Sunday, August 17, 2014

Myth of Civil Disobedience & IK

Myth of Civil Disobedience & IK

Our intellectuals at media have no idea of civil disobedience movement and its pathetic failure but they are as usual either relying on wikipedia or mixing it with salt movement of 1930. what a shame. Civil disobedience movement was started in 1920 and it was jinnah who opposed it while Iqbal did not join it too.
Civil disobedient of 1920s was a failed movement. It was first presented by Mahatma Gandhi in Home Rule League meeting where Aine Besant opposed it and according to Kanji Dawarka Das (Ten Years to Freedom)  Aine told Mahatma, if ever you succeed , even then you would be its first victim. After that meeting Mahatma presented it in Nagpur session of Congress in 1920. At that meeting, Quaid e Azam left Congress. Allama Iqbal & jinnah had reservations so they opposed it. The movement failed when after Chura Churi incident Mahatma unilaterally called off it in 1922. Mian abdul Bari was the first person who raised his voice and declared unilateral act of Gandhi a dictatorial act. Than Congress leaders like C.R.Das , Moti Lal Nehru and many more left Congress and formed Swaraj Party.

So Ik left path of Iqbal and Jinnah and adopted path of Mahatma. In 21st century even Mahatma cannot repeat it. He fails to find a way of respectable retreat. Gulu Journalists and Gulu Khans are his weakness but in next two days he will try to find new ways of retreat. In this process poor Khan is losing his credibility. 
Political Parties, Government, State & Media should give IK a Shut up Call. What he said is important but its timing is more important. Is it a calculated move? What are the motives? Just rethink
Tomorrow is a session of parliament. Including Musharaf case two cases r in Supreme Court. Ik and Qadari will use this opportunity. Role of media will be important. Be Aware of Gulu media

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