and independent                              =120

Percentage of nonmuslims in NWFP assembly?

Link of Part 2

Part 2 US, the New global leader, De-colonization and emergence of new political powers in British India. From Atlantic Charter of 14 August 1941 to December 1945 elections in British India. 

Part 3: 14 months that had changed the Punjab & Kashmir altogether, an unprecedented massacre and migration; history has not witnessed until today. From July 1946 to August 1947. 

It will air at saturday 5.30pm (Pak Time) 29th August 2020

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Barah Mah: An unusual Punjabi Journal ( Listen the discussion) Lok Lhar radio show


Barah Mah

 An unusual Punjabi Journal 

( Listen the discussion) Lok Lhar radio show

Guests: Zubair Ahmad, Parveen Malik (Punjabi Adbi Board), Pervaiz Vandal (Institute of Art & Culture), Mazhar Tirmazi (Poet & Intellectual) Jameel  Paul (writer,critic, editor & teacher) and Raja Sadiq Ullah (Poet). 

Barah Mah is a new anual Punjabi Journal and it has attracted Punjabi lovers after two issues. Its editors Zubair Ahmad & Amarjit Chandan deserved credit for it. At August 7, we did a radio show in which Zubair has informed about its genesis and threw light on writings published in it. Every big or small language  needs such journals and if it has good editors than people often remember it for centuries. 

A clip of Zubair Ahmad

we will share its Table of contents and extracts soon

Listen complete recording of the program by Clicking HERE

Monday, August 10, 2020

Concept of Nation, Iqbal, Jinnah & Religious minorities: Who are our Policy makers?


Concept of Nation, Iqbal, Jinnah & Religious minorities

Who are our Policy makers?

No doubt, our policy makers are either more visionary than Allama Iqbal & M A Jinnah or they have just ignored what was said, at least last 73 years history is witness to intentional divergences. 

Still after 73 years religious minorities are struggling for equal citizenship rights in Pakistan. It is contrary to what founders said and in below you will read it yourself. Interestingly, these quotes are from two basic documents, one written by Allama Iqbal and other penned by Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. 

What went wrong is the core question, one should ask from policy makers. let us read these quotes. 

Allahbad address 1930, Allama Iqbal

The principle that each group is entitled to its free development on its own lines is not inspired by any feeling of narrow communalism. There are communalisms and communalisms. A community which is inspired by feelings of ill-will towards other communities is low and ignoble. I entertain the highest respect for the customs, laws, religious and social institutions of other communities. Nay, it is my duty, according to the teaching of the Quran, even to defend their places of worship, if need be. Yet I love the communal group which is the source of my life and behaviour; and which has formed me what I am by giving me its religion, its literature, its thought, its culture, and thereby recreating its whole past as a living operative factor, in my present consciousness.......

 the staunchest internationalist recognises that without the fullest national autonomy it is extraordinarily difficult to create the international State. So also without the fullest cultural autonomy – and communalism in its better aspect is culture – it will be difficult to create a harmonious nation."

11 August 1947, Policy Speech by M A Jinnah to First Constitutional Assembly

You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed -- that has nothing to do with the business of the State.......

Now I think we should keep that in front of us as our ideal, and you will find that in course of time Hindus would cease to be Hindus, and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the State.....

آج اگست کی گیارہ تاریخ ہے۔ آج کے دن کو بانی پاکستان کی آئین سازاسمبلی میں کی گئی پہلی تقریر کے حوالے سے مذہبی   اقلیتوں  کے قومی دن کی حیثیت میں منایا جاتا ہے۔ 

یہ بات اہم ہے کہ علامہ اقبال کے خطبہ الہ آباد  1930اورقائداعظم کی  11 اگست 1947  کی تاریخی تقریرمیں جس تصور قوم کی بات کی گئی تھی اس  میں مذہبی، مسلکی،لسانی اور ثقافتی رنگانگیوں  کا احترام  قومی تشکیل کا جزو لاینفک تھا مگر افسوس کہ 73 سال بعد بھی  ہم  وطن عزیز کو علامہ اقبال اورقائداعظم کے 

تصورقوم کی عملی تفسیر نہ بنا سکے۔

علامہ اقبال نے خطبہ الہ آباد میں   قومی تشکیل کے حوالے سے کہا  تھا کہ جیسے  

عالمگیریت پر یقین رکھنے والاایک پکا شخض بھی جانتا ہے کہ ریاستوں کی خودمختاری کے بغیر عالمگیریت کا خواب پورا نہیں ہوسکتا  ویسے ہی  ثقافتی خودمختاریوں اور مذہبی آزادیوں کے بغیرقوم میں ہم آہنگی پیدا نہیں ہو سکتی۔

 11اگست کی تقریر میں  مذہبی آزادیوں کے حوالے سے بانی پاکستان نے برملا کہا کہ  آپ ریاست پاکستان میں  آزاد ہیں آپ آزاد ہیں  اپنے مندروں میں جانے کے لیے، آپ آزاد ہیں اپنی مساجد  یا دیگر عبادت خانوں میں جانے کے لیے۔آپ کا تعلق کسی بھی مذہب یا برادری سے ہو اس کا ریاست کے کاروبار سے کوئی تعلق 

نہیں ہونا چاہیے۔


ذرا سوچئیے۔۔۔۔۔۔ کیا ہمارے پالیسی سازوں،میڈیائی ناخداوں اور تعلیمی پردھانوں  نے ان گذرے 73 سالوں میں ان ارشادات کو وطنی تشکیل میں مقدم رکھا۔  آج بھی ہم منقسم ہیں تو اس کی وجہ یہی ہے کہ ہم نے مذہبی آزادیوں اور ثقافتی خودمختاریوں کو مقدم نہیں رکھا۔

 11اگست کا دن ہمیں یہ بھولا ہوا سبق یاد دلانے سے عبارت ہے۔

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...