Saturday, May 14, 2016

Half Truth in NYTimes editorial: Time to Put the Squeeze on Pakistan

Half Truth in NYTimes editorial 

Time to Put the Squeeze on Pakistan

Editorial link Click below

How can one ignore last 208 years history of Pak-Aghan region? Why we often ignore efforts of Jihads sponsored by  Big powers since 1824 in this region started from a Jihad against Mahraja Ranjeet Singh of Lhore Darbar till Jihad against Russian intervention (1979-88). What British Colonial masters did before and after annexation of the Punjab (1849) laid foundations of extremism in a Sufi society just to turn the region into garrison State.  Why colonial masters created s0-called independent State of Afghanistan after its annexation in 1880? and installed hand picked Amieer Abdur Rahman after Killing Sher Khan son of Dost Muhammad Khan. It was British assistance under which Dost Muhammad Khan annexed Blugh and Hirat in 1850s  which was part of a plan to weakened Iranian Empire. What were main considerations for Britishers in 1880s ? under which they established mix race Afghanistan as a country, carved Durand Line (1893) started from the neck of Silk Route at Waksu (Wah khan) till Pak Afghan Iran triangle. In the beginning of 20th centuery Colonial masters carved NWFP another mix race area (Punjabis & Pukhtoons) and established an unsettled area FATA. Britishers not only wanted to fix Germans but also but had a disturb region  partly to stop any attack from Oxus and partly to perturb historic land trade route known as Silk Route. In 1914 , before launching a war against Germany(WW1) they carved McMahon Line . In order to fulfill their designs colonial masters used religions and sub-religions extensively. The whole region was predominantly Muslim so playing with Islam and patronage of Islamic groups remained part of  policy initiatives of conflicting powers. The Sedition committee Report 1918 is a valuable proof of the game in which playing with religion was pivotal. Playing with Religion remained part and parcel of Anti-communist propaganda in British literature since early 1920s. USSR too use religion against the empire in anti-colonial movements. Russia was declared an atheist country and Muslims were prepared as guardian of faith against the Reds. Extensive literature was distributed and in post WW2 scenario as head of capitalist camp geared-up that campaign. Boiling point of that campaign was Afghan Jihad sponsored by West and US which proved fatal for the whole region. Fight against communism and fight against Russian intervention in Afghanistan could be fought under a secular agenda but colonial legacy of use of Islam remained pivotal in the policy. Geneva Accord of 1988 was an announcement to stop 100 year war in Pak-Afghan region but it had no contingency plan. The region was flooded with arms and narcotics while extremism was on peak. Benazier Bhutto warned US but Republicans remained silent. Rise of Taliban and Al-Qaida were obvious results of that game. Pakistan as a neighboring country had to bear fall outs of successive Afghan policies and it strengthen extremists in Pak Afghan Iran region. If New York time editorial team wrote an editorial without mentioning this background it looks strange. Although non-elected elite used that situation in its favor during Afghan Jihad and in post 9/11 scenario yet if US and its Western collation partners especially UK had any contingency plan after Geneva Accord or had any bottom line after 9/11 things must be different. If you have weak rather unpopular governments then they have to depend on mantras like double play. Security, reform and development needs popular support but it is always easy to deal with one person. That is the crisis and real challenge. 

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