Saturday, November 22, 2014

Extreemism and Change in Indian Textbooks: why we are relectant to pinpoint root causes? Some questions to A G Noorani & Indian Liberals, democrates and progressives

Extreemism and Change in Indian Textbooks why we are relectant to pinpoint root causes? Some questions to A G Noorani & Indian Liberals, democrates and progressives

It is result of post independence naroow nationalism in which rationality is subsevient to National interpretations. Just Rethink 

Textbooks are a most lethal weapon used not only by colonial masters but also used after independence by successive states extensively. it designed for Others but proves more harmful for our own future generations.
Is it a South Asian Syndrome? Or is this disorder inbuilt in modern nation state phenomenon in which rationality, peace and civil rights are subservient to nationalisms.  In this world of nation states textbooks are modern gods and if rationality is subservient to nationalism then narrow nationalists use these modern gods whenever they get chance.  If democrats include pre partition orthodox personalities as national heroes just because of their anti imperialist or anti colonialist character then you themselves are compromising on rationality. Both India and Pakistan adopted that policy after their creations, came into being under an act of British parliament in 1947.
Many intellectuals in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh tried to challenge the riddles of curriculum and textbook changes but it is still unresolved in many ways.  Talking about textbook changes only in non-congress times looks political. Although Mr Noorani like Krishan Kumar raised many valid points but even in their narratives we found resonance of textbook infections in 1950s or 1960s. In such analysis we found pedagogical as well as political& religious issues. K. Kumar pinpointed many things in his famous book which includes interpretation of pre partition history, defeat of India by China in 1961 and beginning of Pak-India cold war after 1965 war.  Mr Norani too pinpointed late 1960s and wrote “As far back as on Dec 2, 1968 a National Board of School Textbooks was set up by the government of India. One of its functions was to scrutinise textbooks “to ensure that they are in conformity with the objectives of national integration”.” But Noorani is bold enough and accepted presence of textbook infection during Congress times too. “Even at the best of times there existed within the Congress and some other secular parties a pro-Hindu faction. Vallabhbhai Patel was their icon. But it operated within the system and sought to give it a soft saffron hue.” If you have narrow spaces then why to putt blame on exploiters only. The best defense designs during peace times but we often miss it due to multiple reasons. Now you read What Noorani wrote

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