Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Misleading Nation Building narrative, Minorities & response of Youngsters (Radio Show)

Misleading Nation Building narrative, Minorities & response of Youngsters (Radio Show)

Due to misleading nation building narratives especially regarding non Muslims we are more like a crowd than nation state. Radio discussion at Lok Lhar show mastFM103.c0m.pk recorded Jan 3, 2019, participants were young Pakistanis including Tahreem Hasham, Adil Lhori, Ariba Butt, Usman Younas and Rabia Dar. Mayor Lhore also recorded his message too.

A video clip of the Program
Areeba Butt talking in Lok Lhar show about equal citizenship rights, Program was recorded at MastFM103 Jan 3, 2019

Another Clip of the Program
A clip of Lok Lhar radio show at MastFM103. Rabia Dar shared the views. Include Stories of non Muslim Heroes of Pakistan in school textbooks, Make representative Governing Board and include Non Muslim Pakistanis in curriculum making institutions and implement 5% quota for non Muslims

ساڈے ایتھے ایہہ کیوں آکھیا جاندا ہے اساں70 سال بعد وی اک ہجوم ہی ہاں؟ کیہہ ایس بارے کدی جھات وی کسے پائی ہے؟ یا ایہہ جملہ وی بس بول دتا جاندا ہے؟ ایس سب بارے نوجوان کیہہ سوچدے نیں، انہاں دے اپنے کیہہ گھاٹے وادھے نیں، ایس سب بارے لوک لہر ریڈیو پروگرام وچ گل بات کیتی گئی۔

Complete radio show recording 

From Left: Rabia Dar Tahreem Hasham and Areba Butt

From Left Adil Lhori and Usman younas

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