Monday, December 29, 2014

Fight against Extremism & Terrorism: Who Will Break the Mindset???

Fight against Extremism & Terrorism
Who Will Break the Mindset???

Military Operations and hangings alone cannot be helpful if we will not hit the Mindset. In a book of Islamiat in class 8 (published by Government in 2014) there is lesson about " Amar Bilmarauf wa nahi ul Munkar" but the author did not link it with Constitution of Pakistan. Due to this absence a child or teacher can think that he/she is custodian of religion and it is his duty to impose laws of the religion by himself/herself. Either one read Urdu/English textbooks or Islamiat, Pak Studies (social studies) or Ethics textbooks (recently introduced under 2009 education policy for Non Muslims) this absence is everywhere. In the absence of citizenship rights and over emphasis on religion our textbooks publish since 1969 fail to promote Pakistani nationalism. The crux of the matter is mixing of Muslim brotherhood (Ummat) with modern concept of nationalism (Quoom). In his famous letter of rebuttal to Hussein Ahmad Madni of jamiat Ulma Hind Allama Iqbal clearly differentiated the concepts of Ummat and Quoom yet our policy makers of 1950s failed to comprehended it. There is not any suggestion to reject the concept of Ummat at all but in a Nation State our emphasis on constitution and citizenship should not be compromise at all. When Pakistan came into being in 1947 we had 22% non Muslims (Majority were Hindus living in East Pakistan) and after Dhaka Fall the percentage had reduced accordingly. Now a day’s percentage is in between 4 to 8 percent. Just imagine if it is considered 5% even then in a country of 200 million, the Non-Muslim Pakistani population is more than 10 million people. Majority of them are poor and they cannot afford elite schools for sure. So what the lesson Pakistani State is giving to 10 million Non Muslims Pakistanis? What Muslim children will learn? The mindset we have created since 1969 is against Pakistani nationalism itself. If FATA and PATA are save heaven for this mindset then our public and private schools are nurseries of this mindset. It is time to think about it. 

 The article is Published in Weekly Humshehri Magazine at the eve of 2014 with the hope that in 2015 we will have better understanding. Our parliament is moving forward and all institutions are with it which is rare in the history of Pakistan. 
Now read the article by clicking here

2014 میں چھپی اسلامیات کے مضمون کی 8 ویں جماعت کی نصابی کتاب میں نوجوانوں کو آج کل سرکاری سطح پر ہم ایک سبق پڑھا رہے ہیں کہ جس کا عنوان ہے ’’اَمربالمعروف ونہی والمنکر‘‘۔ اس کی تشریح کرتے ہوئے سبق میں لکھا ہے ’’امر کے لفظی معنی ہیں کسی کام کے کرنے کا حکم دینا اور ’نہی‘ کے معنی ہیں کسی بات سے روکنا۔‘‘ اس سبق میں کسی ایک جگہ بھی یہ نہیں لکھا کہ اس مدنی آیت مبارکہ کا تعلق ریاست اور آئین و قانون سے ہے۔ اپنے مولانا عبید اللہ سندھی نے اس بارے تفصیل سے لکھا ہے کہ اس حکم کا تعلق ریاست و حکومت سے ہے۔ اگر کوئی گروہ یا فرد ازخود لوگوں کو برائیوں سے روکنے اور نیک کام کرنے کا حکم دینے پر کمر بستہ ہوگا تو پھر اس کا وہی نتیجہ نکلے گا جس کا آج ہمیں سامنا ہے۔ آج امربالمعروف کا اختیار پارلیمان، آئین اور عدلیہ کے ذمہ ہے اور یہی بات نہ صرف علامہ اقبال نے اپنے خطبہ میں کہی تھی بلکہ قراردار مقاصد میں بھی یہی بات لکھی ہوئی ہے۔ تاہم جب ہم 8ویں کے طالبعلم کو وضاحت سے یہ بات نہیں بتائیں گے تو پھر طالبان سے گلہ کیوں؟ - 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

All set for 2015: Extremism under siege

All set for 2015: Extremism under siege

No institution, no political party, no province can fight alone against extremism and terrorism and this message is very clear at the eve of 2014. It is a time when every institution should prepare its objectives for the New Year. Politics is an art of finding opportunity from a challenge and in Pakistan political leadership successfully moving forward. As it is a multifold fight so we have to prepare ourselves accordingly.   

نیا سال دہشت گردی کے خلاف ایک بھرپور جنگ لڑنے کے ساتھ ساتھ دیگر چیلنجز کے انبار لے کر آ رہا ہے۔ چین، امریکہ، برطانیہ کے ہمارے خطہ سے وابستہ مفادات کو سامنے رکھ کر قومی قیادت کو ایسا راستہ ڈھونڈنا ہے جس سے پاکستان کو معاشی فوائد حاصل ہوں۔فروری 2015ء میں چینی صدر نے دوبارہ پاکستان آنے کا عندیہ دیا ہے۔ جہاں ملکی سطح پر پاکستان کو طویل مدتی اور فوری لائحہ عمل پر تمام سیاسی جماعتوں کو ملا کر ’’کم از کم تصفیہ‘‘کرنے کی ضرورت ہے، وہیں خارجہ امور بارے بھی ’’بھارت دشمنی‘‘ اور ’’کابل کی جامع مسجد میں امامت‘‘ کرنے جیسی پالیسیوں بارے واضح پالیسی نظر آنی چاہیے۔ یہ درست ہے کہ پاکستان کی معاشی ترقی کا انحصار توانائی کے ارزاں نرخوں پر حصول سے مشروط ہے اور کوئی بھی فیصلہ کرتے ہوئے ریاست و حکومت کے کلیدی عناصر کو ہر وقت اسی ہدف کو سامنے رکھنا ہو گا۔ مگر پرانی پالیسیوں کے امین تاحال اپنا رانجھا راضی کرنے میں برابر جُتے ہوئے ہیں۔ - 

For complete article click here

Monday, December 22, 2014

KPK and Extremism: Will PTI Change his Policy

KPK and Extremism

Will PTI Change his Policy

KyberPK is Frontline Province regarding terrorism and extremism and after Peshawar tragedy when everyone is ready to hit it, responsibility of KPK government is vital. Here PTI is in government & it is not ready to hit extremism and terrorism horizontally and vertically. At this time no party can fight against extremism and terrorism alone neither at federal level nor at provincial level. Military operations and hanging cannot produce results if we have infected textbooks and logistic support for extremists and terrorists in adjacent districts of FATA. For this fight a consensus at provincial level in KPK is key to success. But in its Dharna politics PTI head Imran Khan used abusive language against all important KPK leaders. Even its coalition partner Jamat e Islami has reservations on it. In this scenario it is difficult for PTI to engage KPK leaders. Now it is up to IK, the leader of PTI to poof his statesmanship. 

Read the article 

Friday, December 19, 2014

The last message to extremists and terrorists

The last message to extremists and terrorists

No one can combat terrorism and extremism if we have open border like FATA , have no go areas like PATA and infected textbooks. we need to fight extremism and terrorism not only at vertical angle but also at horizontal level. No one can fight unilaterally but we need a united front with clear policy. We should link this whole issue with rule of law. From Karachi to FATA there should be one law for all. Removing death planty is not the answer but we have to take some major steps. FATA and PATA are legacies of colonial times and it is high time to finish that legacy. is there any country in the world which have such open border? FATA is open for smugglers, absconders,  revolutionaries, sepoys, law breakers and religious extremists and on top of it this land is being used for illegal trade including human trafficking. As it is linked with afghanistan so  smugglers, absconders,  revolutionaries, sepoys, law breakers and religious extremists from Afghanistan too have access in these lands. Other than FATA we have Provincially administrative areas PATA in all 4 provinces. The other important thing in combating extremism and terrorism is infected textbooks. Provincial government of KPK should give priority to this fight and specially to adjacent districts of FATA. 
Textbook reforms is need of the hour in all 4 provinces and after 18th amendment it is duty of all provincial governments to give it a priority. READ THE ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN WEEKLY HUMSHEHRI

کسی سیانے کا قول ہے کہ ان پڑھ کو تعلیم یافتہ بنایا جاسکتا ہے مگر کسی گمراہ ہوچکے مرد یا عورت کو اعتدال پسندی و بردباری کی طرف لانا انتہائی کٹھن کام ہے۔ ان خطوں میں ہمارے اجداد تو صوفیاء کی بردباری، یگانگت، انسان دوستی، خلوص و پیار کو دیکھ کر مسلمان ہوئے تھے مگر ہمیں صرف بادشاہوں یا جنگیں اورلشکرکشیاں کرنے والوں کی تاریخ ہی پڑھائی جاتی ہے۔ تاج برطانیہ نے تو 1849سے 1947 تک جو سکول بنائے تھے ان میں پڑھائی جانے والی کتب سے صوفیاء کی تعلیمات کو دیس نکالا دیے رکھا اور ہمیں محض بادشاہوں اور جنگیں لڑنے والوں کی تاریخ پڑھائی گئی۔ جبکہ ہم نے 1947 کے بعد اسی روایت کو ایک اور انداز میں جاری رکھا۔ سوال تو یہ ہے کہ آخر ہم120 سال بعد بھی تاج برطانیہ کی پالیسیوں کے کیوں اسیر ہیں؟ - 

انتہاپسندی کے خلاف جدوجہد اس وقت تک بے توقیر رہے گی جب تک ہم عملی سطح پر یہ تاثر نہیں دیتے کہ یہ لڑائی ہر قسم کے قانون شکنوں کے خلاف ہے۔قانون کراچی تا خیبر یکساں طور پر سب کے لیے ایک ہونا چاہیے اور سب کو قانون کی حکمرانی کی اہمیت کو جان لینا چاہیے۔ چاہے وہ فوجی ہے یاسول بیوروکریٹ، سیاستدان ہے یامذہبی پیشوا، شہر میں مقیم ہے یا دیہات یا قبائل میں رہتا ہے، اسے یہ تاثر ہمیشہ ملے کہ قانون کی نظر میں سب برابر ہیں۔ وہ مسلمان ہے یا مسیحی یا ہندو،سکھ جو بھی پاکستان میں رہتا ہے اسے آئین پاکستان اور قوانین کا عملاً احترام کرنا ہے۔ ملک میں کوئی ’’نو گو ایریا‘‘ نہ ہو نہ ہی وفاقی و صوبائی قبائلی علاقہ جات کے لیے الگ قوانین ۔ کسی فرقہ یا مذہب کے ماننے والوں کو دوسرے مذہب یا فرقہ کے خلاف بولنے، لکھنے کی جرأت نہ ہوسکے کہ ہر پاکستانی کا احترام سب پر لازم ہو۔ اس نسخہ کیمیا کے کارگر ہونے کی اوّلین شرط یہ ہے کہ اس کام کو کوئی فرد واحد نہ کرے کیونکہ ایسی صورتحال میں بھی یہ تمام کوشش بے توقیر رہے گی۔ - 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Secular supporters of Death Plentay ? When rationalists follow extremists

Secular supporters of Death Plenty? 
When rationalists follow extremists

In our counter narrative to combat extremism and terrorism we must not follow extremists and terrorists. As a human right supporter we are against capital punishment. In May 2009 , HRCP issued a statement in which the organization welcomed efforts of Government of Pakistan to convert death penalty in life imprisonment yet till this time HRCP is silence on this vital issue.  The worst statement in this regard came from a so-called secular party of Karachi, MQM which reflects how some specific groups used anti Taliban campaign in the fulfillment of their petty interest. Recently another secular cum nationalists ruling party of Bangladesh too used the issue of death penalty to promote its politics. What is our stand? Why we are so much reactionary? We are against all forms of extremism, we are against religious extremism but it does not mean that we should use same tactics, same arguments as of fundamentalists. Prime Minister of Pakistan lifted a ban on death penalty but is such ban will reduce extremism? Just imagine in reactionary mode we often move against our own arguments. Amnesty International reacted on that news as “The Pakistani government must resist giving in to fear and anger in the wake of the Peshawar school tragedy and maintain its moratorium on executions, Amnesty International said today after Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif pledged to restart executions for terrorism-related offences.

In its may 29, statement HRCP further said “However, the government’s position on the overall issue of death penalty remains ambivalent. It refuses to recognize that the issue of imposition of death penalty was linked to human rights. It made a tall claim that death penalty was imposed after exhaustion of all remedies through due process. HRCP vehemently disagrees.
Safeguards and restrictions to the imposition of death penalty is a universal and recognized human rights principle. It is a fundamental right to life. Capital punishment in Pakistan has not been imposed with caution. Pakistan has one of the highest numbers of prisoners in death cell. At present over 7,500 persons, including a few women are awarded capital punishments. There is sufficient evidence and research to show that due process, safeguards and restrictions imposed under customary international law have not been applied to those convicted to capital punishment.”But same HRCP neither condemn Altaf Husain statement nor ready to challenge the government at this moment. Is it a double standard? Human rights organizations are raising this issue yet some of our secular friends are calling them Taliban appologists . Even in social media many progressive and liberal people are supporting death penalety. Instead of writing more on this issue i will Just apeal you to think and rethink on it once. 

Altaf Hussain urges PM to give capital punishment to Taliban first

HRCP statement of may 29, 2008

Campign against death penalty

Campaigning against Capital Punishment in Britain

17 December 2014

Pakistan: Resuming executions ‘not the answer’ to Peshawar school tragedy

Monday, December 15, 2014

16th December 1971: Did anyone learn lesson?

16th December 1971: Did anyone learn lesson?

We did not learn lesson from December 1971 events and proof is our present political situation. Accepting supremacy of constitution and elected tier is the only viable way yet anti-democratic forces are still proactive in Pakistan.

There are lessons for numerous national, regional and international stakeholders in the story of December 16th. Lesson is for Pakistan’s unelected elite who did not respect the largest Pakistani province East Pakistan. Lesson is for politicians that if they fight then it would harm not only them but the country too. Lesson is for Indians who supported militancy in her neighbors not only through a proxy war but after that through a naked violation of international law by crossing international boundary. Rise of narrow nationalism in India in the form of BJP is result of that narrow nationalism promoted by Indian establishment. Lesson is for supporters of Sole National Language Urdu who accepted his master’s voice (The English language) but acted against Pakistani mother tongues in Pakistan. Lesson is for US, Britain and Russia who supported the agenda to divide Pakistan just to resist China in Indian Ocean but even tthen they failed to stop rise of China. 
There is a history of bad politics against Pakistani Bengalis and the day of 16th December is result of those bad policies. What happened in last years is important but seeds of separation were in those bad policies. Centralist mindset of ICS officers in Pakistan was the major reason of bad governance which was later adopted by military rulers. That centralist mindset had inbuilt drive against people and that is why establishment was reluctant to accept the majority province, East Bengal.  Hussein Shaheed Suhrawardy was a Bengali leader who had lot of respect not only in East Pakistan but also in West Pakistan. Within 4 months after the death of Jinnah, Liaqat Ali Khan and Moulvi Tameezudin Khan started a bad politics to fix H. S. Suhrawardy. They called Suhrawardy Dog and Indian agent and speaker assembly Moulvi Tameezudin Khan ( a Bengali himself) cancelled assembly membership of Suhrawardy. In 1952 Nazamudin announced Urdu as Sole national language of Pakistan and when a protest was launched against that decision than government tried to finish it by force. In 1954 due to consistent pressure from Bengalis establishment coined a formula which was a clear reflection of the mindset. In that formula stupid policy of One Unit was coined and to appease Bengalis the Bangla language was declared Co-National language.   One Unit was formed just to tackle the majority province. Under that formula assembly formed the First Constitution of Pakistan in 1956. At this moment Ayub Khan and Sikandar Mirza started their play and instead of organizing first general election they installed and removed 4 Prime Ministers in 2.5 years. Finally Ayub Khan imposed mashallah and then till 16th December 1971 the country remained under Marshalas of Ayub and Yahya. Consecutive 13 years of military governments weaked all institution including army in Pakistan and they failed to check what was happening against the State. 

Mohit Sen was a West Bengali comrade and regarding 16th December events he recorded what was happening between Bharat, Pakistan and Moscow during those days. His autobiographical account  “A Traveler & the road”  published by Rupa, 2003 is not only non formal history of so-called revolutionary CPI but also a record of many important events. His prime source is C. Rajeshwar Rao, Telangana fame Indian Communist of CPI who was headed a group who were sent to USSR in early 1971 to pressurize USSR for signing a treaty with India. He recorded at least two section of important people who , due to separate reasons were against treaty. One was in CPSU and other in Indian cabinet. Minister of External Affairs A A Gromyko was head of those who were against the treaty due to two reasons, political and ideological. He had an eye on international geo-politics. US was taking control of Suez Canal route, Red sea and Indian Ocean as par Tehran Conference and Yalta agreement. Pakistan had signed construction of Karakoram road in 1966 with China. USSR, US and Britain had reservations regarding Pak china ties. But the visit of Henry kissinger at China with the help of Pakistan disturbed both USSR and Britain. in this geopolitics Gromyko told Rao that if we would signe treaty than it would translate as an act for breakage of Pakistan. In reaction Pakistan would react and it would disturb whole region. Ideological position was more complex. USSR had treaties either with socialist countries or with countries who opted for non capitalist path of development. India fall in neither situation but a capitalist country. So polit bureau of USSR was divided on that issue of treaty with India.  So Rao could not convince USSR. Afterward Indira gandhi used her State to state influence and treaty was signed in August 1971. After two months Indian army entered East Pakistan. In Indian cabinet Haskar like people thought that treaty would be a total departure from India's long opted position of non alignment founded by the founder Pandat Nehru. was Pakistani  authorities aware of those positions?  

Question remains unresolved that are we ready to accept our own faults. Expecting sanity for regional and international players is another issue but who gave them chance to play is the important issue. Centralist mindset and 13 years of Marshalas are the basic reasons which laid down foundations for breakage.  

Now read the article here

Last year in same month i wrote a piece on December 16th, so you better read it too. it will taste you a double shot.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Time to Act: SC and Parliamentary committee for electoral reforms

Time to Act

SC and Parliamentary committee

for electoral reforms 

If anyone really want to resolve riddles of rigging than support SC and Parliamentary committee for electoral reforms. But some forces are active to use rigging issue in their personal interests only. Today Ik appeal his workers not to act against media yet it is a proof that some insiders are proactive even in PTI and they want conflict at any cost. Like Nawaz’s letter to SC for establishing Judicial commission technical retreat of Ik regarding resignation of PM is also good and PPP welcome both acts with grace yet all the three parties have agents of anti-democratic forces in them. In this situation the only viable way is to strengthen SC and Parliamentary committee for electoral reforms. In this regard media should play its role. Burning of tires in chowks and forcefully closure of roads are symbols of bad strategy and it proved wrong in Layalpur already yet today infamous Aleem Khan announced closure of 18 roads. On the other hand Beaconhouse school system (a business of Khurshid Qasorri Previaz Musharaf’s foreign minister and PTI leader) smartly used gandhian trick by announcing holidays for 15th and 18th December. Students have examinations in schools but Beaconhouse administration postponed some papers and now students have to give exams in winter holidays. What a shame for Beaconhouse school system.

Read the article and enjoy readings. 
المناک حالات میں بھی جنھوں نے جمہوریت کے شجر پر آنچ نہ آنے دی وہ واقعی عظیم تر ہیں اور جمہوریت کے نہ ہونے کا غم ہی تھا جس نے ہر دور میں پاکستانیوں کو اک یقین عطا کیا۔ اس یقین کے وسیلہ سے ہی آج ہم سب’’انتخابی اصلاحات اور شفافیت‘‘ کی حمایت کر رہے ہیں ۔پہلے جمہوری تسلسل سے گذرنے کے بعد اب یہ لڑائی ’’انتخابی اصلاحات اور شفافیت‘‘سے ہوتی ہوئی ’’پارلیمان کی بالادستی‘‘ اور ’’قانون کی حکمرانی‘‘تک پہنچے گی۔ مسلم لیگ (ن) اور پی ٹی آئی میں مذاکرات ’’جھٹ منگنی، پٹ بیاہ‘‘ کی شکل اختیار کرتے ہیں یا نہیں مگر آج سب کی نظریں قومی اسمبلی کی انتخابی اصلاحاتی کمیٹی اور سپریم کورٹ پر لگیں ہیں۔ عمران خان کی وزیراعظم کے استعفی سے تکنیکی مراجعت بھی خوش آئند ہے او ر میاں صاحب کا انتخابی اصلاحات کے لیے سپریم کورٹ کو خط لکھنا بھی اہم قدم تھا۔ پی پی پی نے اپنا شملہ اونچا رکھا کہ اس نے ان دونوں اقدامات کی حمائیت کی۔ البتہ ان لوگوں کی بات اور ہے جو بوجوہ اس پیش رفت سے بیزار ہیں۔ وہ ردعمل میں ہمیشہ کی طرح کسی بھی حد کو عبور کر سکتے ہیں کہ اس لیے ہر قدم پھونک پھونک کر رکھنا بھی لازم ہے۔ -

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Twisted Journalism: In memory of Gawalmandi Food Street

Twisted Journalism

In memory of Gawalmandi Food Street

The story is a half truth and an example of bad taste. Authors failed to hide their love for dictator Mushraf and his cronies like Pervaiz Ellahi, Qummi Tajar Itehad and all those who betrayed Nawaz after Marshallah of 12th October 1999. 
I born in gawalmandi at 29 Railway road Gawalmandi chowk and i knew it was centre of food activity much before Musharaf yet dictator used that tradition just to snatch some space from Nawaz. Everyone knew Mr Shakeel and many more who were with Nawaz and they changed their hearts partly due to pressure from military regime and partly due to their personal interests. The story have some new information and wrote
 "The food stalls gradually mushroomed until each corner of the street was offering something unique. For instance, the Sikhs from Amritsar who settled in Gawalmandi introduced gram flour-coated fried fish. This was the famous 'Sardar Fish'. The recipe has almost become an identity of Lahore now."
Similarly, barbeque techniques and various types of falooda were introduced by the families whose ancestors were pehelwans. The Kashmiris brought with them Hareesa. The rich doodh-jalebi concoction also found fame in Gawalmandi and the diverse population each brought something unique, Shakeel says." but at the same time story has wrong facts too. One bad example is a statement regarding removal of gates by PML (N) provincial government after 2011. "The historical gates, built by wealthy Muslim, Sikhs and Hindu families before partition, were also pulled down." it is totally wrong fact. Authors called it a case of political victimization yet it is case of supporting a dictator. anyway, read the story and forget what authors twisted. Interestingly photographs are very good and one should appreciate photographer. 
" تقسیم کے بعد گوالمنڈی چار دیواری سے گھرے لاہور شہر کے نواح میں پہلا مناسب طور پر آباد علاقہ تھا یہ 1911 کے بعد ہی رہائشی بستی کی شکل اختیار کرگیا تھا اور بعد کے برسوں میں یہ اپنے دور کا گلبرگ(موجودہ لاہور کا ایک علاقہ) سمجھا جاتا تھا"۔

امرتسر کے سکھ جو گوالمنڈی میں مقیم ہوگئے تھے، نے بیسن لگی تلی ہوئی مچھلی کو متعارف کرایا اور یہ 'سردار فش' کے نام سے مقبول تھی۔ اب یہ ترکیب لاہور کی شناخت بن چکی ہے"۔
خواجہ شکیل کے مطابق اسی طرح باربی کیو کی تراکیب اور متعدد اقسام کے فالودہ ان خاندانوں نے متعارف کرائے جن کے آبائواجداد پہلوان تھے۔ کشمیری یہاں ہریسہ لے کر آئے اور مزیدار دودھ جلیبی نے بھی گوالمنڈی میں شہرت اختیار کرلی، اس طرح مختلف نسلوں کی آبادی یہاں کچھ نہ کچھ منفرد لے کر آئی۔

The link of article is here

Urdu link of the article is here

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Rule of Law and real face of PTI

Rule of Law and real face of PTI 

This video is enough to understand what type of change PTI is advocating. Like jehadies and MQM, in Faislabad PTI workers remained busy to close shops by force. Bilawal Bhutto rightly called PTI, the MQM of Punjab. Now next destination of destructive politics is Karachi. Today Pervaiz Musharaf supported PTI's call which shows who is behind this game. MQM is forced to support PTI so MQM is under pressure. Now you watch the video by yourself as facts are more sacred than perceptions. One person killed but no one knew who killed him while one more person ( a PTI supporter ) was died. He was busy in burning tyres when some flames burn his cloths. He immediately jumed in near by canal in which he died as he did not knew swiming. No one can be happy on these deaths but question is who is responsible for those deaths? Actually people of Faislabad did not follow PTI's appeal so in frustration PTI violated Rule of Law.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Santa Claus you too opted for China?

Santa Claus you too opted for China?

Is it a symbol of a changed world? Expansion of Chinese is not limited to Asia and Africa but Europe too ready to follow Chinese. Chinese are getting attention day by day and due to this some old powers are very confuse these days. US timely shifted it in the boat of China smartly while Russians are trying to revive early 1950s atmosphere but Indians, like many more countries are confuse. 
"Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle and simply "Santa", is a figure with legendary, historical and folkloric origins who, in many Western cultures, is said to bring gifts to the homes of the good children on 24 December, the night before Christmas Day. However, in some European countries children receive their presents on St. Nicholas' Day, 6 December".

click here to view Chinese santa Claus

Peek inside China's 'X'mas villagein Yiwu

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Frustrated IK and Misleading Politics

Frustrated IK and Misleading Politics

Ik is losing options day by day. he had announce December 4 for closure of Lhore yet within 24 hours PTI realized his mistake. Then appeared  smart Shah Mahmmud Qureshi in his special traditional Ganhian style and said that we did not want to close the city. we will not give call for shutter down or wheel jam but we want to register our protest only through public rallies. Actually, they did not realize that it is age of media where even a minute is recorded so it is difficult to make people fool. Anyway, December 8 is near and let us test Ik his fate there. 

we have a history of interventions in political system. At 23rd March 1956 national assembly had passed First constitution yet within 6 months General Sikandar Mirza and General ayub Khan conspired against than PM Ch Muhammad Ali. So In sSeptember 1956 Mirza & Ayub installed H.S. Shurawardy. But they bear him hardly for a year and in Oct 1957 they installed I.I.Chundrigarh for only two months. At 16 December 1957 we had another PM Feroz Khan Noon but Mirza and Ayub replaced him within 10 months and at 07th October 1958 CNC General Ayub was PM and Mirza was president. Finally Ayub removed Mirza and Pakistan remain under marshalls till 16 December 1971. So instead of holding elections under First constitution non elected elite remained busy either in replacement of PMs or marshallahs. 
Due to east Pakistan incident non elected elite had to bear democracy but meanwhile they coined another weapon which was rigging. from 1976 non elected elite is using weapon of rigging smartly against elected governments. What is happening these days in Pakistan is not a new phenomenon. It is another face of the game plan coined by Mirza & Ayub but in the final analysis due to that game plan every institution including Army is controversial. 

تاریخ پاکستان کے مطالعہ سے یہ بات باآسانی سمجھ آتی ہے کہ اوّل تو اس ملک میں انتخابات کو ہونے ہی نہیں دیا جاتا اور اگر کوئی ہمت کر کے انتخابات کروا دے تو دھاندلیوں کا پھندا پہلے سے تیار ہوتا ہے۔ خداخدا کر کے اس ملک پاکستان میں 2008 سے 2013 کے درمیان سیاسی حکومت نے اپنے 5 سال مکمل کیے اور اس کے بعد انتخابات کے رستہ نئی حکومت بنی۔ پورے 65سالوں میں ووٹ کے ذریعے یہ پہلا انتقال اقتدار تھا۔ یہ انتقال اقتدار مرہون منت تھا ان سیاسی بصیرتوں کا جس کی نیہیں 2006 میں شہید متحرمہ بے نظیر بھٹو اور میاں نواز شریف نے مل کر رکھیں تھیں۔کچھ مخصوص قوتیں پہلے دن سے ’’میثاق جمہوریت‘‘ کے بوجوہ خلاف تھیں کہ انہیں ’’مرزاوایوب‘‘ کا سانپ سیڑھی کھیل ختم ہوتا نظر آتا تھا۔بس ’’پہلے جمہوری انتقال اقتدار‘‘ کو گھجل کرنے کے لیے’’ قوی اتحاد‘‘ کے دنوں کی یاد تازہ کی گئی اور دھاندلیوں کے بدنام زمانہ ہتھیار کے استعمال کودھرایا گیا جو تاحال جاری ہے۔ -

Read complete article here

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...