Monday, November 5, 2012

The new left Party ...some stray thoughts

There r too many false claims and as usual contradictory things in this document. i read it and will soon send my views. The program is as usual inspired from Congress thesis, anti Punjab sentiments and Cold war justifications. When our left will able to revisit her faults? If today left is nowhere, neither in student, peasant unions nor in labor unions then who is responsible for that? Putting all the blames on imperialism and state authoritarianism is an old fashion and no one can fool people with such claims. We are happy as due to this venture we have a new space within left where we can generate the debate. But the program is as liquor in old bottle. If we can find new ways, Newline, new thinking it will be good otherwise we will still moving in circles.
i will write soon. Yet u can smell it in my comments too. The writer still using cold war claims for example 1- write is still sporting Russian military intervention in Afghanistan. 2- Then when writer is giving examples of sporting military interventions by popular political parties like PPP or PML Nawaz then he should accept that it was left too who from pinidi conspiracy till omar asghar launching had such people among them. 3- If they r using imperialism so in present context are countries like Russia and china r too includes in it? In cold war we were not include them as u knew. 4- calling nationalists as racist in general is a bad taste as written in the document 5- writer accept that in past left did some faults but he did not give any example nor write any detail just passing remarks. If u r ready to criticize popular political parties then u have courage to talk about yourselves too. This r some stray thoughts yet will write in detail soon
aamir riaz

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why Britishers Annexed the Punjab? part 1 to part 25

25- Trade and Skills in the Punjab

24....a series of articles by aamir riaz (still in progress)
24- Henry Stain Bach book and reflections on trade, politics, bussinesses, productions of pre british Punjab
قسط نمبر 24:انگریز نے پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا
23- Baron Charles Hugel famous book and his travel in Punjab & Kashmirقسط نمبر 23:انگریز نے پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا
22- Statements in Praise of MahaRaja of Lhore darbar...Ranjeet singh
21- Ranjeet Singh period and European writers
قسط 21: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟
20-  Ranjeet singh army and European officers قسط 20: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟
19- Rise of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh and his Army
قسط 19: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟
18- British policy and the Punjab:towards Land and Sea trade routes
قسط 18: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟
17- Snatching  opportunity out of political crisis
16- State of diplomacy: Metacafe Vs Maharaja of The Punjab
قسط نمبر ۱۶: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟
15-Charles Theophilus Metcalfe, his mission to Lhore 1808-9 , Afghanistan and the Punjab
 قسط نمبر۱۵: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟
14-Birth of frontier forward policy and British interests in our lands
قسط نمبر14: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟
13-Mapping British interests in the Punjab in early 19th century ....a piece written with reference to Metacafe mission to Lhore 1809
قسط نمبر۱۳: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟
 12-Problems in Religious and Nationalist discourse 
 قسط نمبر۱۲: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟
11-How British infected our history
10-Revisiting Mughal decline
 قسط نمبر ۱۰: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟
9-Nepolian and the Punjab
 8-Emergence of new international players and the Punjab
  قسط نمبر ۸: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟
7- conscious misuse of the term angreez to confuse English identity with European identity
 6- concious misuse of the term Khan and confusion in history
  قسط نمبر 6: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟
5- analysing British policy and plans- an anti thesis of nationalist and colonial interpretations
4- Story of the important port at Sind---The Lhori Bandar or Lhori Dharo
3-Pirates and thesis of European hegemony
 2- Britain in search of trade routes esp Sea Trade Routes(STRs)
 1- Why Britishers annexed the Punjab in 1849

Saturday, October 20, 2012

shame: TV program Khabarnak supported capital punishment

today at 11 pm in his Geo TV show the anchor Aftab Iqbal supported Capital Punishment. it was so unfortunate when people of such status used such arguments to prevent crimes. in his self righteous statement he gives an example of Military dictator Zia ul Haq who often used Gandhian tactics to attract attention.     he gave example of pupoo case in which criminals were publicly hanged in Pakistan. in fact the case was a usual zia ul haq darama and he used public hanging just to give a message to his opponents. yet mr aftab enrich us with a statement that after this hanging there remained peace in country for many years or months. this statement must be a zia ul haq propaganda as usual. we knew crime rate had increased during zia times every year especially after Afghan jihad and Pakistan was flooded with heroine or narcotics and arms. it was the irresponsible talk on so called free media and itself a voilation of geo usool.  who can support public hanging? even our friends from tribal areas are against it.  

PPP & PML N should Offload PML Q

some thoughts after reading Nazrat javed column regarding appointment of Mr Watoo as PPP president for the Punjab
 کیا پی پی پی کو ریپبلکن پارٹی کی طرح چلانا دانشمندی ہو گی؟ کیا اس سے پی پی پی اپنی عوامی مقبولیت کو مزید نقصان پہنچائے گی؟ جب آپ اقتدار میں ہوتے ہیں تو ترجیحات فرق ہوتی ہیں مگر انتخابی سیاستوں میں اخلاقی جواز کا اہم کردار ہوتا ہے. 1970 میں بھٹو صاحب کے پاس اخلاقی جواز تھا کہ انھوں نے وفقی وزارت خارجہ سے استعفی دیا تھا. اسی طرح 1990 کی دہائیوں میں بی بی اور میاں صاحب کے پاس یہ اخلاقی جواز تھے کہ انہیں کام نہیں کنے دیا گیا. پرویز مشرف دور سے ایک نسخہ کیمیا پر کام جاری ہے کہ جس میں خواہش سے زیادہ مستقبل کا تحفظ زیادہ چغلی کھا رہا ہے. اس نسخہ کو اس لوح طلسم سے سینچا گیا ہے کہ جس پر ق لیگ اور پی پی پی کے اتحاد کو غیر منتخب اشرافیہ کی فتح کا ضامن کہا گیا ہے. پی پی پی اور ق لیگ کا اتحاد دیکھنے کے متمنی چاہتے تھے کہ اگر میاں نواز انتخابات کا بائیکاٹ کر دیں تو پی پی پی اور ق لیگ کے اتحاد کو ئی روک نہ سکے گا. مگر اس چال کو بی بی نے بھانپ لیا کہ وہ 1980 کی دہائی والے ایم آر ڈی کے انتخابی بائیاکاٹ کے فیصلہ کا تجزیہ کر کے اسے اک غلطی قرار دے چکی تھیں. زیرک بینظیر نے نواز شریف سے رابطہ کیا اور انکو بائیاکاٹ کے سیاسی مضمرات بارے بتایا. یہی نہیں بلکہ وہ تو مئی 2006 میں معاہدہ جمہوریت کے ذریعے غیر منتخب اشرافیہ کو پیغام اجل دے چکی تھیں. میں ان مذہبی و سیکولر کالم نویسوں اور تجزیہ کاروں کی فہرست نہیں دینا چاہتا جو پی پی پی اور ق لیگ کا اتحاد دیکھنے کے متمنی تھے البتہ آج بھی انہی میں سے بہت سے نئی بوتل میں پرانی شراب ڈال کررائے ونڈ اور صدارتی محل کی غلام گردشوں میں مقیم ہیں. غیر منتخب اشرافیہ نے پی پی پی کے لیے دوہاری تلوار تشکیل دی ہے. اگر اتحاد ثلاثہ ایم کیو ایم، پی پی پی اور ق لیگ کامیاب ہو کیا تو یم کیو ایم اور ق لیگ پی پی پی کے سر پر ناچیں گے اور غیر منتخب اشرافیہ کا سر کڑاہی میں ہی رہے گا. بصورت دیگر نواز شریف پر چوہدریوں کو ان کی شرئط پر شامل کرنے کا دبائو ڈالا جانا رہے گا. دونوں جماعتوں کو ق لیگ کے ملبہ سے بچنے کا آہر کرنا چاہیے کہ اس سے عوامی طلسم میں فرق آے گا. 
ویسے وٹو کا بطور صدر پی پی پی پنجاب انتخاب ق لیگی اتحاد کا شاخسانہ ہی ہے.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Left unity in Pakistan-riddles and ambiguities

Three Left parties of Pakistan to merge,

 founding conference on 4th November

its a good move yet needs little care, consistency. from 2003, in our left liberal magazine awami jamhori forum we r raising this issue. as par policy we published interviews and articles of left people who have even contradictory view points. we often faced criticism from comrades to accommodate different left point of views. yet we remained struck with the policy and the proof of this is our published material. in our more than 52 magazines we published interviews of more than two dozen left prominent leaders and intellectuals only. we also published many articles too. as u see at our website we always emphasized on need for a new democratic left party. regarding this email, i think issue was not state patronage as claimed in email " We do not expect to suddenly emerge as a ˜third™ force in Pakistani politics, because we do not enjoy the kind of patronage of state and non-state powers that right-wing parties." in India CPI after 1952 in general enjoyed state patronage yet it failed to become 3rd force. there r some basic issues which we must accept. in non-democratic structures we often abolish gray areas and so in the absence of dialogue factionalism prevails. this was one of the basic issues. if this effort give the space for new thinking it will be better.
Aamir Riaz
Editor awami jamhori forum ( people's democratic forum)
Commercial Email:  aamir@...
GM ILQA Publications an imprint of Readings lhore

From: A. H. Nayyar <nayyar.ah@...>
Sent: Wednesday, 19 September 2012, 8:52
Subject: Re: (SPN) Three Left parties of Pakistan to merg, founding conference on 4th November

This would be a great step forward. People may have started working on political documents, policies, manifestos, etc. If such a policy document is being made in the area of education and science and technology, I would like to offer my services to be a part of it.  

On 19 September 2012 08:01, Labour Party Pakistan <labour_party@...> wrote:
  [Attachment(s) from Labour Party Pakistan included below]
 Dear Friends and Comrades,
Over the past few months, three Left political parties have been holding meetings to discuss the possibility of a merger and creation of a new progressive force in Pakistani politics. Many of us have been striving for left unity for years, even decades.
The challenges that working people and progressive political forces face both within this country and in the form of imperialist intrigue cannot be meaningfully confronted without such unity. In the past, efforts to bring the left together have both succeeded and failed, and it is in the spirit of learning from such experiences that this present attempt is being made.
We do not expect to suddenly emerge as a ‘third’ force in Pakistani politics, because we do not enjoy the kind of patronage of state and non-state powers that right-wing parties. Yet we do believe that the people of Pakistan want to see new alternatives emerging and we expect that a merger of existing left groups will be a giant step forward in building such an alternative.
It is true that a majority of the Pakistani population is young, and many of these youth are fed up with the existing political options at their disposal. We believe that a left political party can be the face of this young and struggling population, not on the basis of hollow slogans, but in the form of a workable anti-imperialist, secular, anti-feudal and democratic Socialist programme.
We want to harness the countervailing power of the people of Pakistan to take on and displace all status quo forces.
Baluchistan is burning, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa continues to be caught in the throes of a war between two fundamentalisms (imperialist and religious), and our biggest city Karachi is engulfed in a mini-civil war….the list could go on.
None of our existing political parties acknowledges or tries to address these divisions. We believe that only a mass left party can bring Pakistan’s divided nations together by bringing to the fore the shared interests of working people of all of these nations, and by accepting the rights of nations of self determination including the right of cession. We will struggle to affirm Pakistan’s multinational character, and will try and revive the historic alliances of the left and progressive ethno-nationalists. This is the most urgent task facing all progressives and we believe our new party will be at the forefront of this struggle.
While the merger process to date has included only our three parties, we are circulating this message to clarify that we want all those who share our goals to join us. We believe that the building of a democratic socialist Pakistan is possible only if the means we employ are inclusive from the outset. We invite you all to be part of his historic effort.
It is been agreed that a federal conference consisting of delegates from all three parties  will take place on 4th November  2012 in Lahore. An interim body will be elected for the next six months. A congress of the new party will take place in the middle of next year to elect all the bodies and to set the political and organizational priorities.
We would also be happy to invite those who are not part of the party to take part in the first federal conference as observer and decide for themselves, if they want to be part of the new party.
In solidarity,

1-       Awami Party Pakistan 

2-       Labour Party Pakistan
3-       Workers Party Pakistan 

Please contact for more information and solidarity

Awami Party:(Jamil Umer)             alberuni123@...

Labour Party:(Farooq Tariq)           labour_party@...
Workers Party:(Assim Sajad Akhtar)     amajid@...
Labour Party Pakistan
1/7 Street 7, Mohammed Nagar, Allama Iqbal Road, Lahore, Pakistan
tel: 00 92 42 36315162

Monday, September 17, 2012

Get your books @ your door steps in Pakistan

Get your books @ your door steps

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Review awami jamhori forum
Open to contradictions

An interesting read, quite open to contrarian views of the organic intellectual

By Saeed Ur Rehman

Awami Jamhoori Forum
Issue Issue No. 46 (November 2008).
Published by Awami Jamhoori Forum, Lahore
Pages 56
Price: Rs. 250 (12 issues)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Politics of OTHERS...Cold &proxy wars r worst than hot wars

Palestine in Israeli school books....a lesson for all Nation States
How politics based on fixing OTHERS ruined our own generations is the main topic in this book. it reminds us anti-India politics in Pakistan ans anti-Pakistan politics in India and its fatal effects. Religion, nationalism and ideology r three weapons through which one can ruined his future generations provided he has a bottom line not to compromise on modernity, tradition of dialogue, freedom of press. from 19th century Cold War between Russia vs. Britain till today rivalries of Nation States, ruling classes either foreign or local used religion, sectarianism, nationalism, national identities , sub national or ethnic conflicts  and contradictory ideologies extensively. a nation state can use its diversity for people's uplift yet for this it has some bottom line,

Campaign for relevant and unbiased Textbooks

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

Other side of Burma Muslim killings

why there is sudden hue and cry regarding Burmi Muslims? such issues of valiance were there at Bangladeshi-Burmi border when i visited at 2009. Burmi govt was using Buddhist tribes living at Bangladeshi borders (Chittagong hill tracks) while there were many muslim villages at Burmi side. both countries were using religion extensively. Bangladeshi govt with help of Saudi+Us funding while Burmi govt with Chinese support. jamat e islami and tableghi jamat were engaged in at Bangladesh. now after 2011 settlement situation has been changed. burmi leader is now released and USA accepted Burma status while burmi govt is holding elections. it means after collaboration of US-China that hot point is defused mutually. yet it is not acceptable to Britain who created McMahon line in 1914. neither it is acceptable to US war industry as they are dependent on hot points. nor it is accepted to religious groups in Bangladesh who were gaining huge money . the situation resembles with 1857 revolutionaries in royal Bengal army who had a fear to lost there position as British Indian administration needs military recruitment from areas adjacent to Afghanistan. the situation resembled with post Geneva accord where religious fundamentalist groups lost heavy funding of afghan jihad. so they became anti US or anti imperialist. so after a visible change in Burma, old jihadies r trying to regain old findings. we should expose all these game plans and should not depend on new claims. 
 it is published at


Friday, July 6, 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Review Subhas Chandar Bose Biography

The victim of the great game
An exhaustive biography of Subhas Chandra Bose is the best work to date to clarify some of his paradoxes
By Aamir Riaz
In His Majesty’s eyes, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was a rebel, an agent of the fascist Germans and a persona non-grata. But, in people’s memories, he is still alive as an immortal leader who sacrificed his career and life for them.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Annexation of the Punjab and British Policy 1-22


22- famous sayings in Praise of MahaRaja of Lhore darbar...Ranjeet singh

21- Ranjeet Singh period and European writers

قسط 21: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

20-  Ranjeet singh army and European officers

 قسط 20: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

19- Rise of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh and his Army

قسط 19: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

18- British policy and the Punjab:towards Land and Sea trade routes 

قسط 18: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

17- Snatching  opportunity out of political crisis

16- State of diplomacy Metcalfe Vs Maharaja of The Punjab

قسط نمبر ۱۶: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

15-Charles Theophilus Metcalfe, his mission to Lhore 1808-9 , Afghanistan and the Punjab

 قسط نمبر۱۵: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

14-Birth of frontier forward policy and British interests in our lands

قسط نمبر14: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

13-Mapping British interests in the Punjab in early 19th century ....a piece written with reference to Metacafe mission to Lhore 1809

قسط نمبر۱۳: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟


12-Problems in Religious and Nationalist discourse 

 قسط نمبر۱۲: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

11-How British infected our history

قسط نمبر۱۱: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

10-Revisiting Mughal decline

 قسط نمبر ۱۰: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

9-Nepolian and the Punjab

 قسط نمبر۹: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

 8-Emergence of new international players and the Punjab

  قسط نمبر ۸: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

7- conscious misuse of the term angreez to confuse English identity with European identity

 قسط نمبر7: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

 6- concious misuse of the term Khan and confusion in history

  قسط نمبر 6: انگریزاں پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

5- analysing British policy and plans- an anti thesis of nationalist and colonial interpretations

پنجاب کہانی5-: انگریز پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

4- Story of the important port at Sind---The Lhori Bandar or Lhori Dharo

پنجاب کہاڻی 4: انگریز پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

3-Pirates and thesis of European hegemony

 پنجاب کہاڻی 3: انگریز پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

 2- Britain in search of trade routes esp Sea Trade Routes(STRs)

پنجاب کہاڻی 2: انگریز پنجاب تے قبضہ کیوں کیتا؟

 1- Why Britishers annexed the Punjab in 1849

انگریز دے پنجاب تے قبضے دا دیہاڑ - پہلی لڑی

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Interview of ZIM Bhadur

Interview of Zafar Iqbal Mirza

Review of Jangalwala sahib..a translation of the Crow eaters

Review of Jangalwala sahib..a translation of the Crow eaters
it is translation of Bapsi Sidwa famous Novel The Crow Eaters Published by Ilqa Publications-an imprint of Reading Lhoire

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Campaign to revisit our text books part 2
Extracts from the report “What we are teaching our Children”
PTB book Pak Studies Class 5 page 57
Author did not mention Motorway and
Punjab government is publishing it from last 4 years.
it is an example of carelessness from politicians towards Textbooks.

The book was prepared under 2003 curriculum and it was Pervaizi period so they did not include Motorway in the lessons out of their biases. But the same book is printing there in the Punjab from 2008. Same issue is there in all other text book boards.

Campaign to revisit our text books part 1

This text is included in Pakistan Studies class 7 books at page 13. It is not only against Christians but also against Muslim children. What will a Muslim kid thinks about fellow Christian Pakistanis? Such biased and narrow minded lessons are harmful not only for Pakistani nationalism but also push our kids against the spirit of tolerance and peace.
Campaign to revisit our text books
Extracts from the report “What we are teaching our Children”

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Who's afraid of Saadat Hasan Manto? by By Garga Chatterjee

The left-wing student organization I belonged to in my college days in Kolkata used to have a poster exhibition every year. This exhibition has begun to take place every year after the 1992 demolition of the Babri structure. One of them had those memorable words calligraphied red-black in a typical Bengali left-wing style - "The child noticed the coagulated blood on the road, pulled at his mother's sleeve and said, 'Look, ma, jelly'." That, I discovered, was a fragment of a very short 'story'; and to read the rest, I had to go to Manto.

Why did he leave Bombay? India would have been so much of a 'natural' home for him, they say

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There is a lot of hushed and not-so-hushed lamentation in this year of Saadat Hasan Manto's birth centenary. Why did he leave Bombay? India would have been so much of a 'natural' home for him, they say. Somewhere between pronunciations such as these, so characteristic of the self-congratulatory strain of elite public-secularism and a second-hand appreciation of Manto's raw exposition of the chasm between our private and public lives, somewhere between those things lies the attitude with which we in India look at Manto. The Anglicized literati and their patron, the Indian Union, wants to own Saadat Hasan Manto. They are masters at making cages for living writers - some gilded, others iron-made. Some cages become sarkari mausoleums after the writer's death. Zoo tigers do not bite, generally. Clearly, the enthusiasm of some folks on this side of owning Manto comes from a hope that sooner or later, a suitably golden cage could be made for him in the Union of India, for us to cheer and clap at. But I am not so sure.

The Anglicized literati of India want to own Saadat Hasan Manto. They are masters at making cages for living writers

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Today, in Delhi and other places, Manto is dramatized, commemorated, written and read, largely in English. Urdu's currency as one of the pervasive languages of the common public sphere (and not 'qaumi' affairs) of the Upper Gangetic plain has seen progressive ruin. Read primarily in English, would Manto resign himself to having a smaller following than, say, Chetan Bhagat? Would Manto have loved this loss of readership, would he have wanted to be primarily remembered for getting a Filmfare award for "lifetime achievement" in writing stories for Hindi movies? I am not so sure. He might have written about the gosht the Union would serve up, not only mazhabi gosht, but gosht from a thousand faultlines. He might have written about the garam gosht cooked up in Delhi in 1984, when Sikhs were massacred on that city's streets, or about the gosht of Muslims burned and killed in Ahmedabad in 2002, if he lived to be 90 years old. Would he, a "Muslim" writer in our times, not be accused of writing only against "Hindu" violence? I am not so sure. He certainly would have written about a lot of gosht served up in East Pakistan in 1971. He certainly wouldn't have had a postage stamp of the kind issued in 2005 with his image on it. Dying young has its benefits.

Read primarily in English, would Manto resign himself to having a smaller following than, say, Chetan Bhagat?

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He might have looked at the Saltoro range and the slow-killing heights of Siachen. He might have peered into that deathly whiteness, peered deep into it and among the frostbitten parts of the limbs would have located the new coordinates of Toba Tek Singh. Not content with "obscenity", there might have been calls for him to be charged with sedition. That would have been true, irrespective of his leaving Bombay or not. He would have continued to write about the sensuality that permeates life in the Indian Subcontinent. Invariably, they would have intersected with more than one faith, belief and god(s), for they too pervade public life in the Union of India. Like Maqbul Fida Hussain, that sterling admirer of the goddess Durga who liberated her from the patently mid-19th century blouse-clad look, re-imagining the holy mother in her naked matriarchal glory, Manto's run-ins with "public sensibilities" might just have been enough to eject him from Bombay. Almost surely, as it happened with MF Hussain, a robust on-the-ground counter to hate-mongerers would have been found wanting. Hardly being 'Pak', in the long run, perhaps he would have been easily pushed out of Pakistan also, where he "had only seen five or six times before as a British subject".

He might have written about the garam gosht cooked up in Delhi in 1984, when Sikhs were massacred on that city's streets, or about the gosht of Muslims burned and killed in Ahmedabad in 2002

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The inner crevices of the human psyche, where the shadow cast by public stances, acculturated beliefs, socially learnt prejudices, as well as greed, eros and love, all come together; into that twilight zone, Saadat Hasan Manto looked critically, honestly, and compassionately. It is this vantage that makes him an equal-opportunity lover and an equal-opportunity destroyer. He writes in his 'Letters to Uncle Sam': "Out here, many Mullah types after urinating pick up a stone and with one hand inside their untied shalwar, use the stone to absorb the after-drops of urine as they resume their walk. This they do in full public view. All I want is that the moment such a person appears, I should be able to pull out that atom bomb you will send me and lob it at the Mullah so that he turns into smoke along with the stone he was holding." Hindu fanatics are not amused by this, for they know, barring the specifics, that Manto would have been equally acerbic towards them. Manto stands tall, rooted in social realities, beyond the posturing self-flagellation of "progressive writers". Elite India's sordid attempt at appropriating Manto's sanjhi virasat, with careless drops of French wine falling on ornate carpets in restricted entry programmes where Manto is performed and fashionably consumed as a marker of 'liberalism' and 'refinement', might also attract the lobbing of a thing or two.

Descended from the Kashmiri brahmin caste of Mantoo, the despair of Saadat Hasan the Bombayite after 1947 parallels in many ways the state of the greater community of the pandits, where circumstances slowly made them aliens in their natural home. This decentering by forces beyond their control is the story of Manto, and also the story of many in today's subcontinent. Cynicism and prejudice make better bedfellows than many would like to admit. Manto stares with irreverence at the examples of our reverence, at our Gujarats and Rinkle Kumaris, our Asia Bibis and Ishrat Jahans. As we grow taller in our own eyes by fashionably 'appreciating' Manto, curled up in our beds, curtains closed, windows closed, our sad pretensions only become clearer. But there is no Saadat Hasan to chronicle our shamelessness.


Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...