Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Irani+Saudi Conflict: Timing, Power Brokers & infighting Part-1

Irani+Saudi Conflict 

Timing, Power Brokers & infighting Part-1

Here I am sharing a piece of Hassan Mujtaba published in Daily Jang with title Sectarianism & Saudi+Irani Conflict. Author unfolded background well yet missed the core issue. We better pinpoint the process & hidden politics which produce Hitler, Khumini, Zia, Mulla Omar,  Modi etc. I wrote two pieces and will share with you soon.
Like a student of history Mujtaba narrated the story with due care, explained how Altaf Hussain, Khumini and Saudi intervention became part of problem in post Bhutto scenario. Crispy sentences will remind you how the whole region Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan drifted towards sectarian wars. Whenever we analyse Hitler we have to unfold post WW1 scenario. We have to check how Bismark's Germany compelled to leave road of progress and produced Hitler. It was largely due to post WW1 policies coined by Great Britain and France. The humiliation Germans & German descent people had to pass across Europe including change of names under Anti German Sentiments is a history. So is the case with sectarian wars and we have to check larger parts of it. Will share it in next part. 
Here are my comments on Hassan Mujtaba quality colum, unusual writing for infected Urdu press.
  1. PNA was not a rightist movement because it had Pukhtoon Nationalist Pro-Moscow Wali Khan as a major player among Gang of 9. Some nationalists and progressive groups supported PNA silently yet some were on roads against elected PM. 
  2. Rise of Saudi Arab started from the 2nd Islamic summit hosted by Pakistan in 1974. Saudi Arab was smartly replaced from Iran who was discredited since late 1960s
  3. Separate book of Islamiat for Shias was introduced not in Zia period but during Bhutto period in 1975. Shia clergy in Pakistan supported that segregation which was a bad taste.
  4.  Humiliation of Iranians was smartly drifted in the support of fundamentalist Khumini with the help of custodians of Socialism (USSR) and Liberalism (France). It was not any people's revolution but a move to isolate Iran further. it was a calculated game plan.
  5. likewise in Pakistan Zia too played Shia Sunni rift and the first episode of that drama was the managed protest against Zikat. The success of that protest supported Zia in many ways internally, regionally and internationally. It drifted pro-PPP Shia workers towards Shia fundamentalism. It viden the space for anti-Shia elements (Devbandi, Wahabi) to support Zia & Saudi interpretation of Islam. 
Will share my pieces soon

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