Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cities with Big traffic Jams

Cities with Big traffic Jams

Certainly there are some serious issues in the development models adopted by the developed world and we cannot restrict our criticism up to creation of Nation State phenomenon yet there r lot more gapes & short comings in this  Model of development. If we can read about traffic jams in some cities of Europe & US we will forget tiny traffic jams we usually faced at Lhore, Karchi, Delli. But Bagota is a different example. Bogotá is the largest city in Colombia, and one of the biggest in Latin America. It figures among the 30th  largest cities of the world. Its population is almost 80,00000 yet he has managed his traffic jams by adopting unusual model of development. Bagota has invested in Public transport , introduced a good Metro bus system, have shuttle system linked with metro bus stops and also established easy paths for cycling and pedestrians. Bagota's City heads were mastermind behind it while political vision helped them in various ways regarding using unusual model of development. The TransMilenio 'rapid transit system' was created during Enrique Peñalosa's mayoral term,and is a form of bus rapid transit that has been deployed as a measure to compensate for the lack of a subway or rail system. Delli & Lhore has metro or rapid transport system yet Karachi is still missing it, primarily due to lack of vision and priorities of city's political leadership who has more interest in money making then anything else. Yet Lhore metro needs some more decisions. Without developing a shuttle service with metro stations ( one can develop it on public private partnership) and tracks for cycling & pedestrians, people can not enjoy fruits of rapid service. yet here we r mentioning cities, famous for huge & pinching traffic jams. When u read the list u will realize that these cities r either European or American, so this information will boost ur anti-imperialist zeal too. Brussels with another sister city are on top two while Los Angeles, Milan, London, Paris, Honolulu, Rotterdam, Manchester and san francisco are in line. It is not an issue of capitalist development only as u see New York has less traffic jams then Los angles in same capitalist system. There is not any German city in top ten cities. This data is available at silicon India website. Bagota is an international example to handle big city issues and u believe it or not, Bagota has reduced its crime rate by controlling its traffic issues. In 2008, Bagota's city head visited Pakistan and spoke at Lhore and Karchi , Shahbaz smartly adopted it (partially) but MQM leaders failed to give it priority. I remeber, as editor of Development vision, i published a 4 page story on the example of Bagota and if Punjab urban resource Centre have a copy , they should upload it too. now read the piece 

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