Sunday, February 16, 2020

Is opposition to Basant, Valentine Day & Social Media, a product of same narrow mindset? (Radio Show)

Is opposition to Basant, Valentine Day & Social Media, a product of same narrow mindset?

(Radio Show) 

In past Western & US supported Gen Zia had used religion card yet he was not criticized because he was selected crusader against Reds. Similarly in recent times Modi is another selected who is using religion card not only in disputed Kashmir but by controversial CAA in India too. Modi has stopped  Internet facilities in Kashmir since 6 months but Asia internet collation type bodies did not respond on it. Interestingly even FATF like bodies have no problem with BJP offshore fundings. Interestingly Imran Khan government has introduced new rules for controlling social media  that reminds many things. In Pakistan Basant is banned , Valentine Day is not allowed and now control on social media on cards. What is this mindset? Lok Lhar program has discussed it at 14 Feb 2020 show with guests Sajjad Mansori, Iqbal Haider Butt, Shahzad Ahmad and Dr Imdad Hussain.

Hindu & Muslim fundamentalists protest against valentine day

Listen complete recording of the Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar broadcasted at Mast FM103 at Feb 14, 2020 from Lhore studios 

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