Wednesday, July 31, 2013



This piece is about a book, a travelogue by a Punjabi Khatri written in 1913 and published in 1915 by "Nammi Press" Kanpur under the title " Sair e Punjab". The book shows a record of Punjabi cities especially Lhore and its surroundings. Kishan Parshad was a Punjabi Khatri yet his ancestor "Chando Lal Lhori" had shifted some 200 years back  ( now 300 years as the book was written in 1913) from Chueaan (now called Chunia ) near Lhore to Hyderabad Dakkan. In Dakkan that Punjabi family of Khatries adopted the title "Asif-Jahi". It was love of the land which compelled Kishan to visit the Punjab. He was proud on his lhori decent especially Todar Mal who had advised Punjabi Khatries to learn Persian during Akbar period. Before his visit of Lhore he also visited AmbarSar and Derra Dun. In Derra Dun he visited a Gurdawara " Jhanda Sahib" which was built by Aurangzeb in comparison of Tomb of Jhangieer. When he came to Lhore Railway Station in July 1913, Khatri association elders were there yet his friend Allama Iqbal was also among them just to welcome him. As there was no cold war between Congress & Muslim League so the book have numerous "unusual" events. Maharaja Sir Kishan Parshad Asif-Jahi said " our family is serving Muslim rulers from centuries" kishan had great respect for Sufies and love for humanity so he neither use political Hindoism nor political Islam but appreciated qualities of society in general. He recorded a gathering at Lhore's Theater Hall in which Allama Iqbal,  Pandat Deen Dayal Sharma & Belli Ram were among the speakers. He also wrote about Mall road, Anarkali, Walled City etc. Such books needs a good preface & little editting before reprinting yet by publishing these books we can make realize new generations what were we, what was at ground, we have common relations and numerous shades in life. Life was not as fixed as we are reading through court historians of India & Pakistan. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mian Sir Fazl e Hussain: a brief introduction of a Punjabi leader

Mian Sir Fazl e Hussain

a brief introduction of a Punjabi leader

Debate on Pakistani Left: pride and prejudices , In response of the Article Where The Left Goes Wrong. by Ammar Aziz

Debate on Pakistani Left: pride and prejudices
In response of the Article
  Where The Left Goes Wrong. by Ammar Aziz

The article is written in same old cold war atmosphere and tried to justify old pro Moscow groups & NAP (wali) positions. I think for analyses we better leave old prejudices first. I tried to deconstruct ammar’s article and my answers/explanations/quires are either in foot notes or end notes. For an easy solution, am pasting these notes below too. Thanks
Aamir riaz
Editor awami jamhori forum
1.    Stalin wrote that booklet in 1912 with the help of Bukaren and was published in official journal of Bolsheviks; no one including Lenin called it ambiguous. For reference see
2.    For this, one should see what Lenin said about national question, how he treated Jewish question in Tsarist Russia. For references see the end note pasted at the end of article.
3.    There are two things in this support. One was international while 2nd was domestic and ideological. There was a shift in USSR stance after Hitler attack on USSR. Till 23 August 1939, Hitler was not a fascist for USSR when both signed agreement Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact which was there till June 1941. Till April 1939, Hitler was not fascist for Britain but it was Hitler who broke 1935 Anglo-German Naval Agreement. Before attack on the father land communist called WW11 “A war between Capitalis countries” yet after June 1941 in general and after Atlantic charter of 14 August 1941 & December 1941 26 countries conference in Washington USSR joined Allied Powers. After that communists started saying that it is National war or Our war.   At domestic front communists were now part of British War efforts in India and firstt batch of communists started getting military trainings at Burma in 1942. A communist wrote about it in his memoires. In 1943, after Tehran Conference, Russians disband comintern, communist international and in India Adhekari, a senior member of polit beuro came with nationalist thesis in support of majority muslim areas right of self determination. Remember, CPI declared legalize in 1942 after 17 years ban.
4.    Not only Muslim league but also hindu, muslim, sikh communists were part of war efforts from 1942 onward, some joined army some joined propaganda wings, some started new magazines. One example is recently published Sajjad Zahier’s editorials written between 1943 & 46, compiled by Ahmad Saleem published by Sang e Meal.
5.    It is to be noted that CPI under pressure from British Communist party stopped it support for Pakistan Scheme till the early 1946 under Royal Indian Navy mutiny. From that movement, actually CPI changed her policy. it is reported by Communist Bengali leader Mohit Sain in his famous memoires Travels & the road.
6.    The case was Opposite in India where prop Moscow CPI was part of Indian establishment while pro Chinese were declared as qadaars by Indian communists and congress.
7.    Not all pro Chinese in Pakistan had reservations regarding Mujib ur Rehman and Awami league or supported military action in east Pakistan. One example was aziz ul haq who was against NAP & pro Russians & pro Indians in Pakistan. Same with Shafqat tanveer mirza like people who r not in NAP but against military operation in East Pakistan. Such generalizations are wrong. Ironically, majority of pro Russian lobby did not oppose crossing of international border by Indian army before December 16th 1971
8.    If it was rhetoric than what were NAP stands?
9.    The story of democratic victory of awami league should be analyzed by boycott of December 1970 elections by Mollana Bahshani in East Pakistan.
10.  Was that movement for right of self determination? Was Mujib or awami league struggling for freedom of Bengali nation? Without west Bengal can we call it Bengali right of self determination movement?
11.  Cold war between USA & USSR was a planned war , it was not war between systems but a cold war in favor of supremacy of USA & USSR
12.  Writer thinks that War on Terror is Just war but in reality Like Cold war, Afghan Jihad, this war on terror is too war of interests.

Ammar article with additional footnotes and end note by aamir riaz
- The political framework of the left wing has been historically shaped up to dream of and struggle for an “inevitable revolution”.  Their philosophy nourishes an ideological optimism, which is sometimes contrary to their realistic approach, and challenges the credibility of their worldview. From the era, when the world beheld the assertion of ‘communism in 20 years’, to the day, when we see the implementation of an incongruous rhetoric of ‘social-capitalism’, the left has generally been disappointing.
In our region too, we have seen the leftists taking various positions, quite contradictory to their perceived narrative. Take the issue of the Partition, for instance. The Communist Party of India had supported the demand for a separate religious state just because of Stalin’s ambiguous[1] definition of a ‘nation’[2].
Theoretically In the growth of the Muslim League, the CPI did not see the growth of religious-communalism but the rise of ‘anti-imperialist consciousness[3]’ in Muslim masses.  Consequently, many Muslim cadres of the CPI had joined the Muslim League[4] and diverted their revolutionary energies in propagating the idea of Pakistan[5], a land they anticipated to be free from the exploitation of ‘Hindu moneylenders and landlords’. It didn’t take a lot of time for their futuristic illusion to be shattered.
In the 1960s, when the communists in Pakistan were divided between pro-Soviet and pro-Chinese fractions, like their counterparts in the world – they, once again, took strange sides. That was the time when Pakistan, under Ayub Khan’s dictatorship, had started flirting with China because of their common enmity with India. Ironically, the Maoist fraction in Pakistan typically saw India as a formidable foe just because of Sino-Indian war and Pakistani establishment’s allegiance for the People’s Republic of China. The establishment’s adherence for China, despite being notoriously anti-communist, emerged from the Sino-Indian conflict itself. While being pro-Moscow was considered as unpatriotic in Pakistan[6], being pro-Beijing wasn’t. Both fractions decided their moves, what they referred to as ‘tactics’, according to the international political scenario, most notably the Cold War, rather than the local situation.
Later, during the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971, the leftists – outside the radical horizon of the National Awami Party and the pro-Soviet fraction, started siding with the populist People’s Party; hence, they couldn’t objectively analyze the oppression of the Bengali masses[7]. Bhutto’s s blend of radical rhetoric[8] borrowed from the leftist jargon and the hollow slogans of ‘Islamic Socialism’ attracted several trade unionists – mostly from the Maoist background, leftist intellectuals and youth to the People’s Party. Thus, a significant fragment of Pakistani left completely failed to recognize the democratic victory of Awami League[9] in the 1970 general elections and the right of self-determination of Bangali masses[10]; this failure led them to support the bloody civil war, imposed by the establishment of West Pakistan on East Pakistan. Interestingly, Pakistan gained support from both China and the US during the war. The Sino-Pakistan courtship was seen by the US with apprehension, but its strategic concern to counter[11] Soviet influence in South Asia suggested that the emerging relation between China and Pakistan could be exploited to achieve that goal.
Even today, a particular brand of Pakistani leftists – not all of them – is indulged in premature and idealistic analyses of critical issues such as Islamic radicalization. Our insignificant left is majorly divided over the issues of religious fundamentalism and the war on terror[12]. While the viewpoint that Islamic terrorist forces were originated by the United States as a Cold War tactic is shared by a majority of leftists, there are still others who have a soft corner for the former in the ongoing battle against the latter.  The notion that the Taliban are some sort of ‘rural, poor, Pashtun workers, struggling for the betterment of their material conditions, while battling US imperialism’ is no less than some bizarre political joke from the Cold War era which glorified the mujahedeen just because they were resisting the Red Army.
It is surprising to see several self-proclaimed Marxists considering these Islamo-Fascists as some sort of anti-imperialist radical force of our time. They fail to recognize the difference between Islamists’ anti-Americanism, a prejudice against a country and its people – in isolation of its economy – and the leftist theory of anti-imperialism, an intellectual resistance against the global hegemony of capitalism.
Most of these left intellectuals refer to themselves as ‘internationalists’ and are based in western countries. Some veterans, including Tariq Ali, even left the country during the 60s and the 70s and hardly visit home. Yet, they are seen as experts on Pakistan and their confused opinion on these matters is appreciated with great respect.
Furthermore, we have several smaller leftist groups and parties who don’t hesitate even a little bit declaring the religious militants as self-styled revolutionaries. For instance, an international Trotskyist tendency in Pakistan has similar views about the Taliban whose opposition of the US gives them a hope against western imperialism.  One of its activists shared his opinion on this,
“Our educated middle class did not fight ruling class’s oppression and did not champion the cause of the rural and urban poor. In such a vacuum, another segment of society mustered the courage to fight back the ruling class and took up the cause of Pashtun rural poor, under religious symbols and language, but actually for its material interests and championing due share in economic and political power for the under-privileged and excluded Pashtun lower classes.”
Many new leftists even see Malala’s appraisal by the UN as ‘white-man’s burden’ and ‘capitalist propaganda’. Some of them even have some preconceived notions about the ‘justice system of the Taliban’. A Pakistani Marxist -  a doctoral candidate in Canada – said, “The Taliban have often fought against Khans (feudal lords) and have established quick justice systems. Are those objectively in the interests of subordinated classes? Of course they are.”
If one starts seeing through their prism, the situation would seem quite revolutionary in Pakistan: ‘The poor, downtrodden, workers and peasants, long suffering under neo-colonial and neo-liberal oppression, have begun getting united. The proletarians and rural peasantry of FATA and KP have identified the ugly face of US imperialism and are marching forward to overthrow its tyranny. Our armed comrades in the tribal areas are aware that the West lives on the sweat and blood of the East. So what if their language and symbolism is religious, their objectives are very material and they’re fighting for social equity.  The Pakistani bourgeoisie, liberals and far-leftists support the war on terror because they oppose the people’s resistance against imperialism. Pakistan is ripe for a people’s revolution.’
This mindset is not very different from the ludicrous thinking of the Indian Maoists who used to refer to the Pakistani military dictator Ayub Khan as ‘comrade’ just because of his ‘comradeship’ with Chairman Mao!
Indeed, it is political idiocy to consider Taliban as a nationalist-reactionary force waging a war against imperialism. Both prevailing narratives, that if you oppose either the US or Taliban, you support the other, are nothing but a logical fallacy. The left needs to oppose both if they want to change anything at all.
After spending the last seven years in the left-wing circles as an activist, I believe that only leftists have ever understood our society fully. And they got it wrong.
End Note
V. I.   Lenin
Critical Remarks on the National Question
It is obvious that the national question has now become prominent among the problems of Russian public life. The aggressive nationalism of the reactionaries, the transition of counter-revolutionary bourgeois liberalism to nationalism (particularly Great-Russian, but also Polish, Jewish, Ukrainian, etc.), and lastly, the increase of nationalist vacillations among the different “national” (i. e., non-Great-Russian) Social-Democrats, who have gone to the length of violating the Party Programme—all these make it incumbent on us to give more attention to the national question than we have done so far.

V. I.   Lenin

Critical Remarks on the National Question


As the reader will see, the article in Severnaya Pravda, made use of a particular example, i. e., the problem of the official language, to illustrate the inconsistency and opportunism of the liberal bourgeoisie, which, in the national question, extends a hand to the feudalists and the police. Everybody will understand that, apart from the problem of an official language, the liberal bourgeoisie behaves just as treacherously, hypocritically and stupidly (even from the standpoint of the interests of liberalism) in a number of other related issues.
The conclusion to be drawn from this? It is that all liberal-bourgeois nationalism sows the greatest corruption among the workers and does immense harm to the cause of freedom and the proletarian class struggle. This bourgeois (and bourgeois-feudalist) tendency is all the more dangerous for its being concealed behind the slogan of “national culture”. It is under the guise of national culture—Great-Russian, Polish, Jewish, Ukrainian, and so forth—that the Black-Hundreds and the clericals, and also the bourgeoisie of all nations, are doing their dirty and reactionary work.
…….The same applies to the most oppressed and persecuted nation—the Jews. Jewish national culture is the slogan of the rabbis and the bourgeoisie, the slogan of our enemies. But there are other elements in Jewish culture and in Jewish history as a whole. Of the ten and a half million Jews in the world, somewhat over a half live in Galicia and Russia, backward and semi-barbarous countries, where the Jews are forcibly kept in the status of a caste


V. I.   Lenin

Critical Remarks on the National Question


And yet, if the constitution of the country contained a fundamental law rendering null and void every measure that infringed the rights of a minority, any citizen would be able to demand the rescinding of orders prohibiting, for example, the hiring, at state expense, of special teachers of Hebrew, Jewish history, and the like, or the provision of state-owned premises for lectures for Jewish, Armenian, or Rumanian children, or even for the one Georgian child. At all events, it is by no means impossible to meet, on the basis of equality, all the reasonable and just wishes of the national minorities, and nobody will say that advocacy of equality is harmful. On the other hand, it would certainly be harmful to advocate division of schools according to nationality, to advocate, for example, special schools for Jewish children in St. Petersburg, and it would be utterly impossible to set up national schools for every national minority, for one, two or three children.

[1] Stalin wrote that booklet in 1912 with the help of Bukaren and was published in official journal of Bolsheviks; no one including Lenin called it ambiguous. For reference see
[2] For this, one should see what Lenin said about national question, how he treated Jewish question in Tsarist Russia. For references see the end note pasted at the end of article.
[3] There are two things in this support. One was international while 2nd was domestic and ideological. There was a shift in USSR stance after Hitler attack on USSR. Till 23 August 1939, Hitler was not a fascist for USSR when both signed agreement Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact which was there till June 1941. Till April 1939, Hitler was not fascist for Britain but it was Hitler who broke 1935 Anglo-German Naval Agreement. Before attack on the father land communist called WW11 “A war between Capitalis countries” yet after June 1941 in general and after Atlantic charter of 14 August 1941 & December 1941 26 countries conference in Washington USSR joined Allied Powers. After that communists started saying that it is National war or Our war.   At domestic front communists were now part of British War efforts in India and firstt batch of communists started getting military trainings at Burma in 1942. A communist wrote about it in his memoires. In 1943, after Tehran Conference, Russians disband comintern, communist international and in India Adhekari, a senior member of polit beuro came with nationalist thesis in support of majority muslim areas right of self determination. Remember, CPI declared legalize in 1942 after 17 years ban.
[4] Not only Muslim league but also hindu, muslim, sikh communists were part of war efforts from 1942 onward, some joined army some joined propaganda wings, some started new magazines. One example is recently published Sajjad Zahier’s editorials written between 1943 & 46, compiled by Ahmad Saleem published by Sang e Meal.
[5] It is to be noted that CPI under pressure from British Communist party stopped it support for Pakistan Scheme till the early 1946 under Royal Indian Navy mutiny. From that movement, actually CPI changed her policy. it is reported by Communist Bengali leader Mohit Sain in his famous memoires Travels & the road.
[6] The case was Opposite in India where prop Moscow CPI was part of Indian establishment while pro Chinese were declared as qadaars by Indian communists and congress.
[7] Not all pro Chinese in Pakistan had reservations regarding Mujib ur Rehman and Awami league or supported military action in east Pakistan. One example was aziz ul haq who was against NAP & pro Russians & pro Indians in Pakistan. Same with Shafqat tanveer mirza like people who r not in NAP but against military operation in East Pakistan. Such generalizations are wrong. Ironically, majority of pro Russian lobby did not oppose crossing of international border by Indian army before December 16th 1971.
[8] If it was rhetoric than what were NAP stands?
[9] The story of democratic victory of awami league should be analyzed by boycott of December 1970 elections by Mollana Bahshani in East Pakistan.
[10] Was that movement for right of self determination? Was Mujib or awami league struggling for freedom of Bengali nation? Without west Bengal can we call it Bengali right of self determination movement?

[11] Cold war between USA & USSR was a planned war , it was not war between systems but a cold war in favor of supremacy of USA & USSR
[12] Writer thinks that War on Terror is Just war but in reality Like Cold war, Afghan Jihad, this war on terror is too war of interests. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

A District Education Report of Pakistant: Find your District and work accordingly

A District Education Report of Pakistan: Find your District and work accordingly

Alif Alaan & SDPI published a district education report regarding state of primary education of Pakistan. it covers not only all the 146 Pakistani districts including FATA, G&B, KASHMIR but also covers public & private schools.
  •  There are 145 districts in total, as all districts of FATA, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu Kashmir are included. Each district is scored out of 100.
  • - There are two rankings, an education index and a school index.
  • - The education index measures quality of education and is based on access to education, attainment levels (surviving till 5th grade), achievement levels (reading and math ability) and gender parity.
  • - The schools index measures the quality of infrastructure available to students, and is based on availability of electricity, running water, presence of toilets, presence of boundary walls and conditions of buildings.
  • In District Awaaran regarding electricity the score is 0.94 which shows the ground reality. As the report depends on ASER, NEMIS & PSLM like surveys so one can think about the authenticity positively.
  • - Out of a maximum possible score of 100, only six districts score in the 80s and none in the 90s. There are very few districts where the education system seems to be doing its job.
  • - Of these six districts, 4 are from the Punjab, 1 from Azad Jammu & Kashmir and 1 is Islamabad. While Islamabad and some districts of Punjab were to be expected high in the rankings it is surprising that there are no districts from Sindh.
  • - Just 98 out of 145 districts score above 50, suggesting that performance across the country is average at best.
  • - The overall scores for provinces, regions and territories are as follows: AJK (77.96), Punjab (68.78), G-B (67.45), KP (63.79), Sindh (51.67), FATA (47.42), Balochistan (46.70). It is worth noting that Sindh fares poorly, while AJK and G-B scores are relatively better.
  • - Provincial Headquarters: Lahore (79.65), Quetta (66.33), Karachi (63.40) and Peshawar (61.55).
  • - The majority of districts score between 40 and 70 points.
  • - The average score for all 145 districts is 58.53
  • Web presence of the report is appreciable yet there is a need to publish the record in Urdu & Pakistani mother tongues.
  • There will be room for improvement yet by & large it shows the state of education in Pakistan in general. No doubt, if we develop a union council base data at metric level, it will give more clear picture. You can read the report yourself yet read the piece first

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

were Iqbal & Jinnah Pro-British?

were Iqbal & Jinnah Pro-British? 

Some of our over smart intellectuals love to comment on it, i can give examples from their writings where they launch such questions e-g Was Jinnah a British Agent? Jinnah was western? Allama Iqbal was pro British etc. here in this piece there r two references from authentic sources which will show their reservations regarding new Europe ( post 18th century ) and new world scenario ( post WW1) . Iqbal reference is from allahbad address while Jinnah refrence is from Verdict of India, a book, i first time heard from Zim Bhadur (Zafar Iqbal Mirza) pen name Lhori yet now a days his long time association with DAWN has been broken by the Karachi owners, a bad taste.
Point of view of both Iqbal & Jinnah will prove their grip on international political scene in 1930s & 1940s.

Just read Allahbad address piece yourself:
[1b]] The ideas set free by European political thinking, however, are now rapidly changing the outlook of the present generation of Muslims both in India and outside India. Our younger men, inspired by these ideas, are anxious to see them as living forces in their own countries, without any critical appreciation of the facts which have determined their evolution in Europe. In Europe Christianity was understood to be a purely monastic order which gradually developed into a vast church organisation. The protest of Luther was directed against this church organisation, not against any system of polity of a secular nature, for the obvious reason that there was no such polity associated with Christianity. And Luther was perfectly justified in rising in revolt against this organisation; though, I think, he did not realise that in the peculiar conditions which obtained in Europe, his revolt would eventually mean the complete displacement of [the] universal ethics of Jesus by the growth of a plurality of national and hence narrower systems of ethics.
[[1c]] Thus the upshot of the intellectual movement initiated by such men as Rousseau and Luther was the break-up of the one into [the] mutually ill-adjusted many, the transformation of a human into a national outlook, requiring a more realistic foundation, such as the notion of country, and finding expression through varying systems of polity evolved on national lines, i.e. on lines which recognise territory as the only principle of political solidarity. If you begin with the conception of religion as complete other-worldliness, then what has happened to Christianity in Europe is perfectly natural. The universal ethics of Jesus is displaced by national systems of ethics and polity. The conclusion to which Europe is consequently driven is that religion is a private affair of the individual and has nothing to do with what is called man's temporal life.

In his book verdict of India, Beverly Nicholas give statement of Jinnah where in front of that English writer Jinnah openly criticized post WW1 political scene in which British and France divided austro hangerian empire, Ottoman empire and Prussian Germany and created many new nation states. they neither thought about common language, common economic interests, common geography but they divided empire under their own economic interests.  They divided middle east who had same Arabic language , they divided German empire who had common geography & economics.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Rule of Law & anti-colonial Pride: A Joint Historical Fallacy

Rule of Law & anti-colonial Pride: A Joint Historical Fallacy
South Asians in particular and struggling democracies in common are victims of their National freedom struggles. In his book, Nixon wrote that leaders of developing countries were trained for resistance rather than reconstruction.  Although as his master’s voice he smartly over looked post 2nd WW role of big powers yet we still have room to learn from that “half truth”.
When we read biographies, auto biographies, articles, statements of pre-partition times, especially written between 1900 & 1947, we witnessed that there was a small element who was either Pro-British in literal terms or Anti-colonial by tooth and nail yet majority of leaders used “middle ways”.  A pro-British was the one who did not want to criticize Indian British administration while anti-colonial was the one that wanted to expel British with the help of any Other force. Use of religion and nationalism was common in the literature of both groups yet both represented tiny elements of our society.  Both were against democracy & dialogue and both used authoritarian & totalitarian methods extensively. Some hide behind religion ( JUH, Panda Madan Mohan Malvya etc) Some hides behind development or philanthropy ( Arya Samachies or those pro british people who always used examples of Railway, school system in justifying colonial rule) and some hide behind nationalisms (either Indian or Bengali, Punjabi, Islamic or hindu).
 From late 19th century (1897 District board elections) and manto-morely reforms   of 1909 British Indian administration introduced election reform processes on the basis of restricted franchise and till 1946 elections countless politicians participated in that limited democracy.  Ironically, pro british did not like that process yet anti-colonial did not participated in it. If u read anti-colonial literature, u will find statements against those who participated in election process.  For them unionist party of Punjab, Congress (especially Sawaraj party), Muslim league, Ahrar etc  were either misleading or part of britsh system. It included people like C.R.Das, Jinnah, Iqbal, Motilal Nehru, Mian fazal e Hussain, Mian Shafi, Ch Afzal haq, Mollana Mazhar ali Azhar, etc who participated in eletion process of 1920s. But a tiny element was against election process. It included Central Khilafat Comitee with mahatama Gandhi (provincial khilafat committees like Ch Khaliquz zaman from khilafat comitee lukhnavo, Ch azal haq, mazhar ali azhar from khilafat comitee Punjab participated in election during 1920s), Communist Party of India etc.
Yet after august 1947, Under New Nationalisms of both newly created countries Bharat and Pakistan, such elements were given special status just to strengthen New nationalisms.  In the literature and history books written after August 1947, such element was included as freedom fighters under the banner of Indian Nationalist Struggle or Pakistan movement.  No one realized its impact but remain busy in developing nation building.  It was a Big turn which ultimately expanded the space for lawlessness and narrowed room for Rule of law. Unfortunately Bangladesh and Afghanistan too followed it after 1970s.
Before completing my piece I just need to mention two examples, one from C R Das & other from M A Jinnah (both reproduced from A G Noorani books, Jinnah & Tilak & Case of Bhagat Singh). C R das was defending Tilak who was charged as terrorist in 1909. C R Das did not support Tilak argument/ideology but told authorities that such “terrorist acts” are result of authoritarian and totalitarian policies of British Empire. The same argument was given by Jinnah when he spoke in favor of Bhgat Singh. It means that some of our leaders had vision to address basic issues by not compromising on democratic values and rule of law. Yet After 1947, we missed it. One example of that deviation is presence of Khilafat movement in Pakistani Textbooks and satya grah or lessons regarding Sabhas Chandar Bose in Indian official history books. Iqbal & Jinnah had reservations regarding Khilafat movement, K.m Munchi and many others left congress in 1920 because they had reservations against Satya garah, Swaraj Party under C R das and Motilal Nehru had participated in provincial elections along with lukhnavo and Punjab khilafat committees during 1920s while central khilafat committee &  Mahatama were against it, Azad, Mahatama and Sardar  Pateel were against Subhas Chandar bose within congress and when netaji formed INA, Congress and CPI did not support him. After 14-August 1941, when US presurized UK to start decolonization process, ecision power was in the hands of local elected leaders. From Crips to Mobuntbatten plan, they decided every thing with Colonial masters. But What we are teaching our kids these days?  Under new nationalisms there is no distinction between lawlessness & Rule of Law. For our children, all are heroes either they were against democracy or in favor of democracy.  That situation ripened during Pakistan India cold war.  Pakistan, India, Afghanistan and Bangladesh are victim of that historical fallacy and it is in their interest to abolish this so that our future generations can start reconstruction. Now read the piece. Thanx

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Review on Booklet: Anti-Punjab syndrome in Pakistani politics by Zubair Ahmad پنجاب ویرتا :عامر ریاض دی کتابڑی

A Review on Booklet: Anti-Punjab syndrome in Pakistani politics by Zubair Ahmad      پنجاب ویرتا :عامر ریاض دی کتابڑی

The booklet was written before May 11 election :

  • A rejoinder for PPP who followed Anti-Punjab syndrome of ANP & MQM during her last tenure and became victim of her politics
  • A rejoinder for pro-centralist establishment who neither accepted Bengali majority nor ready to accept Punjabi majority 
  • A rejoinder for democrats & nationalists who thinks that they can transform Pakistan into a democratic society by fixing the Punjab
  • A rejoinder for those Punjabis who have reservations regarding their language, culture & history

عامر ریاض گُنی تے آہری بندے نیں۔ ہمیش کسے نہ کسے آہر ے تے کمیں رُجھے رہندے نیں۔کئی ورھیاں تُوں اوہ عوامی جمہوری فورم کڈھے پئے نیں۔جس نے کھبے پاسے دی سیاست وچ بڑا ناں کمایا اے۔ اوہناں درسی کتاباں اُتے وی کم کیتا اے۔کھبے پکھی سُوجھواناں وانگ اوہناں نری مونہہ زبانی ماں بولی دی حمایت نہیں کیتی سگوں پنجابی بولی وچ اوہناں دی نویں کتاب وی آوندی پئی اے۔’پنجاب اُتے انگریزاں قبضہ کیوں کیتا‘۔ 
عامر جی دی سبھ توں نویکلی گل شیواں نُوں نیویں ڈھنگ تُوں ویکھن اے۔ اوہ جیویں نروارن کردے نیں تے جیویں اپنی گل لئی دلیل بناندے نیں اوس دی سلاہنا نہ کرنا انیاں اے نیاں نہیں۔تُسیں اوہناں دی گل نوں نہ منو ایہہ وکھری گل اے پر اوہناں دی گل اُتے چُپ وٹ لینا تے دروٹ جانا چنگی گل نہیں۔ جیویں اوہناں پچھے اپنی کتابڑی چھاپی اے :’پاکستانی سیاست میں پنجاب مخالف رویے‘،اوس اُتے بھرویں گل کرن دی لوڑ اے۔میرا خیال اے پنجاب تے پنجابی دے اُگھے سُوجوان منظور اعجاز جی ایس اُتے بھرویں گل بات کرن گئے تے ایس وچار وٹاندرے نوں اگانہہ ودھان گے پئی پنجاب دا کوئی ویری ہے وی یا نہیں؟ جے ہے تے پھیر اوس دے کیہہ ٹیچے نیں؟ اسیں ایس وچار وٹاندرے وچ کُجھ مُڈھلیاں گلاں تیک ای رہواں گے۔ ایہہ لیکھ وی ایس معاملے اُتے گل بات ٹورن لئی اے ایہہ عامر جی دی کوئی سوبھا یاں سلاہنا نہیں۔ 
پنجاب ایس بر اعظم دا پرانا علاقہ اے ۔صدیاں پرانی وسوں اے تے پنجابیاں ایہناں صدیاں وچ اپنے ڈھنگ دا اُچیچ وسیب تے فکر جمی اے۔ پنجاب سُلیکھ(ادب) ہزار ورھے پرانا اے تے لوک شاعراں، بابیاں، فقیراں،سنت سادھواں تے درویشاں دی ان مُکی لڑی اے۔ پنجابی ڈھول ہزاراں ورھیاں تُوں وجدا پیا اے تے اسیں اپنے گوون گا گا تے نچ نچ کدی نہیں رجھے۔ پنجاب دی ایہہ اوہ مورت اے جیہدے اُتے ہمیش پردہ پایا گیا اے ۔پنجاب کدی وی مودویاں ،ڈاکٹر سراراں دا نہیں رہیا ۔ایہہ تاں وچارے کل دے لوک نیں۔ اک ہور گُن پنجابیاں دا ایہہ اے پئی اوہناں ہمیش اگانہہ تکیا اے تے نویاں اُسردیاں لہراں، وچاراں تے طاقتاں دے بانہہ بیلی بنے نیں۔ بُدھ مت ہووے، اسلام دا آون یاں بابا نانک دی لہر تے ساڈے ویلے تیک بھٹو دی لہر پنجابیاں ہمیش ایس نُوں جی آئیاں آکھیا اے۔ 
پر انگریزاں دے آون تے مُڑ پاکستان بنن پچھوں پنجاب دی اک خاص شکل بنائی گئی تے مُڑ مُڑ وکھائی گئی ۔پنجاب دی لوکائی تے رہتل نُوں ہمیش دبایا تے لُکایا گیا۔ خاص کرنگریزاں دے آون پچھوں جدوں ایتھے ساڈی بولی تے رہتل نُوں لانبھے کر کے ایتھے اُردو بدوبدی لاگو کردتی گئی تے جیہناں گورے دی شاہی نوں نہ منیا اوس اوہناں نُوں جانگلی بنا دتا گیا۔ 
عامر ریاض دی کتابڑی وچ مُڈھلیاں دو گلاں نیں جیہناں اُتے گل بات دی لوڑ اے۔ پہلی گل تاں ایہہ وے پئی پاکستان دو قوماں دے رلن نال بنیا ، بنگال تے پنجاب۔ پر پاکستان دی لہر اُتے ہمیش یوپی سی پی دا قبضہ رہیا تے پاکستان دے شروع وچ ایہناں علاقیاں دے لوکاں ای پاکستان وچ لُٹ پائی ۔ایہناں دی سبھ توں وڈی بانہہ بیلی نوکر شاہی سی جیہڑی 90% ایہناں علاقیاں دی سی یاں اوہ بنے پاکستان تُوں باہروں آئے سن۔ ایہناں مل کے اک اجیہی اسٹبلشمنٹ بنائی جیہڑی کسے نہ کسے ڈھنگ نال ہن تیک چلدی پئی اے۔ ایہہ’ مرکزیت‘ پاکستان دی مامی اے ، اک مذہب، اُردو تے نظریہ پاکستان راہیں لوکاں دے حقاں نوں دبان تے اپنا کم سدھا رکھدی اے۔ شروع وچ ایہہ بنگالیاں توں ڈردے سن کیوں جے بنگالی گنتری وچ ودھ سن تے نویں بنے ملک وچ اپنا حق چاہندے سن جیہڑے اوہناں نوں کدی نہ دتے گئے۔ پاکستان دی لہر اودوں ای تگڑی ہوئی جد پاکستان مسلم لیگ نے اپنے پیر ایتھے جمائے۔ پھیر ای ایہہ آس جمی پئی کوئی تھاں ہو سکدی اے جس دا ناں پاکستان ہووے۔ بنگالی تاں پہلوں ای پاکستان دی لہر وچ پنجابیاں توں اگے سن۔ سچی گل ایہہ وے پنجابیاں نوں پاکستان دی بہتی لوڑ نہیں سی خاص کر پنجاب دے مسلماناں نوں۔ اوہ کُل ابادی دا %56 سن تے وڈا وزیر مسلمان ای ہونا سی۔ ونڈ توں پہلاں وی تاں مسلمان ای وزیر اعظم سی، حضرحیات ٹوانہ۔لہندے پاکستان وچ پنجاب سبھ توں اُسریا تے پڑھیا لکھیا صوبہ سی تے پھیر ونڈ وی بنگال تے پنجاب دی ہوئی۔ پر پوند دے دناں وچ سیاست اُتے پنجاب نہیں غیر پنجابی پاکستان دے ناں اُتے راج کردے رہے۔ بنگلہ دیش بنن مگروں مرکزیت نوں پنجاب توں ڈر آون لگ پیا۔ کیوں جے لوک پنجاب نے کدی وی مُلوانیاں تے مذہبی جماعتاں نوں ووٹ نہیں دتا۔70دیاں چوناں وچ ایہہ پنجاب ای سی جس پرانی جاگیرداری تے سیاست دے برُج اُلٹائے سن تے ایس توں پچھوں اوہناں پورا زور لایا پنجاب نوں اک پچھڑیا صوبہ رکھن اُتے تے ایس اُتے پئی پنجاب اندر مذہبی جماعتاں تے اسٹبلشمنٹ دیاں پارٹییاں تگڑیاں ہوون۔ پر کیہہ گل اے پئی ایم ایم اے پختون خوا وچ ای بندی تے جتدی اے۔ 1913دیاں چوناں وچ مذہبی جماعتاں نوں کنے ووٹ ملے نیں پنجاب توں؟ پنجاب اپنے تت ست وچ اک اگانہہ ودھو سوچ تے فکر رکھن والی لوکائی اے۔ نر ا فوج دے ناں اُتے پنجاب دی نندیا کرن سچ نہیں اے۔ ہن تیک پنجاب اندر کوئی وی فرقو تے مذہبی جماعت پیر نہیں جما سکی۔ ایہناں چوناں وچ ’سرائیکی کارڈ‘ نوں جیویں پنجاب نے رد کیتا اے اوس نے پنجاب دے سارے ویریاں نوں چُپ دے جندرے لا دتے نیں۔ تے ہن اگلے گھٹو گھٹ دس ورھیاں تیک سرائیکی دا سوال نہیں اُسرنا۔ ایہہ کمال لوکاں دا اے جیہڑا اپنا چنگا ماڑا ویکھن جوگ نیں۔ 
اجوکے پاکستان وچ جے کوئی قوم ایس ویلے دی اسٹبلشمنٹ نوں نُکرے لا سکدی اے تے اوہ پنجاب ای اے۔پنجاب دا وسیب ایس ویلے اُساری دی جس پوڑھی اُتے اے اوس لئی اک جمہوری سرکار دی لوڑ اے۔ بھارت نال ویر مُکا کے دوستی کرن دی لوڑ اے۔ وپار نوں پکیاں پیڈیاں نیہاں اُتے چلاون دی لوڑ اے جے پنجاب دی اُساری ہوئی تاں پورے ملک دی اُساری ہونی اے۔ 
پنجاب دی ویرتا دی سبھ توں بھیڑی مثال ’’سرائیکی‘‘ لہر اے۔ جیہڑی اوس ویلے چھوئی جد پنجاب اندر اک تگڑی پنجابی بولی دی لہر پُنگردی پئی سی۔ ایہہ 60 دے دھاکے دے ادھ وچ شروع ہوئی سی تے ایس دی اگوائی اوس ویلے دے سبھ توں سُچے سُوجھوان صفدر میر، ایرک سپرین، شفقت تنویر مرزا، آصف خاں، نجم حُسین سیدّ،مظہر علی خاں تے سبط الحسن ضیغم تے اسحاق محمد ورگے لوک کردے پئے سن۔ شفقت جی اکثر کہندے ہوندے سن اسیں مجیب الرحمن دی آس لائی بیٹھے ساں کیوں جے بنگالی آ جاندے پنجابی وی آ جانی سی۔ ایس بھرویں پنجابی لہر دا اُلٹا کرن لئی ’سرائیکی‘ دی لہر چلائی گئی تے لہجیاں دا رولا پا دتا گیا۔ تاں جے نہ لہجے دا مسلہ حل ہووے نہ پنجاب دی ماں بولی آوے۔ یاں پھیر رسم الخط دا رُولا پا دتا جاندا اے۔ 
عامر جی گل دا سارا زور ایس اُتے اے پئی ہن طاقت ور قوتاں پنجاب توں ڈری بیٹھیاں نیں تے پنجاب دی ونڈ توں اوہناں نوں لگدا اے پئی ایس طراں ملک اندر بدلی نوں ڈکنا سوکھا اے۔ ایس طراں جد سرائیکی صوبے دی کھیڈ وچ ایم کیو ایم دی حمایت توں سندھیاں نوں لگا ایہہ تاں ساڈے ورودھ سازش اے دوجے جد سندھ دے اوہناں علاقیاں دی گل ہوئی جیہڑے سرائیکی بولن آلے نیں تے سندھیاں قوم پرستاں دا پنجاب دی ویرتا دا سارا شونق جاندا رہیا۔ ایس لئی ایس ویلے نویں صوبیاں دی گل پنجاب دی نویں اُسردے اوس زور نوں ڈکنا اے جیہڑا اک اگانہہ ودھو، جمہوری پاکستان چاہندا اے تے پنجاب دی طاقت تے سیاسی زور نال ای غیر سیاسی تے لوک ویری طاقتاں نوں نتھ پائی جاسکدی اے۔ ایس لئی میرے چاچے عامر جی دی کتابڑی نوں گوہ نال پڑھن تے ایس اُتے گل بات کرن دی لوڑ اے۔ 
اخیر وچ ایہہ گل وی ویکھن جوگی اے پئی پنجاب تے پاکستان ایس ویلے اک وڈی بدلی دے نّکے اُتے کھلوتے ہووئے نیں۔ اک پاسے اداریاں دی ٹُٹ بھج ہوندی پئی تے دوجے بنے جیہوریت وی پیر جماندی پئی اے۔ اسٹبلشمنٹ اجے پچھے بیٹھی ویکھدی پئی اے پر کُجھ کرن جوگ نہیں۔پنجاب دی ریتل اسٹبلشمنٹ وچ پاڑ پے گیا اے بہتا وڈا دھڑا ہندوستان نال مُکنا چاہندا اے۔ات واد نال نبڑیا یاں ایس دا انت چاہندا اے پر پرانی اسٹبلشمنٹ اجے ’ٹھنڈی جنگ‘ وچ ای نہیں باہر آندی پئی۔ چین اک وڈی طاقت بن کے اُسردا پیا اے۔امریکا جا رہیا اے۔ پنجاب تے پنجاب دے آگو اگے پیر پُٹنا چاہندے نیں۔ پنجاب ویری دھڑیاں نُوں وی اپنی پرانی سوچ بدل لینی چاہیدی تے لوک پنجاب تے اگانہہ ودھو پنجاب نال کھلونا چاہیدا اے۔ 
لکھاری لئی میل کرن لئی۔

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Who was the last Mughal king? Change your Glasses please! revisit & rethink

Who was the last Mughal king? Change your Glasses please! revisit & rethink

While writing last 300 years history South Asian historians often show their biases and try to narrate facts under numerous prides or prejudices like religious, sectarian, anti-colonial, pro-colonial, nationalist ones. If we read global history of those times we will observe a gradual shift from multi-national or multi-continental kingdoms towards comparatively small kingdoms based on geographical areas. They were moving toward Nation States yet constitutional monarchies & geographically associated units were like interim setups. Instead of Roman or Persian empires from 18th century we had British Empire, Russian Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Prussian Empire, French empire. Great Britain was formed in 1707 with the joint venture of England and Scotland. In South Asia or subcontinent we had similar phenomenon which started after the death of Aurangzeab Alamgieer in 1707. If we can change our anti-colonial & Nationalist (Indian nationalist) glasses and tries to analyze it with respect to increasing powers of geographical units we can well understand political situation of post-Alamgieer period. From Bengal & Maharashtra till the Punjab & Kabul regional powers gained semi Independence, fighting with one another and had no connection with Center. Sometimes we call them Muslim power, some time we call them Hindu power, sometime we call them Sikh power, yet in reality those were local power units. Just compare that struggle with American History of 18th century and you will feel similarities, same infighting was there. But with the passage of time they developed a loose federation first and then fought with others in US. But here in our lands after 142 year (from 1707-1849) rule of regional powers, British Empire enforced a centralist government and it was in their interest to use One nation Theory. They spread all negative things about that 142 years period and our historians are still following it knowingly or unknowingly. Just read history of Mughal power after Alamgieer, in less than 12 years 7 kings were removed till 1719 from Mughal throne. Delhi throne had no role in Bengal, Maharashtra, Punjab and Kabul, as regional powers were strong enough. In 1738, Mughal King was under house arrest by Nadir Shah. Then Ahmad Shah repeated it after 10 years. Till mid-1760s, in wars of Plassi, Bengal (1757), Pani Pat , Punjab (1761), and Buksar (1864) Centre was useless & powerless while other powers had significant role. From 1867 till 1849, regions of Kashmir, Punjab, including NWFP & Laghman (FATA and Jalalabad) were either under Three kings of Lhore, semi independent or under Lhore Darbar. They had no link with Delhi at all. Britishers & French were raising infighting by helping different regional powers. Till 1799, except Punjab, Kashmir, Laghman, they captured areas from Maharashtra till Delhi. Grandfather of Bhadar shah zafar started taking pension from Britishers in 1803. You can well imagine what type of Mughal Empire was there? Bhadar shah zafar with the mercy of Britishers came into power in 1837. Just compare his power with Lord Bentinck or Charles Metcalf or Lord Auckland. Lord Macaulay mints are enough to understand who was in power. Was there any Mughal empire? Those who read about Mughals like akbar or Alamgieer can easily analyze it. But people like William Dalrymple are still On Duty. 
From 1773, London had fixed the EIC and actual power was with empire. The piece is written to revisit our history. Read it now

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Faiz Ahmad Faiz, Balli & Lyallpur (Faisalabad)

Faiz Ahmad Faiz, Balli & Lyallpur (Faisalabad)

Professor Ashfaq Bhukhari has a diverse personality. He is writing books on history & culture of Loyalpur. i published his first book in this series "Chenab Cub" . it is 6th in series yet all these books represent post 1894 scenario. it will be good if he  add a book which can cover pre 1894 period. The city was established in 1894 and got a name of former  Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab Sir James Broadwood Lyall (1838–1916) of Royal Commission on Opium fame. No doubt, the area was there, had tribes and pinds (villages) arroung the land chosen for new city. When ever we writes history of Islamabad, we will start it from pre 1954 by describing what was the land, who lived there. Recently, am reading Travells into Bukhara by Alexander Burnes , a travelougue of 1831 i which he mentioned Margala hills, Rawal pindi city etc, mountains, rivers, culture od that land. So if Bukhari ji will add another book regarding pre1894 Lyalpur it will enrich us all. Bukhari's work is very important and it reminds me late Asif Khan of Punjabi Adbi Board who had started a promising project of recording distric histories of the Punjab. It is the megnaficient way to collect evidence from the ground for writing People's History. 
This piece is regarding Faiz's sister Bali , his other family members and their stay @ Lyallpur. read it ur self
The book title is "Faiz ahmad faiz: chand daryafteen, book no 6 regarding Lallpur Khani, published by SANJH, Lhore

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...