Friday, March 29, 2019

Malnutrition, Hunger, War hysteria & Dollar hike : Is it part of a clever agenda?

Malnutrition, Hunger, War hysteria & Dollar hike Is it part of a clever agenda? 

War hysteria and Dollar hike will increase poverty and in near future more lower middle class people will join people living in below poverty line. News of France 24 and Global Hunger Index 2018 are enough to understand future scenario that is alarming for rise of extremism yet current government is still in the state of denial. 
Few years back Dollar rate was 106 PKr but now it is above 142, thanks to those who had expelled Ishaque Dar who had managed Dollar rate at 106 in last 4 years in spite of opposition of tricky IMF. This situation crippled more due to recent war hysteria  of India and it looks like a same agenda. 
As par report India, Afghanistan and Pakistan on top with 111, 116 and 106 numbers and with such data South Asia is in worst condition after Africa. 
Global Hunger Index

اک پاسے دبا دب ڈالر دا ریٹ ودھ رہیا ہے جس پاروں ہر چیز دی قیمتاں ودھ رہیاں نیں تے دوجے پاسے جھوٹی تسلیاں دتی جارہیاں نیں۔ خطے وچ ودھ چکیا جنگی جنون ایس اگ تے تیل پا رہیا ہے۔اینج جاپدا ہے کہ اسحق ڈار نوں کڈوا کے اک عالمی ایجنڈے نوں پورا کیتا گیا ہے جس پاروں ڈالر106توں 142یعنی پورے36روپیئے ودھ چکیا ہے تے ہلے وی بریکاں نہیں لگیاںآئی ایم ایف ایسے ایجنڈے پاروں ڈار خلاف گلاں کیتیاں سن۔ غربت تے اینج نہیں مک سکدی سگوں غریب مار پروگرام زرور تگڑا ہو رہیا ہے۔

Reporting of France 24

Millions malnourished in Pakistan despite abundance of food.

He is starving in a country that has no shortage of food, but which has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world and where malnutrition is rife.

Why to know about March 29? Why this colonial narrative is still there after independence? Radio Show

Why to know about March 29? Why this colonial narrative is still there after independence? Radio Show

Why we are still following colonial narratives? Is it due to ignorance or some groups are protecting colonial narratives deliberately? Is it suits to various new post 1947 groups due to various reasons? 
March 29 is not only related to the Punjab but equally important day for Sindhis, pukhtoons, Balochs, Baltis, FATA, Kashmir too. There is a politics behind its disappearance from media, education etc and it is high time to deconstruct it.

Listen the radio show and read its news. we are sharing some important links too.

News at 

Link of the radio show

Further readings

A Day when the Punjab was annexed by British forces

تجھے یاد ہو کہ نہ یاد ہو

29مارچ، پنجاب ،ہندوستان اورانگریز

It is story of more than 200 million Punjabis living in Two Punjabs, in

 different parts of South Asia, UK, Canada, USA, Middle East and 

rest of the world. Listen the first part of Lok Lhar radio show and we 

will do another program from post Maharaja times  till the day of annexation soon.

 Just Think Why Indian, Pakistani and Britain media always ignore

 that Day

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Sunday, March 17, 2019

2nd International Punjabi Conference @LUMS: News, Clips and Photos

2nd International Punjabi Conference @LUMS News, Clips and Photos 

Punjabi is among the biggest languages in the world that have more than 200 million speakers but it is similarly among rare examples too and still it is facing serious problems. In a recent interview an Indian writer Sukirat Singh Anand said,
''Punjabi has two scripts — Gurmukhi and Shahmukhi. Punjabi is the worst victim of communal divide. In Indian Punjab, after partition, communal divide did not stop and in the first census of 1951, Punjabi Hindus were instructed to register Hindi as their mother tongue. In both Punjabs and elsewhere more than 200 million people speak Punjabi. It is high time for Punjabis to rethink about the future of their language. It is the duty of the universities to accept this challenge in both Punjabs.'' The News on Sunday' 17 March 2019

As par 19th century famous educationist G W Leitner learning of #Punjabi was part of education in pre-British times and in his famous 1882 report he had mentioned many books and schools. His report was based on 1851 report that was prepared just two years after annexation of the #Punjab. But in 1850s colonial rulers had imposed Urdu and smartly attribute it with Islamic Language, good for Punjabi Muslims while same administration had allowed Sikhs to read, learn Punjabi but in Gumukhi script. Colonial rulers had expelled Persian and replaced it with English already. As Punjab had three religious communities so colonial rulers played with communal divide. In 1952, State of Pakistan used same Urdu language as sole national language yet due to resistance they had to accept Bengali as co-national language in first Pakistani Constitution of 1956. It is to be noted that colonial rulers had accepted use of Sindhi & Bengali but did not allowed Pukhstoons, Balochs, Kashmiris and Punjabis to use their respective mother tongues, thanks to Frontier Forward Policy. After creation of Bangladesh, Bhutto government had accepted diversity of languages largely and we had witnessed government support for Sindhi, Balochi, Brahvi, Pushto and Punjabi adbi boards. At this stage a new mantra was coined to divide Pakistani mother tongues on the basis of dialects. It was a smart move to protect status-co from other side of the fence. The case is complex but largely all players accept diversity yet they have their plans too. In this context it is important to have international Punjabi conferences especially owned by research institutions like LUMS.   

Zubaida Mustafa on Education & myths related to use of mother tongues.

The Importance of Language in Education
By Zubeida Mustafa

I shall begin this paper by listing five myths which have dominated our collective thinking on language in education in Pakistan. This thinking also shapes the narrative on education in many other countries that were decolonised  less than a century ago.

Reporting of presentation of Sharon Correll

Reporting of presentation of Tony Capstick

Nain Sukh sharing his views about his Punjabi Novel Madhu Lal Hussein. Hafiz Khan, Musrat Kalanchvi, Parveen Malik are also seen.

Some more pictures and videos

Reporting of 2nd Day of 2nd International #Punjabi Conference @ LUMS, Lhore along with reports, clips etc of First Punjabi Conference

Mother Tongues & its current challenges: Either reject it or divide it smartly in many dialects?

Mother Tongues & its current challenges: Either reject it or divide it smartly in many dialects?

A radio program 

In the absence of linguistic experts it is easy to play with language issue and it is happening especially in these days.
Guests: Nain Sukh, Abbas Ali Sadiquee, Tipu Makhdom, Ajay Bhardwaj
Recorded at #MastFM103. Will upload complete recording, meanwhile enjoy clips and taste it.
Watch a Clip
Abbas Ali Sadiquee talking in MastFM Radio weekly radio show LOK LHAR Lhore, Punjab 21 Feb 2019

Clip of Ajay Bhardwaj

Religion based Cold War strengthened religious fundamentalism across borders. Interview Sukirat

Religion based Cold War strengthened religious fundamentalism across borders.

                   Interview Sukirat Singh Anand

He shared out of box views not only about India Pakistan cold war but also threw light on Indian left and his memories about than USSR along with legacy of Gurbasksh Singh of Preetnagar & Preet Larri fame and Jagjit Singh Anand, editor, senator and activist of CPI.  

Love with #US, both India & Pakistan in their formative years 
Both newly formed countries were anxious to join American Block and used Anti-Communist mantra, a colonial legacy, in 1948 and 1954 but in later stage when India had to join Russian block it had changed its narrative and presented an impression that joining US was not its choice. But  letters of Nehru to Kanji Dwarkadsas written in late 1946 & early 1947 preserved in Kanji's book is a proof of that fact. Kanji was member of Congress Working Committee and at that time he was in US to attend International Labor Organization's first meeting as Congress representative.

After the 2nd Communist Congress (Feb 1948), the government of India had banned CPI and the Nehru government had arrested many communists, including my father

Preetnagar location near Pak India border , north of wahga, Lhore
There were many villages around Preetnagar like Vero-ki, Loko-ki, Chugawan, Ranian etc.

My father was among three editors of a communist weekly newspaper Jang e Azadi in pre-partition times including Teja Singh Sutantar.

Fikar Tunsvi was also included among its contributors at early stage of Nawaan Zamanana newspaper in 1950s.

A humanist cum progressive yet did not joined CPI
Caste of Gurbaksh Singh was Ahlu Walia but he neither use it nor I knew it till his death. Such people were rare among reds.

Read the Interview by clicking the link below

Back Title of Sukirat book

Title of the book written by Sukirat first in Punjabi than translated in English. He is witness to surrender yet he thinks its reasons were internal and those who knew about the Soviet society and former #USSR can understand it well. Will try to share recording of his thoughts about Soviet society soon. 

Table of content 

Saturday, March 16, 2019

100 years of Jillianwala Massacre (13 April 1919-13 April 2019) A series of Radio Shows

100 years of JillianwalaBagh Massacre

(13 April 1919-13 April 2019)

Story of a mindset that is still present in South Asia based on sedition myths

A series of Radio Shows

جلیانوالہ باغ قتلام دے مگر اوہ خفیہ رپورٹ سی جس وچ آزادی دی لڑائی لڑن والیاں تے  جرائم کرن والیاں نوں اک ہی لاٹھی توں ہانکن دا کوڑ بیانیہ بنایا گیا سی تے اوہ مائنڈ سیٹ اج وی ساڈی پالیسیاں تے حاوی ہے۔

How a nexus of Court cum judges and custodians of security conspired against people is an unheard story behind Jillianwalabagh massacre. The report had created a narrative and Col Dyer acted accordingly and killed unarmed Punjabis.  
What was #Hindu #German Conspiracy? What was the promise British did with #Indian leaders just to get massive recruitment during WW1 and why they broke it after defeating Germans?  
یس قنون دی منظوریاں جس گھٹیا رپورٹ پاروں دتیاں گیاں اوس نوں ’’غداری رپورٹ‘‘ دے ناں توں جانیا جاندا ہے۔ ایہہ کمیٹی دس دسمبر1917وچ بنائی گئی سی تے ایہہ پورے286صفحیاں دی رپورٹ سی

Listen recording of First radio show recorded at MastFM103, lhore station in weekly Lok Lhar program recorded at Thursday 4 to 6 March 14th 2019. 
ریکارڈنگ تے رپورٹ دے چونویں ٹوٹیاں لئی ایس لنک تے کلک کر سو

Will share extracts of sedition committee report formed at December 10th 1917 by the British Government that established a bad narrative and had introduced a black law. 

Further Readings

JillianWalla Massacre & Forgotten Facts

The mindset still haunting us in South Asia even after 100 years

100 years of : Watch & Unlearn Misusing Sedition Charges against political opponents, Security syndrome, Mixing religion in politics and gapes in resistance narrative. watch and comment

Awami Boli Punjabi & Issue of script by Sharon Correll

عوامی لپی :کمپیوٹر تے پنجابی  لکھت
شیرن کوریل

ایس آئی ایل انٹرنیشنل
ایس آئی ایل والے زباناں یا بولیاں اتے لپیاں تے کم کریندے نیں اتے  ایس کھوج دا وڈا حصہ  انہاں زباناں  تے لپیاں بارے  پرکھ بڑچول نال جڑیاجے  جنہاں دی لکھتاں نوں کمپیوٹر بیلی بناون دی لوڑ ہے۔
اساں لسانیاتی کھوج،پڑھائی لکھائی تے ترجمے/التھے بارے کم تے بہتا زور دیندے ہاں۔
اساڈے کم وچ لپیاں دے انجان اکھراں نوں کمپیوٹر بیلی بناون  نوں اہمیتاں نیں

کمپیوٹر دی دنیا

کی بورڈ اوہ تختی ہے جیہڑی لکھن وچ مدد دیندی ہے۔
فونٹ اکھر دا اوہ بوتھا ہوندا ہے جیہڑا کمپیوٹر تے تہانوں دسدا ہے۔
ہر اکھر نوں ہک نمبر دتا جاندا ہے کہ کمپیوٹر اسے نمبر نوں سامنے رکھدا ہے۔ ایس نوں کوڈنگ آکھدے نیں۔
جنج لاطینی(انگریزی وی) اکھر نکے ''اے'' نوں  یوجمع0061[1]
نمبر دا کوڈ دتا گیا ہے۔اینج ہی عربی اکھر ''ب'' نوں یو جمع0628 دا کوڈ دتا جاندا ہے۔
پنجابی دی پکی املا تے پورا اتفاق نہ ہون پاروں  جیہڑے گھاٹے نیں ہو سکدا ہے ایہہ کوشش اجہے گھاٹیاں نوں دور کرن دا سبب بنے۔
عباس ملک ہوراں ورگے کھوجیاں اردو اکھراں وچ پنجابی لکھن  لئی دو  اکھراں دے وادھے بارے گل کیتی ہے۔
پنجابی وچ دو اکھر اڑنون اتے اڑلام وادھو نیں۔
اڑنون نوں یو جمع0768 [2] دا کوڈ دتا ہے یونی کوڈ وچ۔
اڑلام تے ہلے کم ہو رہیا ہے۔ایس آئی ایل والے پنجابی کھوجیاں نال رل کے ایس اوکڑ نوں دور کرن تے کم کریندے پئے جے۔
ورڈ 8 تے ورڈ 10 دے سوفٹ وئیر ایس نوں سپورٹ نہیں کردے۔ البتہ کی مین[3] والی تختی تے ایس مسلے دا کجھ حل ہو سکدا ہے۔ایہہ کی بورڈ انٹرنیٹ توں مفت کمپیوٹر وچ پایا جا سکدا ہے تے ایس دا لنک فٹ نوٹ وچ ہے۔
ایس وچ اڑنون دا مسلہ تے حل ہو گیا ہے پر اڑلام تے کم جاری جے۔

نستعلیق لپی دے  مسلے وادھو نیں

۔گولایاں پاروں نستعلیق دا مسلہ اوکھا ہے پر نسخ (عربی 
لپی) وچ بہوں سارے مسلے حل کیتے گئے نیں۔

ایس آئی ایل والیاں بولیاں نوں کمپیوٹربیلی بناون لئی 

گریفائٹ[4]        تیکنالوجی بنائی ہے۔ایس وچ سپیشل اکھر وی پائے جا رہے نیں

۔ایہہ دوجیاں کمپیوٹر تیکنالوجیاں توں وادھو لفی  وی ہے تے کم وی ساردی ہے۔ایس وچ نستعلیق دی اوکڑاں وی حل ہو سکدیاں نیں۔
پاکستان وچ بولیاں جان والی ساریاں ماں بولیاں وچ جیہڑے وادھو اکھر پرچلت نیں انہاں نوں ایس وچ رلایا جا سکدا ہے۔
کتھے اک اکھردے اندر یا اوتے چار نقطے پیندے نیں، کتھے ط پائی جاندی ہے یاں فیر اکھر اتے کتھے نکا صفرا لایا جاندا جے۔ایس نوں عوامی فونٹ کہیا گیا ہے۔

ایس وچ اساں نستعلیق ورگا فونٹ وی بنایا ہے۔
اکھراں دا ملاپ اجیہا مسلہ ہے جیہڑا بہوں اوکھا ہے تے اردو دی سوفٹ وئیراں وچ وی ایہہ مسلے وادھو نیں۔
اک ہور وی اوکڑ شبداں وچ تھاواں اتے سطراں وچ تھاواں دا ہے۔ ایس دی فوٹواں ویکھو تے تہانوں 
گریفائٹ  تے دوجیاں دا فرق آپ دسے گا۔

نوٹ: ایہہ  شیرن ہوراں دی لکھت دے کجھ ٹوٹیاں دا آزاد ترجمہ جے۔

[1] U+0061
[2] U+0768
[3] Keyman ( Available at windos, Mac, Linux
[4] Graphite

Some impages

A clip of Sharon's presentation at LUMS, Lhore

Sharon with Gurpreet Singh Lehal and Jamil Paul @ LUMS Lhore

Link of the clip

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Let Us talk about Left Politics & Punjabi Philosophy (News, Audio Video Clips)

Let Us talk about 

Left Politics & Punjabi Philosophy

 (News, Photos, Audio Video Clips) 

A book launch of two Punjabi books that became an event to revisit Left politics of Pakistan. Speakers talk about autobiograpghy of Dr Manzur Ijaz and Book of Punjabi Philosophy by Jaspal Singh. It includes audio video clips and photos along with news, articles here. 
Program was held ar March 10, 2019 at PILAC. 
Speakers: Professor Azizuddin Ahmad, Makhdoom Tipu, Samina Asma, Prevaiz Rasheed (Senator & Ex Federal Information Minister), Suhail Wrriach, Aamir Riaz, Rashid Rahman, Qazi Javed, Nain Sukh, Mazhar Tirnazi and Dr Manzur Ijaz. Zubair Ahmad has conducted the program well, Asad Muti speak too and Director PILAC Mrs Sughra Sadaf presented flowers to author. It is to be noted that Jaspal Singh (Author of book Punjabi Darshan) also share his views on phone with the help of Abbas Ali Sadique. 

News of the program and reviews in English, Urdu &Punjabi

Another Review of Manzur book
The New Left (overwhelmingly pro-Beijing) that emerged worldwide in the late 1960s sought theoretically to break from the perceived and actual mistakes of the Old Left. However, in one critical aspect they followed the same path of seeking the umbrella of larger mainstream parties to work under and in. What this policy wrought universally, whether the umbrella was earlier NAP or later the Pakistan People’s Party, was leaving the fate of the Left dependent on the fortunes of these larger entities. When those umbrellas over time sprang ‘leaks’, changed direction or disappeared, this left the Left without an independent existence and it soon after succumbed to the ravages of the time, ideological confusion and the bitter splits that more often than not break out in a period of defeat and retreat. By the early 1980s, it was all but over for the ‘orphaned’ Left and it has still to recover from that local debacle.

Listen a clip of Heer Sung by Dr Manzur Ijaz @ Lhore Zubair's residence 

Reporting of the Program and presidential address of Azizuddin

Reporting Rashed Rahman talk

Article of Makhdom Tipu Salman about the book of Jaspal Singh
''Punjabi Darshan'' Philosophy of the Punjab

Article of Samina Asma read at book launch of Manzur Ejaz Autobiography

Audio Video Clips

Recording of Rashid Rahman clip and news

Recording of clip 1 of Professor Azizuddin Ahmad

Clip two Azizuddin

Recording of Jaspal Singh telephonic talk from USA about his book of Punjabi philosophy ''Punjabi Darshan''

Clip of Qazi Javed sharing his views at Punjabi Books Launch,Lhore

Mazhar Tirmazi sharing his views about Jaspal Singh, Manzur Ijaz and their writings.

Nain Sukh talk: Jaspal Singh Book of Punjabi Philosophy. Clip- 1

Clip 2 of Nain Sukh

Manzur Ejaz sharing his views @Book Launch Lhore

Suhail Warriach clip about Manzur Ejaz

Senator Pervaiz Rasheed sharing views @Punjabi Books launch,Lhore

Audio recording of Aamir Riaz talk
The term Asiatic mode of production is problematic largely but Mamzor Ijaz tried to apply it on Punjab in his book. It is important to discuss what Manzur has written about stagnant situation since last 2000 years and change in it from 1970s. It needs little attention too.
Intellectuals and political workers of 1960s and 1970s should write their autobiographical accounts. 
Some left groups were against Bhutto and supported NAP (Wali), some supported NAB (Bhashani) and some supported PPP in December 1970 elections but then when Bhutto got power almost all opposed him. Did they failed to understand the first democratic phenomenon? Did they had huge expectations? Was there some issues in their narrative regarding democratic spaces?
Islamists were against democracy and call it anti-Islam and similarly left groups were against democracy and call it concubine of capitalism. Interestingly colonial trained civil military elite had a bias against participation of people in governance and democracy was part of it. So left of 1960s and 1970s failed to comprehend civil Military conflict. Without analyzing gapes of 1960s and 1970s it is difficult to comment on current situation.
Click and listen

Further readings.
Asian despotism, Asiatic mode of production or Oriental despotism.. Is it a Euro-centrist approach?  
The concept of Oriental Despotism has shaped the European interpretation and representation of Asiatic governments and societies for many centuries. Its origins can be found in Aristotelian political philosophy. However, its meaning since then has evolved, not only due to the theoretical approach of different thinkers, but also to Europeans' experiences in confrontation with the Asiatic world. During the Age of Enlightenment, Oriental Despotism was a particularly important idea, especially for the writings of Montesquieu. Afterwards, it played a significant role in Hegel's thought as well as in Marx's writing when it turned towards the "Asiatic mode of production" theory. Finally, the concept reappeared both in Weber's thought


Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...