Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Extremism in India via Textbooks

Extremism in India via Textbooks

Using textbooks for extremism is a national disease or epidemic and it is still in use in many states. If one deconstructs this phenomenon she/he will found defeatist mentality based on narrow nationalism. Sometimes narrow nationalism grows under prides and many times it grows under prejudices. Whatsoever are the forces behind it but in the end it serves against the State itself for sure. Mixture of religion and nationalism is a lethal combination and it often proved self-destructing too. Using narrow nationalism as a pride is problematic and in post-colonial South Asia its foundations are in 1960s. The policies adopted by Indian State from annexation of GOA (1961) laid foundations of narrow nationalism but defeat in Sino-Indian conflict of 1962 deepened the crisis. The ultimate boiling point of that narrow nationalism was 1971 when Indian Army had to participate in a war out of its borders just to help an uprising in neighboring Pakistan.  “I sink Two nation theory in Arabian sea” either Indra Gandhi said it after 16-December 1971 or not but in reality it was beginning of destruction of self-image of Indian State in the whole region. It was Andrei Gromyko, Ex Russian Forign Minister who pointed out it timely in Feb 1971 and Mohit Sane recorded it via Rajeshwar Rao yet in pride Indian ruling classes did not listen to it. Interestingly it was Raj gopal Acharia, First native Governor General of India who opposed annexation of Goa timely yet no one listen him too.  People like Dinanath Batra are ultimate product of Decade of narrow nationalism (1961-1971). Due to that narrow nationalism States of India and Pakistan invited extremists for help and in return they had liberties to annex vital institutions in the country. Still we are unable to challenge extremists in both countries because they have links within ourselves. Read the story of Indian textbooks and learn the fatal impacts of narrow nationalism in education. 

READ the story filled by Hindu newspaper

Saturday, July 26, 2014

CPP ex Secretary General meets President of Pakistan

CPP Ex Secretary General
 President of Pakistan

President meets Prof.Jamal Naqvi

KARACHI, July 23 (APP)- President Mamnoon Hussain met Former Secretary General of Communist Party, professor Jamal Naqvi at State Guest House here on Wednesday./Rap




For comrades, here is its video too. Its link is http://app.com.pk/video/preview.php?id=79879

2014-07-23 20:31:16

Books of Ethics for Non-Muslim Pakistanis

Books of Ethics for Non-Muslim Pakistanis

Since 2010 Government of the Punjab is publishing textbooks of Ethics for Non-Muslim Pakistanis which is in accordance with 2009 education policy yet other provinces have not publish such books till to date. Some spokesmen of Ideology of Pakistan are not happy with such developments due to obvious reasons.
From 1969 till 2009 there was not any policy recommendation in Pakistan which allowed Non-Muslim Pakistanis to read books according to their faiths. If it happened in any Muslim minority country than we would register our protest and may call it a conspiracy against Muslim world but for 40 years we tried to push our Non-Muslim Pakistanis to wall. Except a tiny minority of liberal, progressive people neither media nor political parties raised their voices in this regard.   Yet Pakistan is changing in post 18th amendment period.
2014 میں جب میں نے پنجاب ٹیکسٹ بک بورڈ کی کتب کا جائزہ لینا شروع کیا تو مجھے یہ خوشگوار حیرت ہوئی کہ بورڈ نے کلاس 3 سے 9/10 تک ماسوائے جماعت 8 کے اخلاقیات کی تمام کتب چھاپ دی ہیں۔ آپ مسلم لیگ (ن) اور میاں شہبازشریف کی حکومت سے لاکھ اختلاف کریں مگر پنجاب حکومت کا 2009 کی تعلیمی پالیسی کی اس شق کا خیال رکھنا یقینا اک مثبت پہلو ہے۔ جب میں نے اپنے کوئٹہ مقیم بلوچ دوست سے پوچھا کہ وہاں کے ٹیکسٹ بک بورڈ نے غیر مسلموں کے بارے میں کتب چھاپی ہیں تو اس نے نفی میں جواب دیا۔
As Punjab is publishing these books so we should pressurize other provincial governments to follow Punjab and produce textbooks of Ethics for Non-Muslim Pakistanis.
These books have lot of short comings and now those who are working in Non-Muslim Pakistanis should check it accordingly. These books are published under Textbook policy 2006 so there are numerous problems in it because of Textbook policy 2006.
As par 1973 constitution Ahmadis are Non-Muslim Pakistanis but in these books you will read positive information about Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Parsees but not Ahmadis.
1969 education policy penned jointly by General Sheer Ali Patoddi & Air Marshal Noor khan was Partying of Ways and you may call it Preamble of Zia ul Haq yet in our special anti-Ayub syndrome some of our supper intellectuals called it a progressive policy. Policy criticized School System and praised Madrassa system. It introduced Islamyat as compulsory subject till class 10th and compelled Non-Muslims to read it too. The policy recommended either to ban or nationalized foreign funded missionary educational institutions at once. Interestingly, 1972 education policy   nationalized all private and semi government educational institutions except madarass. So there was a back ground of Zia at least in education sector. After the demise of exemplary Sharief Commission report on education (born 1959, death 1969) our education policy documents failed to even mention about religious education of Non-Muslim Pakistanis. Just imagine if Non-Muslim Pakistanis are 5% than in a country of 200 million people Non-Muslim Pakistanis are 10 million. Is it fair enough to push 10 million Pakistanis to wall? Is it a service for Pakistani nationalism?
ان کتب میں غیر مسلم پاکستانیوں کے عقائد کا ذکر تو ہے مگر ان غیرمسلم پاکستانی شخصیات کا ذکر ہی نہیں جنھوں نے وطن عزیز کے لیے گرانقدر خدمات سرانجام دیں ہیں

In 2010, I did a content analysis of Punab Textbook Board books where I found only one book of class 9/10 so it analysis was included in my report What we are teaching our Children. Now in 2014, am doing it again and I found books of ethics for class 3, 4, 6 and 9/10 which is an appreciable job. I read a piece, please read it. Thanks


Friday, July 25, 2014

Palestine: Why everyone is reluctant to speak truth? Politics of a trade route between two seas


Why everyone is reluctant to speak truth?

Politics of a trade route between two seas

No one has love for Jews neither the west & US are against Muslims but it is a naked game of trade routes and pivotal issue is Suez Canal through which Mediterranean and Indian Ocean meets via the Red Sea (Bahr e Ahmar or Qoolzam).  Suez was built in 1869 and from that day world powers like French, British, Ottomans, Germans, etc remain in struggle to capture that Sea Route. In order to divert attention it is essential to paint it as a religious war. Killing of people is always bad yet realization of the issue is more important. Like areas adjacent with Durand line at Pak-Afghan-Iran borders Suez and its adjacent areas has a strategic position. For world powers significance of Jewish National home is not more than a reliable client population in a strategically important region.  Calling it a Muslim Jewish Holy war is a trick. US and European free and independent media is playing this trick on behalf of their masters. We are just following it but in real terms it is a game of naked commercial interests. Just rethink

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Iftar & Sahri where the sun rises and sets only once per year and Mollana sindhi

 Rationality Vs Orthodoxy

Iftar & Sahri
Where the sun rises and sets
 Only once per year
Ijtihad of Mollana sindhi

Here I am refereeing a news item published by BBC Urdu about Norway and North Pole and it is written by Mr Qandeel Shaam. It is about issue of Iftar and Sahri times. If the Sun rises for almost 6 months and Sunsets for same time than how can one follows movement of sun which is a core issue in fixing Iftar and sehri times. The news item also talked about those parts of Norway where fasting time is 20 or 21 hours. No doubt, it is an issue yet BBC correspondent did not know that it was Sialkot born Mollana Ubaid Ullah sindhi who resolved such issues 90 years back. His books are available in market. Mollana was among those intellectuals who went to Kabul in 1915 at a mission. In 1920 when King of Afghanistan made a deal with British authorities than people like Mollana had to leave Kabul. So he went to Russia in order to witnessed revolutionary Government of Bolsheviks. Here Mollana met Georgy Vasilyevich Chicherin (24 November 1872 – 7 July 1936) People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs in the Soviet government from March 1918 to 1930. During his stay he also met with Grand Mufti of Soviet Union, Mollana Raja Ullah. Ramazan was near so Raja Ullah invited Mollana sindhi to his home time which was away from Moscow. Mollana agreed and both went there. When Mollana observed fast, he realized that fast is 21 hours long. He asked his host about this. Mollana raja Ullah told him that it is a very complex matter and due to long fast, people usually either left fasting or in some cases they prefer to change religion too. Mollana Sindhi told him that for such situations Islam allows Muslim to practice rational thinking or independent reasoning (Ijtihad). Mollana Raja ullah asked him what type of Ijtihad we could offer in that situation. Mollana Sindhi told him that we can fix a rational time for fasting and it is 14 hours. So Mollana Sindhi issued Fatwa which resolved the issue.
In his news item BBC correspondent just raise the issue but did not help people to find its answer which is a bad taste.  We have many rational religious scholars in almost every school of Muslim thought yet after Zia ul Haq’s Islamization they are on back benches.  

Now read what BBC published in his website

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Part 2: Some useful links to understand history of the Punjab

Part 2: Some useful links

to understand history of the Punjab

1.       The Rajas Of The Punjab by Lepel H Griffin
2.       Viscount Hardinge and the Advance of the British Dominions Into the Punjab by Charles second Viscount Published I 1900
3.        History of British India : with continuation comprising the Afghan war, the conquest of Sinde and Gwalior, war in the Punjab
4.       Pamphlets issued by the India office and by other British and Indian governmental agencies, relating to the government of India, and to various political, economic, and social questions concerning it and Burma Volume 1
5.       Pamphlets issued by the India office and by other British and Indian governmental agencies, relating to the government of India, and to various political, economic, and social questions concerning it and Burma Volume 2
6.       [Pamphlets issued by the India office and by other British and Indian governmental agencies, relating to the government of India, and to various political, economic, and social questions concerning it and Burma Volume 3
7.       The Maharaja Of Kashmeer And His Calumniators 1870
8.        A sketch of the Changars and of their dialect by g w litner
9.        Punjab Irrigation by W P Thompson 1925
10.   The First Punjab War - Shah Mohammed's Jagnamah

For List of 38 books uploaded previously, click here

Friday, July 18, 2014


Politics is an art to capture important trade routes, enhance businesses and establish financial institutions. The world of Keynes is over and now world is drifting towards new avenues. According to Chris weafer of Moscow Times “In 2001 Goldman Sachs strategist Jim O'Neill first proposed the acronym BRIC to group together Brazil, Russia, India and China, four of the world's fastest-growing economies. In 2010 South Africa joined the group, changing the acronym to BRICS.” Many countries are in line to join while Iran has already announced his wish. “TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Deputy Economy Minister Behrouz Alishiri announced Tehran's enthusiasm for membership in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) group of countries.”
It shows why Americans are again listening Russians like they did in case of Syria. Will BRICS challenge WB? Will PPP lead world economy? And will it create new power centers? These are tricky questions. Is Tug of war between US and Russia a result of such developments? Developing Countries who are still out of BRICS has chance to renegotiate with old economic players but it depends on their own internal positions.  

Some useful links to understand the current economic situation are
  • http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/russia-has-earned-its-place-in-the-brics-bank/503354.html
  • http://www.imf.org/external/spring/2011/mmedia/view.aspx?vid=906001151001
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purchasing_power_parity
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Development_Bank
  • http://www.bbc.com/news/business-28317555

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Dissection of Iraq, Afghanistan and……………On cards

Divide & Rule
 Dissection of Iraq, Afghanistan and……………On cards

No imperial policy can work without local support and for local support they rely on local issues and by using local issues smartly they tries to use it in their interests. It is power politics, without love, without sympathy .

From Baghdad till Kabul fear of new divisions is haunting Middle East, west Asia, and central Asia these days. Its fatal effects will destabilize all neighboring countries especially Pakistan and Iran. Big players are ready to play with religions, sub religions (sects) and ethnicities. Infighting between communities and institutions in these countries will provide ample space for others to use it smartly.  Kurdish question will hit many Middle Eastern countries, Iran and Turkey while ethnically divided Afghanistan will hit Afghanistan’s central Asian neighbors and Pakistan.  Infighting on election results and failure to build a consensus government in Afghanistan is a bad taste but interestingly in Pakistan some over smart politicians are ready to follow it. Why they need continuous infighting? Destabilization either on the name of revolution or electoral rigging will not help communities but it is in the interest of those who have a larger agenda regarding our regions.  

Exactly 100 years back Britain and France did the same yet at that time neutrality of US played an important role in securing her interests.  Russian advance towards Crimea was timely but some intellectuals tried to draw a parallel between Putin’s Crimean move and Saddam Hussein's annexation of Kuwait. At July 14th, Fareed Zakria on CNN speaks with former Swedish Prime Minster Carl Bildt, but his statement is merely a lip service. In Syria, we already observed how Russian and U.S officials made other nation States foolish. When some major countries were ready to launch a war, it was a telephone call from US foreign minister to Russian counterpart which stopped it. Bildt said, “We are extremely firm on how grave the violation of international law is that Russia has undertaken in the case of Crimea, and that we make very clear to Russia that the invasion, the occupation and the annexation of Crimea will have consequences. We will never accept it. And it will be a burden on our bilateral relationship for as long as it lasts.” But in reality it will be a bilateral acceptance among big powers regarding occupations and divisions. Will the world again witness new division, carving of more unnatural nation states? Will UN follows league of nation?

Timing is more important than truth. Just remember, in 1920s Ottomans had occupation on middle east yet timing for dividing Ottoman or Austro-Hungarian empire was in the imperial interests and not in the interest of people of middle eastern countries at all.  The proof is authoritarian governments in Middle East since 1920s. Ukraine may think that it is right time for freedom but issue is new geopolitics. In this tug of war among nation states small countries or weak regions have fewer choices yet if they have popular governments with regional development agendas than they can find new ways. Otherwise they should be ready to face Dissections once again. Big powers are smart enough to use religions, sub religions, ethnic and linguistic differences and institutional rifts and it will be futile to combat it under the banner of national unity merely. Supremacy of parliament, political consensus not only within country but also in the region is only way. No imperial policy can work without local support and for local support they rely on local issues and by using local issues smartly they use it in their interests. It is power politics, without love, without sympathy .

An article is wrote in 2013 on same issue

Monday, July 14, 2014

Story of Balwant Kore in Punjab Text Book Board book

Story of Balwant Kore


Punjab Text Book Board book

Class 4, Ethics, Page 63/4

The story is regarding honesty and its main character is Bawant Kore. After 2009 Education policy our TextBook Boards are bound to publish separate books for Non-Muslims and Punjab Textbook Board is publishing books under the title Ethics since 2010. I don't know other textbook boards are following this or not. My friend in Quetta told me that no one publish ethic books in baluchistan. Our so-called leaders of minorities and civil society should take up this issue. I am pasting the Story of Balwant Kore Published in Class 4 Book of Ethics at Page 63/64. Interestingly, our vigilant media too have no time for such developments.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Germany's Metamorphosis: Exactly after 100 Years

Germany's Metamorphosis

 Exactly after 100 Years

Will Germans, unlike 20th century play their cards smartly in 21st century? Bonn is trying hard and now with this win, it gain boast yet in politics of nation states it needs little care.
In his book, ON CHINA,  Henry kissinger, a German+US citizen declared WW1was A War against Germany. That defeat was not only against Germans living in Prussia but also against german descent people living in numerous European countries.   Alex von Tunzelmann wrote a story in her book Indian summer when German descent people had to change even their German names. Interestingly, Louis Mountbatten was among those who changed their German names. So Hitler's german nationalism was a reaction against such atrocities which was self defeatist. Exactly after 100 years, Germans are again in limelight in post 9/11 era. with this win they attracts many nations and for them it is a double edge victory.
watch this

C R Aslam Remembered Last Part 1915-2007

 C R Aslam Remembered Last Part  1915-2007

Interestingly, Like M N Roy, C R Aslam and Professor Jamal Naqvi spent substantive parts of their lives in left yet in their old ages when they tried to analyse and share their thoughts they had to face fierce criticism from their comrades in arms. 
C R Aslam supported WTO and UN resolution 1990 boldly but his followers , even party comrades did not accept it. read the 2nd part of piece.
1987 وچ سوشلسٹ پارٹی دے سیکرٹری جنرل عابد حسن منٹو ایہناں دی پارٹی توں ایہہ آکھ کے وکھرے ہو گئے پئی بطور جنرل سیکٹری مینوں کوئی اختیار ہی حاصل نہیں۔ منٹو ہوری ایہناں دے نال 1971 توں سن پر اوہ وکھرے کیوں ہوئے ایس بارے چوہدری صاحب نے کوئی گل نہ کیتی۔ اوہ ایس بارے وی ’’دَڑ وٹن‘‘ نوں ضروری سمجھدے سن اتے ایس توں بعد چوہدری ہوری ہولے ہولے ’’درشنی پہلوان‘‘ ہی رہ گئے۔ منٹو ہوری تے 1987 توں 2014 وچکار بہوں ساری جتھے بندِیاں بناون تے ہنڈاون بعدوں ’’عوامی ورکرز پارٹی‘‘ دے وڈکے نیں اتے پروفیسر عزیزالدین، فاروق طارق وغیرہ وی ایہناں دے نال نیں پر سی آر نال اختلافاں بارے اوہ وی بولنا نہیں چاہندے۔ ایہہ ’’چُپ‘‘ کھبے دی سیاست نوں لے ڈوبی ہے پر سکہ بند لیڈاں نوں کون سمجھائے۔ 

چوہدری صاحب یو این او (uno) دے 1990 دے اعلامیہ اتے ڈبلیو ٹی او (wto) نوں اگے ودھن دا رستہ آکھدے سن۔ اوہ آکھدے نیں پئی قومی سرمایہ اَج دی دنیا وچ ملٹی نیشنل سرمایہ وچ بدل چُکیا ہے اتے ہُن ایس وچ اِک توں ودھ مُلکاں دا مفاد ہے۔ جنگاں دا ویلہ لنگ گیا ہے تے کھلی مارکیٹ دی حمایتاں ودھ گیاں نیں۔ ایس وچ سامراج دا پرانا خیال مُک چُکیا ہے۔ اَج دے عالمی سرمایہ نوں خریدار چاہیدے نیں تاں مارے اوہ غربت مکاؤ پراجیکٹ وی چلا رہیا ہے۔ عالمی سرمایہ غربت مکاؤ نوں خریدار ودھاؤ دے رنگ وچ ویکھدا ہے۔ پر سانوں ایس وچوں آپدا مطلب کڈھنا چاہیدا ہے۔ چوہدری صاحب دا خیال ہے اَج جمہوری رستہ ہی طبقاتی سوال نوں حل کرن وچ سب توں موثر ہتھیار ہے اتے سانوں ایس تے ہی چلنا چاہیدا ہے۔ ایہناں دا آکھنا ہے پئی اج پاکستان نوں کپاہ یا دھاگہ نہیں سگوں بین الاقوامی مارکیٹ وچ آپدا کپڑتے دوجی شئے واں بنا کے ویچنیاں چاہیدیاں نیں۔ ایس نوں اکنامکس دے رنگ وچ value added پیداوار آکھدے نیں۔
Read full Article at

For the part first u can click
For C R Aslam Last interview u can click here

Friday, July 11, 2014

Big Cities is a disease Yet trend is just opposite

Big Cities is a disease Yet trend is just opposite

More than half of the world population now lives in urban areas

Climate change and urbanization are big challenges yet we can see such issues are neither on the agenda of State, Media or Political actors. below are some useful links to read report and some more interesting facts. 
Around 54 per cent of the world’s population currently lives in urban areas, a UN survey report released on Thursday said.
According to 2014 revision of the World urbanisation Prospects report, prepared by the Population Division of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, world population living in urban areas is expected to increase from 54 per cent to 66 per cent by 2050 as additional 2.5 billion people are predicted to live in urban areas by 2050.
Highlighting on the need for a successful urban planning agenda and greater attention to be given to smaller cities where nearly half of all people currently reside, the projections by the report indicate that urbanisation combined with overall growth will contribute to the 2.5 billion jump, with 37 per cent of the projected growth in India, which currently has the largest rural population, China and Nigeria, in that order.
New Delhi, which is currently the world’s second most populous city with 25 million inhabitants, is expected to retain its spot through at least 2030, when its population is projected to reach 36 million.
Some facts of the report
  • Globally, more people live in urban areas than in rural areas, with 54 per cent of the world’s population residing in urban areas in 2014. In 1950, 30 per cent of the world’s population was urban, and by 2050, 66 per cent of the world’s population is projected to be urban.
  • The urban population of the world has grown rapidly since 1950, from 746 million to 3.9 billion in 2014. Asia, despite its lower level of urbanization, is home to 53 per cent of the world’s urban population, followed by Europe (14 per cent) and Latin America and the Caribbean (13 per cent).
  • Close to half of the world’s urban dwellers reside in relatively small settlements of less than 500,000 inhabitants.
  • As the world continues to urbanize, sustainable development challenges will be increasingly concentrated in cities, particularly in the lower-middle-income countries where the pace of urbanization is fastest.
  • The number of mega-cities has nearly tripled since 1990; and by 2030, 41 urban agglomerations are projected to house at least 10 million inhabitants each.

Pakistan case

Population: 170 million

Number of people in slums: 26.6 million

Percentage of urban population in slums: 48%

Climate change and urbanization are big challenges yet we can see such issues are neither on the agenda of State, Media or Political actors. below are some useful links to read report and some more interesting facts. 




Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A Pakistani communist C R Aslam Remembered 1915-2007

A Pakistani communist
 C R Aslam Remembered

سی آر اسلم: اِک اوکھا سوشلسٹ

Chudhry Rahmat Ullah Aslam was among those leaders of Pakistani left who produced a long list of socialist cadre, inspired many groups and had intense supporters and opponents among comrades. July 10th is his death anniversary so this piece is in his memory. After completing Munchi Fazal, L.L.B, M.A economics and reading Shakespeare, Shelly, Iqbal he opted Marxism as sole guiding principal in 1940s. He was among those who founded Communist Party of Pakistan and tried their best to  develop a united communist party at least in the western wing of Pakistan.  They failed in it partly due to their policies and partly due to external factors yet in early 1960s Pakistani communists tried to build individual groups. C R Aslam was among hard core members of CPP and when Party was banned in 1954, he joined Awami League. Then he joined NAP in 1957. After mid-1960s, Sino-Russian conflict divided those communists who were following Chinese and Russian revolutions as role models. So was the case in Pakistan when NAP divided in Pro-Moscow and pro-Chinese Factions. It proved a chain reaction and in less than 6 years there was a mushroom growth of communist, socialist and nationalist factions among left formations. In that situation C R Aslam first joined NAP Bhashani faction and then in 1971 he formed his own faction under the banner of Pakistan socialist Party. In 1987, his faction PSP was further divided and this time by his general sectary Abid Hassan Manto. In Awami Jamhori forum, a left liberal journal (www.ajfpk.org) we published his long biographical and political interview in 2005. I was with Pervaiz Majeed and Qalib Ali Sheikh in his house when he gave that interview in Punjabi.  There are lots of gapes in it yet one can find inside information, trends and change of heart in it too. He did not criticize cold war phenomenon (planned at 1943) yet he welcomed its departure. Interestingly, he not only supported 1990 UN resolution but also WTO as progressive trends. He also in detail tried his best to deconstruct theory of imperialism. He told that in this multi-national and trans-national world of capitalism national capitalism or national bourgeoisie has lost its value and there is not any Non-Capitalist path exists. Now read the piece which is in two parts. click here and read the first part

ویسے تے سوشلسٹاں تے کمیونسٹاں دی بہوں قِسماں نیں اتے ایہدے وچ نیشنل عوامی پارٹی (NAP)، پیپلز پارٹی (PPP) تے عوامی لیگ ورگے وی نیں جہناں بھرویں عوامی سیاستاں وی کیتیاں اتے اجہے دانشور، لکھاری تے بحثاں کرن والے دھڑے باز وی جہناں کسے فارمیشن وچ رَلتی ہون تو بغیر جھنڈا چُکی رکھیا۔ پر ’’سکہ بند‘‘ اوہی سن جہناں کھبے دے جھنڈے ہیٹھ گروپ بنائے تے چنگے بھیڑے طریقیاں نال ایہہ گروپ یا جتھے چلائے۔ اپنے چوہدری صاحب وی اجہے سکہ بند لیڈراں وچ شامل نیں جہناں آپدا گروپ 1960 دے دھاکے دے اخیری سالاں وچ بنایا۔ 10 جولائی نوں سی آر ہوراں دی برسی ہے تاں مارے ایہہ لکھت وجوداں وچ آئی ہے۔ 

اوہناں آپ ایہہ گل دس دِتی ہے پئی 1942 بعدوں ہی صوبیاں وچ کمیونسٹ پارٹیاں دی تشکیلاں دا کم شروع ہو یا۔ پر اوہ ایہہ گل نہ دس سکے پئی دُوجی جنگ نوں ’’سامراجی جنگ‘‘ آکھن والے کمیونسٹاں نیں روسی قوم پرستی دی سیور وچ راتوں رات لائن کنج تی سی تے ایس نوں ’’عوامی جنگ‘‘ کیوں آکھیا۔ سجاد ظہیر، جوشی وغیرہ جیہڑے پارٹی دے نویں رسالے کڈھے اوہ وی نویں پالیسی ہیٹھ سن اتے ’’عوامی جنگ‘‘ وچ چھپن والے سجاد ظہیر دے اداریے ہُن احمد سلیم دے وسیلہ نال ’’سنگ میل‘‘ والے چھاپ چُکے نیں۔ ایہناں اِدارِیاں وچ اقبال تے جناح دی تکریم، ہٹلر، جاپان تے سبھاش چندربوس دی مخالفتاں اتے کانگرس تے تنقیداں نویں لائن دے وڈے ثبوت نیں۔ 1952 وچ ایہہ لائن دوبارہ بدل کے انڈین کمیونسٹ مڑتوں کانگرس نواز ہو گئے سن۔ 

1943 دے روسی یوٹرن جس وچ روسیاں کمیونسٹاں دی بین القوامی جتھے بندی تھرڈ انٹرنیشنل نوں توڑ دتا اتے 1960 دے دھاکے دے روس۔چین جھگڑے نیں پوری دنیا وچ کمیونسٹ لہر نوں فیتی فیتی کر چھڈیا اتے فیر ا یہہ سب اَج تیک گواچی گاواں وانگ ٹکراں پئے مار دے نیں۔ پر چوہدری صاحب یا دُوجے کھبے دے وڈے لیڈراں نیں ایس بارے ’’چپ‘‘ سادھ لئی۔ جے کھبے دے دانشور 1970 دے دھاکے وچ ایس دے تجزیے کر لیندے تاں نویں لائن لبھ جاندی پر ایہہ نہ ہویا۔ سکہ بند تے 21ویں صدی وچ وی ایس بارے ’’چپ‘‘ رہن نوں ’’پارٹی لائن‘‘ سمجھدے نیں تاں مارے جداں ’’عوامی جمہوری فورم‘‘ وچ کھبے دے لیڈراں دے 33 انٹرویو چھپ گئے تے ایہناں نوں بھرتو پئے گئے۔ کھبے دے کچھ لیڈراں نیں تے انٹرویو دین توں انکار کر دِتا کیونجے اوہ ایس نموشی نوں لکانا اپنے دھرم دا حصہ سمجھدے نیں

for those who want to read C R aslam' last interview of 2005 click here


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Another review on Jamal Naqvi's Book

Another Review on Jamal Naqvi’s Book
Dogma Vs Deliberation

Why some left leaders and intellectuals are still reluctant to debate on it? Some use even below the belt language, some use this opportunity to settle old scores, some called him Zandiq and many of us still want to avoid that discussion.  I don’t want to use word of Marx i-e "All I know is that I am not a Marxist." (Ref http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1890/letters/90_08_05.htm) yet one can appeal to supporters’ of scientific approach that without arguments, deliberations even on fundamental ideas, one cannot grow at all. Are we fundamentalist? In such debates we should separate debates on history of left from debates regarding ideology. Now read what reviewer shared with us. Thanks

  • An intense debate is raging on in many intellectual circles. Critics have discussed all aspects of Naqvi’s politics, expressed personal grudges, and contested his criticism of the long-held leftist ideals.
  • He has questioned the validity of the ‘Theory of Surplus Value’, the core concept of Marxism that explains the exploitation of the industrial labour by the capital. He has forcefully challenged the class system created in the former Soviet Union in the name of elimination of classes.
  • Jamal Naqvi is not the first to question the validity of the Theory of Surplus Value. Ricardo before Marx had examined the relationship between profit and wages. His contention “pro?ts would be high or low in proportion as wages were low or high” is insular realism and Marx borrowed it unwarily from Ricardo. After presenting the theory, Marx spent next 17 years explaining what he meant by Value. Did he mean Intrinsic Value, the Exchange Value, or the third thing? In the end, Marx settled with claiming that he looked at Value from the Commodity standpoint
Some more useful links regarding the debate and book

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sky has no limit: Reservations of jamal naqvi on Ideology and politics of left by Wajahat Masood

Sky has no limit
Reservations of jamal naqvi on Ideology and politics of left
By Wajahat Masood
Finally a debate has been started why left fails in Pakistan? Was it a inbuilt weakness? Are Marxists ready to revisit Marx? is it blasphemous to critically talk about fundamental Marxist questions? Why left is still hesitant to talk on these issues. Jamal may be wrong, the book may contain factual errors but situation of left is not as appreciable as it was 90 years back. it is hard to defend Russian, Chinese and East European socialist experiences in 21st century. 20th century Socialism is history now yet we fail to present socialism for 21st century. jamal neither support capitalism nor advocate fundamentalism yet he raises many questions. Wajahat, an old comrade in arms tries to deconstruct jamal through his book. In series it is another article which reminds us that we should reconsider our common past. Jamal is succesful in initiating a debate through his book. Read what Wajahat wrote in today's jang newspaper.

for more readings, reviews and extracts READ this link

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...