Thursday, August 5, 2021

Outcome of the Mantara of Single National Curriculum or Compromise? (Textbook Reviews 2021)


Outcome of the Mantara of Single National Curriculum or Compromise?  (Textbook Reviews 2021)

If Social cum political biases are part of textbooks than please donot blame students, public, teachers or parents. Responsibility lies on governments, relevant institutions & media at large.

Gender biases, religious/sectarian biases, wrong facts, twisted history, misleading narratives all are there in these books prepared by Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training & published by KPK & the Punjab textbook boards. 
Misleading Student learning outcomes and tricky Model textbooks help textbook boards to produce such stuff. One should check who is who in so-called National Review committee. It is failure of Ministry of federal education & professional training in particular. 

Will add more things soon

Example 1, Social Studies class 5, Pages 48 to 53
Sub heading of the lesson at page 48 is Role of Provinces in creation of Pakistan. It included all 4 provinces but it also have Gilgit Baltistan & Azad Kashmir without mentioning that these two are not provinces. You can check Azad Kashmir heading at Page 52 in pictures given below. Interestingly textbook author forget about his heading and in the exercise she/he added areas along with provinces at Page 53. There is a long list of people who check the book including pardhans of National curriculum Council, Punjab Curriculum & Textbook Board & National Review Committee  (the credit page photo is given below) but no one could check it. Either it is intentional to develop some preparedness for inclusion of two new provinces i-e end of Kashmir issue as said by opposition or a mistake, it is now up to you to decide. 

Example 1, Social Studies, G 5, 


Credit Page

Page 48

Page 52 

Page 53 Exercise 

Gender Bias Class 1, Page 3

Playing with history, hiding naked facts , Social Studies Class 4, Page 62
Fatima Jinnah fought Presidential election and had challenged Gen Ayub Khan. She was consensus candidate of opposition but this important fact was not included in the lesson. That is how our pardhans protected dictators even after 47 years of his death. It also shows how our textbook authors were instructed to use selective history even in praise. Lesson about Fatima Jinnah is not the sole example. When I did textbook analysis first time in 20009 , i found same misleading treatment with Allahbad address 1930 and Lhore Resolution 1940. 

Coined two new languages Potohari & Phari in the Punjab & Kashmir , separating them from Punjabi
Social Studies Class 5, Page 13

Wrong Fact, as there was no casting vote in 23rd June Punjab assembly session where S P Singha was Speaker yet there are incidents of support of Christian and Scheduled Cast members in Pakistan Movement but textbook author give a wrong fact. 

Misleading history, exclusion of Bengalis & Bengal from creation of Pakistan and Pakistan movement 


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