Saturday, December 16, 2023

Why Skill based general education is essential in Pakistan? Rethinking


Why Skill based general education is essential in Pakistan? Rethinking

ہنر نال جڑی تعلیم پاروں ہی پاکستان وچ جنرل ایجوکیشن مارکیٹ تے معاشرے لئی فیدے دے سکدی ہے اتے سکولاں وچ بچے جاون دی گنتری وی وادھو ہو سکدی جے۔

A Punjabi radio program LOK LHAR recorded at MastFM103, Lhore December 11, 2023

Participants : Samya Pervaiz, Moghiz Khan & Moasa Shahbaz 

Since colonial times, our general education was based on learning writing skills only because colonial administration need claraks, know as Babu, for office work. Other than writing skills, all knowledge production was theoretical largely, it had no link with market as well as society. Till 1947, we had very less schools as well as students , majority of schools, colleges were in the Punjab only but even in the Punjab school were not in big number. After 1947 school ratio increased but after nationalization public education increased a lot. Post Zia period witnessed huge expansion in private education but it was without regulation. Today more than 50 million students are in schools, collages and universities but school education failed to delink it from colonial legacy. A matriculated student is of no use of market or the society. let us listen the discussion 

A video clip of the program

Mosa sharing his experience

Listen the program  recorded at MastFM103, Lhore Dec 11, 2023

Further links regarding Skill base education

2013...Those who have read the 1946 report of "post war plan " or voluminous report of 2nd Education conference of 1951, can easily understand the importance of Skill education. Some times people treat it as an separate entity but it is essential to link it with general education

Iqbal Response to Skill base Education & Education for Muslims

2015....Curriculum of Hate or Peace

Linking Education with Job Market via skill education

2018.... Our Flawed Education Systems & misleading narratives: What to do?

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Climate disaster, Global priorities & its impact on Women & Children in Pakistan


Climate disaster, Global priorities & its impact on Women & Children in Pakistan  

Guests Abdul Khaliq Social researcher & Activist ...... Asma Aamir Project Manager WISE, 

In my area, the British Punjab, colonialism and Climate disaster encompassed our lives since 29th March 1849 and that disastrous legacy increased manifold especially after 1947 in the last 76 years in various forms, thanks to colonial as well as post colonial anti-people development models. As we are suffering from it since 174 years so a state of denial regarding climate disaster by our elite is understandable. 

From so-called Industrial revolutions to digital revolution, now the big world is proactive regarding the climate justice but like post 9/11 scholarship, it is hard for them to accept their flawed priorities. 

Today when I am writing this blog, news regarding killings of people in #Gaza & around reminding us that it is high time for UN General Assembly to amend UN laws and play its role not also against political but also climate disasters. 

Its not our first radio program, we always prioritize issues like Human Rights, Gender issues, Education, Climate Change, democracy, Press Freedom etc 

موسماں وچ اتھل پتھل، عالمی پردھاناں دی ترجیحاں،ساڈی 

انکاری باتاں اتے زنانیاں تے بچیاں تے ایس دا بھار۔


جے بچ سکو تے بچ جاو

 خالق شاہ تے عصمہ عامر نال گل بات

Asma sharing her views (Video)

Social Researcher Abdul Khaliq in action (Video) 

ہن سنو پورا پروگرام، تھلے کلک کر سو تے سن سو

Few old links regarding Climate Change & Climate Disaster


Sunday, December 3, 2023

Partitions, Economics, Colonialism & it continuation


Partitions, Economics, Colonialism & it continuation 

Partitions & Oil economy encompassed the 20th century from its early decades yet court historians, clever intellectuals & Western media often misguided it due to obvious reasons. What happened during last three decades of 19th century set the agenda yet it was largely implemented during two European conflicts, infamously popularized by media & court historians as WW1 & WW2. Its high time to revisit history of 20th century so that we can easily understand power of  electronic commerce, Climate Change & porous border games well. 

The McMahon Line is the boundary between China , Burma with British India imposed by UK. 1914

Durand Line The western end runs to the border with Iran and the eastern end to the border with China. 1895

Just imagine, how both lines disturbed old silk route & destroy the land trade links. These bloody lines were further strengthened in 1947 when the divided Bengal & the Punjab. 

Creation of Jewish land in Palestine was designed to control not only Sea trade route but also to control Oil rich lands but it was projected as Jew vs Muslim conflict. In his book (written 1940) PAKISTAN: OR THE PARTITION OF INDIA, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar relate it with Palestine issue. Just readit 

[Will Punjabis and Bengalis agree to redraw their boundaries?]

    One last question and this discussion of Pakistan in relation to communal peace may be brought to a close. Will the Hindus and the Muslims of the Punjab and Bengal agree to redraw the boundaries of their provinces to make the scheme of Pakistan as flawless as it can be made?

    As for the Muslims, they ought to have no objection to redrawing the boundaries. If they do object, it must be said that they do not understand the nature of theirown demand. This is quite possible, since the talk that is going on among Muslim protagonists of Pakistan, is of a very loose character. Some speak of Pakistan as a Muslim National State, others speak of it as a Muslim National Home. Neither care to know whether there is any difference between a National State and a National Home. But there can be no doubt that there is a vital difference between the two. What that difference is was discussed at great length at the time of constituting in Palestine a Jewish National Home. It seems that a clear conception of what this difference is, is necessary, if the likely Muslim opposition to the redrawing of the boundaries is to be overcome.

    According to a leading authority :—

"A National Home connotes a territory in which a people, without receiving the rights of political sovereignty, has nevertheless a recognised legal position and receives the opportunity of developing its moral, social and intellectual ideals."

    The British Government itself, in its statement on Palestine policy issued in 1922, defined its conception of the National Home in the following terms :—

"When it is asked what is meant by the development of the Jewish National Home in Palestine, it may be answered that it is not the imposition of a Jewish nationality upon the inhabitants of Palestine as a whole, but the further development of the existing Jewish Community, with the assistance of Jews in other parts of the world, in order that it may become a centre in which the Jewish people as a whole may take, on grounds of religion and race, an interest and a pride. But in order that this community should have the best prospect of free development and provide a full opportunity for the Jewish people to display its capacities, it is essential that it should be known that it is in Palestine as of right and not on sufferance. This is the reason why it is necessary that the existence of a Jewish National Home in Palestine should be internationally guaranteed, and that it should be formally recognized to rest upon ancient historic connection." 

After the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, Britain was given administrative control over the area then known as Palestine. Britain’s foreign secretary at the time, Arthur James Balfour — who was previously Britain’s chief secretary for Ireland, and known for his sometimes brutal suppression of Irish demands for independence — had laid out his country’s support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people” in the Balfour Declaration of 1917. A few years later, Britain granted independence to much of the island of Ireland but held on to the six counties that still make up Northern Ireland and remain part of the United Kingdom. That legislation provided the template for partitions in other former British colonies, including India and Pakistan in 1947, “and Israel and Palestine” the following year, said Dr. Ohlmeyer.......British officials have drawn their own parallels between the Irish and the Palestinians. Ronald Storrs, who was governor of Jerusalem from 1917 to 1926, wrote in his memoir that if enough Jewish people moved to Palestine, it could “form for England a ‘little loyal Jewish Ulster

in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism” — a reference to English settlers who were sent to Northern Ireland in what became known as the “plantation of Ulster.” #Newyorktimes 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Lhore: Bhutto, Kissinger & Nuclear game in South Asia


 Lhore: Bhutto, Kissinger & Nuclear game in South Asia

Both India & Pakistan are nuclear States but both failed to use latest technology for them. Both are dependent on fuel from foreign suppliers. Why Indra Gandhi & Indian establishment opted for nuclear test in 1974? After 50 years we have to think about it.

This plant would process spent uranium rods from nuclear reactors to prepare them for re‐use as fuel, thus making the country less dependent on fuel from foreign suppliers. In the process, plutonium, which can be used for nuclear weapons, is also produced.

Mr. Bhutto has repeatedly said that Pakistan would not make a nuclear weapon, but since India used its reprocessing plant to do just that, the United States wants Pakistan —and other nations interested in reprocessing—to agree to the use of multinational reprocessing centers as an additional hedge against the spread of nuclear weapons.

[In Washington, Senator Abraham A. Ribicoff received a letter from Mr. Kissinger acknowledging for the first time that it was highly probable that India used material supplied by the United States in exploding its nuclear, device in 1974. Page 6.]

لہور،بھٹو، کسنجر اتے ایٹمی توانائی اتے ایٹم  بارے گفتگو۔۔

 ایہہ ملاقات بھٹو دی حکومت ٹٹن توں 11 مہینے پہلی دی ہے۔ری پراسیسنگ پلانٹ نال انڈیا تے پاکستان اپنے تونائی دے مسلے حل کر سکدے سن پر 1974 وچ انڈیا ایٹمی دھماکے پاروں اک نئی ایٹم بم ریس شروع کروا دتی۔اگلے 50 سال دونوں ملک ''تیل'' تے لمیاں رقماں لاندے رہے۔ ایہہ سب ایس آرٹیکل وچ ہیگا جے تسی ایس بارے سوچ سکو۔

Now read the article published in ew York Times at August 09, 1976


LAHORE, Pakistan, Aug. 8—Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger arrived here tonight for talks with Prime Minister Zulfikar All Bhutto aimed at averting a crisis caused by Pakistan's refusal to drop plans to develop its own nuclear reprocessing plant despite intense American nressure.

Reporters aboard Mr. Kissinger's Air Force jet plane were told that the United States strongly opposed construction of the French‐designed plant on the ground that it had no economic justification and that, despite certain international) safeguards, it seemed likely to raise concern that Pakistan was planning to match India, by exploding a nuclear device of its own.

Plane Sale May Be Blocked

Because of this, Mr. Kissinger was reportedly ready to tell Mr. Bhutto not only• that the United States Government would not permit the sale of A‐7 Corsair jet fighter‐bombers to Pakistan but that Pakistan also ran a risk of having all its economic aid from the United States cut off under new law.

[In Washington, Senator Abraham A. Ribicoff received a letter from Mr. Kissinger acknowledging for the first time that it was highly probable that India used material supplied by the United States in exploding its nuclear, device in 1974. Page 6.]

At a dinner given by Prime Minister Bhutto tonight for Mr. Kissinger, the two men exchanged pointed, but humorous, barbs about the nuclear issue, which has become a major point of contention between the two nations in recent months. A reprocessing plant would produce as a byproduct, plutonium that could be used for making nuclear weapons.

Refusal Apparently Reaffirmed

Mr. Bhutto, referring to Lahore, the capital of Punjab, as the cultural center of Pakistan, said in his toast: “This is our reprocessing center, and we cannot in any way curb the reprocessing center in Pakistan.”

The dinner guests, highranking Pakistanis and Americans laughed at Mr. Bhutto's play on words in which he appeared publicly to reaffirm his refusal to change the plans for a nuclear reprocessing plant.

Mr. Kissinger, in his reply, said that governments must constantly review their policies —“to reprocess themselves”— and decide “what is worth reprocessing.”

The guests also applauded Mr. Kissinger's turn of phrase, which diplomatically called on Mr. Bhutto to alter his nuclear plans.

But although the dinner, in state guest house, was elegant and served by colorfully dressed Punjabis in a relaxed atmosphere, the main topic of conversation was concern over the severe floods that have de. stroyed about 3,000 villages in this area and left about hall of Lahore—mostly the old pail of the city—flooded.

Two Weeks of Rain

Pakistani officials said that the floods, caused by heavy downpour's over the last two weeks, were worse than those of 1973, when severe damage was inflicted.

Mr. Kissinger flew from Teheran, Iran, where he had spent the last three days, to Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, where he spent several hours talking with President Mohammad Daud before flying here. General Daud, who has been gradually seeking to widen ties with the United States and balance the strong Soviet influence in Afghanistan, had asked for a high‐ranking American to make a symbolic visit, reporters on Mr. Kissinger's plane were told.

The discussions with Mr. Bhutto that will take place tomorrow—in addition to the informal talks they had at dinner tonight—underscore the growing concern in Washington about the spread of nuclear weapons.

Pakistan has one small nuclear power reactor in Karachi, built with Canadian assistance. It plans to build 24 more medium‐size nuclear power plants and has contracted with France to build a reprocessing plant.

Disavowal by Bhutto

This plant would process spent uranium rods from nuclear reactors to prepare them for re‐use as fuel, thus making the country less dependent on fuel from foreign suppliers. In the process, plutonium, which can be used for nuclear weapons, is also produced.

Mr. Bhutto has repeatedly said that Pakistan would not make a nuclear weapon, but since India used its reprocessing plant to do just that, the United States wants Pakistan —and other nations interested in reprocessing—to agree to the use of multinational reprocessing centers as an additional hedge against the spread of nuclear weapons.

According to Mr. Kissinger, Shah Mohammed Riza Pahlevi agreed in the last few days that Iran would accept multinational reprocessing so long as the United States guaranteed a source of enriched uranium for the reactors Iran will buy from the United States.

In addition, the United States agreed that if Iran had to spend extra money for reprocessing abroad because of the American concern, a way should be found to recompense Iran, either by American assumptionl of the full cost or by its being shared by the two countries.

Mr. Kissinger would like the Pakistanis to accept the Iranian formula. Since Iran and Pakistan are close allies, It is thought possible that this will happen. In his toast, President Bhutto said that if the United States regarded Iran's security as important, it had to view Pakistan's in the same way. Mr. Kissinger said In response that Pakistan could count on the United States.

Curb on Aid Feared

The Pakistanis are worried about an amendment attached to the latest foreign aid authorization bill approved by Congress that bars any aid to a country that builds a reprocessing plant.

The law has many escape clauses, however, and at the moment the $160 million a year that Pakistan receives—more than half of it in food shipments—is not in danger. But Mr. Kissinger planned to tell Mr. Bhutto that the mood in Congress was for cutting off such aid if a reprocessing plant, was built.

Since March of last year Pakistan has been eligible to buy American military equipment, but so far it has limited its purchases to antitank missiles. The Pakistanis want sophisticated aircraft, but the quantities the Government seeks are viewed as too large by Washington, which also wants to use the plane purchases as leverage on the nuclear question.

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...