Friday, November 28, 2014

Pak Russia ties: Now you can understand why some forces want to see a destabilize Pakistan?

Pak Russia ties: Now you can understand why some forces want to see a destabilize Pakistan?
At 20th November 2014, Pakistan and Russia has signed the first ever military cooperation agreement. This agreement is a result of June 2nd announcement by Sergei Chemezov, head of state-owned technology corporation Rostec. According to that announcement Russia has lifted an embargo on weapons deliveries to Pakistan. According to reporting of Moscow News “In 2012, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the defense industry, seemingly took offense to Indian journalists asking him whether Moscow could supply Pakistan with weapons in future.” It means that there was something on cards till the end of 2012 and Indians were well aware from such developments. The news item also wrote that Boris Volkhonsky, head of the Asian sector of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, said Monday that although India has always tended to react badly to the idea of arms being supplied to Pakistan, he doesn't expect collaboration between Moscow and Islamabad to cause problems.
So in continuation of that policy after 45 years any Russian Defense minister visited Pakistan. Pakistani media did not pick this news which deserves attention. From June to current day, Pakistan is in consistent crisis. Read the news and analysis it 

more useful links

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Why Atta-Turk is great for Turks? Instead of Kingship, Khilafat & Imamat,Turkey opted for Nation State

Why Atta-Turk is great for Turks?

 Instead of Kingship, Khilafat & Imamat, 

Turkey opted for Nation State

مصطفیٰ کمال پاشا (اتاترک) محض اس لیے عظیم نہیں تھے کہ ان میں بیک وقت اک سپہ سالار اور سیاسی مدبر کی اعلیٰ خوبیاں پائی جاتی تھیں، اور نہ ہی وہ اس لیے عظیم تھے کہ وہ جدید ترکی کے معمار تھے۔ وہ اس لیے عظیم تھے کہ انہوں نے ترکوں اور ترکی کو تعصب، شکست اور تنہائی کے گہرے گڑھے میں گرنے سے نہ صرف بچایا بلکہ خلافت، امامت و بادشاہت کو مسترد کر کے ترک وطنی ریاست (Turkish Republic) بنائی اور اقوام عالم میں ترکوں کو اپنے پاؤں پر دوبارہ کھڑا کر دیا۔

Still in 21st century, Muslim mindset in general influenced with the notions of Khilafat, Kingship and Imamat but Mustafa rejected all three notions and opted for a Republic (Nation State) in early 1920s.  He gave Turks a new pride instead of praising fall of Ottomans.  Still after more than 90 years, majority of Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Egypt etc are thinking to opt that way Yet Pakistan’s example is different as we have Iqbal & Jinnah who participated in election processes even in colonial times when there was a limited franchise and assemblies had no independence.  Allama Iqbbal and Mollana Obaid ullah Sindhi were among rare voices who supported Atta-Turk’s reforms in early 1920s. 

مصطفیٰ کمال پاشا جب سپاہی تھا تو اس نے نہ صرف ترکوں کا حوصلہ بڑھایا بلکہ متحارب فوجوں سے آنکھوں میں آنکھیں ڈال کر لڑتا رہا۔ جب اسے بطور سیاسی مدبر جدید ترکی کی بنیادیں رکھنا تھیں تو وہ یہ بات جان چکا تھا کہ اب بادشاہتوں اور خلافتوں کا زمانہ گزر چکا ہے اور دنیا وطنی ریاستوں (nation states) کے وسیلہ سے نئے راستے تلاش کر رہی ہیں۔ اس سوچ کے پیچھے لالہ دوری، تنظیمات اصلاحات اور مادری زبان ترکی کی تحریکوں کا اثر بھی تھا اور ینگ ٹرکس (Young Turks) کی طاقت بھی۔ بس اتاترک نے خلافت، امامت اور بادشاہت کو چھوڑ کر وطنی ریاست کی بنیاد پر جدید ترکی کی بنیادیں استوار کیں۔

Read and enjoy 

Extreemism and Change in Indian Textbooks: why we are relectant to pinpoint root causes? Some questions to A G Noorani & Indian Liberals, democrates and progressives

Extreemism and Change in Indian Textbooks why we are relectant to pinpoint root causes? Some questions to A G Noorani & Indian Liberals, democrates and progressives

It is result of post independence naroow nationalism in which rationality is subsevient to National interpretations. Just Rethink 

Textbooks are a most lethal weapon used not only by colonial masters but also used after independence by successive states extensively. it designed for Others but proves more harmful for our own future generations.
Is it a South Asian Syndrome? Or is this disorder inbuilt in modern nation state phenomenon in which rationality, peace and civil rights are subservient to nationalisms.  In this world of nation states textbooks are modern gods and if rationality is subservient to nationalism then narrow nationalists use these modern gods whenever they get chance.  If democrats include pre partition orthodox personalities as national heroes just because of their anti imperialist or anti colonialist character then you themselves are compromising on rationality. Both India and Pakistan adopted that policy after their creations, came into being under an act of British parliament in 1947.
Many intellectuals in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh tried to challenge the riddles of curriculum and textbook changes but it is still unresolved in many ways.  Talking about textbook changes only in non-congress times looks political. Although Mr Noorani like Krishan Kumar raised many valid points but even in their narratives we found resonance of textbook infections in 1950s or 1960s. In such analysis we found pedagogical as well as political& religious issues. K. Kumar pinpointed many things in his famous book which includes interpretation of pre partition history, defeat of India by China in 1961 and beginning of Pak-India cold war after 1965 war.  Mr Norani too pinpointed late 1960s and wrote “As far back as on Dec 2, 1968 a National Board of School Textbooks was set up by the government of India. One of its functions was to scrutinise textbooks “to ensure that they are in conformity with the objectives of national integration”.” But Noorani is bold enough and accepted presence of textbook infection during Congress times too. “Even at the best of times there existed within the Congress and some other secular parties a pro-Hindu faction. Vallabhbhai Patel was their icon. But it operated within the system and sought to give it a soft saffron hue.” If you have narrow spaces then why to putt blame on exploiters only. The best defense designs during peace times but we often miss it due to multiple reasons. Now you read What Noorani wrote

Friday, November 21, 2014

Imran Khan & his Unsuccessful Suicidal Attack on Media

Imran Khan & his Unsuccessful

Suicidal Attack on Media

Geo was the first but now Imran Khan in his usual style attacked whole media yet PUFJ has announced his strikes against that statement.
Is it a calculated move by IK? or it is part of his routine frustration? it will be open before 30th November. The situation resembles with the last days of Taliban who did its last mistake by throwing Bamiyan Buddhas. Will IK take a U-turn in his usual style or shows his traditional stubbornness here too, it is not far now. 
Chudries of Gurat and Sheikh Rashid are playing their last inning and after Senate elections of March 2014 they will lose all chances. So for them the situation is like do & die. yet for IK sky has no limits as he is popular and have MPAs & MNAs too. If he accept his failure he can move forward. 

جوڈیشل کمیشن بھی دھرنے کے خاتمہ تک بنتا نظر نہیں آتا۔ استعفوں کی ’’بلیک میلنگ‘‘ بھی کام نہ آئی اور نہ ہی جلسوں پر جلسے کرنے سے کوئی فرق پڑ سکا۔ خان صاحب مذاکرات کا راگ الاپ رہے ہیں مگر نہ تو سرکاری ٹیم آتی ہے نہ ہی جرگہ والے۔ مقدمات الگ سے کھل چکے ہیں کہ اس سب نے خان صاحب کی پریشانیوں کو بڑھا ڈالا ہے۔ اب اگر 30 نومبر کو ایک دن کا جلسہ ہو بھی جائے گا تو اس سے کیا فرق پڑے گا؟ سب سے اہم سوال تو یہ ہے کہ آخر خان صاحب 30 نومبر کے بعد کیا کریں گے؟ آگے سمندر کو دیکھ کر گھوڑے ہنہنانے لگے ہیں۔ 30 نومبر کو توڑ پھوڑ کریں گے تو اب اس کا الزام براہ راست پی ٹی آئی پر لگے گا، قادری تو ہے نہیں جو بچا لے۔ بس یہ غصہ کبھی صحافیوں پر نکلتا ہے تو کبھی بلاول پر - 

Jamat e Islami & Change of hearts: From Ideological rigidity to Populism

Jamat e Islami & Change of hearts

From Ideological rigidity to Populism 

ایک دفعہ پھر جماعت اسلامی عوامی سیاست کی طرف بڑھنے کی کوششوں میں مصروف ہے۔ کیا سراج الحق قاضی حسین احمد کی تقلید کرتے ہوئے جماعت اسلامی کو ’’فکری‘‘ کی بجائے ’’عوامی‘‘ پارٹی بنا پائیں گے؟ ہر سیاسی کارکن کی طرح ’’جماعتیوں ‘‘کی بھی یہی خواہش ہے کہ بھٹو کی طرح کبھی تو لوگ اْن کے ’’امیر‘‘ کی بھی پوجا کریں۔ جماعت اسلامی بھی اک دن پیپلزپارٹی، مسلم لیگ (ن) اور تحریک انصاف کی طرح ’’مقبول عام پارٹی‘‘ بنے۔ مگر تاحال وہ اپنے خوابوں کی تکمیل سے بوجوہ بہت دور کھڑے ہیں۔ آخر وہ کیا امر ہے جو جماعت اسلامی جیسی ’’ثقہ بند‘‘ جماعت کو ’’عوامی‘‘ بننے سے روکے ہوئے ہے؟ -
Is it possible for Siraj Ul Haq to change Jamat? Centralist Mansora, Old Guards and a strict Leninist party structure are big hurdles but in continuation of Qazi hussain Ahmad, there are certain forces within Jamat who are ready to challenge rigidity so that they can convert jamat into a populist Party like PPP, PTI and PML Nawaz. 

In recent past unlike his predecessor Emirs, Siraj did not join unconstitutional move by Ik & TQ which give him some respect yet it is time for Jamat to accept his old follies like support of military action against Bengalis in 1971, Joining of PNA & IJI in 1977 & 88 and support of Musharaf during 17th amendment. 

نظریاتی کٹرپن اور عوامیت ایک دوسرے کی ضد ہیں کہ آج ’’منبر ‘‘سے اتر کر لوگوں میں ملنے کے لیے جماعت کو’’ آستینوں کے بت ‘‘گرانے ہوں گے۔ بصورت دیگر جماعت کا کرداربھی محض ایک نرسری کا رہے گا جو ’’ٹاواں ٹاواں‘‘ سیاسی ورکر تو پیدا کرتی رہے گی مگر وہ پَر لگنے کے بعد کسی اور شاخ پر ہی بیٹھیں گے۔ -

For more clear reading click here

Friday, November 14, 2014

How to resolve Riddles of Curriculum in Pakistan?

How to resolve Riddles of Curriculum in Pakistan?

Are we calus regarding education? Can we resolve riddles of curriculum by slogans? Almost all political parties have slogans regarding education in their respectives menefestos but question is their priorities. PTI has no policy regarding mother tongues in KPK and on the other hand Pervaiz Khattack goverment has recently adopted policy of Mushraf era and ready to publish all books in english languge from class 1 to 10. In a country or province we have not train teachers for Urdu , we are trying to deprive people more. Till 2013 Punjab too had that cheap policy yet in a recent talk, Chairman Textbook board revealed that the Punjab has left that policy. 
In 2009 education policy government allowed Textbook boards to publish textbooks of Ethics for non muslims and at least i read Ethic textbooks from class 3 to 10 in the Punjab which is indeed a positive development. In these textbooks you will find lessons regarding Bhudism, Christainity, Zurashtrianism, Hinduism, Sikhism etc yet there is not a single lesson about Ahmadis. 

جس ملک کے اعلیٰ اذہان اسلامیات کی متفقہ نصابی کتاب نہیں بنا سکتے اور وہاں نجی و سرکاری سکولوں میں شیعہ اور سنی اسلامیات کی الگ الگ کتب مل رہی ہوں وہاں بھلا فرقہ واریت کو کون روک سکتا ہے؟ - 

2009 کی تعلیمی پالیسی نے 40 سال بعد یہ اقرار کیا کہ ہم غیرمسلم پاکستانیوں کو اسلامیات کی بجائے اخلاقیات کی کتب پڑھائیں گے جس میں غیرمسلموں کے عقائد پڑھائے جائیں گے۔ کم از کم پنجاب ٹیکسٹ بک بورڈ نے اس ہدایت پر عمل کیا اور ان میں مسیحیت، پارسی مت، بدھ مت، ہندومت، سکھ مت بارے قابل قدر اسباق شامل کیے۔ تاہم تیسری سے دسویں تک چھپی ان کتب میں احمدیوں بارے کوئی ایک سبق بھی نہیں۔ علاوہ ازیں ان کتب میں کسی ایک غیرمسلم پاکستانی شخصیت بارے سبق نہیں جس نے پاکستان کی خدمت کی ہو۔ جوگندرناتھ منڈل، ڈاکٹر عبدالسلام، ایف ای چوہدری، سِسل چوہدری سے لے کر میرافیلبوس اور بھگوان داس تک ایسی قابل قدر شخصیات کی طویل فہرست ہے کہ جن کے بارے میں اسباق نہ صرف اخلاقیات بلکہ اردو کی کتب میں بھی شامل کیے جا سکتے ہیں۔ - 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 30th: Is Bilawal coming to the Punjab with Open Mind?

November 30th

 Is Bilawal coming to the Punjab with Open Mind?

why Imran Khan Chose November 30th day for his Public gathering? has he fears?  

November 30th is day When Bilawal, maternal grandson of Bhutoo is coming to the Punjab. Establishment is not happy with his entry. Revival of PPP is a direct threat for those who want to bury PPP and its politics. PTI is also very disturb and that is why Imran Khan is also announced a show at the same day. Hysteric speeches of Sheikh Rashid and some other players is a proof in this regard. Gujrati Chudhries are fighting their last battle as after senate election they will be finished forever.  So in coming days you will watch more Supper Shows and Gulu Media will pick it as usual.

بلاول بھٹو کی سیاسی زندگی کا فیصلہ اس بات سے مشروط ہے کہ وہ پنجاب میں پیپلزپارٹی کا ’’شملہ‘‘ دوبارہ سے بلند کرنے میں کامیاب ہوتے ہیں یا نہیں۔ وقت ان سے وہی امتحان لے رہا ہے جسے ان کے نانا نے 1960 کی دہائی کے آخری سالوں میں فقیدالمثال کامیابی سے پاس کیا تھا۔ وہ لاڑکانہ سے پارٹی بنانے لاہور آئے تھے اور پنجابیوں نے انھیں اس قدر ووٹ دیے تھے کہ یحییٰ خان، شیر علی پٹودی، جزل عمر اور ان کے حواریوں کے تمام تر منصوبے خاک میں مل گئے تھے۔ آج کسی کو اچھا لگے یا برا مگر یاد رکھنے والی بات یہی ہے کہ یہ ’’جی ٹی روڈ‘‘ اور ’’تخت لہور‘‘ ہی تھا جس نے بھٹو کو قائد عوام بنایا تھا۔ -

قائداعظم اور بھٹو نے پنجاب کے عوام کے مسائل وتحفظات کو سمجھا، اسے اپنی سیاست کا اوڑھنا بچھونا بنایا تو پنجاب نے انھیں ’’غیرپنجابی‘‘ ہونے کے باوجود قیادت کا تاج پہنایا کہ یہی بات پنجابیوں کو ممتاز کرتی ہے۔ یہی وہ سبق ہے جسے نہ تو آل انڈیا کانگرس سمجھ سکی نہ نیپ، اے این پی اور ایم کیوایم کہ پی پی پی کو تو بھولا ہوا سبق ہی یاد کرنا ہے۔ سوال یہ ہے کہ کیا بلاول بھٹو ’’ہوم ورک‘‘ کر کے 30نومبر کو لاہور اتریں گے؟ - 

۔ سندھ میں موہنجوڈاڑو، پنجاب میں ہڑپہ و گندھارا، کے پی کے میں تخت بھائی اور بلوچستان میں مہرگڑھ اس بات کے امین ہیں کہ یہ خطے قدیم تہذیبوں کے امین ہیں۔ یہی وہ خطے ہیں جن کے تسلسل کو تسلیم کرتے ہوے 1973 کے آئین میں چاروں صوبوں کی مضبوطی کو وفاق پاکستان کی مضبوطی کے مماثل قرار دیا گیا تھا۔آئین میں ترمیم نسبتاً آسان ہے جبکہ صوبوں کے جغرافیہ میں کمی بیشی کے لیے اس سے بھی مشکل راستہ رکھا گیا۔ ان صوبوں کی خوبصورتی یہی ہے کہ ان میں ثقافتی، لسانی اور قومیتی رنگارنگی (diversity) ہے۔ اس رنگارنگی کو نفرتوں کی علامت بنانا تو ’’تقسیم کرو اور حکومت کرو‘‘ والوں کی پالیسی ہے کہ پیپلزپارٹی کو واضح طور پر ایسی قوتوں سے الگ نظر آنا چاہیے۔ - 

For reading complete article click here

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Another Hot Point (Tibet) is defused : Reflections of New Politics

Another Hot Point (Tibet) is defused  Reflections of New Politics

After withdrawing its support from Dalai Lama the message is clear. It is closure of another hot point after Iraq, Afghanistan and Burma. It is not a happy news for war industry and their covert and overt supporters. If US is not interested to engage China in Tibet than it is not a good news for all who want to earn money and benefits from possible Sino-US conflict. Obama clearly said that The U.S. acknowledges Tibet as part of the People's Republic of China and does not back "Tibet independence," Republicans will try to use this within US under narrow nationalism in coming election campaign. But Obama is emphasizing on carbon emissions. Wilson and Roosevelt called themselves leaders of Free nations while Obama want to portray Us a leader of Climate Change in 21st century. According to Global Carbon project China is on top regarding carbon emissions. China is already committed to reduce carbon Emissions. "
In September, China told a United Nations summit on climate change that it would soon set a peak for carbon emissions and that it would make its economy more carbon efficient by 2020."

With 29% share in Carbon emissions China has to do a lot in this regard but everyone knew that if Chinese are already committed then they will do it. So this is beginning of the New Politics in which US, China, Germany and Turkey are working more closely than others while France and Russia are their distant partners. Some 100 year back in the same year new Politics of 20th century was founded. At that time US was neutral under Wilson's policy but Germany and Turkey (Ottoman Empire) were on the run but in 21st century both countries are ready to lead the world. 

"US President Barack Obama said the joint announcement on the two countries' emissions targets was a "historic agreement" and a "major milestone in the US-China relationship".
It is to be noted that Republicans are not alone to oppose new US policy but there are many forces and countries but unlike Jimmy Carter , Obama has many coconuts to distribute and normalization of Sino-US relations is among them. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014



PM ordered HEC to change curriculum in two months after consulting with provinces . The issue of curriculum changes is very complex rather "political" and in numerous occasions we have to chose either Ideology or pedagogy. In this fight we often sided with ideology and hence pedagogy often compromised. It is history of curriculum reforms in South Asia in general and Pakistan in particular. 
In recent past as a State it was General Musharaf who had informed the world and people of Pakistan in post 9/11 perspective that Pakistan would not support extremism any more. But till 2006 GOP neither initiated any process to change infected curriculum nor ready to replace biases (religious, sectarian, ethnic, Urban, Gender etc) from textbooks. Due to such double play General was rightly criticized not only in the country but also at abroad. From 2006 till 2009 we got three things regarding curriculum changes. 

  1. In 2006 Government formed a mid-term review commission of last education policy 1998-2010 but neither parliament nor major popular political parties were allowed to be part of it. So the baby had no mother/father . That process helped new government to develop its own education policy and in 2009 PPP government announced it. 
  1. A textbook policy was introduced in 2006 through an ordinance by Musharaf which allowed private publishers to prepare textbooks too. From that day till today, no effort was made to check the capacity and ability of Pakistani private publishers. In a situation where private publishers have no proper editors, no proof readers, no curriculum experts how can you expect quality publications? 
  1. In 2006 government had also published documents for new curriculum (SLOs) but failed to implement it and till 2008 few textbooks were published under it. Although that document had many short comings and had particular bias against elected tier  but after 18th amendment it had lost its authority too.
So after 18th amendment provinces got full control of education. It means that instead of promoting decentralized & participatory approach in Education GOP just shifted the "Full Control" to provinces. Provinces in last 4 years followed Central curriculum wing and they neither discuss education in assemblies nor invite education experts, NGOs working on education, teachers and students. Than central government has formed a Minister of state for Education under the name of Ministry of Professional and Technical Training in July 2011. Till to-date there is a confusion about roles and responsibilities of fedral, provincial and district governments. In the Punjab we have District education authorities to handle district level issues of education. If GOP want to re-centralize curriculum and standards then it must have participatory spirit in it.  All the more reasons, federal, provincial and district tiers have clear rights and responsibilities. No one has sole prerogative in education policy at all. The other most critical area is question of medium of instruction and it is high time to set up National commision for languges which will determine role of english and urdu but also adress issues of pakistani mother tongues. The commision not only resolve issues of Pakistani languages and dialects but also recommend their use as medium of instruction at primary level. It will help GOP to fulfill its commitment regarding MDGs. Can HEC develop a comprehensive report in 2 months? I read almost all important documents regarding education policies publish by GOP from 1947 till 2009 and in these documents we have to confront with contradictory policies in general. In order to avoid these contradictions HEC should develop a chart of things which must not be part of curriculum and textbooks. This chart will help to develop a minimum consensus in education. Without a minimum consensus we cannot move forward in education. 
you just read the article so that you can knew what is the power politics of education.

نصاب میں تبدیلیاں کرنا اک کٹھن اور مسلسل عمل ہے مگر ہمارے ہاں اس مسئلے کو فن تعلیم  کے بجائے نظریاتی و سیاسی مصلحتوں سے جوڑ کر دیکھنے کی غلط روایت موجود ہے۔ اس کا سب سے بڑا نقصان یہی ہوتا ہے کہ آخرکار فن تعلیم کے مسئلے پر ہی سمجھوتہ کرنا پڑ جاتا ہے۔ اس کی ایک بڑی وجہ یہ ہے کہ نصاب تعلیم کے مسئلے پر اساتذہ، طلبا اور تعلیم پر کام کرنے والی غیرسرکاری تنظیموں کو ”تبدیلی نصاب“ کے عمل میں شامل ہی نہیں کیا جاتا۔ یہ وہی لوگ ہیں جن کے لیے فن تعلیم کا مسئلہ بنیادی اہمیت کا حامل ہوتا ہے۔

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Rereading Iqbal: Don’t trust on heresy & Read Yourself

Click & Read YourselfDon’t trust on heresy

Still after 84 Years  the address is

 relevant, pertinent and significant

 not only for Pakistanis but

 for South Asians in general.  

Don’t trust on South Asian textbooks and media who often miss the punch line while praising or opposing Iqbal.  Born at November 9, 1877 in the historical trader city of the Punjab, Sialkot (which linked huge trade of Shawa-lak reigns started from today’s Arunachal Pradesh at the border of China {Tibet} till Jammu.) Iqbal was 53 years old when he penned this historic address. There was a politics even before the address and and people like Mr Shamsul Hassan of Luknow played a bad role but as Iqbal had relations with many people so a person from Allahabad came forward and then Iqbal travelled from Lhore to Allahabad and delivered his address. But this is not the time to discuss that politics yet I will write about it too. My search started in 2009 when I was working on the content analysis of Textbooks published by Punjab Textbook Board (It was published under the title Hum Apnay bachoon ko kya parha rahyeen hain or What We Are Teaching Our children.) I have to check authenticity of quotations published in books of Pakistan Study, English, Urdu, Islamiat and Ethics. During this search I found that textbook writers even played with the writings of Allama Iqbal. It was a shock but soon I understood why they did so? Even some critics of Iqbal depended on that twisted text which moved me to deconstruct such mentality. So I am sharing original text of Allama Iqbal’s 1930 address. I have its less than half dozen translations but there are issues in all but I will also share those translations with you soon. But twisted text of 1930 address was not found even in those translations. One tiny but important twist is use of the term “Organized Islamic State” but it was neither used in the original text nor in any translation.  Iqbal wrote that address in English and it was first published in 1944. Iqbal Academy has published revised edition of that book “Statements and writings of Allama Iqbal” many times and it is still available. Columbia University has reproduced it in its website and here is its link. You can read and download it easily. 

Source: Speeches, Writings, and Statements of Iqbal, compiled and edited by Latif Ahmed Sherwani (Lahore: Iqbal Academy, 1977 [1944], 2nd ed., revised and enlarged), pp. 3-26.

I will share some important features with commentary soon at this page. Thanks
aamir riaz ( 

New Era of Pak China relations: Bilateral cooperation in economy and Anti-terrorism Campaigns

New Era of Pak China Relations

Bilateral Cooperation in Economy


 Anti-terrorism Campaigns

According to China Daily, China needs cooperation not only in trade and economy but also in combating terrorism. "BEIJING - Chinese Vice-Premier Zhang Gaoli met with Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif in Beijing on Saturday, stressing bilateral cooperation in economy and anti-terrorism campaigns."  Interestingly numerous countries have their own priorities regarding terrorism. For Russia terrorism means to deal Ukraine, for US main concern is post 9/11 situation and for Britain it is 7/7 while Chines have concerns in Xinjiang and Dalai Lama. No one is ready to link terrorism from the post 2nd world era, Cold, Hot and Proxy Wars.  Till today Anti-Terrorism Campaigns are subservient to numerous foreign policy initiatives of different big and small States. Religion may be a useful weapon in the hands of terrorists but linking terrorism merely with religion or with only one religion is surely a trick. Insistence of Chines on Terrorism is good but it is also essential to deconstruct the term and past politics associated with it. It is high time to raise questions regarding the term and its misuse. For Pakistan religious extremism is a big issue and it has links with terrorism. In this situation  insistence of Chinese can make a difference too. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Will infighting in US benefit Chinese? 21st Century & Formation of New Politics in the World

Will infighting in US benefit Chinese?

 21st Century & Formation of

New Politics in the World

Recent election results in US are coming yet complete results will come in two weeks but jubilation before the results and twisted news items especially by BBC at the eve of election shows that some forces are more happy than the bosses itself. The fight between the donkey & elephant is not new in the US yet regarding larger picture the State has to act in its specified interests. During last days of 1930s it was Churchill who tried his best to use the internal US conflict regarding Lend & Lease Act and in some ways Roosevelt acted on his advice too but in the end it was Churchill who had to compromise and had signed the Atlantic charter in 14-august 1941.  Let us see who will compromise in the 2nd decade of 21st century. Situation is much different from 1940s and according to Karl Marx history will not repeat itself but move forward. Like US of 1930s, China has a chance to grow. keeping in view both Chinese and Americans have coined a policy of "Coexist but fight" but unlike cold war the fight is in business, resources and energy. The challenge ahead is not simple or straight  as was during hey days of Cold War. It was Gorbachev who used the term "inter-dependency" regarding international affairs yet both China and US are quietly following it in 21st century. In the early years of 21st century Chinese started SCO yet Republicans indulged US in wars, first in Afghanistan and then in Iraq. But after defusing Afghanistan, Iraq and Burma now US is trying to change priorities. But there are forces who want to revive Cold War. They want to build India against China and that is why some forces in India are prepared to welcome Front Line Status. Modi administration want to use this opportunity in numerous ways including "Change of status of Kashmir". But one should remember that it is a time of emergence of new States too. New Indian move can once more highlight Kashmir issue internationally. It is a time in which all big powers are busy in new engagements and if England can allow a referendum than why not Kashmir? Interestingly neither opposition parties especially Congress nor Kashmires are supporting this new move and Modie already ditched his pre-election allies too. On the other hand Pakistan has revived its old stand on Kashmir and all opposition parties are with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharief. So Modi is playing with fire. 
Other than US and China all other big countries including Russia, Germany, France , Britain etc are trying to explore their roles in this new politics. It is indeed interesting times in which Asia will revive its position. Elephant may have heavy representation in the elected houses yet it has less ability to face the challenge ahead. 
Read the full article here

اینج جاپدا ہے چین، امریکہ رَل مل ’’چلن تے لڑن ‘‘دی ایس پالیسی نوں’’جِن جپھا‘‘ پایا ہوا ہے۔ جے کھوتے تے ہاتھی دی لڑائی تیز ہوئی تاں فیر امریکی چین کولوں زیادہ فیدے چُکن دی پوزیشناں وچ نہیں رہن گے۔ اج دنیا دی نویں سیاستاں وچ چین اتھے ہی کھلوتا ہے جتھے امریکہ 1940 وچ اپڑیا سی۔ چین ایہہ گل جاندا ہے پئی جنج اٹلانٹک چارٹر پاروں امریکیاں دنیا دی آپدے مطلب دی ونڈ اتے آپدے مطلب دا وَیری (سوویت یونین) بنایا سی اوہ اج نہیں ہو سکدا۔ تاں مارے چینیاں سیاستاں دے نال نال جنگاں دی تھاں سارا زور کارویہار تے دے رکھیا ہے۔ دنیا بارے سیاستاں وچ جس ملک بارے سیاسی فیصلیاں وچ چین نوں رَلتی نہیں کیتا جاندا ،اْتھے اوہ کارویہار نوں ورتدا ہے اتے ایہہ پالیسی چینیاں بڑی سمجھ نال اُساری ہے۔ 1940 وچ تے جرمنی، جاپان ورگیاں طاقتاں نوں جنگاں راہیں تھلے لا کے نواں بندوبست اُساریا گیا سی پر چینی ایہو کم کارویہار نالوں لیندا چاہندے نیں۔ اوہ آپدے پرانے وَیری جاپان نال وی ملن ورتن ودھا رہے نیں اتے آپدے سرحدی وَیری بھارت وچ وی کارویہار دے ڈھیر لا رہے نیں۔ جے اج کوئی چینیاں نال مقابلے کرنا چاہندا ہے تے اوہ مقابلے کارویہار وچ ہی ہون گے اتے ہاتھیاں والیاں دا ایہہ پاسا بڑا ماڑا ہے۔

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Kot Radha Kishan: Three in One Complainant, Judge, & Executioner

Kot Radha Kishan

 Three in One

Complainant, Judge, & Executioner 

From Karachi to Khyber such incidents happens, some time reported in media and many times unheard and these are examples of acting against Rule of the law. Some times it has religious or sub religious color, some times it has ethnic or linguistic cover but in fact it is a case of Rule of Law for sure. In this case neither we can blame US nor India But it is a case of shame for us. The incident happened in District Qasoor where a young couple was killed in the area of Kot Rahda Kishan. Interestingly BBC and Express Tribune targeted Lahore but here in this article we have to concentrate on the issue which is a clear violation of Rule of Law. It is not a case against Pakistani Christians but it is a case against Law of the Land and its constitution. Either you break the Law under any religious banner or you use any secular connotation the result will be same and in modern civilized literature it is  a violation of Rule of Law. Now Pakistanis should understand why people like Allama Iqbal, Anie Annie Besant and M.A. Jinnah were against not only religious Khilafat or Hijrat Movements but also secular Non-cooperation movement. Read and understand the phenomenon.

For the complete article Published in Weekly HumShehri click here

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Kot Rahda Kishan(District Qasoor): Leave Pride & Prejudice

Kot Rahda Kishan(District Qasoor)

Leave Pride & Prejudice

In a society where you have infected textbooks and prejudice media what will you expect?  If Communal and sectarian parties and TV Channels are allowed than you are bound to witness Kot Radha Kishan incidents. Everyone is ready to take Law in his hand than no need to criticize foreign forces. Everyone is Sole Spokesman of Truth and not ready to give space to others.  Without rejecting Prides & Prejudices we cannot move forward. i knew how BBC and some other media twisted this news yet at this moment instead of exposing them i have to adress inside reasons of such incidents. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Don't waste ur time@ computer and start earning

Don't waste ur time@ computer

Start Earning

A new global world is in making
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Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 2: A Day to Protect Journalists.

November 2
A Day to Protect Journalists

The relevance of this day is more important for Pakistani journalists  who are on target from last April. From Hamid Mir incident till hey days of Dharna fiasco media is not only divided but journalists including photographers are facing unprecedented difficulties. Future Zamir Niazi will definitely write a chapter about this 7 month episode. According to international reports Indian journalists are the biggest victim in South Asia while recent petition by CPJ reminds us that Journalists are under strict surveillance in US and Western democracies . So journalist are struggling throughout the world.

Media, Law and Education are three main pillars of modern Nation states yet if we deduct Lawyer from Law, Student from Education and Journalist from Media than the leftover will be sheer profit-making. 

سینئر صحافی حامد میر پر حملہ کے بعد سے تادم تحریر مختلف میڈیا ورکروں کو جلسوں، دھرنوں اور ریلیوں میں باربار مشکلات کا سامنا معمول کی بات بن چکی ہے۔ کل جب کوئی ضمیرنیازی 'صحافت پابند سلاسل' کا اگلا باب لکھے گا تو اس 'ست ماہی تاریخ' کے ذکر کے بغیر یہ باب مکمل نہ ہو سکے گا۔

اگر قانون سے 'وکیل'، تعلیم سے 'طالب علم' اور میڈیا سے 'صحافی' کو نکال دیا      
جائے تو بس 'دکانداری' ہی بچتی ہے۔
For reading complete article click here

Some useful links for further reading are

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...