Thursday, December 11, 2014

Twisted Journalism: In memory of Gawalmandi Food Street

Twisted Journalism

In memory of Gawalmandi Food Street

The story is a half truth and an example of bad taste. Authors failed to hide their love for dictator Mushraf and his cronies like Pervaiz Ellahi, Qummi Tajar Itehad and all those who betrayed Nawaz after Marshallah of 12th October 1999. 
I born in gawalmandi at 29 Railway road Gawalmandi chowk and i knew it was centre of food activity much before Musharaf yet dictator used that tradition just to snatch some space from Nawaz. Everyone knew Mr Shakeel and many more who were with Nawaz and they changed their hearts partly due to pressure from military regime and partly due to their personal interests. The story have some new information and wrote
 "The food stalls gradually mushroomed until each corner of the street was offering something unique. For instance, the Sikhs from Amritsar who settled in Gawalmandi introduced gram flour-coated fried fish. This was the famous 'Sardar Fish'. The recipe has almost become an identity of Lahore now."
Similarly, barbeque techniques and various types of falooda were introduced by the families whose ancestors were pehelwans. The Kashmiris brought with them Hareesa. The rich doodh-jalebi concoction also found fame in Gawalmandi and the diverse population each brought something unique, Shakeel says." but at the same time story has wrong facts too. One bad example is a statement regarding removal of gates by PML (N) provincial government after 2011. "The historical gates, built by wealthy Muslim, Sikhs and Hindu families before partition, were also pulled down." it is totally wrong fact. Authors called it a case of political victimization yet it is case of supporting a dictator. anyway, read the story and forget what authors twisted. Interestingly photographs are very good and one should appreciate photographer. 
" تقسیم کے بعد گوالمنڈی چار دیواری سے گھرے لاہور شہر کے نواح میں پہلا مناسب طور پر آباد علاقہ تھا یہ 1911 کے بعد ہی رہائشی بستی کی شکل اختیار کرگیا تھا اور بعد کے برسوں میں یہ اپنے دور کا گلبرگ(موجودہ لاہور کا ایک علاقہ) سمجھا جاتا تھا"۔

امرتسر کے سکھ جو گوالمنڈی میں مقیم ہوگئے تھے، نے بیسن لگی تلی ہوئی مچھلی کو متعارف کرایا اور یہ 'سردار فش' کے نام سے مقبول تھی۔ اب یہ ترکیب لاہور کی شناخت بن چکی ہے"۔
خواجہ شکیل کے مطابق اسی طرح باربی کیو کی تراکیب اور متعدد اقسام کے فالودہ ان خاندانوں نے متعارف کرائے جن کے آبائواجداد پہلوان تھے۔ کشمیری یہاں ہریسہ لے کر آئے اور مزیدار دودھ جلیبی نے بھی گوالمنڈی میں شہرت اختیار کرلی، اس طرح مختلف نسلوں کی آبادی یہاں کچھ نہ کچھ منفرد لے کر آئی۔

The link of article is here

Urdu link of the article is here

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