Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Benazir Bhutto Still alive yet Mushraff buried alive. Lesson for All Usurpers

Benazir Bhutto Still alive
yet Musharraf buried alive.
Lesson for All Usurpers  

In history many leaders are born from the purge yet establishment and court historians fail to understand the phenomenon. 
آندے نیں پئی فرعون دے گھر ہی موسی جمدا ہے۔
It was purge of Gen. Zia that made Benazir Bhutto a leader , like purge of Gen Ayub Khan had created space for Mujib and Bhutto. Recent purge in Pakistan has created ample space for Maryum Nawaz and Bilawal Bhutto. 
It was not family politics that made Benazir a leader, but it was court murder of ZAB that made her leader and its one proof is the editorial written just after 60 days of the death of ZAB in popular magazine Dhanak. Just read it and you will find a hope from BB in it. When Sarwar Shukhera wrote that editorial, BB was just 26 years old young girl. But her father, a popular leader, was hanged in April 1979 by the establishment. The editorial is representing public sentiments of that time. 
Today is her 11th death anniversary but she is still alive in Pakistani politics. Her last rival was Musharraf who is symbol of shame not only for the people but for his own institution too. 
You may analysis BB life in 4 parts easily.  
1- Upbringing: From birth (21 June 1953) to hanging of her father ZAB (04 April, 1979)
2- Struggle: From 1979 till 1988
3- Power politics: 1988 till 2006
4- Commitment: From signing of CoD (May 2006) till her death (27 December 2007). 
Her killing presented a new strength to democracy in Pakistan but it was not the last gift from her to people of Pakistan because in Charter of democracy she had laid foundations of future course well. She had signed the charter with Nawaz, her political rival and it proved master stork in Pakistani politics in favor of Pakistani people. Establishment tried its best to defame CoD, but till to date, it is the best political option we have. 
You may disagree with her but at this stage all big parties are following her dreams. 
Let us read the editorial

بھٹو کی پھانسی کے دو ماہ بعد لکھا یہ اداریہ مشہور رسالہ دھنک میں سرور سکھیرا کی تحریر ہے جس کی اشاعت مئی جون 1979 کے پرچے میں ہوئی۔جو کمر پر ہاتھ رکھ کر وراثتی سیاست کامحبوب سلطانی طعنہ دیتے ہیں وہ یہ بھول جاتے ہیں کہ یہ ریاست کی چیرہ دستیاں تھیں جس نے بے نظیر کو باپ کے عدالتی قتل کے بعد سیاسی وارث بنایا۔ آج مریم بھی باپ کی سیاسی وارث بن گئی ہے کہ اس میں بھی بڑا ہاتھ سٹیبلشمنٹ ہی کا ہے۔ 27 دسمبر 2018

قائد عوام ذولفقار علی بھٹو کو ضیائی عدالت نے 4 اپریل 1979 کو پھانسی دی تو جون 21 کو ان کی بیٹی بے نظیر بھٹو کی 26ویں سالگرہ تھی۔باپ کے چہلم کے بعد آئی اس سالگرہ پر سرور سکھیرا کے رسالے دھنک نے  بی بی بے نظیر کو اس کالی رات میں عوامی کی آخری امید کہتے ہوئے اک یادگار اداریہ لکھا جو 

آج کے دن کی مناسبت سے آپ بھی پڑھئیے۔۔۔

 تم دخترپاکستان ہوں کہ اس مٹی سے گہرا رشتہ ہے تم لیڈر ہو کہ لوگوں کے دل تمہارے ساتھ دھڑکتے ہیں۔ 

تم ملک کی عظیم ترین قوت ہو کہ کروڑوں بازو ،ہاتھ تمہارے لئے اٹھتے ہیں ۔تم ذہین ہو کے اعلی تعلیمی اداروں کے علاوہ پچھلے دو سال کے تجربات کی درسگاہ نے تمہیں بہت کچھ سکھایا ہے ۔

تم ثابت قدم ہوں کے تمہیں دیکھ کر خوف سے سورماوں  کے قدم لڑکھڑا رہے ہیں۔تم جرائت مند اور بہادر ہو کہ یہ تمہارا ورثہ ہے۔  ہاں اس کا غم کسے نہیں ۔۔۔وہ ہمارا بھی باپ تھا ۔۔۔۔ اوروں کے بھی اور باپ ہیں۔۔۔ ہیں ان شاء اللہ ان کو بھی ان کا غم لاحق ہو کر رہے گا۔ یہ اگر تمہارا ارادہ ہے تو پھر ہمارا بھی وعدہ ہے ۔۔۔لیکن اے ہماری عظیم بہن۔۔۔ اس کے بعد۔۔۔۔ اس کے بعد ؟  اس کے بعد ہم تمہیں ایک اور روپ میں بھی دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں، ایک مسیحا کے روپ میں۔۔۔۔ یہ قوم بیمار ہوچکی ہے یہ  ملک لاغرو لاچار کر دیا گیا ہے اور اس کی مٹی کو گھن چاٹ رہا ہے۔دھرتی ماں کا دوا داروکرنا ہوگا۔۔۔ تاکہ اس کی گود میں پڑے بچے ہمیشہ بلبلاتے نہ رہیں ۔ہمارے ہاتھ دعاؤں کے لئے یا روٹی کے لئے سدانہ پھیلتے رہیں۔ کبھی ہم بھی دعا کریں تو شکرانے کی  ہو، کبھی ہم بھی روٹی کی بات کریں تو کسی بھوکے کو کھانا کھلانے کی ہو ۔ اللہ تمہیں اپنی امان میں رکھے۔

Asia Times article at 11th anniversary of BB

Article published in #AsiaTimes about #BB and her struggle in #Pakistanagainst #KhalyeeMakhlooq & installing #ImranKhan in reaction by invisible forces. 
BB’s reconciliation with her main political rival #NawazSharif and then her signing the #charterofdemocracy with his Pakistan #MuslimLeague (Nawaz) meant that she was looking for an entirely independent #democracy free of the possession of #invisibleforces. Perhaps she along with Sharif played a crucial role in ending the polarization in politics, which unfortunately has been brought back with the help of Imran Khan.

Some old writings about BB

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Why PPP has lost its glory? Democracy, Federalism & Disadvantage group politics and the Party

Why PPP has lost its glory?

Democracy, Federalism & Disadvantage group politics and the Party

A brief analysis of 51 years of PPP rise & fall. It is not important to decide who did fault but important thing is to understand the phenomenon and move forward accordingly. 
The Party was exponent of democracy, federalism and pro-lower classes’ & disadvantage groups policies, but it did compromise largely due to various reasons and indeed, it is time to revisit the last 51 years in general but the last 10 years in particular.

From its birth, the Party had many friends who supported it from outside and during 51 years, it did well particularly during its all 4 tenures Party always did well when it had made reasonably good alliances with other parties. Even during Zia & Mushraff period it made good alliances. 
A strong power base of the party was outside party but in last 10 years it has lost that largely. The apathy was recorded in 2011, especially before PTI Lhore public meeting when many leaders of the Party came with a defeatist policy  regarding PTI. It was said that as both PML(N) and PTI were rightest parties so if they fought with each other then rightest vote divided and it would benefit PPP. Under such analysis, the Party had smartly supported PTI. 

Like Buddhism, it has lost its appeal in the Punjab, it’s birthplace.

No doubt, a section of establishment remained adamant since its birth to finish its popularity from the Punjab.
Due to multiple reasons, the party is intact in interior Sindh and trying to procure some few constituencies in Karachi but it is not the party founded by ZAB and run by Benazir Bhutto. 
Read the article published in The News on Sunday 23 December 2018

Nevertheless, what has happened to the party in the last 10 years is a challenging question not only for its critics but also for it supporters. Practically, the party is limited to interior Sindh, though thanks to Saeed Ghani and Raza Rabbani it has some influence left in urban Sindh. It has lost its appeal in the Punjab, more precisely in the areas adjacent to the famous GT Road. In the past, the party had its power base in those very areas.

In 1970, it was a ‘Punjabi party’ but in 2018, it has largely become a ‘Sindhi’ party. Till 2008, the party had won enough seats from Punjab, yet in 2013 and 2018 its deterioration in Punjab was complete disappointing even its diehard workers.

Expulsion of PPP from the political scene of Punjab was partly by design and partly due to excessive influence of PPP Sindh on the decision-making processes. Punjab is not the only province where the party has lost its popularity; its position is pathetic even in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It has no MNA from this province in election 2018. PPP’s ambiguous stand on creation of new provinces is a primary reason for its downfall in both provinces but it is not the only reason. The federal stature of the party suffers as a consequence.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Daily Report of Ranjit Singh's Lhore Darbar has exposed various misleading facts, read yourself

Daily Report of Ranjit Singh's
Lhore Darbar has exposed various misleading facts, read yourself

It was a time when grandsons of #Abdali were busy against each other while Barakzais were smartly playing cards again Abdali grandsons who were Sdozais. Shuja and Zaman were trying to take help from either Ranjit or EIC.

This part of daily report also mentioned Banyas, weak Kalhora Sindh rulers, governance patrons, Mughals of Afghanistan, Thief groups, politics of Archerlony, Patials reports, etc.

It is part 4  and its link is below

For previous links click here

Saturday, December 15, 2018

16 December and its lessons: From Muslim Bengal to Bangladesh & NAP

16 December and its lessons

From Muslim Bengal to Bangladesh & NAP

Series of Radio Programs

More than one radio shows about 16 December, recorded in the month of  December 2018 (every Thursday) at MastFM103 in weekly Lok Lhar show. Will do more programs so that one can understand what happened in between 1947 and 1971 and after 1972 till today along with international, regional & local politics.

بنگال بارے پڑچول، اندر دی گلاں جنہاں بارے گل گواچی ہوئی ہے۔ 
بابواں دا بنگال اتے 1849 بعدوں پنجاب ول شفٹ
بنگال دی ونڈ 1905 اتے ایس مگر لکویں سیاستاں
مرکز کلکتے توں دلی آ گیا 1911 وچ
لکھنو پیکٹ دا کوڑ پن تے سیاستاں تے اثر
مسلم پنجاب تے مسلم بنگال دی گواچی کہانی
سی آر داس دا لکھنو پیکٹ توں انکار
میاں شفیع، حکیم اجمل خان تے علامہ اقبال دی گلنوں جناح من لتا تے سیاستاں مسلم اکثریتاں ول ٹر گیاں
 جناح سکندر پیکٹ تے مولوی فصل الحق
مسلم لیگ تگڑی ہوئی مسلم اکثریتاں دے تھیسس بعد
قرارداد مقاصد دی کھیڈ تے پاکستان وچ اسلام  تے غیر اسلام دی سیاستاں دا آغاز
غیر مسلم ارکان اسمبلی دی کوڑسیاستاں
کوریا دی جنگ وچ رقماں کماون والیاں دا مشرقی بنگال نوں بھل کے کراچی ول الار
ون یونٹ دا کوڑ کھیڈ 
پہلا آئین تے بنگالی اکثریتاں دا ڈر
پہلے الیکشن دی تھاں پہلا مارشلا
تیرہ سالہ دو مارشلا تے مشرقی پاکستان دا بنگلہ دیش ول سفر
سٹھ دے دہاکے دے ادھ توں بدلدی عالمی سیاستاں
ایوب مخالف سیاستاں دے وچوں نکلیاں نویں سیاستاں اتے بھٹو، مجیب لیڈرشپ
جنرل یحی دور دی کوڑ سیاستاں
بنگالیاں توں جان چھڑاون دی دھمک
بھاشانی نہیں، مجیب
اگرتلہ کیس دی بنی نال مجیب دی سیاستاں دا تگڑا ہونا
پیپلز پارٹی دا بننا تے سیاسی خلا دا مکنا

South Asia has witnessed numerous divisions, formation of new States, Wars and killings of people along with displacements in last 200 years. Some people remember it as freedom day or some people remember it as Day of mourning, but in history it is important to analysis it first. Without understanding its historical back ground it is hard to know its reasons. 16 December 1971 was a day when East Bengal people got freedom & Pakistan was broken. But more precisely it is story of Muslim Bengal and when you analyses it in 2018, you have to inspect what happened in last 47 years too. Why 50 million Hindus have to leave Bangladesh after 1971? (When I visited Bangladesh in 2009, I got a good research work by few prominent Muslim Bengali economists about it.) Why after 47 years people of Bangladesh still struggling for democracy? Why minorities (religious as well as linguistic ) still protesting? Under China containment policy at Burma Bangladesh border we  have witnessed communal cum national  conflicts and US and KSA are exploiting it along with western donors. Similarly what happened in West Pakistan in last 47 years is also part of analysis. Suddenly Pakistan became a country with less than 5% minorities rather than a country with 22% and Islamists had started new campaigns to Islamize it. At 16 December 2014, we had witnessed its result and State & Government along with various sections had approved National Action Plan (NAP). But it is still in papers only. It all is part of analysis but we often prefer selective approach not only in accountability,  justice but also in analysis too. Let us start from Muslim Bengal and we may in future, check other aspects too.

From Muslim Bengal to Bangladesh 

Once, Capital of British India Calcutta had a special place among British Indian campaigns. For whole Hind Sindh Bengalis were remembered as Babu, special servants of colonial masters. Royal Bengal Army was lethal force that served masters well. Yet after annexation of the Punjab (29 March 1849) that nexus was changed. British had arranged three Darbars (Show of Power) in Delhi (1877, 1904 an 1911) and also practically disbanded RBA and shifted recruitment to Northern Command newly build Headquarter in Punjabi city Pindi that was on road to Kabul. How Babu lost its pride is among unheard stories yet it effected Bengal from within. Without understanding story of rise and fall of Bengal Presidency (1757-1911) it is hard to understand story of Bengalis in general. Like Germans they were compelled to change their names during those 150 years (From Thakur to Tagore, from Chatopadhayee to Chaterji etc see this link for reference
What were the areas in Bengal Presidency is an interesting study itself. The shift from RBA to a united Indian Army (Bombay army and Madras armies too merge in it)  happened till late 19th century but it had started from 19849. At that time Dehli was included in the Punjab that was a vast land from Delhi to FATA  and it was considered as buffer between Tsars and GB. You listen the show that is the first part 
مشرقی پاکستانیوں یعنی مشرقی بنگالیوں کے گلے کورین جنگ سے شروع ہوئے جو 1950 کے وسط سے شروع ہوئی تھی۔ اس جنگ کی برکات سے پاکستان کے سیٹھوں نے جن میں کجھ پارسی سیٹھوں کے نام نمایاں ہیں نے پٹ سن کے ذریعے خوب مال کمایا تھا۔کورین وار کے بعد یہ مال کراچی میں سرمایہ کاری میں لگا دیا تو اس پر بنگالی ناراض ہوئے کہ پٹ سن ہماری اور سرمایہ  
  کاری کراچی میں کیوں؟ اب بہت سے لوگ اس بارے بات نہیں کرنا چاہتے جن میں میڈیا، دانشور 
شامل ہیں۔
اس پر مشرقی بنگال والے جب کراچی آتے تو کہتے کہ ہمیں کراچی کی سڑکوں سے پٹ سن کی بو آتی ہے۔ بعد میں یہی جملے بنگالی دانشوروں نے اسلا آباد کے متعلق بھی کہے۔ مگر اب کچھ دانشور محض اسلام آباد کا ہی ذکر کرتے ہیں۔

The Korean War, which began in 1950, brought wealth to Pakistani merchants who sold raw materials to the anti-Communist nations. The merchants invested their profits in the manufacture of consumer goods for Pakistanis – Pakistan's first industrial revolution. Pakistan's economy, measured as Gross National Product, began growing at a rate of 18 percent a year, the high percentage made possible by meagre beginnings.

حسین شہید سہروردی کے دور میں ایسے قوانین بنائے گئے جن سے مشرقی پاکستان کا معاشی
استحصال کم ہو
ان میں ایک امریکی امداد کے مشرقی پاکستان کے حصے کو مشرقی بنگال لگانے سے متعلق تھا مگر آئی آئی جندیگر کی دو ماہ کے لیے بننے والی سرکار نے ان قوانین کو ختم کر ڈالا۔

History of Bengal, its role in British administration and shifting of center from Kolkatta to Punjab.  
Complete recording of the radio show Part 1
Politics of Muslim Bengal and mishandling of East Bengal issue in Pakistan.
Complete recording of the radio show Part 2
Anti Ayub movement, Shifts in international politics in mid 1960s and its impacts in different countries, Gen. Yahya mishandling, 13 years of dictatorships and its fatal impacts, divided left and rise of Bhutto
Complete recording of Part 3

Friday, December 14, 2018

Globalization: Mystery, Attraction & Opposition ( An Out of box radio discussion )

Globalization: Mystery, Attraction & Opposition   ( An Out of box radio discussion )

What is Globalization, Why Nation States are nevus, What are its strengths, weaknesses and impacts? Even its opponents are compel to use its products?
100 years back, a new phenomenon had changed the world and we had witnessed mushroom growth of Nation States but that project is facing serious challenges these days.  Are we prepared or busy in momentary handling?
What is its impact ? Can anyone STOP it?
A Radio Discussion with Dr Saeed ur Rahma & Shafqat ullah along with Aamir Riaz at Lok Lhar Show (Recorded at MastFM103, Lhore, December 6th 2018)

Link of the news Published in

سوشل میڈیا نوں روکنا ممکن نہیں۔
ایس نوں گلوبل ایلیٹ دا اک حصہ کنٹرول کرنا چاہندا ہے پر مسلہ ہور چوڑ ہو رہیا ہے۔
جیہڑا جن بوتل توں نکل آندا ہے مڑ واپس نہیں جاندا۔

For compete Radio Show click below link

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Ranjit Singh Part 3: Daily report of Lhore Darbar & deconstruction of prejudices

Ranjit Singh Part 3

Daily report of Lhore Darbar & deconstruction of prejudices

If you want to avoid misleading history of our lands you have to consult pre annexation writings especially recorded in local sources and Khushal Singh Daily Report (Roznamcha) is among those various sources. The secret of  50 years rule of Ranjit's founded Lhore Darbar was his governance, network of reports from all areas within or outside his territory and non communal color of his court. Reading this Daily Report you will find Muslims, Hindus as well as Pathans, Kashmiris, Rajputs, Balochs etc in it. He was well informed about Patials, Delhi, Sindh, Kabul, Qandhar etc. The document will help in the deconstruction of Sikh Muslim conflict based history spread by colonial court historians largely. Below is link of previous parts.

اس روزنامچے میں ڈنگر چوروں کا ذکر بھی درج ہے اور سائیوال کے بلوچوں اور بھٹیوں کا بھی۔
دربار میں ہندو، مسلم، سکھ بھی موجود تھے اور پٹھان، کشمیری، انگریز بھی۔
For reading complete article click below link
Link of Part 2
Link of Part 1

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Why we are reluctant to give even 5% quota to minorities ? check data first (Radio Discussion)

Why we are reluctant to give even 5% quota to minorities ? check data first (Radio Discussion)

Program recorded @ 29th November 2018 in Lok Lhar Radio Show at MastFM103, Lhore.

What is our attitude regarding Non-Muslim Pakistanis? Is it our Brahmenical past  or colonial pride or it is largely due to our misleading curriculum? we have to rethink for once. As par constitution & law of the land all citizens have equal rights and since 2008 our democratic governments took few steps too and Government allotted 5% Quota in 2009 and now it is important to implement it.  
Guests Ashok Kumar, Sabiha Shaheen & Sundas Mustafa
On telephone Mr Ijaz Alam , A Christian leader and Minister of Human Rights and Minority Affairs Department, Punjab and Mr Haroon Imran Gill- MPA (NM-364) Lahore
حکومت نے مینارٹی کمیشن بنا دتا ہے۔
حکومت وچ اک سمری گھلی ہے تانجے پروفیشنل کالجاں وچ وی پنج فیصدی کوٹے تے عمل ہوئے۔
کنیرڈ کالج یونیورسٹی وچ غیر مسلماں نال بربر دا سلوک ہوندا ہے۔
اک غیر مسلم دوست شناختی کارڈ بناون گئی تے اوس نال بہوں بھیڑا سلوک ہویا سی۔
2008توں بعد آون والیاں حکومتاں وچ غیرمسلم پاکستانیاں بارے زیادہ حساسیت ویکھی جا سکدی ہے۔
ٹیکس بک بورڈاں دے گورننگ بورڈاں وچ غیر مسلم پاکستانیاں نوں رلتی کرنا چاہیدا ہے۔
نوجواناں نوں ایس بارے زیادہ سوچنا ہوئے گا۔
ایہہ گل کھل کے کرنی چاہیدی ہے کہ پاکستان وچ سب بربر دے واسی ہاں۔

Link of the News

A video Clip of the program

Another video clip of the same program

For Complete radio show Click below link

Mr Ashok Kumar
Assistant Professor and Incharge institute of languages and Linguistics University of the Punjab Lahore. Visiting faculty member LUMS. Member Urdu science board, member external Punjab Text board, Author of 3 Sindhi language teaching guides Oxford University press.
From: Mithi Sindh Tharparkar.

Sabiha Shaheen Bargad Director & social Activist

Ms Sundas Mustafa
She is Doing Mphill in business Administration (HR) from Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore. She was part of student's council in Kinnaird's. She is also a sportsperson and Gold medalist in inter and in athletics.

Mr Ijaz Alam- Minister of Human Rights and Minority Affairs Department
He is a Pakistani politician who was elected member for the Provincial Assembly of Punjab.
Political career. He was elected to Provincial Assembly of Punjab on a reserved seat for minorities in                  Pakistani general election, 2018 representing Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf

Mr Haroon Imran Gill- MPA (NM-364)
He is a Pakistani politician who was elected member for the Provincial Assembly of Punjab.
Political career.He was elected to Provincial Assembly of Punjab on a reserved seat for minorities in                    Pakistani general election, 2018 representing Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf



Kartarpur, A religious corridor & rise of religious extremism as par agenda

Kartarpur: A religious corridor & rise of religious extremism as par agenda?

Debate regarding F S Aijazuddin article 
[The Tribune Chandigarh, 9 December 2018]

Giving benefit of doubt to twisted Cyril Radcliffe is bad because he did all deliberately  in the interest of Raj. He had all the records with him, he knew as par 1941 census Muslims were 50.8% in Gurdaspur but he knew why he included it in Bharat. If you have an eye on politics of old Amritsar Division (Amritsar, Sialkot, with Narowal its Tahsil, and Gurdaspur) since 1880s, you may understand why missionaries, Arya Samajis, Ahmadis, Ahraris, Akalis remained proactive on religious grounds there. Ilyas Chatha of LUMS has penned some useful data regarding unprecedented rise of missionaries in that region in his book. If you read Ganesh Das, Mid 19th century Punjab, you may understand commercial power of Char Mahals (four estates) that had the biggest revenue in Pre English Punjab due to its strategic position. it was situated at the door step of same division. our masters knew it all. Act of 1947 is the ugliest example of Raj, passed by so-called mother of parliaments. we are still following our masters and Kartarpur Drama is a googly for both because it is just for foreigners, a double game. Kartarpur has exposed so-called security mantra of both establishments. Both did it with reluctance, just to say world we are good boys. these days a good boy means Anti China & Anti Iran. Kartarpur drama is even much weaker than Punjab Punjab effortsof Mushraf Times in many ways. It is largely communal and will help in promoting religious extremism. In past we did Kargil to flash Kashmir but in the end region had witnessed death of Gujral formula. Now we are far behind Gujral formula. In current times, our main issue, in both India & Pakistan, is growing trends of religious extremism cum terrorism and for this we need secular corridors not religious corridors at all. Either we like it or not, #CPEC is a secular corridor. Absence of opposition from both sides is a proof of seriousness in Kartarpur. Establishments of weaker nations often try to extract immediate gains from the agenda of masters. We cannot help masters covertly or overtly in Anti China & Anti Iran agendas but rise of religious extremism will help masters a lot. 
Article of Aijazuddin

If only PM Imran Khan had been less ardent and PM Narendra Modi not so coy, the ceremony at Kartarpur might have been an occasion to celebrate. Mr Khan’s green government and Mr Modi’s autumnal administration could have exhibited faith in each other and fulfilled the sub-surface aspirations of their peoples. Instead Kartarpur has erupted into a slanging match between India and Pakistan, two septuagenarian states with nuclear weapons in place of dentures.
Kartarpur – sacred to the Sikhs for being the final resting place of Guru Nanak – is located on the Pakistani side of the river Ravi, two miles from the Indian border. Had Cyril Radcliffe been adequately tutored before he came to the subcontinent in 1947, he might have been more sensitive to the feelings of the various religious communities whose lives he was to damage so irreparably. But what could be expected of a lawyer who confessed later to Kuldip Nayar that following the line of the river Ravi, he had included Lahore first in India because it lay on the eastern side of the river? He re-drew the line after being told by a more intelligent subordinate that his mistake would result in the infant Pakistan having no major city in the Punjab.
The recent agreement on Kartarpur, initiated decades ago, would allow Indian pilgrims visa-free access to a site located within Pakistani territory. Conceived as a corridor of peace, its opening ceremony was anything but. The two governments bickered in an unseemly replay of the argument after Guru Nanak’s death in 1539 on whether his body should be buried or cremated.
Two foundation stones were laid on different dates – on 26th November by the Indian Vice-President on one side of the Ravi and two days later by Pakistani prime minister on the other. PM Imran Khan had hoped that his presence at Kartarpur would attract his counterpart. Instead, Mr Modi looked the other way. Imran Khan brought with him his Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi.  Indian FM Sushma Swaraj pleaded a prior commitment and stayed away. Hidden in Imran Khan’s baggage was his Chief Minister Punjab Buzdar. Indian Punjab’s CM Capt Amarinder Singh absented himself with an uncharacteristic, uncivil rejection. Pakistan’s COAS General Bajwa appeared long enough to hug Punjab MP Navjot Sindhu yet again, in public. At this, Indian army chief General Rawat retaliated from New Delhi by pouting advice, not that Pakistan should de-nuclearise or demilitarise, but that it should ‘develop itself into a secular state’. Clearly, they all thought diplomacy was too serious a business to be left to diplomats. 
At Kartarpur, the marigolds offered in Guru Nanak’s name have wilted, the prasad gone stale, the langar become cold.  Its sanctity stands diminished by warring politicians who have turned it into yet another Kurukshetra, yet another field of sub-continental fratricide. Guru Nanak deserved better. Five hundred years ago, he had left this message for both governments: A man of faith can battle but ‘in open field,/with his mind perfectly in control, and with his heart poised in love’.    
Hopefully, the two governments will find an equal love by 1 November 2019, the target date for the completion of the Kartarpur project. The corridor envisages a 800 ft. bridge across the river Ravi, wide enough for a pilgrim bus but too narrow for a tank.
In 1994, the British and the French thought the Chunnel link would bring their countries closer together. Brexit put paid to that.  It is up to our two governments to ensure that Kartarpur does not degenerate into a corridor of dissent.  


Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Left Narrative & Rise of extremism: Radio talk by Comrade Shaukat Ch @MastFM103/Lok Lhar

Left Narrative & Rise of extremism: Radio talk by Comrade Shaukat Ch @MastFM103/Lok Lhar

When and how we adopted extremism at State level? How PPP of ZAB, founded at Lhore, failed that plan of Gen. Yhya to impose Jamat e Islami in 1970 yet that lobby remained active and how state again drifted toward that plan during Gen Zia period is an important forgotten episode.
Comrade Shaukat Ch was born in Raja Bazar, Pindi in 1950 and did his matriculation in 1967 and joined NSF in college. He had joined Karchi based communist group of Comrade Tufail Abbas who was active in PIA and was close to Ait Marshal Asghar Khan & Noor Khan.
Shaukat Ch has exposed first State effort to misuse Islam at public level at a time when Pakistan had 22% non Muslims in the country. Gen. Sher Ali Patoddi was architect of that plan whose Anti India Pro religious fundamentalist cum Jihadi books had been published from US. How Bhutto along with some leftist groups (mainly Pro China) defeated that plan is a history. Numerous leftists like Sh Rashid, father of socialism, Sh Rafique, Mahmood Ali Kasuri, Khushid Hasan Mir etc were among those who had joined PPP while Professor group, MKP and Tufail Abbas groups supported it. Jamat e Islami and rightest fundamentalist lobby within and outside State was against Bhutto. yet some religious groups under Ghulam Ghus Hazarvi etc opposed jamat and their anti socialist propaganda. Pro Moscow leftist lobby ws against bhutto too and their leaders were Baluch, Pukhtoon nationalists and Karachi based jamal Naqvi group.
The plan was failed in 1970 but in 1977 it was restarted by the State and rest is history. Better read and listen yourself.

پنڈی جمے شوکت چوہدری ہوراں اوہ پاکستان وی ویکھیا ہے جتھے مذہبی انتہا پسندیاں دا نشان وی نہیں سی تے سکول وچ ہری چند دے بنائے چھولے ہر کوئی کھاندا سی۔ انہاں این ایس ایف تے طفیل عباس دے کیمونسٹ گروپ نال کم کیتا تے پیپلز پارٹی انہاں سامنے بنی تے اوس دور وچ ریاست جماعت اسلامی دی شکل وچ انتہا پسندیاں دا ’’جن‘‘ آپ بوتل توں کڈھ رہی سی۔ بھٹو تے اوس دے سجناں نے چوناں وچ جماعت نوں ہرا کے ایس بوتل دا ڈھکنا کھلن نہ دتا پر ضیا اوہ ڈھکن کھول دتا تے اج پورا ملک اوس نوں بھگت رہی ہے۔
شوکت ہوراں دی گل بات دے ٹوٹے پڑھو تے پورے پروگرام دا لنک تھلے ہے اوس نوں سنو۔

link of news regarding talk ,

Link of radio program video clip

Complete recording of radio talk with comrade Shaukat Chaudhry (recorded at MastFM103, at 22 November, 2018.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

The First Women VC of Pakistan died quietly , The Apathy by media & intellectuals

The First Women VC of Pakistan died quietly , The Apathy by media & intellectuals  

95 years old Dr Kaniz Yousaf quietly died last week in the Capital. Although she had promoted many students and many of them are at key posts silence on her death shows the apathy, prevalent in Capital especially.

Fixed Allama Iqbal date of birth
She was also a part of the core team along with Faiz Ahmad Faiz (as quoted by Nusrat Javed) that had fixed date of birth of poet philosopher Allama Iqbal (9th November) in 1976.

Zia & mindset against Iqbal & Jinnah
But during General Zia’s dark times, the institute was ruined deliberately. As its head, Kaniz Yusuf had published a forgotten work of Syed Zaidi Alhuma, Quaid-e-Azam aur un kay Rufaqa, based on 13 rare interviews of personalities who had met the Quaid. But the establishment of Zia was against such material.

Lhore in 1940s, Lady Thakardas & liberal women
“Till mid-1940s, Punjabi Muslim families had started sending their girls to colleges and many of us did not wear burqa.”
She did her matriculation in 1941and had joined newly formed Islamia College Kopper road, Lahore where Principle was a talented Christian woman Thakar Das. Bano Qudssia was her college fellow who was a newly convert from Hinduism to Islam. Begum Altaf Guhar was among her teachers. Her ideals were out spoken & liberal Begum Jhan Ara Shah Nawaz & resilient Salma Tasadaq Husain. 

Link of Article Published in News On Sunday at Dec 2, 2018, click below 
An intellectual who stood her ground

Unheard and forgotten story of Partition & Single largest Punjabi Districts

Dr Yusuf was born in 1923 in Lahore near Qila Luchhman Singh (Kasurpura) behind Minar-e-Pakistan. Her grandfather Sufi Peer Bakhsh was a linguist and her father was a headmaster in Patti near Kasur (now in Firozpur, India). Till 1947 both Kasur and Patti were included in district Lahore. Firozpur was included among those half a dozen Punjabi districts where Muslims were in majority (above 44 per cent) and till August 14, 1947 they were adamant on being included in Pakistan but twisted Boundary Commission not only included them in India but also cut Patti from district Lahore.

Kaniz’s father could not think of such barbaric act and lost his memory. I interviewed Kaniz in 2006 for a left journal and she said “my father lived for 10 years with us after 1947 but he had no current memory. He remembered the holy Quran and events before 1947. He could not even recognise his son.” The story of those single largest Punjabi districts is almost missing in our stories about partition.

She liked the American lifestyle that was quite opposite to the colonial pride

About Bhutto and its times 
Equally critical of secular, progressive and religious groups, Kaniz admired Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and his independent thinking. “America was against Bhutto from day one when Bhutto was foreign minister of Ayub.” When Bhutto had resigned from Ayub’s cabinet, she was among many young intellectuals who joined him. At that time, she was principal of Women’s College at Pindi.
It was Bhutto who had appointed a woman as Vice Chancellor of a University in Pakistan for the first time — that was Kaniz Yusuf from 1972 to 1976. She tried her best to lay foundation of a modern higher education institute in the newly-formed Quaid-e-Azam University. National Institute of Pakistan Studies (NIPS) is one fine example to understand true spirit of Pakistan Movement but thanks to twisted Islamisation of Zia, Pakistan drifted towards religious extremism. “Religious lobby has changed Iqbal and Jinnah as per their extremist interpretations.”
This institute (NIPS) is a true example of shattered dreams
Struggle & Suspicion 
“I took retirement from education department in April 1979, (the month Gen. Zia hanged Bhutto with help of courts) and went to London and in my absence a case was launched by dictator against me regarding Al Zulfiqar”. Like Pindi Conspiracy case, it was a usual trick to fix enemies in false conspiracy cases and spread rumors of compromises about accused people. 
Interview of Kaniz Yousaf for Awami Jumhori Forum 2006
Link of the interview

Thanks to her over ambitious but talented younger brother, she suffered a lot.
You may disagree with her but due to her struggle future historians & scholars will remember her

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Raza Kazim Interview about conspiracy against Gen Zia & BBC twisted man

Raza Kazim Interview about conspiracy against Gen Zia & BBC twisted man

This is just a transitional phase in which a few of our generations will go down the drain. I have seen four generations, including my father’s, go down the drain and I have no expectations at all from the generation of today either and I have every reason to believe that the next generation will be the same as well. We’ve tried many things, most recently the ‘civil society’ but nothing really has worked. 

we were free to have a counsel of our own choice. I was admitted to Mayo Hospital Lahore during the case because I fainted many times during the proceedings after having lost 55 pounds during incarceration. I was there for at least 3-4 months and did not choose a counsel myself but my wife asked Aitzaz [Ahsan] and he went there twice. Two of the plotters became approvers, five were convicted and the rest, including myself, were acquitted.

How #BBC corespondent played the dirty game, expected from him due to his track record.
Mark Tully, the BBC star correspondent in the subcontinent has spent many years in the region. When I was in Attock, he came from India and met my wife. He was the source of this information as he told my wife that RAW had been involved in the later stages of funding. This information is also corroborated by Ali Mahmood’s wife Billo who herself told me that they had gone to Delhi for a wedding of a Sikh friend’s son and some of them had met Indira Gandhi, including Khar.

Read complete interview

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...