Sunday, June 30, 2013

From Poland to Afghanistan: Hot and proxy wars & advise of Yuri Andropov to polish people

From Poland to Afghanistan: Hot and proxy wars & advise of Yuri Andropov to polish people

It is believed that it was Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski Polish American political scientistgeo-strategist (United States National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981 ) who instigated Kremlin to move its armies in Afghanistan.  Same time he was preparing "Solidarity" yet Yuri Andrapov realized it later but in vain. The story also remind us how powerful nations construct and de-construct plans, launch proxy or hot wars/movements whenever it suits them. Read Yuri andrapov comments as reproduced by Ex-foreign secretary of Pakistan Riaz M Khan in his latest Urdu book 


Friday, June 28, 2013

When Afghan Mujahiden betrayed Nawaz Sharief, General Asif Nawaz & G I Khan...a piece from Riaz M Khan recent book

When Afghan Mujahiden betrayed Nawaz Sharief, General Asif Nawaz & G I Khan...a piece from Riaz M Khan recent book

In Pakistan some people have love for Afghan Mujahideen/Talibans yet some groups have same love for US, UK & NATO but in reality power politics is a war of interests. There is no permanent enemy nor permanent friend. Time & again Pakistan had to face such situation yet such realization is still needs some more attention. Ex Secretary foreign affairs Pakistan, Riaz M Khan earlier wrote a book 

Afghanistan and Pakistan: Conflict, Extremism, and Resistance to Modernity  which covered political events till 2010 yet his Urdu transtation is a updated edition too. Prominent journalist Khaled Ahmed wrote a detalied introduction which is an additional thing in this book too. As we have comparitively little confusing policy towards Pak-Afghan situation in Urdu print media so this effort will fill this gape. Riaz recalled an event of 1991 when ispite of pushing Afghan Mujahedin , neither nawaz, nor Genral Asif nawaz or G. I. Khan got sucess because Afghan mujahedin leaders wated to negociate themselves. u can order the book online

 and can get discount with free home delivery in Pakista. overseas customers too can order it. read the piece and rethink

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Countries with Maximum Press Freedom

Countries with Maximum Press Freedom

Data & some stray thoughts

“A free press can, of course, be good or bad, but, most certainly without freedom, the press will never be anything but bad,” said Albert Camus. Reporters without Borders in its World Press Freedom Index 2013 indicate how countries rank on press freedom. As per the report “This year’s index is a better reflection of the attitudes and intentions of governments towards media freedom in the medium or long term.” However in Asia, India ranks 140th, which is at its lowest since 2002 because of increasing impunity for violence against journalists and as internet censorship continues to grow".
"The Indian subcontinent was the Asian region that saw the sharpest deterioration in the climate for those involved in news and information in 2012.” The report also highlighted that “in India, the ‘world’s biggest democracy’, the authorities insist on censoring the web and imposing more and more taboos, while violence against journalists goes unpunished and the regions of Kashmir and Chhattisgarh become increasingly isolated.” reference is silicon india webpage.
The report give names of ten best countries which includes

  1. Finland
  2. Nederlands
  3. Norway
  4. Luxembourg
  5. Andorra
  6. Danmark
  7. Liechtenstein
  8. Newzeland
  9. Iceland
  10. Sweeden  
u can easily check that world powers r missing in top ten. Neither sole supper power USA, nor traditional empire UK, or smart France, Vigilent Germany , powerful Russia are not among top 10. one point is also needs some explanation. These top ten countries covers a corner of the world and so is there influence. Situation may be altered if they were placed geographically at important sea or land routes. One majore reason of bad situation regarding "rights" is huge intests of big powers. anyway, just read the piece and enjoy. thanks

Monday, June 24, 2013

10 Cheapest Cities in the World

10 Cheapest Cities in the World

Lhore is among the cheapest cities yet i donot know the survay team included it among 131 cities or not yet Naan Chollas of Lhore provides the cheapest food. The cities offer many opportunities to earn and spend which draws the many millions on its clarion call. Here are the top ten cities in the world rated as the cheapest cities, with low cost of living as per The Economist Intelligence Unit 2013 report. 
Among these top ten cheapest cities 7 belong to Suth Asia , west Asia & Middle East while out of 7, there r 5 South Asian cities. So regionally South Asia is on top reagarding cheapest cities. 
Tehran, the capital of Iran is rated as the tenth cheapest city. The report said, “While Asia is home to over half of the world’s 20 most expensive cities, the region is also home to six of the ten cheapest cities.” Tehran is one of the Asian cities on the list. Jeddah is the ninth cheapest city among the 131 cities surveyed in 2013.
Karachi ties with Mumbai at the 130thrank. Karachi has been place at the first spot on the list in the survey. It is the main sea port and the financial centre for Pakistan. It is also the largest city in Pakistan and the capital of the Sindh province. The report said, “Income inequality means that household spending levels are low on a per capita basis, which has kept prices down, especially by Western standards,” which completely depends on the standards and preference of living in any given city.

The 5 most expensive cities are Tokyo, Osaka in Japan, Sydney, Oslo in Norway and Melbourne. The cities that are expensive do seem challenging to make it with the high price indices, but it has its own perks with better quality and standards of living. Ironically the cities that have been surveyed as the cheapest cities do have a high percentage of people complaining and expecting for the high prices on commodities to go down. The best judge would be the people who inhabit a particular city, and put themselves through each day and enjoy while at it.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cities with Big traffic Jams

Cities with Big traffic Jams

Certainly there are some serious issues in the development models adopted by the developed world and we cannot restrict our criticism up to creation of Nation State phenomenon yet there r lot more gapes & short comings in this  Model of development. If we can read about traffic jams in some cities of Europe & US we will forget tiny traffic jams we usually faced at Lhore, Karchi, Delli. But Bagota is a different example. Bogotá is the largest city in Colombia, and one of the biggest in Latin America. It figures among the 30th  largest cities of the world. Its population is almost 80,00000 yet he has managed his traffic jams by adopting unusual model of development. Bagota has invested in Public transport , introduced a good Metro bus system, have shuttle system linked with metro bus stops and also established easy paths for cycling and pedestrians. Bagota's City heads were mastermind behind it while political vision helped them in various ways regarding using unusual model of development. The TransMilenio 'rapid transit system' was created during Enrique Peñalosa's mayoral term,and is a form of bus rapid transit that has been deployed as a measure to compensate for the lack of a subway or rail system. Delli & Lhore has metro or rapid transport system yet Karachi is still missing it, primarily due to lack of vision and priorities of city's political leadership who has more interest in money making then anything else. Yet Lhore metro needs some more decisions. Without developing a shuttle service with metro stations ( one can develop it on public private partnership) and tracks for cycling & pedestrians, people can not enjoy fruits of rapid service. yet here we r mentioning cities, famous for huge & pinching traffic jams. When u read the list u will realize that these cities r either European or American, so this information will boost ur anti-imperialist zeal too. Brussels with another sister city are on top two while Los Angeles, Milan, London, Paris, Honolulu, Rotterdam, Manchester and san francisco are in line. It is not an issue of capitalist development only as u see New York has less traffic jams then Los angles in same capitalist system. There is not any German city in top ten cities. This data is available at silicon India website. Bagota is an international example to handle big city issues and u believe it or not, Bagota has reduced its crime rate by controlling its traffic issues. In 2008, Bagota's city head visited Pakistan and spoke at Lhore and Karchi , Shahbaz smartly adopted it (partially) but MQM leaders failed to give it priority. I remeber, as editor of Development vision, i published a 4 page story on the example of Bagota and if Punjab urban resource Centre have a copy , they should upload it too. now read the piece 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Is sectarianism a new agenda?

Is sectarianism a new agenda?

some forces in Pakistan are not happy with the First Democratic Transition. Is sectarianism is their new agenda? Quetta, Peshawar and Karachi incidents shows their wish. After may 11 results, some forces r confused and as usual they r trying to give a twist to situation. they r not ready to think about its fatal implications but for them their immediate goals r important. as Pakistanis have no interest in sectarianism so they will not get success.  

Most Dangerous Nations for Women Travelers

Most Dangerous Nations for Women Travelers

here many countries that have been tourist hotspots, but have now lost their sheen due to their inability to provide safety to their tourists. Here are 8 countries that are most dangerous and unsafe for women travelers, as listed by Megan Willett for Business Insider.
Some people love to imagine Afghanistan on the top while some may wish to include Pakistan in it yet Bussiness Inside neither include both yet a Pakistani neighbour is on the top but unforrtunately it is not Iran but INDIA, the largest democracy. As the survey is there at an Indian webside siliconindia so u cannot brush it away by declaring a usual propeganda. Other countries after India are Brazil, Turkey, Ejypt, Columbia, Guatemala, Mexico & kenya in line.  Pass this information to all women & Human rights organizations who can correct their basic data. read urself

Thursday, June 20, 2013

اچکزئی جی پوری گل کیوں نہیں کردے ؟

In his recent statement, Chief of PMAP and brother of new Baluchistan Governor, Mahmood Khan Achakzai give a statement. According to news , Achakzai claims Pakistan interfering in Afghanistan
Its is half truth and everyone especially some left circles & sections of JUI knew that from 1970s till now Afghanistan is too interfering in Pakistan affairs. As a student of history i knew that much before annexation of the Punjab it was Britishers who had a policy to raise conflict between Lhore Darbar ( a government consists of Kashmir, Punjab, KhyberPK & FATA) & Afghanistan. They want to annex both gradually. So after annexation of the Punjab their next goal was Afghanistan and for that they had an old polcy,  known in history as Frontier Forward Policy. During later half of 19th century Afghanistan became a hub of Germans, Ottomans & Russians while from Indian side Britishers were launching hot & proxy wars against Afghanistan. Both sides remained ready to welcome political proclaim offenders, tribal heads & revolutionaries from Other side. FATA was there common ground due to its ambiguous status. Pakistan inherited that legacy.
22 September 2012 Presidential Place, Kabul

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Half truth: A Wrong Statement by Achakzai regarding Afghanistan...Following the Wali Khan Legacy


A Wrong Statement by Achakzai regarding Afghanistan

Following the Wali Khan Legacy

In his recent statement, Chief of PMAP and brother of new Baluchistan Governor, Mahmood Khan Achakzai give a statement. According to news , Achakzai claims Pakistan interfering in Afghanistan
Its is half truth and everyone especially some left circles & sections of JUI knew that from 1970s till now Afghanistan is too interfering in Pakistan affairs. As a student of history i knew that much before annexation of the Punjab it was Britishers who had a policy to raise conflict between Lhore Darbar ( a government consists of Kashmir, Punjab, KhyberPK & FATA) & Afghanistan. They want to annex both gradually. So after annexation of the Punjab their next goal was Afghanistan and for that they had an old polcy,  known in history as Frontier Forward Policy. During later half of 19th century Afghanistan became a hub of Germans, Ottomans & Russians while from Indian side Britishers were launching hot & proxy wars against Afghanistan. Both sides remained ready to welcome political proclaim offenders, tribal heads & revolutionaries from Other side. FATA was there common ground due to its ambiguous status. Pakistan inherited that legacy. it is a hard fact that Ameer Abdur Rehman & Aman ullah both accepted Durand Line agreement yet after 1930s sucessive Afghan governments refused to accept it. Afghan Governments always use Pukhtoon card and they supported some pukhtoon groups too. In 1976, Bhutto & Sardar Dawood , both agreed on Durand Line issue yet one was kiled by Zia and other by Taraqai. During Afghan Jihad Afghan government with the help of Russians and Pakistan government with the help of US lead European allies fought with one another. Both governments supported many groups in each other areas. There were Pakistani groups or leaders who had links with Najeb ullah ( then chief of Khad) and some of them took refuge in Kabul too. Same happened in this part of the world. Pakistan & Afghanistan both acted against each other whenever they got chance. The game never ended after withdrawal of soviet forces nor after the fall of Taliban. Mahmood Achakzai was himself among the players who was pro russian and anti taliban. Interestingly, from Yahya period he had sever differences with KPK pukhtoon leaders like Ghafar Khan & Wali Khan yet after the death of Wali Khan he is the senior most pukhtoon leader. He knew very well what some pukhtoon leadership did in past. He also knew national & international players involved in this game. Now we are living in 2013, it is not 20th century yet his blame game like statement in national assembly looks like resonance of Cold Wart. He is the one who can play like a bridge, not only between Pakistan & Afghanistan but also  between numerous pukhtoon factions. But he is trying to copy Ghaffar khan and Wali Khan legacy which is neither good for him nor for the situation. i wrote a piece in Punjabi and now u read it
it will apear at wichaar soon.

Why Abdul Aziz left legal practice?

Why Abdul Aziz left legal practice?
unfortunately, till today we cannot make balance in our political attitudes so far. either we are pro british or we r anti british. There r some intellectuals who always told us about the blessings of the Raj. on the other hand we have another group of people who r always ready to critsize Raj policies. yet Allama Iqbal, Jinnah, Gandhi, Nehru were among those who studied in colonial institutions yet did not followed the theory of Brown Sahib at all. After 65 years we south asians should show some maturity and tries to place things as was present in colonial times. Without understanding the facts we will remain moving in the circles of pride & prejudices.  Read abdul aziz as narated by his son K K Aziz in his book, wo khwadas ashana.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

When advertisers lead journalism

When advertisers lead journalism

It is Daily Jang, leading newspaper from a media group who has almost monopoly in print & electronic media in Pakistan. No doubt, unbeatable not only due to its policy but more importantly due to its professionalism. The picture u r watching is its front page and here the newspaper has published an advertisement covering almost 80% area of front page. As reader we love to read it due to news & columns and its popularity is also dependent on it too. Advertisement is essential part yet there should be a percentage with respect to news in it. Jang as a leading media group acts not only as a vibrant media institution but it also an example in Pakistani media too. It’s neither an international practice nor appropriate for readers. Advertisers should not allow leading journalism at all.  

Friday, June 14, 2013

Human development & intellectual process...a piece by K K Aziz regarding Syed Ameer Ali

Human development & intellectual process

A piece by K K Aziz regarding Syed Ameer Ali

While talking about great debates, great personalities and important incidents we often miss some major relevant points and this piece reminds us and it is regarding evening talks organized by Syed Ameer Ali in London where he not only invited young students but also invited officials , PMs, Intellectuals. Abdul aziz was a student at that time and according to him, such meetings were so helpful in fiding new hrisons and did a lot of impact on youngsters. Many students like Iqbal too attended such meetings yet we have not any record of such things. K K Aziz brilently recorded some incidents which reminds us how human development grows and in an intellectual process how students can learn out of box solutions. No doubt, Syed sahib was an institution within himself yet now a days our embassies can learn lessons from such experience. read it urself

Hafz Mahmood Shirani & Allama Iqbal....a common issue?

Hafz Mahmood Shirani & Allama Iqbal....a common issue?
Allama iqbal's eldest son Aftab iqbal and Hafiz mahmood shirani's only son Akhtar shirani have differences with parents and this piece of Abdul Aziz bar at law reminds us how he tried his best to resolve it but failed terribly. by reading this u will understand even famous personalities have weak areas.

Shtar Gamzay ... written by Major Ishaq

Comrade major Ishaq joined British indian Army in 1942 and he wrote his memoires regarding Burma battle field in his usual punjabi style and the book is a master piece addition not only in war literature but also help us in understanding what was happening in society and army during that period. Book is available at

Dunya selected a piece from the books whic said

Monday, June 10, 2013

Power of culture How Abdul Aziz Bar At Law returned to Punjabi through heroic Qissa Heer, narrated by K K Aziz

Power of culture
How Abdul Aziz Bar At Law returned to Punjabi through heroic Qissa Heer, narrated by K K Aziz 
May be, our secularist, modernist as well as Islamist friends will have reservations to read it. May be some orthodox and scientific intellectuals will call it exaggeration as usual yet the power of the piece reproduced in this column will help you to understand power of the culture. Abdul Aziz Bar at law was a successful man, he had learned all worldly manners, he had a grip on Persian and English literature as well but when he hear voice of a malang, reciting HEER, he left all things and then he spend all his remaining 30 years in searching of understanding HEER by finding Oral traditions & different manuscripts regarding HEER. Just read how Abdul Aziz returned to Punjabi. infect he knew little about the Punjabi as he heard some Punjabi sentences by his grandmother & mother in Batala, Bhawalpur and Multan and then he moved to London. Abdul Aziz did not know what is actually pinching him, he was somehow a fan of Persian and English literature yet the moment he hear voice of the faqeer, things started changing. May our youngsters understand the power, strength and continuity of their land then they can hear inner voices too.
Read it yourself

Friday, June 7, 2013

Why media is twisting Facts? PPP has 2nd position yet media still playing?

Why media is twisting Facts? PPP has 2nd position yet media still playing?

What is the post election agenda? Why media especially some special media-men are still reluctant to accept Facts. With 42 seats PPP has 2nd position in National assembly but media-men are still saying that PTI is 2nd big party. Here they are trying to play with percentage of votes. normally, the standard of checking popularity depends on elected seats and party-wise results are in favour of PPP rather PTI. Now Khurshid Shah is leader of the opposition  and media-men should accept the reality now.
PM is constitutionally bound to consult opp leader on several important matters

By Tanveer Ahmed

ISLAMABAD: National Assembly Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq on Friday declared Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Syed Khursheed Shah as leader of the opposition.

A notification in this regard was issued by the National Assembly Secretariat. The decision was taken in pursuance of the Rule 39 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the National Assembly, 2007. The PPP had won 124 of the total 342 National Assembly in 2008 general elections, but managed to win only 41 in May 11, 2013 elections and became the second largest political party after the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N). During the last five years, Shah has officiated as chief whip of his PPP and was among those few members of the ruling party who attended maximum sessions of the Lower House.\06\08\story_8-6-2013_pg1_2

Thursday, June 6, 2013

When Journalists killed Journalism by themselves by following Pak India cold war in May 1949

When Journalists killed Journalism by themselves by following Pak India cold war in May 1949

This is a story of shameful flight by none the other but supporters of freedom of press and it included all shades of editors & owners of media i-e progressives, right wing religious fundamentalists, liberals. it reminds  us how business priorities compels competitors to compromise on view points.  Interestingly, in both newly created countries some over smart people were more active against old English people who had some important position in both countries after August 1947. Local officers wanted to replace English people while business people wanted to increase their share in profit. As usual, Nationalism was their weapon to dethrone those remaining English officers. Greed & abrupt promotions were behind the scene while Nationalism & anti-colonialism was on the front. No doubt, both countries were new, both needed some experience officers    so Jinnah & Nehru allowed their stay and both were happy with them too yet some over smart people were in haste due to specific interests. This story is regarding journalism yet it tells us the unholy alliance developed in newly born Pakistan during formative years. It also threw light on emergence of Pak India cold war in media too. The incident happened just two months after Objective resolution in May 1949. It also reminds me the interview of comrade Tufail Abbas, a Karachi base communist who was active in trade union of Orient Airways during early days. He was arrested and in jail. Some officials told him that they wanted to abolish Orient Airways and also wanted to establish a new Pakistani airline. Comrade told me that it was a rare moment when we were on same pitch with officials. The interview is available at our website
Anyway, you read this incident which was recorded by Late Zamir Niazi in his book " aunglian faqar apnni". I first time read this in the clumn of Zafar Iqbal mirza in Dawn but now Dawn has no more love to publish mirza sahib articles due to unknown reasons. The article, death of a newspaper is included in his book " the last Man in" available at Readings According to Zamier Niazi Civil & military Gazette , a renowned pre-partition newspaper had published a wrong report through its Delhi correspondent A N kummar regarding behind the scene peace efforts on Kashmir. Next day the paper not only printed an apology but also removed its correspondent from his job. yet after some days, 17 newspaper editors ( including right wing Nawa e waqat, liberal Dawn & progressive Pakistan Times headed by Faiz Ahmad Faiz) published a joint editorial and government banned the paper. by this act, editors himself allowed the state to use hammer of nationalism and it can be considered an attack on freedom of press supported by journalists, media owners and editors. They could go to court but instead of using proper institution they all preferred to use state authority. now u read this story yourself


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Next round : Kurshid Shah Vs Imran Khan..Will MQM support Imran Khan?

Next round : Kurshid Shah Vs Imran Khan..Will MQM support Imran Khan?

Next round : Kurshid Shah Vs Imran Khan..Will MQM support Imran Khan?
A Sindhi opposition leader is good for federation

aamir riaz
An interesting scenario is ready to attract Pakistanis after the oath taking ceremony of Mian Nawaz Sharief as third time Prime Minister of Pakistan. It was heroic event of opposition leader election. PPP is the single largest party in the assembly yet some forces want to see IK as opposition leader. Two old allies of PPP MQM with 23 seats and JUI-F 15 seats have decisive votes. If JUI-F joins ruling alliance then all depends on MQM. The pressure on mQM to support IK is a test case. according to news report MQM will putt his candidate for opposition leader. With 23 seats MQM knew she cannot win yet by such tactics MQM will help PTI smartly. By the end of this week it will be clear to whom MQM is sporting, directly or indirectly. it is a big question either MQM will get benefit from such political somersault? It will definitely lose confidence of PPP but will it neutralize IK regarding Karachi? it will definitely give a moral edge to IK on MQM in Karachi and IK will end the neutrality finally. MQM is in real time mess these days, internally as well as externally. Some pandats are predicting its demise as IK and her partner in arms Jamat e Islami will try to capture Karachi like KPK. If MQM directly or indirectly supports IK then both PPP and PML-N will use this against both parties. For PPP it is a good chance to save her skin but some of her members want to repeat theory of tactical retreat which was used before 2013 elections yet failed terribly.yet Khurshid Shah in today;s newspaper claimed support of 54 people. In the present scenario it will be good if we have a sindhi leader of the opposition which is good for the federation too yet MQM looks under pressure from powerful London circle as usual . London looks more interested in new recruitment, new players.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Is Education a service or business? or we can develop a mid way?

Is Education a service or business? or we can develop a mid way?
aamir riaz
if one read reports of education conferences and education policies before 1979 education policy, he will observe that these writings are heavily influenced by the notion i-e Education is a service not business. But from 1979 education policy our state promoted education sector as a business too. On the one hand ziaul Haq's education policy was supporting orthodox view of Islam but simultaneously same education policy was also an advocate of private education. it allowed mushroom growth of elite education institutions all over Pakistan under new liberal economy & structural adjustment program. it is a fact that before 1979 policy, there were very few private education institutions in Pakistan except Karachi and East Pakistan. In east Pakistan state did not want to invest in education but case of Karachi was different. according to Tasneem sadiquee, an ex bureaucrat, we urdu speaking people did to want to learn sindhi which was media of instruction in sindh so we opted for creating private school 7 colleges. But after 1979 policy things started changing. Till 1990s, private education expanded partly due to policy and partly due to consistent neglect of public education. Now English medium school culture was order of the day which expanded its class base. in 2007, mid term review of education policy 1998-2010, it is reported that private education is catering 30% Pakistani kids. the report did not talk about the class shades yet majority of English medium schools included in it were in low and middle income areas. In this situation we have to develop a consensus regarding core issues of education in Pakistan. Political parties, education experts and civil society is divided on the issue of private & public education. Almost all political parties putt education sector in their party programs, some of them wants to eradicate private education under the slogan of equal education system. they want to run a classless education system in a class society which looks attractive but not practical at all. Public private partnership is a mid way to address this pinching issue. Neither we have laws to check private education nor we have vision and political consensus and in this situation we fails to address it. i tried to resolve this riddle by writing a little piece yet it needs more attention. read it.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Who will lead opposition: situation is tricky in National assembly & KPK

Post election political scenario
Who will lead opposition: situation is tricky in National assembly & KPK
As par latest results  fight for leader of the house is clear not only in National assembly but also in all provincial assemblies yet fight for leader of the opposition in National and KP assemblies is tricky. In national assembly PTI has 35 seats while ppp has 39 seats. both parties won one each seat from sindh today and now their number is PTI 36 and PPP 40. PTI collation partners has 6 seats (JI-4 + sheikh rasheed -1+APML-1) so PTI is apparently in good position with 46 seats in hand in National assembly. On the other hand PPP is dependent on its two old coalition partners yet both over smart partners are are not in the mood to support PPP in her odd times. MQM has 23 seats in National assembly and JUI-F has 14 seats , if anyone of them gives her support to Khurshid shah , he will be leader of opposition. On the other hand some influential circles are as usual active against PPP. In parliamentary form of government , leader of the opposition is consider as PM in waiting. So if PPP lost this opportunity it means it will further demoralize and its future will be more pathetic then today. From Zia ul Haq's times it was a dream of such circles yet thanks to friends of Zardari Sahib, there is a chance to change this dream into reality. Some pandits are pointing towards double or tripple seat winners. in this case PTI is loser as IK won from three seats while Javaid Hashmi, Shah Mahmood won from two seats. Pervaiz Khatak(CM) and asad qaiser(speaker) of PTI also left their NA seats so it is loss of 6 seats. on the other hand PPP left Faryal Talpur seat as she is elected on women seat. No doubt, PPP is runners up in national assembly and it is her right but still PTI is not ready to accept it. In KPK situation was same regarding leader of the house election. PTI was single largest party but PML(N) and JUI-F could jointly fight for leader of the house but Nawaz rejected it timely. it was a good political gesture yet PTI is not ready to repeat it. What MQM will do is a big question. MQM can support PTI directly or indirectly. For MQM, PTI is a future threat in Karachi so with such support MQM can neutralize IK in Karachi  as she did a year ago. Either MQM putt her candidate for leader of opposition in NA or she support IK directly, it is similar.
The other important contest of leader of the opposition will be in KPK where both PML(N) and JUI-F have 16 seats each. Here ANP with 5 seats, PPP with 4 seats and AJIP with 4 seats can play vital role. So according to number game PPP, JUI-F and ANP can change scenario both in NA & KPK  provided MQM will not support PTI directly.
In next two or three days situation will be more clear yet it will remind us pre and post election difference.
see the tables of election results as par party in all 5 assemblies

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...