Friday, August 4, 2023

How August 05 exposed Modi, Imran & Trump


How August 05 exposed Modi, Imran & Trump

At 05 August 2019, few months before #Corona crisis, under Religio-nationalist zeal, Narinder Modi, in order to fix the biggest irritant (other major irritants are Indo-China border communities, Indian Muslims & Sikh Punjabis) had not only removed special status of Kashmir but also further divided it through a constitutional amendment that was in direct confrontation with India's international commitments. Ruling BJP & Modi who was elected 2nd time in May 2019 said in various statements that removal of special status of Kashmir was in their election manifesto. What Pakistan than govt did 65 days to stop Modi is a question that needs further probes? However, Pakistani PM, along with its handlers visited US in July 2019. Express Tribune reported at July 24, 2019 as, 

During the visit at 22 July it is repotted that US President told PM Pakistan that Indian PM wanted his help on Kashmir Issue but what help Modi needs was not clear. Trump played that diplomatic trick just before 12 days of August 05. Indeed, Modi needs US help so that like Sino-India conflict (1962) US should neutralize Pakistan reaction. As we knew that removal of the status of Kashmir was a vital strategic move and India would have planned it much before August 05. At that time everyone knew well that for US Anti-China policy, India is a key player (as suggested by H Kissinger in his 2013 book On China). Trump had already showed his Anti China cards well. But Pakistani PM was either living in fool's paradise or ready to appease US President for his own interests.... At July 22, 2019 it is reported

A boy told his friend that he want to marry with Anisa, his friend asked what the chances are, boy said 50-50. Atleast I am ready. 

 Next day not only CNN but also Guardian reported that India had denied it

Guardian 23 July 2019

same day CNN too repoted it 

India denies that Trump was invited to mediate Kashmir conflict after social media firestorm

But Imran Khan after his arrival at Islamabad called it a victory similar to Cricket World Cup. 

At 24 July 2019, BBC reported his statement as

عمران خان: ’ایسا لگا ہے کہ میں کسی باہر کے دورے سے نہیں آرہا بلکہ ورلڈ کپ جیت کر آیا ہوں‘

After 9 days, Modi did August 05 and US helped him by not objecting Unlike it did after Ukrine crisis. So Modi definately nedded that help. 

In his article of August 30, 2019 Imran Khan had accepted that he had an eye on May 30th Indian election than what was his prepration? 

we assumed that Mr. Modi’s increasingly hard-line positions and his rhetoric against Pakistan were aimed to whip up a nationalist frenzy among the Indian voters with an eye on the Indian elections in May.

After August 05, 2019 it was useless to say ''If the world does nothing to stop the Indian assault on Kashmir and its people, two nuclear-armed states will get ever closer to a direct military confrontation.'' It proved a lame excuse only. 

It is important to understand what Pakistani FO had suggested him since May 30th. 

After August 05, Imran Khan announced that along with public he will protest every Friday for few hours but he did it only for one time. 

August 05, gave an opportunity to China and he said remember we are a party in Kashmir dispute.

Indeed India had violated two UNSC resolutions 1949 & 1971 and after August 05, 2019, UNSC resolution of 21st December 1971 has been invoked. The case of Kashmir special status is in Indian SC. India is signatory of its UN commitments and at least in Simla agreement 1972 and Lhore Declaration of Feb 1999 India accepted Kashmir as bilateral issue

It is 4rth year now, but Modi could not neutralize Kashmir, Occupied Kashmir was already under Indian control since 1947 so that strategic move of August 05, 2019 proved an atempt to convert the converted only. It only give India more bad name in the world of nations. It is said that special status to Kashmir was a trick with international community but actually Indian establishment remained waiting for an opportunity for its merger. 

Modi visited US in September 2019, just one month after August 05 but Trump failed to raise August 05 issue and that compromise exposed his gangster image too. 

 After August 05, in Pakistan many people including PDM opposition alliance showed suspicions of tricky mediation led by Trump. They believed that Kashmir issue was sold. Regarding tricky mediations a Pakistani traditional rightist media group newspaper had published a cartoon. 


After some pressure from Anti media policies of Khan government the Newspaper the Nation published an apology

But infect, it was true and it proved true after 4 years too. There was no mediation on the agenda, no FO ever worked on it , The game exposed well when Trump said there is50% chances of mediation as Pakistan is ready only. Aljazeera reported at 24rth September  when Trump met with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York on Monday, a day after accompanying Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a political event in Houston.

From People point of view, August 05, exposed Imran Khan, its handlers, Modi and Trump well. Kashmir was an issue and still it is an important issue. India want to play a role of responsible nation but after August 05, it failed to respect its own international commitments. 

A pice written at 13th August 2019

A pice written at 24rth August 2019

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