Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Pran Nevile's Lhore ....Watch, Listen and Read

No one can Change My Lhore, It is as beautiful as attractive as it was. London is also changing since 1950s so is Lhore. We should welcome change. Lhore, Lhore Hai

میں لہور دا پانی پیتا ہے تاں مارے صحتاں تگڑیاں نیں میریاں

At April 19, 2016 Pran once again visited Lhore and this time he had to participate in the book launching ceremony of his two books. Khalid Hassan, famous journalist called him Chalta Pertha Lhore in Delhi. “In a way, you can say, I never left Lahore because it is always with me. I have carried it with me wherever I have gone, and when I look back and there is no place on earth I haven’t been and all through those years, Lahore has stayed with me. I am an unreconstructed Lahoria, you can say, who never thought he would ever live elsewhere.” Read the crisp of Khalid Hasan about Pran. You can watch and Listen three clips of the book launch of his two books
1- Lhore: A Sentimental Journey Amended edition Published by Readings
2- Carefree Days A new book

News Coverage of the Program @ DAWN

Lhore has not changed ...Coverage at Tribune

Pran Nevile (born October 22, 1922) is an Indian author of Art, Culture & History renowned for the 1992 book, Lahore - A Sentimental Journey. Nevile‘s birthplace was Lahore and he completed his degree from the Government College of Lahore.
You can also visit his Official Page
In January 2008 me and Qaiser Nazier Khawar interviewed Pran as editors of a left liberal Journal Awami Jumhori Forum and for that interview we visited him at the house of late M P Bhandara in Lhore Cantt. It was a marvelous experience.

Muslim fanatics are followers of missionaries: Decline in performing art started in the Raj and Christian missionaries were very against it. i myself read many documents and did research for 6 to 7 years on this subject. Campaign against performing art was on its peak in 1890 in Lhore. Interview Pran at AJFprum 2008

You can read the Interview at http://ajfpk.org/show-art.php?artid=&bname=AJF-41&type=Art%2010&image_id=1

Watch the clips of April 2016

Pran Neville talk at Government College Lhore April 19th 2016 at a book launching ceremony of his two books

Faryal Guhar reading pieces from Pran book Carefree Days

Listen student folk Punjabi humour 420 From Pran

Lhore in USA

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