Thursday, February 27, 2014

Anti-Punjab syndrome: An Old Disease پنجاب مخالفتاں: اک پرانی بماری

Anti-Punjab syndrome: An Old Disease

The blame game against the Punjab is serving Pakistan’s non elected elite. I don’t want to talk about All India Congress and Altaf Hussain because they are anti Punjab by birth yet when a progressive use same words, adapts same legacy than I surprised. Today at 27th February 2014, Hassan Mujtaba wrote a column which reminds me Zia ul Haq’s plan to ripe differences between Pakistani nationalities under Punjab Vs Three provinces conflict. Non elected elite and centralist mindset often hides behind Nationalism, religion and plays with nationality differences. What Mama Qadier doing is supporting rule of law and everyone among us is with this issue. But ground realities are far different. Just see Musharaf case, he is still behaving as he is above the law. Pakistan has witnessed first democratic transition in 2013 and for non elected elite it is the most dangerous development. Parliament is gaining political space gradually which is a green signal for democratic continuity. With the help of courts rule of law is on political agenda which is also disturbing for non elected elite. After NFC award and 18th amendment now provinces have more power and after 2013 elections we have democratically elected governments in all provinces. Thanks to Punjab, Balochs have a representative government and Achakzai is governor too. In this situation our intellectuals needs little care while formulating things. Punjab Vs three provinces agenda will serve non elected elite only. Read and enjoy

پنجاب مخالفتاں: اک پرانی بماری

کجھ دماغی بماریاں اصل وچ ڈھنڈ خراب ہون پاروں واپردیاں نیں اتے پنجاب مخالفتاں والی بماری دا کھرا وی کتھے ہور جاندا ہے۔ رب سانوں گواچی گاواں ورگے دانشوراں تو بچائے جیہڑے اٹھو اٹھ مارن وچ ماہر نیں۔ اج 21 ویں صدی وچ وی جنہاں نوں عقل موت نہیں آوندی انہاں نوں ایسے کم وچ رجھیا رہن دیو۔ پچھلی چوناں وچ پنجاب مخالفتاں پاروں پی پی پی دا انجام تسی ویکھ چکے ہو۔ پئی چیتے رہے، ایہہ پراجیکٹ نہیں چلنا۔ تسی لک تے ہتھ رکھ کے جیہڑیاں مرضی دہائیاں پاؤ پر تہاڈی بکل وچ چور ہے۔

 ماما قدیر کون ہے، میں جاندا ہاں، پر مینوں بزنجو ہوراں دے لفظ یاد نیں کہ بلوچاں دے حقوق دی راکھی لئی بلوچاں نوں آپدے سیاسی رشتے پنجاب تے سندھ وچ مضبوط کرنے ہون گے۔ 

For detail argument, click here 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lhore Literature Festival: Will this trend grow?

Lhore Literature Festival: Will this trend grow?
Literature Festival is a new fashion and like many new promising things it is gaining space yet the question remains there regarding its future, its attraction and its popularity. Last year's LLF had a Lhori color primarily due to the presence of famous daughter of the soil, Bapsi Sidhwa yet this time selection was not as good.  just tries to explore advantages, challenges and weaknesses of this festivity so that it may represent real Pakistani society too. read and enjoy

read the full article below or click here for more clear READING

Friday, February 21, 2014

Media coverage Mother Tongue day & priorities of AZAD Media

Media coverage Mother Tongue day & priorities of AZAD Media
will add more, if get links. At Least Dawn & Tribune express, The Pakistan today did not publish even a news of the procession which shows the policy and preferences.Even Naw e Waqt Published the news who was among critics some times back.

Media Links
Express Daily
Daily Times
Dunya Newspaper
The News
T Daily Jang
   Naw e Waqat
      The Nation


naw e waqt



Mother tongue, multi-culturalism and language Politics

Mother tongue, multi-culturalism and language Politics

The concept of Sole national language is the basic hurdle in understanding diversity of a nation state. Nation States failed to recognize it under totalitarianism yet UN human right charter resolved this issue in 1948. In 2008, after continuous struggle finally, UN accepted mother tongue as a basic human right and from that day we are celebrating 21st day of feb as International Mother Tongue day. In this interdependent, global and digital world what we can do regarding it ? i tried to explore this question
Extracts of article Published in dawn blog are given below. U can read full article @

مادری زبانوں کا احترام، لسانی سیاست اور ملٹی 

کلچرل ازم

21 فروری مادری زبانوں کو یاد کرنے کا عالمی دن ہے جو ہمیں یاد دلاتا ہے کہ مادر (Mother) یعنی دھرتی پر جس زبان کو لوگ آپسی تعلقات میں استعمال کرتے ہیں اس کے احترام کا مطلب عوام کو مقدم جاننا ہے۔
جو عوام کو جاہل، گنوار سمجھتے ہیں وہ عوام میں بولی اور سمجھی جانے والی زبانوں کو بھی گھٹیا، بے کار اور غیر تہذیب یافتہ قرار دیتے ہیں۔
بادشاہتوں کے زمانہ میں دربار میں یا رابطے کے لیے کسی ایک زبان کا انتخاب ضرور ہوتا تھا مگر اسے "قومی زبان" نہیں کہا جاتا تھا۔ ہمارے ہاں کئی صدیوں 'فارسی' راج دربار کی زبان رہی اور اس کو سیکھنے والوں میں ہندو، مسلمان، سکھ سبھی پیش پیش تھے۔
 ہندو اکثریت والے علاقوں کے لیے ہندی اور مسلم اکثریت کے علاقوں کے لیے اُردو جبکہ پنجاب میں سکھوں کے لیے گورمکھی رسم الخط میں پنجابی زبان لگانا اس کی مثالیں ہیں۔ یہی وہ دور ہے جب وطن پرستی کو مقام خاص حاصل ہوا کہ جس کے بطن سے یک قومی زبان یعنی Sole National Language کے فتور نے جنم لیا۔
اس دن کے لیے 21 فروری کا انتخاب اس لیے بھی موزوں قرار پایا کیونکہ ایک بنگالی رفیق السلام نے اس کے لیے انتھک کوششیں کی تھیں۔ یہ وہی دن ہے جب 1952 کے سال خواجہ ناظم الدین سرکار نے متحدہ پاکستان کے صوبہ مشرقی بنگال میں بنگالی زبان کا حق ماننے والوں پر گولی چلوائی تھی۔ اس زمانے میں پاکستانی ریاست کے کرتا دھرتا "واحد قومی زبان" کو وطنی قوم پرستی کے لیے ضروری گرداننے کے لیے اسی زغم میں مبتلا تھے جسے یورپ والے بھی خیرآباد کہتے جارہے تھے۔
بنگلہ دیش میں اس دن کی مناسبت سے شہید مینار بھی بنایا گیا ہے مگر خود بنگلہ دیش کے بانی اور وزیراعظم شیخ مجیب الرحمن نے بنگلہ دیش بنانے کے بعد "واحد قومی زبان" کے ہی راستہ کو اپنایا اور بنگلہ دیش میں موجود دیگر زبانوں بشمول چٹاکانگ کے پہاڑی علاقوں میں بولی جانے والی زبانوں کو بنگلہ دیشی قوم پرستی سے نکال باہر کیا۔
ہندوستان میں بذریعہ ہندی، پاکستان میں بذریعہ اُردو اور بنگلہ دیش میں بذریعہ بنگالی مرکزیت پسندی کو بڑھاوا دینے کی جن پالیسیوں کو اپنایا گیا ان کے نتیجہ میں خود یہ زبانیں بھی متنازعہ ٹھہریں۔
مادری زبانوں، رابطے کی زبان اور انگریزی میں تکرار نے ہمیں تعصب اور تفاخر کی کھائیوں میں گرایا ہوا ہے۔ اب تو انگریزی محض اشرافیہ کی زبان بھی نہیں رہی۔ سوال یہ ہے کہ اس صورتحال سے کیونکر نکلا جائے؟
جب دباؤ بڑھتا ہے تو مادری زبانوں سے وابستہ لہجوں اور رسم الخطوں کی لڑائی کو بڑھاوا دیا جاتا ہے۔ ایک حقیقت یہ بھی ہے کہ انگریزی زبان طاقت کے ساتھ ساتھ علم سے بھی جڑی ہے اس لیے ہر کوئی انگریزی ہی پڑھنا چاہتا ہے۔

Thursday, February 20, 2014

International Mother Tongue Day & New Literature Festivals

International Mother Tongue Day & New Literature Festivals
No doubt, language, fiction and literature is part of human life. Famous Aldous Huxley once explained it as “Every man's memory is his private literature.” 

Language is not merely a communication tool, it is far greater than communication. It is representative of your conscious and subconscious, either you know or don’t know it. The Mother means Land, Dharti and tongue represents people’s experience & continuity so knowing mother tongue means knowing yourself. Remembering people’s experience & continuity is more important which always reminds you who you are? What is your continuity? What is in your subconscious? Etc
Denial of mother tongue is denial of continuity. One can know her/his continuity in other languages yet if you want to understand it you have to learn from direct source.
Respecting mother tongue does not mean to hate any other language. The other important factor which is very harmful is the concept of cultural superiority. There is not any superior or inferior culture nor civilized or uncivilized people. It is merely a reflection of colonial continuity.

Today is International Mother Tongue Day approved by UNO in 2008 which is reflection of Change of minds. 

Arranging literature festivals is a new fashion. Just ignore who is doing it, ignore their sources of funding, but just remind them literature and languages of the people too. We love to listen from Pakistanis who are famous in the world of literature yet it should not be a One way Traffic. In such literature festivals we can add Pakistani mother tongues so that we can de-construct theory of cultural superiority as well.
read the piece i wrote today, published in a daily here


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

New alliances are on the way

New alliances are on the way while old alliances are diminishing or transforming

Study of recent diplomatic ties in Middle East is at interesting turn. Is the world is changing again?
Recent abrupt Rise in anti-drone campaign has roots not in  FATA but somewhere else. According to Guardian's writer Jonathan Sale "In 1916, a military scientist conceived of an "aerial torpedo" designed to be loaded with explosives and steered into the deadly Zeppelins on their bombing raids over southern England". His article published in Feb 2013 under the title "The secret history of drones". Drone attacks were in news at-least from 2004, yet in the 2nd decade we observed its opposition more from the "friends or old partners" then from its traditional opponents. Although it is a violation of Nation State System yet the question is Where were Amnesty People from 2004?
Is there any shifting of players on cards?  We may smell this invisible change by checking recent shifts of different conflicting Nation States, either big or small, developed or under developed. 
India was a cold war partner of former USSR yet from 2000 it has dramatically changed enough. You can even check this change on the roads of New Delhi. India's shift to US camp happened in the first decade of 21st century and now fear of Moodi is haunting? Will India act as New Frontline State against China? Or transform its strengths in trade other than war industry?  It largely depends on US rather than Indians.
Another new alliance in making is Britain-Saudi Arab ties. Till Atlantic charter of 1941, Britain was the biggest world power yet in planned cold war US chose Euro-Asian USSR as major rival player. In his autobiography, Tony Blair explained diplomatic anxiety of UK to influence world politics again yet post 9/11 scenario damaged its efforts temporarily.  Rejecting war with Iran and neutralizing Syria is another shock while entry of Turkey as a new important player is enough to understand new alliances. SA rejection of the non permanent seat in UN is sign of anxiety. On the other hand, her regional rival Iran is again in friendship mode with "imperialism" which is interesting too. Turkey is enjoying its new status yet Pakistan tries to explore middle path. Future of Scino-US relations may neutralize Pakistan’s diplomatic anxiety.

Every first 20 years of a new century, at least from last three centuries proved crucial regarding re-alliances of forces.Iin early years of 19th century Fear of Napoleon and in early 20th century Fear of Germany led the world politics.
Fear for recent century is already set yet this time it is Invisible enemy. In a way it is more dangerous than previous vissible threats. Cat will come out of beg soon.
Is there a message in this shifting or not, it is up to you to think.
 in 2013, November i wrote an article on this issue

Monday, February 17, 2014

Molana Johar & priporities of sectarian politics

Molana Johar & priporities of sectarian politics
for online edition read

A new book on the Punjab

A new book on the Punjab
just see its table of contents and details about the Plates. 
Available @ readings Lhore

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Politics behind Basant: will anyone revive basant ? !میری بسنت لوٹا دو

Politics behind Basant: will anyone revive basant?

!میری بسنت لوٹا دو

Who killed Bassant? what was the politics behind it? what was the role of Urdu Press and columinsts? why newly born electronic media pick that issue in order to get popularity? No doubt, pervaiz Illahi Government played with it badly and in Musharaf-Court tussle during 2007, the basant became victim of politics. Recently Sindh government celebrated Basant yet who will revive it in Punjab ? is unanswered.
read full article @

جو مذہبی گروہ کالج کے نوجوان بچوں کو "افغان جہاد" کی بھینٹ چڑھاتے تھے ان کے دل بسنت پر مرنے یا زخمی ہونے والوں پر پسیجنے لگے۔ پرویز الہٰی کی پنجاب سرکار نے مجرمانہ غفلت کا مظاہرہ کیا کیونکہ ان کی "بُکل میں چور"’ تھا۔

حیران نہ ہوں اس مسئلہ پر تمام مسلم فرقے یک جان تھے جبکہ اعتدال پسند پاکستانی ان سب کا منہ تک رہے تھے۔ یہ ایک تہوار کی موت نہیں بلکہ ‘‘قومی خودکشی’’ تھی جو ہمیں بند گلی کی طرف دھکیل رہی تھی۔ اس میں کوئی سامراجی سازش بھی نہیں کہ اس کے قاتل ہم خود ہیں۔

Monday, February 10, 2014

Is Invisible enemy a concocted & misleading story as usual?

Is Invisible enemy a concocted & misleading story as usual?
Today a news item appeared in Urdu press regarding a new invisible organization of terrorists in FATA, Ahrar Ul-Hind. After some days we will read columns, research articles etc either in favour or against it. Yet it reminds me that era of visible enemy (Cold war between US and USSR) has been ended but it gives birth of invisible enemies. Internationally, Al-Qaida, Regionally Talibans and Baloch Republican Army and locally Mohajar Republican Army and many more religio-sectarian groups are included in the list. No one knew about their organizations exactly, no one pinpoint all sources of their funds, no one identifies organizational structures yet we have plenty of people who are either against them or in support. More often, it seems that supporters and opponents of these groups are part of a same drama.  
We are living in the world of cyber intelligence yet world fails to deconstruct organizational structures & behind the scene people regarding 9/11, 7/7, 26/11 etc. Same is here in Pakistan where even Balochs don’t know who are BRA, what are its plans? What are its sources of funding?
For the understanding we call them Non-State Actors and if someone gathered a selection of news published in last 10 years in numerous international and national newspapers or released at radio or TV we can print volumes of books. Big powers usually blame small countries for protection of their Non-State Actors and vise-versa.  
Threat perception in presence of Non State Actors is far greater & deeper than communists. Some people suggest that cure for this new disease is smart and digital intelligence. From 9/11 till today the world fails to reduce that threat.  Billions are being spent in that campaign and many countries including the US are using extra judicial and anti-sovereign methods to curb it. Although, from last 5 decades there is a shifting of Enemies & curbing methods yet   old cold war hot points remains same and fighting is still going on either in Pak-Afghan borders or in middle east.
It is 2014. Hundred years back world witnessed a war against Germans (as said by Kissinger in On china) and emergence of many Nation States on the debris of Ottomans, Germans and Austro-Hungarians. Britain and France divided the world as leaders yet US escaped smartly under Wilson’s neutrality. They entered in a war in late 1930s again but US with lend & Lease weapons check mate all others.
But 2014 is a changed world. There is a United Nation Forum, much stronger than League of Nations.  Transnational companies and vibrant media (including social media) are also there. Unlike Britain of 1930s, US have an eye on rising China in the form of collaboration yet in this changed world old policies needs little attention too. Transnational capital, vibrant media and digitalization needs more avenues and removal of hot points. Presence of buffer zones and cold wars are notions of past now.

Resonance of porous borders and removal of hide outs for non-state actors is gaining attention in new scholarship under globalization perspective yet the flipside is presence of huge money involved in the informal trade. Its beneficiaries are transnational as well.
Will construction of invisible enemy helpful in dealing with diverse but contradictory issues? What will be the result when subservient or competitive states too follow that theory? Ride of globalization is ready yet no one knew who will be on the back of horse. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Social Engineering: How Britishers Changed Bengali Names

Social Engineering: How Britishers Changed Bengali Names

Although there are Bengalis who still opt for pre-British names yet it is interesting to de-construct Change of Name politics in Bengal. I already wrote a piece regarding Change of Name politics with Germans during and after WW1. These days in Pakistan, India and Bengladesh many people tries to change names of places under the notion of their respective nationalisms and it is same old colonial practice.
The search started from Rabinder Nath Tagore. You cannot find the word Tegore in pre-british literature. I tried to find it's genealogy which finally took me to the word Thakar.   Further research revealed the flux of Name Change politics in British India. 
“Banerjees are Rarhi Kulin Brahmins of the Sandilya gotra, who are considered the highest caste in Bengal alongside Mukherjees,Chatterjees and Gangulys. They are descendents of Bhattanarayana, originally from Kannauj in Uttar Pradesh. The surname was anglicized to Banerjee, Mukherjee and Chatterjee during the British rule. Recent genetic studies have shown that a high percentage of the Y-DNA haplo group R1a1a occurs among these people, in common with West Bengal Brahmins (72%)
Was it an issue of simple pronunciation? Was it a conscious effort? Was it a simple language issue or it was as usual a PLAY?

Britishers hired Bengalis as company’s first employees yet it was Bengalis who led first armed struggle against the Raj too. The term Baboo was once a synonym of Bengalis due to their heavy presence in Local civil military employees of EIC. Even till 1849, British Indian literature used terms for its army and viceroy as Royal Bengal Army and Viceroy of Bengal. Calcutta was seat of Empire till annexation of the Punjab 1849 and it remained seat of capital till 1911. Yet after the annexation of the Punjab, colonialists had interest in Iran and Afghanistan so they gradually shifted capital towards Punjab and finally did it in 1911. History of two Delhi Darbars in 1877 and 1904 showed resonance of new policy in which Punjab was their new destination. From 1849 till 1911, Delhi was among numerous districts of the Punjab. Anyway, Bengalis had a rich experience of serving and resisting empire. Bengali resistance of late 19th century was a proof that some Bengalis had an eye on that shift. But here we are reproducing some evidence when bengalis were Sword arm of E.I.C. Smart colonialists played Change of name politics with them and now a day’s words like Chatterjee (Chato-padahays), Banerjee( Bando-Pahdhayas), Mukherjee ( Makho-Padhayas) are common among them. It reminds us about the social engineering played by masters. We may witness similar practice in central Asia like Rahimoof, Hanzatoof etc. 
read here

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Politics behind Khilafat, armed struggle and sub-religious thoughts

Politics behind Khilafat, armed struggle and sub-religious thoughts
There are lessons in history and if we keep an eye on it than we can learn easily. Mollana Mohammad Ali johar was leader of Khilafat movement. he was pupil of Mollana Abdul Bari fargi Mahali. Khilafat Movement was a united front. It had numerous groups in it and among those groups there was a section of Devband Ulma who wanted to launch an armed struggle with the help of Afghanistan, Germany and Turkey against British India. British authorities exposed them in 1916 when they decoded a message in Multan. In history it was known as Reshmi romaal movement. British authorities suppressed that movement by arrests. After Jilliwala uprising they joined agitation and formed khilafat movement and Mahtma Gandhi was their partner.
It was a time when WW1 was over and Britain, France like victors were creating new Nation states on the debris of Ottomans, Prussian Germans and Austro-Hungarian empires. Atta turk created his own nation state Turkey and similarly Ibn e Saud by defeating Hussain (sharief e Mecca). Ibn Saud was ready to announce his own nation state. But in our part of the world politics was different. Abdul Bari was in favour of Ottomans and he was the man who created Bazam e Sufi hind and Khudam e Kaba yet ibn e saud was against Holy graves. It created a rift among numerous groups who established Khilafat movement. Just read the story and just rethink about your old prejudices. Thanks
Click here and read the article

خلافت، ابن سعود اور ریشمی رومال

مولانا محمد علی جوہر کا پچھتاوا

اس خاندان پر آفت پڑی تو آخری مغل تاجدار اورنگ زیب عالمگیر نے انہیں اک سکاٹش تاجر سے خالی کروایا گیا محل یا حویلی دے دی۔ بس اس کی مناسبت سے انھیں 'فرنگی محلی' پکارا جانے لگا۔
ان کے قائم کردہ مدارس میں نہ صرف آخری چہار شنبہ، شب برات، عید میلاد النبی وغیرہ کی چھٹیاں دی جاتی تھیں بلکہ مذہبی علوم کے ساتھ ساتھ منطق، فلکیات اور حساب جیسے علوم بھی پڑھائے جاتے تھے۔
18ویں صدی میں انگریزی زبان سیکھنے کی مہم شروع کرنے والے اولین مذہبی علماء یہی تھے کہ رواداری اور جدت سے ان کا خاص تعلق تھا۔ البتہ اشراف (Elite) سے تعلق ہونے کی وجہ سے ان میں بلھے شاہ یا احمد رضا والی عوامیت عنقا رہی۔
یہ وہ وقت تھا جب پہلی جنگ عظیم کے دوران افغانستان کو مرکز بنا کر ترکوں اور جرمنوں کی مدد سے انگریزوں کو نکالنے کی مہم ناکام ہو چکی تھی۔ اس مہم کا الزام دارالعلوم دیوبند کے سینئر رہنما مولانا محمودالحسن پر لگا جنہوں نے نہ صرف جمعیت الانصار بنا رکھی تھی بلکہ مولانا عبیداللہ سندھی 1915 میں انہیں کے حکم پر کابل گئے تھے۔

Monday, February 3, 2014

Karachi Literature Festival & absence of Pakistani Mother Tongues

”منی پاکستان“ وچ میلہ ہوئے اتے اس وچ پاکستانی مادری زباناں اتے انہاں وچ لکھایا لٹریچر نہ دسدا ہوئے تے ایہہ رویہ افسوساں دا مقام ہی نہیں سگوں مجرمانہ وی ہے۔ انگریزی وچ لکھنا کوئی جرماں دی گل نہیں اتے ہن تے پاکستانی لکھاری چوکھا لکھ وی رہے نیں۔ جے ایہہ میلے کرن والے آپدے میلیاں وچ پنجابی، سندھی، پشتو، بلوچی، براہوی دی پیوند لا دین گے تے دوان پاسے کم تیز ہو سی۔ 

Karachi Literature Festival & absence of Pakistani Mother Tongues

Literature Festivals is a latest & hottest craze not only in Pakistan but also in South Asia. For sure we have plenty of good names who are representing Pakistan through English writings. Keeping in view records of previous LFs the strange thing is dearth of Pakistani mother tongues. What type of message we are extending with such outlooks. In good old days Persian was language of learning and a reasonable majority could understand it. Similarly in this era English has a position yet it does not mean that we should essentially disregard our mother tongues and its literature. Karachi is called mini Pakistan than KLF must represent Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Bloch and Brahvi literature. Read the Column  by clicking here

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...