Sunday, June 19, 2016

Shakil Ch talk: Problems of Narratives and Counter Narratives regarding misleading journalism

 Problems of Narratives and Counter Narratives regarding misleading journalism 

Click and listen Shakil's Talk HERE

A good effort Shakil and i need to add some points. Hope this will help you in developing it further. Points regarding critical thinking and fact checking are well taken and appreciable. Urdu press is game changer and that is why it always remain scrolling between power players. You can write many things in English only because it is language of new Pandats yet during last three decades expansion of English has created new spaces and even middle classes are reading and writing in this language. Urdu Press and Urdu textbooks are major propaganda weapons so it is important to criticize them with little care. Rise of Urdu/Hindi and Indian English press has a legacy and unfortunately you missed that legacy. Press or media was raised in 2nd half of 19th century while it groomed in first half of 20th century. we knew very well how Urdu, Hindi and English press praised false prides and spread hate. Partab and Zamindar were worst examples in this regard. even English press played very bad role and in her recent book Farahnaz Isfahani quoted bad editorials of Dawn since late 1940s till recent past. If you read the book Across the Seas by Syed Hasan Khan you can trace politics of Civil & Military Gazette well. He mentioned how Ram Krishan Dalmia purchased C&M gazette, Lhore and Daily Gazette Karachi just before partition (P.47) and remember same Dalmia had owned Times of India too. You knew that C&MG was a pro colonial master newspaper started in 1872 from Lhore and Simla. One of its legend contributor was Rudyard Kipling who according to Alex von Tunzeleman (in her book Indian Summer) contributed in a fund for infamous General Dyar of jillanwalla fame. After partition F W Bustin was editor of C&M Gazette in Pakistan. Syed Hassan Khan met him at this time . Interestingly he was the same editor who hired Hans Raj Vohra, an official approver in Bhagat Singh case as reported in The Martyr: Bhagat Singh-Experiments in Revolution By Kuldip Nayar . During early phase of Kashmir dispute Sir Owen Dixon appointed UN representative and his duty was to resolve Kashmir Dispute. Ironically C&M Gazette published a story claiming that Dixon had prepared a plan for partition of Kashmir. So you can imagine that situation and kept legacy of that newspaper in mind. Had C&M Gazette not published it, Kashmir issue would resolved at that time but its publication proved fatal. Publication of that news suited both old masters and those local players in both countries who were ready to devlop conflict base narratives in newly formed countries. So in my view Empire played its game through that story and Kashmir is still a bone of contention between two States. In a recent book Luv Puri too mentioned a secret agreement for Gilgit Baltistan between Mharaja Kashmir and Empire in 1929. In my march 26th post at same blog I mentioned genesis of bad narrative in Pakistan and mentioned Luv's book Across the LoC too.You may criticize joint editorial but you also must share all detail including bad policies of masters too. You listen the question and answer session again and you will find that participants used that gape mischievously  but it is because of some weaknesses in your own narrative.
All nation Sates have their media as well as deep State. Example of BBC is enough to understand State sponsorship and service of media for rulers. What Subhash Chandar Bose said about BBC is on record and Sughata reproduced it in the biographical book about Naita ji published in 2011. I reviewed  the book in June 2012. Newyork time apology is good gesture but it is the only example among more then 100 important newspapers/channels of Europe and US. so it is a rare case. Calling a media Hindu press, Jewish press is bad but calling a media Muslim press is also misleading. Using religion is an old colonial legacy and you can map it since James Mill times who divided history in Hindu and Muslim periods in 1824-32. Romila Thapper pinpointed it timely in 1960s yet we are not ready to take lead from this. Use of religion in State craft continued during cold war where US/West declared communism as Anti God. In Pakistan religious right used that mantra extensively with the help of new masters but you did not mention it too. Afghan Jihad was a recent example in this regard. Remember palace intrigues and conspiracies are part of power politics since ages and after the invention of Nation States it got more space then ever. Their new name is security establishment and in many ways it is larger then State even in so-called developed world. Linking conspiracy theories with every development may be problematic but ignoring conspiracies and palace intrigues must be criminal. Last not the least, Religious right and racist right have same mindset either in US, Europe or in Asia or Africa. Example of JO's killing in UK is enough and statements of Bush and Trump are on record. I want to write more but let us think about it. Thanks  

Further readings
19th Century concept of European Supremacy is near to end finally. Rivalry of France, Britain and Germany already ruined Europe during two bad WWs 1914-18 and 1939-45. After those European conflicts USA, naturally replaced all. The situation is again same and the third European conflict is ready to break the womb. The narrative of European Supremacy starts from Greek mythology and ends at so-called industrial revolution and hero of this narrative was English man but the pride of this English man is under question since Atlantic Charter of 14 August 1947. English man remained silent during cold war yet he had a dream for revival in post cold war era but she failed to monitor rise of China. It was same mistake she did during first two European conflicts during first half of 20th century that resulted in rise of US. Instead of revisit her bad policies and false pride , the English channel is again raising tensions and conflicts in Europe which will prove counter productive again. What future historian will right? i-e they failed to resolve refugee issue? they failed to unite Europe? they could not make single currency etc The missing portion in this article is absence of Offshore syndrome, strengthen in post cold war time yet criticized by EU since 200 consistently. This offshore money is a major force of RRE, racist, rightest extremists.

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