Sunday, January 10, 2016

Reviews Surkh Salam: Some Reflections of an Untold Story of Pakistani Left

Reviews Surkh Salam: Some Reflections of an Untold Story of Pakistani Left

After jamal Naqvi book, this one too raised debate among left circles which is a good. There are shortcomings in the reviews and twists in the reporting yet will share more soon. Lhore Book launch ceremony of Kamran Asdar Ali book Surkh Salaam at OUP, Lhore office was attended by young and old, interested in the left movement at Friday 8th Jan. Reporting of the event was not good yet its link is there in below. Abid Hassan Manto spoke well as he read the book , although he got it just 4 days back. Manto pinpointed that after 1954, the book narrated history of Sindh party and missed the struggle of Punjabi communists. Author accepted that fault. Although author used some rare references yet regarding pre-partition times there are many missing links too. Saleema Hashmi shared her memories. Till 1943 there was not any organized party but had many groups in different areas . In his interview to Awami jumhori forum Har Kishan Singh Surjeet too explained it who had joined a communist group in the Punjab in 1934. The first Congress of CPI held in 1943 while the 2nd Congress was held in 1948 yet the period between 1943 and 1948 was an intense period not only in British India but also internationally. Shifting of superpower role from UK, France to US and USSR and inclusion of China as a major player started after singing of Atlantic Charter 14 August 1941 which ended at Yalta. USSR became partner in WW2 with US and UK in late 1941 while communists got temporarily relief from the State especially in colonies. That is how CPI got a chance to work openly and started building the party and its institutions. Simultaneously,  the new alliance raised new questions too. In 1943 USSR disband internationalist Communist organization Comintern and replaced it from Cominform. But such issues are not included in the book, neither reviewers pinpointed it yet. Writer give detail accounts regarding Adhikari thesis regarding Muslim nationalism in majority muslim provinces and infamous Pakistan report in the 2nd CPI congress at calcutta yet he could not explore dubious role of a British Communist RPD (Rajni Paam Dutt). Support for Pakistan was a decision taken in a Party Congress in 1943 then it could be changed in a party congress. Writer failed to give details of August 1946 meeting of CPI in which as par author decision to support AIML was taken back. Was it a central committee meeting? who were the participants? What were the various stands taken by participants?  Why numerous Communists remained unaware from that decision? There are lot more questions. Writer should also read a book by a Bengali Communist Mohit Sane A Traveller and the Road: The Journey of an Indian Communist which threw ample light on post 1942 politics and CPI. Regarding Calcutta congress writer rightly pinpointed less number of delegates from the Punjab, Sindh and NWFP (only one from each) as compared to 32 from East bengal. He tried to justify it but failed. Making only a separate Communist party in West pakistan was a conspiracy or not, writer ignored it too. Interestingly, in newly formed Pakistan it was easily explained as an act to dismantle eastern wing. The effect of such blunder was witnessed in the speech of Jinnah when he visited East pakistan just after a month ahead to Calcutta Congress where he criticized communists openly. writer also give details of Pakistan report by an old Indian Communist (again bengali) Bhwani sane. I first time heard his name and the report in M D Taseer sahib article in which Taseer criticized sane rightly. Here kamran missed stand of CPI regrading Kashmir which is another interesting study during early period. 
Another question regarding the book is its source i-e a report of special branch written by Mian anwer Ali. Can we use it as the primary source? the report was prepared during a time when the State was ready to join US club and for that purpose they want to show communist Threat and Pindi conspiracy case too was designed to fulfill that purpose. Manto rightly mentioned it and questioned about the Infamous Report. He said from Hassan Zahier (a Civil servant) to present work why writers are depending on it? No doubt, writer give details with references and in many ways his book discuss lot of things first time yet it needs careful reading too. Nonetheless, the  Book is a useful addition so i will write its review soon.  

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