Friday, June 28, 2019

Listen the Story of Maharaja Ranjit Singh at his 180th anniversary ( A Radio Show)

Listen the Story of
Maharaja Ranjit Singh
at his 180th anniversary
( A Radio Show) 

A man who made an empire that resisted for 50 years (1799-1849) and untill his death (27 June 1839) colonizers could not conquer Kabul, Qandhar, Sindh, Qallat, kashmir, Baltistan, Peshawar, Bajure and the Punjab but after his death colonizers had conquered all these regions one by one with 10 years.
British historians created many narratives and played with half truths  and many such things are still prevalent and we often narrate them consciously or unconsciously. you listen the radio talk and i am also sharing some useful links too.

Above Statue is placed at historic Lahore Fort by Wall City Authority of Lahore at June 27th 2019, Lhore. 

Complete Recording of the show click HERE

This plate is placed along with statute. 

Some useful links about Ranjit Singh

Why we cannot ignore Ranjit Singh?

Playing with Sikh Muslim Conflict exposed (A colonial legacy still in practice) Read & Unlearn

Daily Report of Ranjit Singh's Lhore Darbar has exposed various misleading facts, read yourself

Why to divide PUNJAB again? Analysis of previous 5 divisions and its impact not only on the Punjab but also on the adjacent areas.

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