Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sectarian Mindset: Roots of sectarianism and extremism...RE-THINKING

Sectarian Mindset: Roots of sectarianism and extremism...RE-THINKING
Who is a sectarian person? How one promotes sectarianism? Using Sectarian symbols to combat sectarianism is more fatal and far from cure. All religions, ideologies and ideas like liberalism, nationalism etc have numerous school of thoughts. Diversity is a blessing yet uniformity always leads to totalitarianism. Presence of numerous school of thoughts in a religion is natural and if we all have a bottom line "to learn to live with differences" than we can combat evil designs. These days sectarianism is in news yet our media, intellectuals and leaders are addressing it from wrong sides.
In a democratic system we always have a bottom line and that is supremacy of elected tier. similarly in professing ideas we should learn to live with differences. I tries to unfold and de-construct myth of  combating sectarianism and extremism. Just read it, it may able us to revisit some fix ideas.
ہر مکتبہ فکر خود کو "حق" اور دوسروں کو "باطل" قرار دیتا ہے۔ اسی طرح ہر مکتبہ فکر میں اعتدال پسند اور انتہا پسند پیروکار ہوتے ہیں۔
پچھلے کچھ سالوں سے فرقہ واریت کے موضوع پر معتبر چینلوں پر جو بحثیں ہوئیں انہوں نے مجبور کر دیا کہ آج ہمیں ان حساس اور انتہای اہم معاملات پر بحثیں کرنے سے قبل کچھ بنیادی باتوں پر اتفاق کرنا ضروری ہے۔
جیسے سیاست میں بنیادی اصول یہ ہے کہ آپ پارلیمان کی بالادستی کو تسلیم کرتے ہیں یا نہیں ایسے ہی مذاہب کے بارے میں بات کرتے ہوئے بنیادی اصول یہی ہے کہ آپ رواداری، بردباری اور اعتدال پسندی کو عملاً تسلیم کرتے ہیں یا نہیں۔
اگر آپ اس اصول کو مدنظر نہیں رکھتے تو پھر آپ فرقہ واریت کی مخالفت کرتے ہوے فرقہ وارانہ استعارے ہی استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ یوں فرقہ وارانہ ماحول بدستور برقرار رہتا ہے۔
اس تحریر کے ذریعہ یہ کوشش کی گئی ہے کہ 21ویں صدی میں ہم فرقہ پرستی کے جنجال سے کیسے نکل سکتے ہیں۔ حیرت تو ان میڈیا دانشوروں پر ہے جو اکثر فرقہ واریت کی مخالفت بھی فرقہ وارانہ استعاروں سے کرتے ہیں۔
Read full article @
جہاں فرقہ پرست و انتہا پسند خیالات ہوں گے وہیں ان کو اپنے مقاصدکے تحت استعمال کرنے والوں کو بھی کامیابی ملے گی۔ جہاں نصاب اور میڈیا میں فرقہ وارانہ استعارے استعمال کرنے کی آزادی ہو وہاں باہر والوں کی تو موجیں ہو جاتی ہیں۔
یاد رکھیں کہ جب سے دنیا بنی ہے اس میں اختلافات بدرجہ اتم موجود رہے ہیں۔ کون سا گھر یا خاندان ہے جس میں اختلاف نہ ہو؟ اصل مسئلہ اختلاف نہیں بلکہ "اختلافات کے ساتھ جینا" ہے۔

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ghost of Nita Ji Subhas Chander Bose

Ghost of Nita Ji Subhas Chander Bose
In His Majesty’s eyes, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was a rebel, an agent of the fascist Germans and a persona non-grata. But, in people’s memories, he is still alive as an immortal leader who sacrificed his career and life for them.
After defeat of Germans Bose changed his thinking. He was now underground once again. Sughata bose recorded that event in his book His Majesty's opponent at Page 216.
On March 24, 1942, British news agencies reported that Bose had been killed in air crash on his way to attend an important conference in Tokyo. Bose heard news of his death on the BBC. Mahatma Gandhi immidiately send his condolence message. Next day Bose himself made a radio broadcaston Azad hind radio. Actually by this news rullers want to use his where abouts.

 بس یہ 1942 ہی کا سال تھا جس میں گہری سوچ بچار کے بعد بوس نے نئی حکمت عملی ترتیب دی۔ اب وہ خفیہ طریقے سے یکدم منظرعام سے غائب ہو گیا۔ 24 مارچ 1942 وہ دن تھا جب مشہور برطانوی نشریاتی ادارے بی بی سی نے اچانک بوس کی موت کی خبر جاری کر دی ۔خبر میں بتایا گیا کہ بوس ایک اہم کانفرنس کے لیے ٹوکیو جارہا تھا تو اس کا جہاز تباہ ہو گیا۔ محقق سوگھاتا بوس نے اپنی کتاب کے صفحہ 216 پر اسے نقل کیا ہے۔
گاندھی جی نے فوراً بوس کی موت پر تعزیتی پیغام داغ دیا۔ درحقیقت اس خبر کے ذریعے حکمران یہ جاننا چاہتے تھے کہ بوس اب کہاں ہے اور کیا کر رہا ہے۔ بس اگلے دن 25 مارچ کو ‘‘آزاد ہند ریڈیو’’ پر بوس کو آ کر اپنے مرنے کی تردید کرنا پڑی۔ 

آج بھی بنگلہ دیش، ہندوستان، پاکستان اور برطانیہ کی اشرافیہ کے لیے نیتا جی سبھاش چندر بوس کا نام اک خوفناک یاد ماضی ہی ہے۔ 1849 میں پنجاب پر قبضے سے لے کر آزادی ہند قانون 1947 کے درمیان افغانستان اور روس کی طرف پیش قدمی کی وجہ سے برٹش انڈین آرمی میں سب سے بڑی تعداد پنجابیوں ہی کی تھی کہ انگریز انھیں "بازو شمشیر زن" یعنی (Sword Arm of India) کہتا تھا۔

کامیابی کی انتہا پر اسے تج دینا تو قلندری شان ہے اور بوس نے ساری عمر اس روایت کو نبھایا۔ یہ وہی سی آر داس تھے جنھوں نے 1922 میں مہاتما گاندھی سے اختلاف کرتے ہوے موتی لال نہرو کے ہمراہ "سوراج پارٹی" بنائی تھی اور کانگرس کو چھوڑ دیا تھا۔
حکیم اجمل خان اور علامہ اقبال کی طرح سی آر داس کو بھی "لکھنو پیکٹ" (1916) کی اس شق پر سخت اعتراض تھا جس کے تحت پنجاب و بنگال میں مسلم اکثریت کو اقلیت میں بدلنے کی کوششیں کی گئیں تھیں۔
1924 میں جب سی آر داس برٹش انڈیا کی سب سے بڑی میونسپلیٹی یعنی کلکتہ کے میر بنے تو انھوں نے پہلی دفعہ بنگالی مسلمانوں کو ان کی آبادی کے حساب سے کلکتہ میونسپلٹی میں نشستیں دیں جس پر بنیاد پرست ہندو سی آر داس اور ان کے چیلوں سے ناراض ہو گئے۔
بوس محض ایک عسکری ماہر ہی نہ تھے بلکہ انھیں پنجاب اور بنگال کے قربتوں کی تاریخ پر بھی عبور تھا۔ 1929 میں وہ لاہور میں تھے جہاں انھیں پنجابی طلباء کانفرنس سے خطاب کرنا تھا۔ ان کی یہ تقریر جگت ایس برائٹ کی کتاب "بوس کی اہم تقاریر اور بیانات" (انگریزی) میں شامل ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا؛
"آپ کو شاید معلوم نہ ہو کہ بنگالی ادب نے پنجاب کی تاریخ سے کیا کچھ حاصل کیا ہے۔ آپ (پنجابیوں) کی عظیم شخصیات کی منظوم داستانوں کو شاعری کی شکل میں بنگالی زبان میں ڈھال کر گایا جاتا ہے کہ اس میں ٹیگور بھی شامل ہیں۔ ان میں سے کئی ایک گیت تو ہر بنگالی کو یاد ہیں۔ ہمارے بزرگوں نے اس پنجابی کلام کو بنگالی میں ہمارے لیے ڈھالا تھا جس سے ہزاروں بنگالی متاثر ہیں۔ اس ثقافتی ہم آہنگی کو سیاست کے قالب میں ڈھالنا ہے۔"
اس عظیم انسان کو پرسرار طور پر قتل کر دیا گیا۔ اس کی لاش کو چھپانے والے یہ بھول گئے کہ "مزار" تو لوگوں کے دلوں میں بنتے ہیں اور دل کا دریا سمندر سے بھی گہرا ہوتا ہے۔ بس اس پرسرار گمشدگی نے بوس کو امر کر دیا اور سیاسی چالیں چلنے والے اپنا سا منہ لے کر رہ گئے۔

Thank you Bose: A tribute to Nita Ji, Subhash Chandar Bose

This title is added at Subhash Chandar Bose 123rd Birth Day 

We have forgotten the man who broke the might of colonial India at a time when the Empire was not ready to leave and today we in Pakistan, Bangladesh & India are enjoying Freedom just because of his struggle. 

بنگالی حریت پسندسبھاش چندر بوس کی آج 123ویں سالگرہ ہے۔ جس کی انڈین نیشنل آرمی نے علامہ اقبال کے گیت کو قومی ترانہ بنایا تھا۔
بنگالی حریت پسندسبھاش چندر بوس نے جب  انڈین سول سروس کا امتحان دیا تو ٹاپ کیا، جب وہ  سیاسی جماعت میں متحرک ہوئے تو مہاتما گاندھی، ابولکلام آزاد اور برلہ جیسوں کی مخالفت کے باوجود کانگرس کے صدر بنے اور جب انھوں نے دوسری جنگ عظیم کے موقع کو بھانپتے ہوئے لڑتے ہوئے  طاقتور ممالک کے تضادات میں سے  برٹش انڈیا کی آزادی کا علم اٹھایا تو وہ نیتا جی کہلائے۔1897کو بابووں کے صوبہ بنگال میں  ایک کھاتے پیتے گھرانے میں پیدا ہونے والے بوس نے رابندر ناتھ ٹیگور جیسے شاعراورچترنجن داس جیسے ہندومسلم اتحاد کے داعی سے متاثر ہو کرانڈین سول سروس کی پر تعیش نوکری کی بجائے 1921 میں آزادی کی جدوجہد کو اپنایا اور اپنے دوست حسین شہید سہروردی اور سی آر داس کے ساتھ مل کر 1924 میں کلکتہ مونسپلٹی میں بنگالی مسلمانوں کو50فیصدسیٹیں دلوائیں۔ وہ بندے ماترم کو کانگرس کا ترانہ بنانے کے خلاف تھے اور یہی وجہ ہے کہ جب انھوں نے انگریز کے خلاف انڈین نیشنل آرمی کی قیادت سنبھالی تو علامہ اقبال کے گیت '' سارے جہاں سے اچھا ہندوستاں ہمارا'' کا انتخاب کیااوربرٹش انڈین آرمی کے لاتعداد فوجیوں نے نوکریاں چھوڑ کر ان کا ساتھ دیا جن میں تاملوں اور پنجابیوں کی بڑی تعداد تھی۔ بوس کو جرمن ایجنٹ کہہ کر ان کا مذاق اڑانے والوں میں بنیاد پرست، ترقی پسند اورانگریز پرست سبھی شامل رہے مگر عوام  میں ان کی مقبولیت بڑھتی گئی۔ ان کی پرسرارموت وہ راز ہے جس پر آج تک پردہ پڑا ہوا ہے۔

یہ تحریر بوس کی 123ویں سالگرہ پر مست ایف ایم 103 پر بطور رپوٹ  بنائی گئی ہے۔

Thank you Bose: On his 117th Bithday

Today is 117th Birthday of a man who refused ICS, challenged dictatorship of Gandhi, raised INA & fought with British Empire till his death. The freedom we are enjoying in South and South East Asia is a result of Post Atlantic Charter (14 August 1941) political circumstances, among them one of the major event was the rebellion of Neta Ji Subhas Chandar Bose, His majesty’s Opponent. That rebellion compelled   British aristocracy to negotiate with Congress and Muslim league.
A die heart democrat, Bose used all democratic options even in colonial times. In 1924, he participated in elections of Calcutta Municipality and was C.E.O while H.S.Suhrawardy was Deputy Mayor and their Guru C R Das was Mayor. He participated in elections of provincial assemblies and central assembly too and remained there in political struggle as Congress leader yet nexus of Gandhi, Birla and Abul Kalam azad was against him. Unlike many “revolutionaries” of present times, For him, armed struggle was last option.
 I want to share a historic speech at the Punjabi Students’ Conference in Lahore in 1929, which reminds us about Bose’s vision regarding Punjab. Here is an extract from Jagat S Bright’s book, Important Speeches & Writings of Subhas Chandar Bose.

 “Little do you know how much Bengali literature has drawn from the earlier history of the Punjab in order to enrich it and edify its readers. Tales of your heroes have been composed and sung by our great poets including Rabindranath Tagore and some of them are today familiar in every Bengali home. Aphorisms of our saints have been translated into elegant Bengali and they afford solace and inspiration to millions in Bengal. This cultural contact has its counterparts in the political sphere and we find your political pilgrims meeting ours not only in the jails in India but also in the jails of distant Burma and in the wilds of the Andaman across the Seas.”

Hussein Shaheed Suhrawardy and Subhas Chandra Bose were followers of Chittaranjan Das (C. R. Das), the real Desh-bandhu. Like Iqbal, it was C.R. Das who not only criticized the Lucknow Pact but also supported the Muslim majorities in Bengal and Punjab.

Some of my previous writings regarding Subhas Chandar Bose

The victim of the great game

An exhaustive biography of Subhas Chandra Bose is the best work to date to clarify some of his paradoxes
By Aamir Riaz
In His Majesty’s eyes, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was a rebel, an agent of the fascist Germans and a persona non-grata. But, in people’s memories, he is still alive as an immortal leader who sacrificed his career and life for them.

Ghost of S. C.Bose still haunting ? Who killed Bose & why?
Many of us neither know about Netta ji, except INA yet Sughata Bose book once again de-constructed myth of many so-called freedom fighters. How nexus of Mahatma Gandhi, Mollana Azad, Birla and Patel managed  to deceive Bose reminds us the power politics of late 1930s. Why Indian State is still reluctant to find cause of death? they formed many commissions from Nehru, Indira till  2005 yet no conclusion? this piece will encourage u to read the book. u can make an order by web also
read it now

Unforgettable Bose: Timely kick , Exile Government & Horrendous pressure on Raj 1943-47

few days back, a Pakistani columnist Hamid Mir wrote absolutely wrong story of Nitaji Suhas Chandar Bose which reminds me Sughata Bose's latest book His Majesty's Opponent. still after so many years Ghost of Bose is haunting many of her majesty's hidden and open supporters. According to Sughata, Subhas and Tegore were reluctant to use Banday Matarm even in 1938. After creating exile Government in Oct 1943 he proposed Iqbal poem instead of that.
China, Punjab and Subhash Chandar Bose.....Chines Japanese alliance for Asia

In 9120s British launched a campaign and recruited many Punjabi soldiers who fought with chines in coastal cities yet after that they started living there. after 1943 when Japanese occupied some Chinese cities and capture Singapore , Subhas Chandar Bose launched a campaign and during that campaign he visited Chinese coastal cities too where Punjabi families not only joined INA but also gave huge funds. in fact, Nita ji got huge support from Punjabis, Tamils and Bengalis. For refrence read Sughata Bose book His Majesty's opponent.  read and enjoy

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pakistan: Nationalism, Provincial Autonomy And Decentralization A Historical Analysis

The paper was written before 18th amendment.
Pakistan: Qaum Parasti, Subae Khudd Mukhtari Aur Adm Markaziyat Aik Tarakhee Jayaza (Urdu)

Pakistan: Nationalism, Provincial Autonomy And Decentralization A Historical Analysis

This booklet is a valuable and informative historical resource on the issue of provincial autonomy and has traced tendencies of centralization since the colonial times. It argues for embracing the diversity of Pakistani regions and instigates a dialogue that is informed by detailed historical evidence on centrist forces in the country. Some of the information given in the booklet challenge many generally held assumptions about the political history of Pakistan

The booklet would start a new dialogue with youth who are expected to unload historical baggage of parochial assumptions about the issue.

Preface of the booklet has been written by Prof. Aziz-uddin Ahmad.

This booklet was launched during the ALL PAKISTAN STUDENT LEADERS? CONFERENCE ON PEACEBUILDING IN CAMPUSES (19th-24th July 2009) organized by BARGAD.

Supported by HBS/ Written by Aamir Riaz

Friday, January 17, 2014

On the death of Musadaq sanwal: "گور پیا کوئی ہور

On the death of Musadaq sanwal

"گور پیا کوئی ہور

On the death of Musadaq sanwal

"گور پیا کوئی ہور

اب وہ بہت سے دریا اور ندیاں عبور کر چکا تھا۔ کیونکہ وہ حلیم تھا اس لیے ہر طرح کے پانیوں میں تیرنا اسے آتا تھا۔ بیماری کا ذکر تو وہ کرتا ہی کہاں تھا کہ قلندر سختیوں کو مواقع میں بدلنے کا گُر سیکھ کر پیدا ہوتے ہیں۔ البتہ عدنان سے پتہ چلتا رہا کہ وہ مسلسل بیمار ہے۔ گاہے بگاہے خبریں ملتیں رہیں مگر ملاقات میں پھر گیپ آگیا۔

مصدق سانول، محی الدین، پرویز، امتیاز بلوچ، مہہ رخ، وسیم، ہما صدر، ندیم، رخسانہ، عدنان قادر یہ سب مشہور پنجابی ڈرامہ گروپ "پنجاب لوک رہس" کے قافلہ کے وہ شہباز تھے جن کا گرو "لخت پاشا" (پاشی) تھا۔
یہ سب کسی زمانے میں گرو سے حد سے زیادہ متاثر تھے۔ کوئی ملتان سے آیا تھا تو کوئی ڈیرہ غازی خان سے، کسی کا تعلق لائل پور (فیصل آباد) سے تھا تو کوئی لاہور سے۔ کچھ انجینئرنگ یونیورسٹی میں پڑھ رہے تھے تو کوئی این سی اے کا طالب علم تھا۔ یہ 1980 کی دہائی کا زمانہ تھا کہ ہم سب کو ضیاالحق دور ہی میں "جاگ" لگی تھی۔
Read full article @

Was HRCP against Musharaf’s coup d’état?

Was HRCP against Musharaf’s coup d’état?

Pakistan’s complex history has witnessed 4 dictators who used opposite ideas in order to extract some kind of support. Zia used the notion of Islam while Musharaf used liberalism and both got some kind of support from opposite groups yet in final analysis both dictators had no interest in ideologies so they spread confusion.

Here I am sharing editorial written just after 4 months of Musharaf’s coup d’état October 1999. It was an annual report of 2000 which is a regular publication of HRCP. As usual every report covers last year human rights violations so it was about the year 1999. The absence of fierce criticism on the removal of a democratic government is enough to understand the punch line. Just read the editorial of three pages (1170 words) and you can judge by your own.

read now 

Note: orignal scan copy is ataached in the end
State of Human Rights in 2000


While the HRCP's annual report for the year 2000 was being completed, Pakistan reached the end of the first year of its fourth period of military rule since Independence barely 53 years.
A sense of uncertainty continued to hang over the nation as it contemplated its own democratic future. The general elections promised by the military regime still seemed a long way off, and the ballotting process carried out so far, for the first phase mf elections to union councils in 18 districts of the country, did little to inspire confidence.
Mass confusion was caused by the complex voting procedure worked out for the polling exercise, while initial results were ominous. In the first place, there was little evidence that the devolution process would in any way attain the two main promises made by the government - that of truly handing over power to the grassroots level and producing a new political leadership. In the absence of a clear idea of the powers the councils at the union, tehsil and district level would wield and doubts over what resources would be made available to them to carry out projects, the question of giving powers into the hands of the people remained under shadow. The polls also, not unsurprisingly, speared to usher back traditional power groups, comprising influential feudals and politicians. At the same time, clans or 'biradaris' appeared once again to be resurgent, marking a distinct setback in the signs over the last decade of some decline in their spree of influence as political parties gained ground.
The issue of provincial autonomy, the mass boycott of polling by minorities and the question of whether local level democracy is possible in the absence of democratic institutions at the provincial and national levels all added to the sense of doubt.
The vacuum created by the military regime's strategy of discrediting and sidelining political parties and their leaders was ideally suited to the orthodox clergy, and its  formations took little time to move into the space left behind as political parties men pushed away. In a series of alarming actions, the clergy struck out fiercely against minority groups, especially the Ahmadi community, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). particularly those that tried to promote the rights of women. The outpourings of vicious hatred from these clergymen, in direct violation of law, not surprisingly resulted in numerous incidents of violence, harassment and even cold-blooded murder. The fact the authorities stood by as silent spectators indicated clearly that they were in fact colluding with the extremists against those peacefully, and lawfully, practising their beliefs or undertaking development work aimed at uplifting communities.
While pledges from the highest level of government of action to protect minority groups, restore joint electorate and act to halt the rising spate of the 'honour' killings of women continued to come in, ground realities remained largely unchanged - indeed marking a worsening of the situation over the previous year in some areas. More women were murdered across the country than in the preceding year as a result of motives stemming from perceived notions of 'honour', while crime of almost every kind remained on the rise.
The heightened violence and intolerance within society was also exhibited by the numerous cases of blasphemy registered against individuals. In repeated instances this appeared to stem from disputes of various kinds. A minor administrative adjustment proposed by the government in investigating cases of blasphemy, aimed at attempting to check precisely such misuse of the law, was taken back within weeks following pressure exerted by the orthodox clergy.
Political parties and their activists too faced a trying time. Following a law introduced early in the year barring public gatherings, the right to assembly remained fiercely suppressed throughout the year. Political activists were repeatedly taken into detention to deter them from peaceful assembly, and even indoor gatherings were at times interfered with, though the law permitted these. Aside from workers of political parties, trade unions, teachers and those raising attention against the injustices frequently meted out under the blasphemy law faced harsh action by police.
Conditions in which many detainees were held, including those held under the wide ranging powers allowed to the National Accountability Bureau, were frequently found to be inhumane and brutal. Reports of mistreatment in custody, torture and a denial of basic rights continued to come in. The sudden exile to Saudi Arabia in December of the government's best known political detainee, deposed prime minister Nawaz Sharif, who had been accused of multiple acts of corruption and other grave crimes, threw into doubt the military government's commitment to the process of accountability it had offered as the main justification for retaining powers.
For the judiciary too, the year started out on an ominous note. Members of the superior judiciary were required to take a new oath. Those who declined to do so were retired. Other members of the judiciary faced increased threat, with judges as well as lawyers falling victim to attacks on them.
The right of free movement for many remained restricted due to the use of the Exit Control List, which swelled to unprecedented proportions before being curtailed later in the year. Confusion and incomplete data about those on the list added further to the misery of many innocent travellers.
Despite some steps forward, including the release of prisoners accused of petty crimes and the introduction of the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, the fate of those jailed across the country remained a miserable one. Riots breaking out in several prisons reflected the misery of prisoners, arising mostly from the repeated violations of the jail manual, overcrowding and the use of torture.
Against this backdrop, indicators showing progress in vital spheres such as education, health, the environment and housing remained bleak. Expenditure on these sectors crucial to the welfare of citizens remained amongst the lowest in the world, while other ventures in fact contributed to a worsening of the situation. The displacement of people from 'katchi abadis' where homes were demolished through the year continued to add greatly to their suffering, with the actions continuing despite protests by residents.
The situation of labourers, including the over 3.3 million child workers in the country, remained a dismal one. Many of them were held in bondage, both on agricultural hods mainly in Sindh and at brick kilns across the Punjab, in a direct violation of law. Others faced the most hazardous working conditions with little progress on efforts to improve their plight.
Yet, in difficult circumstances, efforts continued by organisations and individuals ID battle the odds. In some cases, there was evidence that the regime was responding to these brave bids. Pressure from the international community also aided them in certain cases in their task. These efforts kept alive hope that an improvement in the existing situation would, in time, come about and through a collective effort the quality of life of the tens of thousands facing injustice, discrimination and deprivation across the country change for the better.
Kami/a Hyat Editorf

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

From Russia: Top 10 Most Popular Stories of 2013 and politics behind the courtain

From Russia
 Top 10 Most Popular Stories of 2013 and politics behind the courtain 
The source of the news is Moscow Times yet analysis and twist is my own. You will not find any incident of South Asia in top 10 yet you may smell what people beyond Oxus thinks. You will find Snowden, Putin, Syrian crisis, use of Gay rights, Diplomatic efforts to avert war in Middle East and Russian role, Boston Bombing, Candies of tense player, Breaking bad and Year of horse regarding Chinese calendar. 
How smartly Obama used John Kerry in averting Syrian crisis with the help of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who was busy traveling around Africa is an interesting piece ignored by so-called international media. The story of Snowden, NSA intelligence leaker is also full of new lessons. In Cold war era, West Europe and US had received disgruntle element from Moscow and they used to made fun of USSR yet in 21st century things are running in opposite direction. Even German, French, British etc are making fun of US yet if Snowden would be born in their countries they adapt same policy. News regarding Russian president Putin with a dog exposed so-called international media. “The year 2013 was marked by serious headlines, but also by an increased fascination of Western readers with Russia's president, even when the subject matter was Internet silliness. Perhaps unsurprisingly, news that a Ukrainian man had found his canine doppelganger (and The Moscow Times' picture comparison with Putin) quickly went viral in September”
Read the piece and enjoy

for refrence click the link here

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Punjab Bloodied, Partitioned And Cleansed: Book Review: Nadeem Omar Tatar

A gud review yet the reviewer failed to challenge bogus One nation Theory which obviously gave birth to two nation theory..tit for tat anyway, read Nadeem umar

Punjab Bloodied, Partitioned And Cleansed:
Unravelling the 1947 Tragedy through Secret British Reports and First Persons Accounts
By Ishtiaq Ahmed
Book Review:  Nadeem Omar Tatar
Nadeem Omar Tarar is Director, National College of Arts (NCA) Rawalpindi Campus. He holds a PhD degree in Art History and Theory from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

However, contrary to the evidence marshalled in the form of interviews, the author continues to frame the oral testimonies of the victims and survivors of partition of Punjab into a nationalist and communalist context, by defining the violence of partition as “ethnic cleansing” or “genocide”. One feels the Political Scientist in the author has subdued the sociological imperative. The violence of the partition of Punjab in 1947 needs to be made analytically distinct from the wider literature on ethnic cleansing, as it feeds on to the communalist history writings from both countries. The violence of partition has to be read as part of politically motivated revenge and honour killings, and not community- led ethnic killings or genocide of religious groups on the wrong side of Manto’s proverbial border. 
One should remember that the killings took place in the backdrop of the chaos in which the two independent nations came into being. This chaos was basically created due to the hurried nature of the British withdrawal, which was announced soon after the victory of the Labour Party in the British general elections of July 1945, due to the realization that the British Empire, devastated by the war, could not afford to hold on to its over-extension . One can imagine the odds of one of the largest forced migrations in history of the world, with an estimated 17.9 million people leaving their homes in a span of six months, traveling in opposite directions on foot, carts and carriages, and under administrative transition and divided loyalties. All this was an ideal situation for a disaster and a communal problem of the first degree, which the Governor of Punjab rightly anticipated when the plans for partition of Punjab were first contemplated by the British. As a result, 
between 500,000 and 2 million people died due to mob violence and extremists on both sides, although exact numbers are still not known. for full article click

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Witness to 11 August: a story of a speech

 آپ کو ایک ایسے شخص کی گفتگو سے متعارف کروایا جارہا ہے جس نے یہ تقریر خود ہوش و حواس میں سنی تھی۔

اوریا صاحب کو بھی یہ حضرت یقیناً پسند ہوں گے کیونکہ عمر حیات ملک کی طرح ان کا شمار پہلی آئین ساز اسمبلی کے ان چند اراکین و محافظین میں ہوتا ہے جن کا ذکر جماعت اسلامی ٹائپ کی تمام جماعتوں کے لٹریچر میں بطور خاص موجود ہے۔

جی ہاں، یہ وہی محافظین ہیں جو قائداعظم کی وفات کے بعد قرارداد مقاصد کو آئین کا حصہ بنانے کے ذمّے دار اور آئین کی سمت متعین کرنے کے لیے بنیادی اصول وضع کرنے والی کمیٹی یعنی Basic Principles Committee کو غیرموثر کرنے
میں بھی پیش پیش تھے۔

Today is August 11, Just read the story So that you can understand How ICS officers deceived all of us
Witness to 11 August: a story of a speech
When Muhammad Ali Jinnah was delivering his historic speech, even at that time there were few members in First constitutional assembly who had reservations with that speech. Who were they? At that time they had no choice but listen yet after the death of M.A.Jinnah they tried their best to reverse the process. That group had members like Liaqat ali Khan, Sir zafrullah, Molvi Tamizud din khan, Ch Muhammad ali, Khwaja nazimud din, Mollana shabier Ahmad Usmani etc in assembly and editor dawn Altaf Hauuain and Mollana maudoodi out of assembly. Ghulam Muhammad was only an exception who fought against Objective resolution politics while Mian Iftiqar udin was also against it in his own way. It should be remembered that there is no difference in letter & spirit between Allahbad Adress of Allama Iqbal 1930 and August 11, 1947 speech of Quid e Azam. So from Objective (rather Subjective ) resolution they started a politics of Islam Vs non Islam and hide behind it. They rediscovered old colonial policy of divide & rule and used One language (Urdu), One religion (Islam) and Centralism (rule of ICS officers). They used Islam and Urdu as weapons against diversity and made both of them controversial. They tried to hide Jinnah's 11 august speech yet it is still in National Archive and also reported in press. Civil & military gazette, Eastern Times, Pakistan times published it. here in this story we have published an interview of a person who was present in constitutional assembly at august 11, 1947 and he recorded his reservations about the speech too. read and enjoy
Note for references all links r there. just click
Note for references
as hyperlinks in the article about Allahbad address is not correct so u can read references by clicking below links
1. Allahbad adress
2- yasir pirzada page Fb where one can read his article and document of punjab assembly library too
3- Jinnah speech of 11th august 1947

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...