Sunday, March 31, 2013

Textbook Reforms: some opposite views

Textbook Reforms: some opposite views

Textbook Reforms issue is neither simple nor as easy as we normally thinks. there is a politics, pitch battle which needs little care and more wisdom just read these news published at newspapers
daily express and Jehan e Pakistan at 31 March 2013

Friday, March 29, 2013

Annexation of the Punjab: playing with religion & ethnicity

Annexation of the Punjab: playing with religion & ethnicity 

Why this chapter is neither in textbooks nor S0-called intellectuals wrote about it? From 1846 till 1849 this region fought three fights against Royal Bengal Army of East India Company. Fight @ Chilianwala (near Gujrat, Punjab) was very horrible for English as they lost 2000 soldiers . it was the Punjab's government Lhore Dardbar who resisted for 50 years ( from 1799 to 1849). read the story of annexation

March 29th: A day When Britishers annexed the Punjab in 1849

March 29th

 A Day When Britishers annexed the Punjab in 1849

just read this statement of Lord Macaulay of 1830s and thinks why they want to capture the Punjab

"Another instance may be said to be still before our eyes. Within the last hundred and twenty years a nation which had previously been in a state as barbarous as that in which our ancestors were before the Crusades has gradually emerged from the ignorance in which it was sunk, and has taken its place among civilised communities. I speak of Russia. There is now in that country a large educated class, abounding with persons fit to serve the state in the highest functions, and in no way inferior to the most accomplished men who adorn the best circles of Paris and London. There is reason to hope that this vast Empire, which in the time of our grandfathers was probably behind the Punjab, may, in the time of our grandchildren, be pressing close on France and Britain in the career of improvement. And how was this change effected? Not by flattering national prejudices; not by feeding the mind of the young Muscovite with the old woman's stories which his rude fathers had believed; not by filling his head with lying legends about St. Nicholas; not by encouraging him to study the great question, whether the world was or was not created on the 13th of September; not by calling him 'a learned native,' when he has mastered all these points of knowledge; but by teaching him those foreign languages in which the greatest mass of information had been laid up, and thus putting all that information within his reach. The languages of western Europe civilised Russia. I cannot doubt that they will do for the Hindoo what they have done for the Tartar." 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

1941 Census in the Punjab and fallout of division on the basis of religion in 1947

1941 Census in the Punjab and fallout of division

 on the basis of religion in 1947

the census of 1941 itself exposed why congress used her pressure to divide the Punjab and Bengal in 1947. its an example of negative politics. Punjab and especially Punjabi muslims were major victim of 1947 division. It was not division of India but division of the Punjab. just read the census and then u will realized what happened to our lands.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

India Pakistan Textbooks: distortions, Prides & prejudices

India Pakistan Textbooks: distortions, Prides & prejudices
there are numerous internal & external factors in producing biased and prejudiced Textbooks in south Asia especially in India & Pakistan. One of the major factor is cold war between India & Pakistan of 1960s. from 1962 till 1972 due to three wars ( India-China war 1962, Indo-PAK wars of 1965 & 71) both in India and Pakistan narrow nationalists got ample spaces in state apparatus in result of defeats. Over emphasis on nationalisms and compromise on pedagogy remains order of the day. this issue still needs immediate attention of Peace pandits . read and share, as it is essential to address it too

Why Britishers Annexed The Punjab:Stain-back ON the Punjab

 Remember March 29th: A Day when Britishers Annexed The Punjab in 1849

سٹین بیچ آکھدا ہے مڈھ قدیم توں یورپ دے اشراف دی بیبیاں اتے نویں فیشن چلاون والے کارندے کشمیری شالاں ہی نیں سگوں ایس اون دے نال بنائے گئے کپڑے ورتدے سن جہیڑی کشمیر توں آندے سن۔ پرانے ویلے دے کشمیر تے پنجاب نال یورپ دا تعارف چنگے کپڑے اتے نرم گرم شالاں تے فیشن راہیں سی۔

 قسط نمبر26: پنجاب تے انگریزاں قبضہ کیوں کیتا

Why Britishers Annexed The Punjab:Stain-back ON the Punjab

Friday, March 22, 2013

23 March and power politics of late 1940s

23 March and power politics of late 1940s
Why we hide historical facts from our children? who changed the wording of Lhore Resolution in Pakistani textbooks? what was the power politics before and after 1937 elections? When Jinnah changed his preferences after 1937 defeat and became representative of Bengal and the Punjab than he had enough power to challenge the Congress but we don't want to tell these facts due to numerous biases. read and enjoy

Friday, March 15, 2013

Tribal quarrels & weak Afghanistan: fighting between Sadozais & Barakzais

Tribal quarrels & weakened Afghanistan: Infighting between Sadozais & Barakzais proved counter productive
Barakzais pushed all the three grandsons of Ahmad Shah Abdali to the Punjab where they lived in Ranjeet Singh Rule. large population of Sadozais had no choice but to live in Lhore Darbar areas. Ahmad Shah Abdali was Sadozai and he formed an empire in mid 18th century but it was ruined by Barakzais. Now both Barakzai and Sadozai rulers are heroes under Pukhtton nationalism simultaneously. But what they did with one another is enough to understand misleading narratives. Abdali was died in 1772 and his son Taimur Shah became new king. He shifted the capital from Kandhar to Kabul, the decision which proved fatal for Sadozais. In new capital barakzais and Qizalbashs had more powers. Painda Khan Sadozai became a new key player in power nexus. Taimur Shah died in 1793 and after his death Barakzais played with his 24 sons yet Zaman Khan finally became new king. During power struggle Zaman killed Painda Khan barakzai. In 1800 Zaman was blinded by Shirani tribes and after that infighting his brother Mahmood  Shah finally became King. Shah zaman took refuge in the Punjab. In that war of throne Fateh Khan Barakzai (elder son of Painda Khan) supported Mahmood but Mahmood's son Kamran killed Fateh Khan. Younger son of Painda Khan was Dost muhammad Khan barakzai and his mother was from qizalbash family. In the age of 7 , he witnessed killing of his father and after some years his elder brother was killed too. But he waited for good times. In 1803 Mahmood was expelled by Shah Shuja and Mahmud too had to take refuge in the Punjab. In 1809 Mahmood again captured the throne of Kabul and now it was Shah Shuja's turn to take refuge in the Punjab. In 1826 Dost Muhammad Khan Barazai ruined the Abdali empire and founded Barakzai dynasty. He was defeated by Shah shuja in 1838 with the support of the Punjab and Britishers. Now it was Dost Muhammad Khan's turn to take refuge first in the Punjab and then to British. In 1842 D M Khan Barakzai finally dethrone the last Sadozai king, Shuja. D M Khan died in 1863 and his son Sher Ali khan became new ruler. He was killed in 2nd anglo Afghan war in which British army defeated afghan army and captured Afghanistan. D M Khan had three sons but instead of his elder sons Afzal and Azam he nominated his 3rd son Sher ali khan. Afzal went to Tashkand and Azam escaped to Iran.  With the help of British officers Abdur Rahman Khan sonof Azam Khan was brought from Tashkand. he was apponited by the britishers themselves as new ruler of Kabul. So infighting between sadozais and barakzais finally suited Britishers in many ways.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

De-constructing Myth of Crusades: an eye opener account of Europe

De-constructing Myth of Crusades: an eye opener account of Europe

All India Congress used Hindu symbols under Gandhi because they knew Hindus are in majority (if schedule castes included) and after and before annexation of the Punjab Britain tried to appease punjabi Muslims because they knew that punjabi muslims were in majority under areas of Lhore Darbar. In recent past, how smartly americans used one or two muslim sects in afghan jihad and then after 9/11 they used opposite muslim sect. Ian Almond in his book Two Faiths One Banner de-constructed myth of  crusades smartly. read and enjoy

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Resolution against polygamy @ Lhore 1917 and Mollana Azad sister's progressive role

Resolution against polygamy @ Lhore 1917 and Mollana Azad sister's progressive role

the refrence of the this news item is Father & Daugghter written by Mian Muhammad Shafi's Daughter Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz. will molana's followers ready to take the lead ? read and share

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Women Day, Punjab and need for Gender Sensitive Curriculum in Pakistan

Women Day, Punjab and need for Gender Sensitive Curriculum in Pakistan

8 March is international women day and it is reminding us what we have done so far in this regard. A recent textbook study OUR GIRLS...OUR FUTURE ( analysis of pictures published in textbooks of 2012 from class 1 to class 10) under title "Identification of Gender bias in textbooks through images/pictures published in Punjab Textbook Board books 2012: Urdu, English and Pak StudiesFrom class 1 to 10, Shows What Our kids are learning through these textbooks in reality. 
You may find details of report at blog jaagforchange . just read a piece published today in urdu newspaper. The piece is written not only for political parties, intellectuals but also for development sector and women activists too.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

When title mislead itself: A story of Word "KHAN"

When title mislead itself: A story of Word "KHAN"
KHAN  is a Turkish title often used in the Court of Ottoman Empire and does not mean essentially a pukhtoon or pushtoon. basically it was a title and nothing to do with ethnicity. in Pakistan, Iran and India the word KHAN is wrongly interpretive as  Pukhtoon. even some pukhtoon intellectuals too gave such notions in order to strengthen their nationalist bias. in past many Punjabi  Sindhi  Bengali used this title but they were neither ethnically pukhtoons nor have any relation with central Asia.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Isolation of IRAN, breakage of Pakistan, destruction of Afghanistan and mushroom growth of sectarianism r interconnected issues and from 1971 till today many players regional, national and international played in this game consciously or unconsciously. Either on the name of Sect A or Sect B, either on the name of Afgham mujahiden or Taliban or northern alliance or War on terror  The Game is same yet shifting of players from onside to other side often enhance it. in recent days how decisions to shift Gwadar to chines and construction of pipeline with Iran give rise to sectarianism in our lands. is it  enough to understand the politics of last 40 years? is it time to readjust priorities? is it time to say good bye to regional enemy thesis? is it time to leave sectarianism ? regional cooperation, continuity of parliamentary system ( at all there levels) and acceptance for modernity are keys to success and prosperity. we have to rethink about it.

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...