Friday, June 28, 2019

Listen the Story of Maharaja Ranjit Singh at his 180th anniversary ( A Radio Show)

Listen the Story of
Maharaja Ranjit Singh
at his 180th anniversary
( A Radio Show) 

A man who made an empire that resisted for 50 years (1799-1849) and untill his death (27 June 1839) colonizers could not conquer Kabul, Qandhar, Sindh, Qallat, kashmir, Baltistan, Peshawar, Bajure and the Punjab but after his death colonizers had conquered all these regions one by one with 10 years.
British historians created many narratives and played with half truths  and many such things are still prevalent and we often narrate them consciously or unconsciously. you listen the radio talk and i am also sharing some useful links too.

Above Statue is placed at historic Lahore Fort by Wall City Authority of Lahore at June 27th 2019, Lhore. 

Complete Recording of the show click HERE

This plate is placed along with statute. 

Some useful links about Ranjit Singh

Why we cannot ignore Ranjit Singh?

Playing with Sikh Muslim Conflict exposed (A colonial legacy still in practice) Read & Unlearn

Daily Report of Ranjit Singh's Lhore Darbar has exposed various misleading facts, read yourself

Why to divide PUNJAB again? Analysis of previous 5 divisions and its impact not only on the Punjab but also on the adjacent areas.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Lost in victory: Lessons We don't want to learn after 100 years from infamous Treaty of Versailles

Lost in victory: Lessons We don't want to learn after 100 years from infamous Treaty of Versailles 

Today is 28th June and G20 meeting is in ready in #Japan but it is the same day when 100 years back two supper powers #UK & #France humiliated defeatist #Germany and Hitler was born out of that humiliation. Did we learn any lesson from it?
Humiliation of defeatist is a counter productive act not only at individual but also at collective level. The humiliation of Germans was not limited to that Treaty but they humiliated every #German living in #Europe & else where. They had to change their names. 
Two months back world has witnessed 100 years of JillianwalaBagh Massacre that was an act of barbarianism by British colonial rulers in the Punjabi city Amritsar at 13 April 1919. But without having a knowledge & information about its background, events happened exactly on ground during that day or days and its impacts it is often hard to derive lessons for the future.
Traité de Versailles or Treaty of Versailles remembered as End of WW1 but in this digitized & well informed world even a child cannot believe on the fairy tale of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria whose assassination was linked cleverly by smart victors as a sudden event that sparked World War I. German cum American diplomat Henry Alfred Kissinger was not the only one ( he mentioned it in his famous book On China) who called WW1 as Anti-German war. But so-called informed main stream media still not ready to deconstruct those clever stories. The recent example is an article published in France 24 under the title 100 years since the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I. It is not the only article but due to its 100th year media houses are publishing numerous things in this regard.
Interestingly, victors of WW1 had lost their so-called pride within 22 years against #US when both #Britain & #France were compelled to sign, tactically ignored the Atlantic Charter at 14 August 1941. The charter was signed just to deal with same #Germans. So in many ways Treaty of Versailles proved beginning of the END for both #UK & France. 
 The 28th president of the United States Thomas Woodrow Wilson tried timely and pinched the pride of victors by introducing 14 Points at January 1918 but both powers were not ready to listen it. The resonance of 14 points got ample response in colonies and at Mochi gate, Lhore public meeting after infamous Jillianwalla massacre, Allama Iqbal had mentioned it but deaf colonizers could not hear it.   

Although France 24 writer mentioned humiliation of Germany as well as Germans but he failed to link that humiliation with Rise of Hitler.  Writer said, '' Signed at the Palace of Versailles outside Paris, the text set out 440 punishing articles that crippled Germany economically and morally.

Although the treaty was intended to leave the war's aggressor too weak to pose a new threat, its harsh terms eventually led the world into another global conflict just 20 years later.'' But what is important for us is not merely narration of events or explanation regarding riddles of power politics or Geo-politics but more essential thing is to hit the mindset by understanding the phenomenon. 
Humiliation of defeatist is a counter productive act not only at individual but also at collective level. The humiliation of Germans was not limited to that Treaty but had a history and in her book Alex Von Tunzelaiman (Indian Summer) recorded biased treatment with Germans When Germans were forced to change their Names. Even the book MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1901-49 By Keith Jeffery Published by Bloomsbury, 2011 had explained why Germany became enemy no 1 in 1890s and had replaced its position in front of British eyes from Russia. They wanted to do same with Ottoman Turkey yet  Treaty of Lausanne compelled them to show restraint. 
But what happened after June 1919 and the world had to face Hitler too. Did both London & Paris, ever  learned lesson? After WW2, new supper power led the world by introducing her chosen enemy Russia on the on hand and hammer of IMF & WB on the other hand.
Now after 100 years, Germany is rising again but both London & Paris are losing their strengths. France has chance to fly with EU but post Brexit UK will remain in pain. Post Cold war US is busy in same superiority complex as were UK and France in 1919. Humiliations of immigrants & Muslims is on the top, thanks to Trump. Continuous failures in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela raised many questions and has exposed the mantara of sole supper power. Deal of the century is ready to turn into dilemma of the century.  Thanks to The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran is not an easy target and that is why anxiety of Trump is increasing. On top of it BRI is there for damage control. 
Trump phenomenon has an inbuilt design fault based on humiliation and in recent past he even humiliated its closest allies  like KSA & UK. 
At the eve of 14th summit of G20, it is hard to sell the idea of permanent powers. Thanks to digitization & internet, world is a boat and we are living in shared world. 
100 years of Treaty of Versailles give us an opportunity to revisit 100 years and we should not miss this opportunity.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

A Guide to write History of the Punjab (A review of new book Dharti Punj Daryayee by Nain Sukh)

A Guide to write History of the Punjab

(A review of new book Dharti Punj Daryayee by Nain Sukh)

Reviewer: Mahmood Awan based in UK.
Publisher of the book is Newline:
Distributor of books published by Newline is Readings, Lahore.

Give online order @
In his latest book Dharti Panj Daryai (Land of Five Rivers), Nain Sukh combines oral and written texts to understand, analyse and explain this magical land of ours i.e. Punjab. In his opening lines, he talks about the dilemma of our collective failure to collect, preserve and connect our past orality with today’s literacy, and warns of the looming dangers, as the generation that holds our oral history is rapidly disappearing. He remembers hearing some folk lines from an old man that he met in Gondal Bar back in 1994 and explains how just recently he was able to make the connection of those with its written text while reading a book about times of Sultan Allauddin Khilji.

Nain Sukh (whose birthname is Khalid Mahmood) is a prolific Punjabi writer. A lawyer by profession, he was born in Sargodha but has been settled in Lahore for the last three decades. His earlier published works include four short stories, Theekaryan (2005), Uthal Pathal (2011), Shaheed? (2016) and Aai Purray di Vaa (2017) as well as an award-winning Punjabi novel, Madho Lal Hussain: Lahore di Vel (2015) and a book of poems Kikkar tay Angoor (1994). Dharti Panj Daryai (Land of Five Rivers) is his first book of non-fiction and this too started as a novel but took its own course and ended up as a book of non-fiction.
Nain Sukh has dedicated this book to his two sons with a grievous and sarcastic tone of our collective Punjabi disappointment. He writes “Mai(n) Punjabi Likhaari, eh kitab mere putraa(n) Daniyal tay Shehryar day naa(n) jehRay Punjabi bolday, paRhday nah likhday”(I, a Punjabi writer, dedicate this book to my sons Daniyal and Shehryar who don’t even speak, read or write Punjabi).
Link of the complete article cum  review published in TNS 23 June 2019

Some more links about the book

دھرتی پنج دریائی (پڑچول) دی چون، ہندو راجے مہاراجے۔ دوجی لڑی، لکھاری نین سکھ

Friday, June 21, 2019

A Radio Program with Young Punjabi Girls: What is in their mind about tolerance & Peace

Peace, Tolerance & University graduate ladies.

A radio Discussion 

یونیورسٹی پڑھدیاں کڑیاں نال گل بات
امن، بردباریاں اتے تعلیم بارے ایہہ کیہہ سوچدیاں نیں، ایہہ جانن لئی، سنو ایس پروگرام نوں

Peace, Tolerance and University graduate ladies. A radio Discussion
Eleven girls participated in the radio show and briefly share their thoughts recorded at June 20th, 2019 at MastFM103 Lhore Studio. These girls are studying in University of Education (Bank Road campus).

Video Clip -1 of the Radio Show Lok Lhar

Video Clip -2

Complete radio show recording

یونیورسٹی پڑھدے منڈیاں نال گل بات

Sunday, June 16, 2019

A radio Show with University Boys: What they are thinking ?

A radio Show with University Boys

 What they are thinking? 

نوجواناں کہہ سوچدے نیں؟
اک پروگرام یونیورسٹی پڑھدے  منڈیاں دے نال

In Lok Lhar weekly radio show recorded at June 13, 2019, Thursday in Lhore Studio of MastFM103. We tried to talk to 9 male university students from different departments and listen their view point regarding education, peace, extremism, future jobs, environment in campus etc. It is important to map what literate youth is thinking about their immediate future. 
Everyone is talking about youth bulge but important thing is to understand what narratives they have, and in the presence of infected narratives will they able to address the change.  Listen what literate youth is saying, 

Some pictures 


Students of University of Education who participated in the program were
  1. Kaleem Ullah              BS IT
  2. Ijaz Ahmad                  BS Physics
  3. Mohammad Ahmad    BS IT
  4. Muhammad Husnian  BS Economics
  5. Muhammad Mohsin   BS Physics
  6. Rahmat Ali                 BS Physics
  7. Osama Qadir              BS Physics
  8. Ahmad Rehman         BA.Education
  9. Zubair Anwar            BS Economics 

Link of the Recording of radio show

یونیورسٹی پڑھدیاں کڑیاں دی گل بات

Friday, June 14, 2019

When senior Mengal refused Gen Zia to become partner in the killing of Bhutto

When senior Mengal refused Gen Zia to become partner in the killing of Bhutto

How clever General Zia had played with all opponents of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto is untold history of Pakistan but a student of Pakistan Studies can easily find similarities between recent selected justice with Zia post July 1977 politics. Here below you will find two incidents of Sardar Mengal and General Yahya but those were not only cases. What they got from anti-Bhutto derives is not different from recent chaos establishment has spread after 2017. The mindset is same yet characters are different.

Refusal of Mengal to Zia
In his book, Leaving the Left Behind, veteran leftist leader and ideologue, Jamal Naqvi wrote that since Zia wanted to eliminate Bhutto right from the outset, he had first approached Baloch nationalist leader, Attaullah Mengal who had been persecuted and arrested by the Bhutto regime during the Balochistan insurgency between 1973 and 1977.
According to Naqvi, Zia met with Mengal soon after the Baloch leader’s release (ordered by Zia) and told him that he (Zia) could arrest Bhutto for murder if Mengal was willing to testify against the former prime minister and accuse him of ordering the disappearance and murder of Mengal’s 24-year-old son, Asad Mengal. Asad Mengal had allegedly been picked up in 1974 by security forces from Karachi and was never seen again. Naqvi added that after hearing out Zia’s proposal, Mengal declined to testify and implicate his former tormentor on unsubstantiated charges.
Read wichaar article here
Refusal of General Yahya

After he was unable to convince Mengal, Zia decided to implicate Bhutto for presiding over the break-up of Pakistan. He ordered his Information Ministry to conduct an interview with former military dictator, General Yahya Khan, for the state-owned Pakistan Television (PTV).
In his book, Uncensored, former General Manager of PTV’s Rawalpindi station, Burhanuddin Hassan, wrote that in August 1977, the Zia regime ordered PTV to conduct an interview with Yahya who was living a quiet life under house arrest ever since his fall from power in December 1971.
According to Hassan, Yahya was reluctant. He told Hassan that he had already said what he wanted to say about the East Pakistan debacle to the Hamoodur Rahman Commission that was set-up by the Bhutto regime to investigate East Pakistan’s separation.
But eventually, PTV was able to convince the former general. However, the former general suddenly fell ill and was unable to give the interview. Thus it was only after the Mengal and Yahya ploys had failed to provide the Zia regime a reason to entangle Bhutto in a serious case that the regime came up with the idea of digging out the old, dusty FIR of the Kasuri murder.
Read full article of Paracha here

جداں سردار مینگل بھٹو دے قتل وچ حصہ دار بنن توں انکاری ہوئے

ساڈی سیاسی تواریخ اونترے تے یادگاری وقوعیاں نال بھری پئی ہے پر گمراہیاں پھیلاون والے سانوں من مرضیاں دی تریخاں پڑھاندے نیں۔ بلوچاں دے کجھ پردھان دھڑے بھٹو نال لڑ دے رہے سن تے انہاں وچوں کجھ دے عراق نال وی سانگے سن۔ فیر حیدرآباد ٹربیونل بنایا گیا۔پر تواریخ نے ثابت کیتا کہ سیاسی لوکاں تے عدالتاں تےریاستی  طاقتاں نال  ڈیل کرنا  اتے غداریاں دے قتوے لانا کل وی کوڑ کم سی تے اج وی۔چیتے رہے کہ بھٹو دور پہلا جمہوری تجربہ سی کہ اوس دا تجزیہ کریندے ہوئے ایس گل نوں چیتے رکھنا لوڑی دا ہے۔فیر جنرل ضیا تختہ الٹ دتا پر  حیدر آباد ٹربیونل دے کجھ قیدیاں نال  ضیا الحق دے رابطے جیل توں ہی تگڑے بن چکے سن۔ تاں نارے بلوچاںایس ٹربیونل توں بعد کدی ولی خان اینڈ  کمپنی نال پارٹی نہیں بنائی۔ انہاں بلوچاں وچ سردار عطا اللہ مینگل وی سن جیہڑے 1929 وچ بلوچستان دے ضلعے خصدار دی تھاں ''وڈھ'' وچ جمے سن۔یکم مئی 1972  توں 13 فروری 1973 تیک اوہ بلوچستان دے  پہلے عوامی وزیراعلی رہے۔بلوچستان دا صوبہ 1970 وچ بنایا گیا سی پر بنن دے نال ہی اوکڑاں دا شکار رہیا  کیونجے ایہہ ڈیورینڈ لائن تے پاک افغان ایران سرحد دے نال وی سی تے ایس نال سمندر وی لگدا سی۔ ایس دے بہوں سارے سردار اتے ریاستی سرحدی اہلکار سمگلنگ وچ ملوث سن جس دا سیاستاں تے اثر ڈونگا سی اتے ضیادور وچ ہیروئن نشے دی ایجاد بعدوں ایس  سمگلنگ دا بھار وادھو ہو گیا سی کیونجے ایس وچ عالمی کھڈاری وی وڑ چکے سن۔ضیا نے اقتدار تے قبضے بعدوں ہر بھٹو مخالف نوں دانہ پایا کہ ایس بارے بہوں گھٹ لکھیا گیا ہے۔اجکل ایسا ہی دانہ موجودہ سٹیبلشمنٹ ہر نواز مکالف نوں پا رہی ہے تے زرداری نوں وی ایہو سزا مل رہی ہے کہ اوہ دانہ کیوں نہیں چگ رہیا۔پہلے  ضیا الحق نے  حفاظتی تحویل وچ رکھے جنرل یحی خان نوں دانا پایا تے پی ٹی وی نوں اک انٹرویو  لین لئی گھلیا۔ ایس دا احوال کتاب  ''ان سینسرڈ'' وچ برہان الدین حسن نے ریکارڈ کیتا ہے جو اگست 1977 وچ بطور پی ٹی وی  جنرل منیجر راولپنڈی ایہہ انٹرویو لین گئے سن ۔ ضیا نے ہدائیت کیتی سی کہ یحی توں مشرقی پاکستان بارے بھٹو خلاف گلاں بلواو۔پر جنرل یحی نے انٹرویو دین توں ایہہ کہہ کے انکار کر دتا کہ اوہ اپنی ساریاں گلاں حمود الرحمن کمیشن اگے کر چکے نیں۔  فیر اگلی باری سردار مینگل ہوراں دی آئی۔ حیدر آباد ٹربیونل دے قیدیاں نوں چھڈ کے ضیا الحق اپنی ''نیک نیتی'' ثابت کر چکیا سی تے ہن مینگل ہوراں نوں آکھیا گیا کہ اوہ اپنے  پتر اسد مینگل دے قتل وچ  بھٹو تے مقدمہ چلاون وچ سہولت کار بن جائے۔ بقول جمال نقوی اسد مینگل نوں 1974 وچ سیکورٹی والیاں کراچی توں  چکیا سی تے فیر اس دا مرن تیک کجھ پتہ نہیں چلیا سی۔چیتے رہے پئی  اسد مینگل دا  بھرا اختر مینگل اج وی سیاست وچ ہے جیہڑا 1907 تے 1998 وچ بلوچستان دا وزیراعلی رہیا سی تے اج سیاسی چومکھی وچ  عمران خان دی سرکار دا بھیا بھیا پارٹنر ہے۔  ایس کہانی دے دو حوالے تھلے دے لنک وچ انگریزی زبان وچ وی پڑھ سکدے ہو۔

Saturday, June 8, 2019

World Ocean Day: What we did with Water Trade and Water life:Iqbal mentioned in 1930 but we are reluctant ?

World Ocean Day: What we did with Water Trade and Water life

Iqbal had mentioned it in 1930, almost 89 years back but we are either ignorant or following colonial policies. 

Today is World Ocean Day as declared in UN list yet regarding this day we have to rethink not only about Water life but also revisit our coastal policy too. This piece is written just to remind both things.
ٰRegarding Water life & Trade we have to give little attention to coastal as well as river trade & life too. It was Lhori Bandar ( An historic port near Thatta, known in ingenious language as Lhori Dahro) that was closed by the colonial rulers after annexation of the Sindh cleverly. Yet till 1850s it was still operational because a new port at Karachi was under construction and colonial rulers had to send first Railway engine to Lahore. So it was reported that the engine was transported through Lhori Bandar in late 1850s. Lhori Bandar was linked with all major five rivers  and it was Captain Sir Alexander Burnes who had made a comprehensive map of Mouth of Indus and he too mentioned Lhori Bandar in 1830s. After annexation of Sindh, colonial rulers had develop a new port at newly developed city of Karachi that not only killed River to Sea trade but also disturbed Coastal water life for ever. It especially effected Delta life & its trade but in reports prepared by elite institutions like IUCN and other relevant organizations dealing with conservation and environment, you will not found political as well as economic background of these issues. 

Arab traveler  Ibn Battuta too stayed for 5 days in Lhori Bander ( near Thatta, towards sea in Sindh) and recorded huge trade there in 1333. That port was linked with all five rivers and traders used to go Persia & Arab lands from there.  It is to me remembered that Portuguese had burnt Lhori Bandar three times during 15th and 16th centuries. Tarekh e Tahiri (written in 16th century) had recorded it too.

 it is significant that the Simon Report has given extraordinary importance to the question of India's land frontier, but has made only passing references to its naval position. India has doubtless had to face invasions from her land frontier; but it is obvious that her present masters took possession of her on account of her defenceless sea coast. A self-governing and free India will, in these days, have to take greater care of her sea coast than [of her] land frontiers.   Allahbad Address 29 December, 1930 Allama Iqbal

Link of the complete address is

سمندر ہمارے محافظ:

70 فیصدی آکسیجن سمندروں سے ملتی ہے۔ 

ساحلی و سمندری پالیسی، خطبہ الہ آباد اور ہمارے گھاٹے

سمندروں کے عالمی دن پر  مست ایف ایم 103 کی 

طرف سے اک رپورٹ

آج جون کی 8 تاریخ ہے کہ اقوام متحدہ کے  مطابق آج سمندروں کا عالمی دن ہے۔  مگر ہم بالعموم اپنی آبی حیات و تجارت سے نابلد ہیں۔ نہ تو ہمیں یہ معلوم ہے کہ ہمارے شیر دریا کس تاریخی بندرگاہ کے ذریعے سمندر سے جڑے تھے  اور  نہ ہی یہ پتہ ہے کہ انگریزوں نے  1843 میں سندھ پر قبضے کے بعد دریاوں سے جڑی تجارتی بندرگاہ کو بند کر کے کیوں کراچی کے ساحل   پر نئی  دریاوں سے کٹی ہوئی حفاظتی بندر گار بنائی ۔اس بندر گاہ کا نام تھا لہوری بندر جسے مقامی لوگ لہوری داہڑو بھی کہتے تھے۔ پھر ان دریاوں سے نہریں نکالنے اور بیراج وغیرہ بنا کر آبی تجارتوں کو بند اور آبی حیات کو مضطرب کر دیا گیا۔ ابن بطوطہ 1333 میں جب ہماری دھرتیوں میں آیا تو اس نے پانچ دن اسی لہوری بندر پر گذارے جسے  16ویں صدی میں پرتگالیوں نے تین بار جلایا تھا۔ اس بندرگاہ سے تاجر فارس و عرب جاتے تھے۔ ہماری مضطرب آبی حیات اور بند ہو چکی  دریاوں اور سمندروں سے جڑی آبی تجارتوں کی داستان ابھی لکھی نہیں گئی۔ البتہ علامہ اقبال نے اپنے تاریخی خطبہ الہ آباد میں 89 سال قبل اس بارے روشنی ڈالی  تھی اور یہ سوال اٹھایا تھا کہ ہماری سمندروں بارے پالیسی کیا ہے؟ انھوں نے استفسار کیا کہ پہلے حملے فرنٹئیر سے ہوتے تھے مگر انگریز آقا تو سمندروں ہی سے آئے تھے۔ آزادی کے بعد ہمیں  سمندری پالیسی کے حوالے سے خصوصی توجہ دینی ہو گی۔ مگر ہم  نے تو علامہ کے خطبات کو طاق نسیاں کیا ہوا ہے۔ بھلا ہو کہ پچھلی حکومت نے میری ٹائمز کی وزارت بنائی مگر اس میں بھی دریائی حیات و تجارت کی بات ابھی شامل نہیں۔ سمندروں کے اس عالمی دیہاڑ پر اگر ہم اپنی آبی حیات اور تجارتوں پر کچھ غور کر لیں اور سمندری سمگلنگ  کو تجارت میں بدل سکیں تو پاکستانی ریاست اور معاشرے دونوں کو اس سے فائدے ہوں گے۔یہ رپورٹ عامر ریاض نے تیار کی ہے۔
This report is broadcast at MastFM103 News at June 8, 2019

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