Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Good Leaks, Bad Leaks: Are all leaks bad?

Good Leaks, Bad Leaks: Are all leaks bad?

No matter what will be the fate of infamous Dawnleakes, but it is an interesting study if one gathered numerous leaks appeared in public regarding civilian governments and politicians. The leak story immediately raised a larger question and that is linked with definition of  National Interest. Even pandats of power politics often fail to explain it even in private meetings. Remember kargil stories published in newspapers especially during last 6 months of PM Nawaz and after unconstitutional act of 12th October 1999 and if someone have record he can easily find top secret meeting news twisted against PM. I also remember what newspapers reported regarding inside stories of meeting between Rajive Gandhi and Benazier Bhutto. It is yet to decide when a leak becomes bad and how to link it with national interest. Either one like it or not, it is time to define national interest once for all. In the absence of a clear, tangible definition of national interest  it is hard to deal with bad leaks. Numerous high ranking civil military officers wrote books and they extensively use inside information in it. can we call it leaks or not? One may fix some persons in recent leak scandal but larger question will remain there and it is linked with definition of national interests. Our highest civil military officers often get lucrative jobs/consultancies abroad and their private leaks may help them largely. do we have any mechanism to check them? Playing with leaks is not new phenomenon and it has a history.
After Pervaiz Rashid now Tariq Fatmi is under pressure. Is someone is unhappy with his foreign policy initiatives? Is it first fall out of Pakistan's involvement in absurd yet tricky Saudi lead 41 countries Alliance? Will this report raise new issues?
These are some stray thoughts

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