Friday, January 30, 2015

Indian visit of Obama and China: New trends & Old politics

Indian visit of Obama and China

New trends & Old politics

In his recent visit President Obama played smartly and his last advice regarding communal harmony and gender sensitive policies was timely for India yet keeping in view international importance of the Indian visit, China announced an international event in September 2015 of world leaders including Putin too.  Like post Lend and Lease US, China too announced a war against Fascism which looks interesting. No doubt, it is time for new alliances yet in this game choice of allies is of vital importance.  Christian Science Monitor called US Indian Partnership as “awkward dance partners” and in China there are forces that have reservation against Putin too. Change of laws regarding arms deals in Japan is also alarming as China has bordering conflicts with both India and Japan.  United State is supporting entry of India and Japan in big 5 yet everyone knew that it is not its prerogative alone.  Without other 4 players it is neither possible nor practice but Indians have no choice but to relay on promises since 2008. A scattered India, internally (communal harmony and gender) and regionally (border disputes other than China especially Kashmir) cannot stand in front of rising China. Pressures on India are multiple yet its current leadership is not ready to expand its partnership at internal national politics. Modie is relaxing laws for international investments and emphasis is on arms deals which is not good for India and the region at all. It is essential to settle the borders first and in this regard India, Pakistan, US and China can settle Durand Line (est . in 1893) and McMahon Line (est. in 1914) which is in the larger interests of all three countries except US. Obama is the first US President who neutralized Burma Front and if he plays his role in neutralization of conflicting borders among China, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan it will change the future politics in favour of trading zones. Now read the article published in weekly Humshehri 

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