Thursday, April 18, 2024

Struggle & Paradox ..G M Syed: Gandhiite, Muslim Leaguer, Sindhi Nationalist (1904-1995)


Struggle & Paradox ..G M Syed

Gandhiite, Muslim Leaguer, Sindhi Nationalist (1904-1995)

The study of personalities often raise many unheard questions and that is why many historians avoid personality studies but it is a reality that people/personalities learn & unlearn many things. Many times, if someone get popularity with some specific notions, but her/his life story may have different opinions by the same personality too. Here in this post you will find few extracts from an important account of history of Sind written by journalist S M Sharma in the form of a book Peeps into Pakistan  (available online at archive,org). It is largely an account from Sindhi Hindu eye but has many interesting details yet it missed a lot more things. I will write about the author & politics of G M Syed but here you read extracts. Like infamous 280 pages Nehru Report (1928), Mr Sharma is also skeptical about separation of Sindh from Bombay. It is an interesting fact that many Hindu nationalists since infamous & tricky Lucknow Pact (1916) tried their best to mishandle muslim majorities not only in the Punjab & Bengal but also in Sindh too.That majority minority politics was problematic in pre partition days and still haunting South Asia. Why we fail to celebrate diversities in religion, sub religion ethnicity or languages or casts is a question that needs little more inquiry.  
The title of the book mentioned is

The 15th chapter is about G M Syed who is currently a known Sindhi nationalist but as author mentioned, he was Gandhiite and communalist too. 

Syed was ruthless in support and opposition too

Otherside of the medal

Arbicising Sindhi with the help of Daudpotta, DPI (Daud Putrays were old power players, fought with Kalhoras too, some of them migrated to the Punjab and after fighting annexed Bhawalpur area),,, The last line shows a visible bias against the Punjab and it is present in the author narrative too. 

Haris were all Muslims and Hindu Muslim controversy suited Waderas so that Haris remained busy somewhere else. it suited to many powe players including Sindhi Hindus
Both Allah Baksh & Syed enjoyed power at the cost of Hur massacre yet neither author nor Anti British Sndhis mentioned it, it is largely no go area in Sindhi politics 

Power struggle within Sindhis

Ghulam Hussain Hayatullah vs Syed

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