Saturday, March 16, 2019

100 years of Jillianwala Massacre (13 April 1919-13 April 2019) A series of Radio Shows

100 years of JillianwalaBagh Massacre

(13 April 1919-13 April 2019)

Story of a mindset that is still present in South Asia based on sedition myths

A series of Radio Shows

جلیانوالہ باغ قتلام دے مگر اوہ خفیہ رپورٹ سی جس وچ آزادی دی لڑائی لڑن والیاں تے  جرائم کرن والیاں نوں اک ہی لاٹھی توں ہانکن دا کوڑ بیانیہ بنایا گیا سی تے اوہ مائنڈ سیٹ اج وی ساڈی پالیسیاں تے حاوی ہے۔

How a nexus of Court cum judges and custodians of security conspired against people is an unheard story behind Jillianwalabagh massacre. The report had created a narrative and Col Dyer acted accordingly and killed unarmed Punjabis.  
What was #Hindu #German Conspiracy? What was the promise British did with #Indian leaders just to get massive recruitment during WW1 and why they broke it after defeating Germans?  
یس قنون دی منظوریاں جس گھٹیا رپورٹ پاروں دتیاں گیاں اوس نوں ’’غداری رپورٹ‘‘ دے ناں توں جانیا جاندا ہے۔ ایہہ کمیٹی دس دسمبر1917وچ بنائی گئی سی تے ایہہ پورے286صفحیاں دی رپورٹ سی

Listen recording of First radio show recorded at MastFM103, lhore station in weekly Lok Lhar program recorded at Thursday 4 to 6 March 14th 2019. 
ریکارڈنگ تے رپورٹ دے چونویں ٹوٹیاں لئی ایس لنک تے کلک کر سو

Will share extracts of sedition committee report formed at December 10th 1917 by the British Government that established a bad narrative and had introduced a black law. 

Further Readings

JillianWalla Massacre & Forgotten Facts

The mindset still haunting us in South Asia even after 100 years

100 years of : Watch & Unlearn Misusing Sedition Charges against political opponents, Security syndrome, Mixing religion in politics and gapes in resistance narrative. watch and comment

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