Friday, September 2, 2016

Pukhtoon Politics in Afghanistan & Pakistan including FATA (Extracts) Extremism, Interventions and Illegal trade

Pukhtoon Politics in Afghanistan & Pakistan including FATA (Extracts) 
Extremism, Interventions and Illegal trade

Read yourself....and revisit the politics of 1972-79 in Pakistan. It is essential to know what Nationalists did and why some communists were with them? it was the first elected government in Pakistan and the year 1972 was the important partly due to post 1971 incident and partly due to establishment of new democratic setup. Some nationalists made contacts with Iraq and Afghanistan and got training too. Some elements within the State used it against democratic continuity. The story is important in many ways. Progressive, nationalists, Religious fundamentalists and the State were involved in that bad politics. Are we ready to REVISIT it? How we treated Taliban or MQM is not new. In order to protect "our boys" we love to coin "good & bad" theories. In this way we cannot challenge the bad narrative yet for time being we may address some immediate issues. it is a typical colonial practice to handle the situation and it proved counter productive many times in past.  Issue is not limited to Pukhtoon Zalmay only but it is a reference point to unfold the politics and mindsets by various groups including the State.  

Jumma Khan Sufi story reminds me books written by Molana Muhammad Ali Qasori (Mushahidad e Kabul & Yagistan), Mollana Ubaid Ullah Sindhi books especially Kabul meen 7 Saal, Zafar Ahsan Aibak Memoires , Abdul Majid Salik Sarghuzasht, Amir Abdur Rahman Memories written by Ch Sultan (Father of famous Poet Faiz Ahmad Faiz) , Untold Story by Advocate Aziz Ullah (President NAP Sindh in early 1970s), Foreign Policy in Perspective by Benazir Bhutto and biography of Mir Ghous Bakhsh Bizenjo by BM Kutty, Metcalfe’s Mission to Lahore, Shahamat Ali's book regarding tripartite  Afghan Campaign of Britishers in 1838-9 , Tahreek e Mujahidin by Ghulam Rasool Mehar ( a campaign in which British government used Islam against the Punjab including Fata, Peshawar in 1826-31) etc


Courtesy Fareeb e Natamam by Juma Khan Sufi 

will upload more soon

Anti-Punjab Syndrome & dividing the Punjab while sitting in Kabul
It was 1975 and NAP was banned in October 1975 by SC. While sitting in Kabul they decided two weak Punjab and for that purpose they coined two methods. One was to raise Seraiki Issue and other was to promote Greater Punjab Movement. They had no love either with Seraiki dialect speaking nor with greater Punjab but their intention was to break and weak the Punjab. Interestingly  NAP was formed in 1957 and issue of provincial autonomy  along with issues of languages and nationalities were its core points. but from its birth till the ban in 1975, for over 18 years NAP never demanded for Seraiki or Greater Punjab but now it became one of the key demands after 1975. Later on under anti-Punjab syndrome MQM as well as Sindhi, Baloch and Pukhtoon nationalists and their media supporters adopted it. They found some supporters in the Central Punjab who adopted it due to their different prejudices. but in final analysis neither people of south Punjab listen to Seraiki card nor people of central Punjab favor greater Punjab theory. It proves a non-starter in many ways til today yet some left groups are still wasting their time likewise.    

Reality of Nazish group of Communists, misleadingly known as CPP
History of communist groups is still not written and that is why there is a lot of confusion regarding facts. we can easily divide history of Pakistani left in 4 parts. 1- pre 14 August 1947 situation 2- from 14 August till February 1948 period 3- From 1948 till July 1954 period and 4- post 1954
Although there were some divergences in first three periods too yet after 1954 you may find different groups mainly in Lhore, Karachi, Dhakka and Pindi. Till 1954 Lhore was headquarter yet after 1954 there were separate formations with a lose center in Lhore. In Karachi there were many groups too and among them Tufail Abbas (Zain u din Khan) group had more presence then others. Nazish group was developed out of Karachi largely in 1970s and that is what Mukhtar Bacha told here. 

After 1977 military take over, Wali Khan said that there is one grave , it will filled either by the body of Bhutto or Zia. It was an effort from Wali against Bhutto. He knew that he cannot defeat Bhutto in elections so he instigated dictator to eliminate Bhutto. 

U-Turn of Some Maoist Groups & Afghan Money
Sufi, in this book accepted that almost all NWFP communists were Maoists and after Russia-China rift they did not join Pro-Moscow NAP Wali. But when Afghan sponsored Pukhtoon Zalmay did sabotage activities in 1973-5  they developed relations with Kabul. Interestingly they neither change their line in any congress or pamphlet ever. A group of communists from Punjab also contacted Kabul . One can understand reasons for breakage of Muzdoor Kisan Party ( A Maoist group ) in that context. Many of them are still alive 

What Sardar Dawood thought about Wall 212
Whenever one takes help from any other country or donor they naturally behave like this.

June 1976..p 225
When donor changed his policy and left Balochs alone. It was after new relationship between Sardar Dawood and Shah of Iran. Bazenjo felt Betrayed 

Story of 60 Thousand $ BAG..and Bach'a Khan
Witness is a Pukhtoon Communist 
Story of 60 Thousand $ BAG..and Bach'a Khan...Witness is a Pukhtoon Communist 

Ideologue of Communist group of Karachi and associate of Imam Ali Nazish, Professor Jamal Naqvi in his book did not throw light on their activities since late 1960s till 1978. Other then that role of Iraqi and Indian embassy is missing in Jamal book yet Jumma recorded it well. On top of it Anti Bhutto mindset of Pukhtoon Zalmay in early 1970s helps us in understanding scenarios and preferences. 

Killing of Hyat Muhammad Khan Sherpao by Pukhtoon Zalmay 1975Anti Bhutto mindset of Pukhtoon Zalmay 1970s. Since May 1070 Wali Khan was its head and Ajmal Khattack was coordinator. 

How General Zia used Afghan sponsored leaders smartly. He did it sucessfully because some external forces were against agreement between Bhutto and Dawood to settle Durand Line issue . On the one hand Zia helped those big powers who created that bloody line and on the other hand Zia used Wali Khan and his workers against Bhutto. AT that time Wali Khan and Guffar Khan became patriots because they were with General Zia. Wali Khan knew that Zia is ready to impose dictatorship much before July 5, 1977. The situation was same when Musharraf did not object Altaf Hussain when he did infamous speech against creation of Pakistan. We made and break traitors and that is part of problems.
Courtesy Fareeb e Natamam by Jumma Khan Sufi Page 137

Imam Ali Nazish Communist group, Ajmal Khattak and Begum Wali....Story of power struggle where every one was suspect. Apparently Wali Khan, Dawood, Nazish group were partners but when anyone got another chance he left others. How they all three betrayed Bazenjo is also a fact. 

In order to combat sabotage activities of Pukhtoon Zalmay General Naseer ullah Babar, than IG FC NWFP inducted some Afghans (Gulbadin Hikmatyar, Ahmad Shah Masud, etc). They answered Afghanistan and due to that activity Wali Khan's lofty claims exposed in front of Sardar Dawood. After understanding ground realities Dawood decided to settle Durand Line conflict and involved Shah Iran too. At that moment when Bhutto and Dawood were settling issues General Zia contacted Wali Khan and rest is history. But question is what Pukhtoons gained in that whole game. We have to analysis it in 21st century. Wali Khan not only weaken First democratic government in Pakistan but also laid foundations of infighting among various Afghan groups

Sabotage 1973-5

Sabotage activities 1973-5

Genesis of Pukhtoon Zalmay 
 Pukhtoon Zalmay revived by Wali Khan in May 1970. As par Jumma Khan narrative (at Page 89) General Ayub Khan told Wali Khan in 1968 , after failure of Round Table Conference, that " if You want to rule Pakistan, get rid of East Pakistan. But Wali Khan thought it a golden chance to break West Pakistan too. So before 1970 elections Wali Khan revived PZ. It was preparation for future actions.After launching of military action at 25 March 1971 in East Pakistan, Wali Khan sent Ajmal Khatak to kabul. Some Baloch Sardars (not Bazenjo) were in contact with Iraq while Wali Khan had links in Afghanistan where his father was also residing in self exile. It is to be remembered that Baluchistan became province in 1970 and it was essential for the province to built institutions.

Bullet for Bullet: Just imagine Wali Khan neither took a line of armed struggle against  General Ayub nor General Zia or Yahya but he took hard stand against the first democratic government in Pakistan.

 The difference between democrat nationalist Ghous Baksh Bazenjo and power player nationalist Khan Abdul Wali Khan. If we fight with Bhutto then Left liberal democratic forces will weak finally. Bazenjo said but Wali Khan did not listen and rest is history.

Much before 9/11 Mushraff started negotiations with anti-Taliban Pukhtoons. What were the motives? Why so-called anti establishment Ajmal Khattack had attraction towards a dictator? What was the agenda? 
Love of Pukhtoon progressive leader Ajmal Khattak with Dictator General Mushraff in 2000 was a known fact and Ajmal had aproval of Wall Khan too. They were with Zia, they were ready to serve Musharraf but still they have high claims as protectors of democracy


Latif Adridi, Ajmal Khattak, etc all were ready . It was 2000. Mushraf just imposed his dictatorship. Many NGOs were also with Mushraff. Instead of criticizing military rule a big NGO discussed decentralization plan in its annual report released for the year 1999 and its date of publication was January 2000. They were even ready to club with PTI and latief mentioned meetings with Imran Khan too. A minister of Mushraff was son of Air marshal Asghar khan and many NGOs including some progressive intellectuals , some economists etc were part of the game. 

Conspiracies against Bhutto much before July 5, 1977.  NAP Wali was banned by SC in Oct 1975 yet they were engaged in future conspiracies by the establishment. It was a time when dawood, Bhutto and Shah Iran were on one page yet all the three were removed smartly. As usual local players used that golden opportunity to fix  its enemies in Pakistan while serving the big interests. 

Confessions of a Pukhtoon Revolutionary A review of Jumma Khan book published in The News on Sunday. 

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