Saturday, December 15, 2018

16 December and its lessons: From Muslim Bengal to Bangladesh & NAP

16 December and its lessons

From Muslim Bengal to Bangladesh & NAP

Series of Radio Programs

More than one radio shows about 16 December, recorded in the month of  December 2018 (every Thursday) at MastFM103 in weekly Lok Lhar show. Will do more programs so that one can understand what happened in between 1947 and 1971 and after 1972 till today along with international, regional & local politics.

بنگال بارے پڑچول، اندر دی گلاں جنہاں بارے گل گواچی ہوئی ہے۔ 
بابواں دا بنگال اتے 1849 بعدوں پنجاب ول شفٹ
بنگال دی ونڈ 1905 اتے ایس مگر لکویں سیاستاں
مرکز کلکتے توں دلی آ گیا 1911 وچ
لکھنو پیکٹ دا کوڑ پن تے سیاستاں تے اثر
مسلم پنجاب تے مسلم بنگال دی گواچی کہانی
سی آر داس دا لکھنو پیکٹ توں انکار
میاں شفیع، حکیم اجمل خان تے علامہ اقبال دی گلنوں جناح من لتا تے سیاستاں مسلم اکثریتاں ول ٹر گیاں
 جناح سکندر پیکٹ تے مولوی فصل الحق
مسلم لیگ تگڑی ہوئی مسلم اکثریتاں دے تھیسس بعد
قرارداد مقاصد دی کھیڈ تے پاکستان وچ اسلام  تے غیر اسلام دی سیاستاں دا آغاز
غیر مسلم ارکان اسمبلی دی کوڑسیاستاں
کوریا دی جنگ وچ رقماں کماون والیاں دا مشرقی بنگال نوں بھل کے کراچی ول الار
ون یونٹ دا کوڑ کھیڈ 
پہلا آئین تے بنگالی اکثریتاں دا ڈر
پہلے الیکشن دی تھاں پہلا مارشلا
تیرہ سالہ دو مارشلا تے مشرقی پاکستان دا بنگلہ دیش ول سفر
سٹھ دے دہاکے دے ادھ توں بدلدی عالمی سیاستاں
ایوب مخالف سیاستاں دے وچوں نکلیاں نویں سیاستاں اتے بھٹو، مجیب لیڈرشپ
جنرل یحی دور دی کوڑ سیاستاں
بنگالیاں توں جان چھڑاون دی دھمک
بھاشانی نہیں، مجیب
اگرتلہ کیس دی بنی نال مجیب دی سیاستاں دا تگڑا ہونا
پیپلز پارٹی دا بننا تے سیاسی خلا دا مکنا

South Asia has witnessed numerous divisions, formation of new States, Wars and killings of people along with displacements in last 200 years. Some people remember it as freedom day or some people remember it as Day of mourning, but in history it is important to analysis it first. Without understanding its historical back ground it is hard to know its reasons. 16 December 1971 was a day when East Bengal people got freedom & Pakistan was broken. But more precisely it is story of Muslim Bengal and when you analyses it in 2018, you have to inspect what happened in last 47 years too. Why 50 million Hindus have to leave Bangladesh after 1971? (When I visited Bangladesh in 2009, I got a good research work by few prominent Muslim Bengali economists about it.) Why after 47 years people of Bangladesh still struggling for democracy? Why minorities (religious as well as linguistic ) still protesting? Under China containment policy at Burma Bangladesh border we  have witnessed communal cum national  conflicts and US and KSA are exploiting it along with western donors. Similarly what happened in West Pakistan in last 47 years is also part of analysis. Suddenly Pakistan became a country with less than 5% minorities rather than a country with 22% and Islamists had started new campaigns to Islamize it. At 16 December 2014, we had witnessed its result and State & Government along with various sections had approved National Action Plan (NAP). But it is still in papers only. It all is part of analysis but we often prefer selective approach not only in accountability,  justice but also in analysis too. Let us start from Muslim Bengal and we may in future, check other aspects too.

From Muslim Bengal to Bangladesh 

Once, Capital of British India Calcutta had a special place among British Indian campaigns. For whole Hind Sindh Bengalis were remembered as Babu, special servants of colonial masters. Royal Bengal Army was lethal force that served masters well. Yet after annexation of the Punjab (29 March 1849) that nexus was changed. British had arranged three Darbars (Show of Power) in Delhi (1877, 1904 an 1911) and also practically disbanded RBA and shifted recruitment to Northern Command newly build Headquarter in Punjabi city Pindi that was on road to Kabul. How Babu lost its pride is among unheard stories yet it effected Bengal from within. Without understanding story of rise and fall of Bengal Presidency (1757-1911) it is hard to understand story of Bengalis in general. Like Germans they were compelled to change their names during those 150 years (From Thakur to Tagore, from Chatopadhayee to Chaterji etc see this link for reference
What were the areas in Bengal Presidency is an interesting study itself. The shift from RBA to a united Indian Army (Bombay army and Madras armies too merge in it)  happened till late 19th century but it had started from 19849. At that time Dehli was included in the Punjab that was a vast land from Delhi to FATA  and it was considered as buffer between Tsars and GB. You listen the show that is the first part 
مشرقی پاکستانیوں یعنی مشرقی بنگالیوں کے گلے کورین جنگ سے شروع ہوئے جو 1950 کے وسط سے شروع ہوئی تھی۔ اس جنگ کی برکات سے پاکستان کے سیٹھوں نے جن میں کجھ پارسی سیٹھوں کے نام نمایاں ہیں نے پٹ سن کے ذریعے خوب مال کمایا تھا۔کورین وار کے بعد یہ مال کراچی میں سرمایہ کاری میں لگا دیا تو اس پر بنگالی ناراض ہوئے کہ پٹ سن ہماری اور سرمایہ  
  کاری کراچی میں کیوں؟ اب بہت سے لوگ اس بارے بات نہیں کرنا چاہتے جن میں میڈیا، دانشور 
شامل ہیں۔
اس پر مشرقی بنگال والے جب کراچی آتے تو کہتے کہ ہمیں کراچی کی سڑکوں سے پٹ سن کی بو آتی ہے۔ بعد میں یہی جملے بنگالی دانشوروں نے اسلا آباد کے متعلق بھی کہے۔ مگر اب کچھ دانشور محض اسلام آباد کا ہی ذکر کرتے ہیں۔

The Korean War, which began in 1950, brought wealth to Pakistani merchants who sold raw materials to the anti-Communist nations. The merchants invested their profits in the manufacture of consumer goods for Pakistanis – Pakistan's first industrial revolution. Pakistan's economy, measured as Gross National Product, began growing at a rate of 18 percent a year, the high percentage made possible by meagre beginnings.

حسین شہید سہروردی کے دور میں ایسے قوانین بنائے گئے جن سے مشرقی پاکستان کا معاشی
استحصال کم ہو
ان میں ایک امریکی امداد کے مشرقی پاکستان کے حصے کو مشرقی بنگال لگانے سے متعلق تھا مگر آئی آئی جندیگر کی دو ماہ کے لیے بننے والی سرکار نے ان قوانین کو ختم کر ڈالا۔

History of Bengal, its role in British administration and shifting of center from Kolkatta to Punjab.  
Complete recording of the radio show Part 1
Politics of Muslim Bengal and mishandling of East Bengal issue in Pakistan.
Complete recording of the radio show Part 2
Anti Ayub movement, Shifts in international politics in mid 1960s and its impacts in different countries, Gen. Yahya mishandling, 13 years of dictatorships and its fatal impacts, divided left and rise of Bhutto
Complete recording of Part 3

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