Sunday, July 31, 2016

Mairaj Mohammad Khan: we still miss a rational analysis which is part of the problem.

Mairaj Mohammad Khan

we still miss a rational analysis which is part of the problem.

In his article Mairaj’s legacy Naqi Sahib missed Miraj’s association and disassociation with PPP & PTI, neither he mention his politics from Oct 1999 till 2003. we still miss a rational analysis which is part of the problem. Will try to write on it. It neither minimize his struggle nor disappoint his admirers  but a rational analysis always help friends to understand strengths, weaknesses, gapes and achievements which may help them in future in many ways.  
 Mairaj Mohammad Khan and Minhaj Barna were born in the home of Taj Muhammad Khan who was a a leading figure in twisted Khilafat Movement. Many writers mentioned his Pukhtoon decent which is a post 1971 patron. I remember a book written by a Hindvta supporter in which he claimed that Aryans were originally belonged to India so he penned the name of his novel as Return of the Aryans.  since last two decades some Urdu speaking intellectuals are trying to search their decent in Pakistan but in many ways it is creating more problems. Is it another form of denial from their ''Hindu'' roots ? They cannot just ignore their last 3 to 500 years residence in Ganga Jamni tahzib. This deviation will confuse future generations but also add new false prides. It is better to amalgam in Sindhi culture rather then finding new horizons for identity. 
Why we still reluctant to revisit anti Suez Canal movement? In Pakistan it was a critical time. At 29 October 1956 Israel invaded Egypt with the help of UK and France. In Pakistan first popular Bengali PM had just started his premiership. It was Hussain Shaheed Surawardy who became PM in September 1956.  United State and USSR were not supporting Israel on that issue. 

Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971) railed against the invasion and threatened to rain down nuclear missiles on Western Europe if the Israeli-French-British force did not withdraw.
The response of President Dwight Eisenhower’s administration was measured...Eisenhower (1890-1969) also issued stern warnings to the French, British and Israel is to give up their campaign and withdraw from Egyptian soil. Eisenhower was upset with the British, in particular, for not keeping the United States informed about their intentions. The United States threatened all three nations with economic sanctions if they persisted in their attack. The threats did their work. The British and French forces withdrew by December; Israel finally bowed to U.S. pressure in March 1957 Link of the reference

Pakistan had neither no role nor any capacity to support anyone.  Our old colonial master (UK) was with Israel while our new master (US) was against it.  So it was the first test case of newly converted Pakistani elite. Mian Ijaz ul Hassan (Later a leader of PPP) told us in anINTERVIEW that he participated in a rare protest meeting against occupation of Suez Canal organized by teachers and students of Aitchison college , once a pride of colonial empire in our lands.  Mian was a student at Aitchison. Islami Jamiat Talba too participated in it. Left leader Prof Aziz u din too participated in protest against Israel and told that even students of Government college Lahore were on roads that was a rare thing. As par Hussein Naqi, NSF in Karachi participated in protest against Israel and gathered in-front of PM house.  Why they avoid Sikandar Mirza? At that time parliament had approved the first constitution just 6 month back. Sikandar Mirza was the powerful President and he smartly used that international event in local politics against H S Shurawardy. But we still use those events as some sort of achievement which looks strange in 21st century. Naqi Sahib is not alone in it but it is part of general left narrative. Naqi wrote, ''It became a popular student body when western powers attacked Egypt on the Suez Canal issue, and the NSF gave a call for protest. Spontaneous crowds of citizens joined the procession, as it was moving towards the prime minister’s house to protest against his statement endorsing the western powers aggression. By now Mairaj had entered the Sindh Muslim College.''
The other problematic fact is movement against Three Year Degree Course during Ayub times.  Naqi sahib failed to deconstruct it too.  In mid 1960s NSF was divided in Pro-Moscow and Pro-China sections but where was Khan? In an interview with Awami jumhori Forum Aleft journal, Comrade Tufail Abbas said that Miraj joined communist group of Tufail Abbas and under the instructions of the group he joined PPP. Later he left the group and became a Minster under Bhutto.  He left PPP in mid 1970s and formed his own party Qumi Mahaz e Azadi.  In between QMA and PTI (he joined PTI in 1998) he made and break alliances and mergers with numerous left groups.  Multi billion question is his position at last martiallah of October 12, 1999.  He fought against first military dictator from KPK who shifted the capital from Karachi to Islamabad, his opposition of 3rd dictator is also on the record but what went wrong when a dictator from Karachi imposed unconstitutional act? He was secretary general of the party and he remain part of Mushraff PTI negotiations? He stood against Z A Bhutto who was heading the first democratic government in Pakistan but he failed to stood against Mushraff why? Mr Naqi did not throw light but just ignore it.  Arshad Butt , a veteran NSF and QMA leader left him in 2000, he can share his story.  in between 2003 and 2015 he remained in negotiations with some left groups but  could not mature it.  A rational analysis is still missing regarding M M Khan but after his departure it depends largely on his comrades especially those who worked with him in NSF & QMA. 

Comrade Arshad Butt reply
Arshad Butt M M Khan regretted joing PTI and said he misjudged IK. According to M Khan joing PTI was wrong decision and greatest political mistake of his political life. His Close friends Kh. Saleem, Kh. jamil, Azhar Jamil and many others will confirm this. M Khan once said yo me "Arshad main nay aapnay saath tumhay bhi marwa dia" He repeated these Words last when I meet him 7 July this year. He was never happy his joining PTI. It took no time after joining PTI when started discussions about the revival of QMA, but it could not happen due to some practical reasons among them was his detoriating Health. There is lot to say on the subject but it would be discussed on some other platform .thank you A R Aamir Riaz TuTu

Why I left PTI...M M Khan

Mairaj’s legacy Husain Naqi July 31, 2016 Leave a comment Mairaj Mohammad Khan’s lifelong struggle will remain a welcome reminder for all those who want to see Pakistan emerge as a social participatory democracy

miraj moh khan
Miraj at MQM seminar about Quaid e Azam

KARACHI: Meraj resigns as PTI secretary-general

What Dr. Mubashir Hassan said and wrote was totally false regarding my resignation from PPP in 1970s
Leftists in Pakistan are just followers (muqaladins).
Miraj interview at Jawabdah recorded in 2009

Why infamous Zia offered Miraj to form a party of  Mohajirs in late 1970s
Zia offered him to become Minister but he refused
Another interview of M M Khan with tricky Faisal Qureshi in two parts.(Part 1) uploaded in December 2011

6 parts long interview of Miraj Part 1 recorded in Jan 2011
Part 2 Bhutto period
same interview Part 3 Bhutto period
Part 4 Bhutto nationalization, resignation and other things. He resigned in October 1972
Part 5 Imran Khan will lose election 2013
Part 6

Meraj Khan decides to file defamation suit against Dunya TV

KARACHI: Ali Mukhtar Rizvi laid to rest

Riding the arrow: An ideological history of the PPP

KARACHI: Six-party alliance to work for true democracy

Smokers’ Corner: Exit stage left

Sibt e Hassan and its legacy

Sibt e Hassan and its legacy 

The News on Sunday published a special report 100 years with Sibte Hasan which is indeed a bold effort and we expect similar special reports on intellectuals like K K Aziz, Qazi Javed, Khilafa Abdul Hakim, Mubarak Ali, Bari Aleg, Ali Abbas Jalpuri , Aysha Jallal, M D Taseer etc in future. Largely these reports will address issue of Re-readings in Pakistan. We often make heroes or villains and in that black and white endure we often waste the punch lines. In the editorial of this report the editor looks more clear when said ''It is perhaps time to not just celebrate the man and everything he stood for but to also revisit his thoughts with renewed attention'' but translating it into articles is not an easy job. Writers largely use deductive method which is part of the problem. This weakness of avoiding revisiting is common among ideologically driven people either of left or right yet this report have many new things too.  It began with Raza Naeem Article who tried his best to bridge gapes among Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Allama Iqbal and Sibt e Hassan , praised Pakistan meen Tahzeb Ka Irtaqa (Published in 1976) and Naveed e Fikr (Published in 1986) but avoid to comment on his tricky book Inqalab e Iran.  Raza failed to criticize Tahzeb ka Irtaqa in which (At Page 212) he declared Urdu language and Bhagti Lhar as two symbols of Hindu Muslim unity.  The name of the book is more tricky then any thing else in which author smartly ignored Bengalis. From 1947 till 1971 East Bengal was part of Pakistan but Sibte just ignored it.  I remembered a book by Faieq Kamran (Published in 1955) under the title Magrabi Pakistan...Aik Tahzebi wahdat and it was written after One unit but Sibte did not use West Pakistan.  Since long we are reading books written in deductive rather inductive methods regarding Indo-Pak history. Either the author presumed that One nation theory is right or Two nation theory is right then he started his search for appropriate references. 
In other articles Jaffar Ahmad In pursuit of enlightenment , I A Rahman Relevant as ever, Zahida Hina A tradition of saying ‘No’ and Dr Nasir Abbas Nyyar On the politics of language enrich us from their understanding of Sibt e Hassan. There are many interesting observations in these articles and will try to write about it in a separate piece i have planned for future. I A Rahman reproduced his pieces from battle of ideas in which Sibt e Hassan advocating progressive ideas of both Allama Iqbal and Mohammad Ali jinnah as follows
''In support of his argument that the founders of Pakistan envisaged the state to be a secular polity, Sibte Hasan relies not only on Jinnah’s declarations but also on Iqbal’s views. In the case of Iqbal, he recalls passages from the poet-philosopher’s 1930 presidential address at the Muslim League’s convention at Allahabad, passages that are often ignored by commentators, particularly the advocates of theocracy. For instance, the following quote:
“Nor should the Hindus fear that the creation of autonomous Muslim states will mean the introduction of a kind of religious rule in such states. The principle that each group is entitled to free development on its own lines is not inspired by any feeling of narrow communalism.”
In Sibte Hasan’s view, Iqbal “pleads for a Muslim state on purely secular grounds, consistent with the principle of cultural autonomy” as evident from the following extract from the 1930 address:
“In view of India’s infinite variety in climates, races, languages, creeds and social systems, the creation of autonomous states, based on the unity of language, race, history, and identity of economic interests, is the only possible way to secure a stable constitutional structure in India.” ''
But from Mushraff times a group of secular intellectuals including the same author are advocating a twisted narrative of Jinnah's Pakistan. Is it our poor understanding of Iqbal or a bias , you can decide yourself.  The article regarding mother tongues is the weakest as it has no substantial evidence in its claims. Raza Naeem wrote ''Sibte Hasan was arrested along with scores of comrades in 1951 in the Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case and remained in jail until 1955.'' which is a wrong fact. 

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Founder of OFFSHORE accounts in Pakistan...First Dictator

Founder of OFFSHORE accounts in Pakistan...First Dictator

27 Jan 1976 New York Times: 17000$ Monthly for life...Founder of OFFSHORE accounts in Pakistan....The First Dictator General Ayub Khan. Earning Kickbacks in Arms deals and Policy shifts is no secret and non-elected elite is pioneer in it. In order to hide such facts it is essential to target elected people.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Listen Radio Show:Problems in Textbooks (A case of Urdu books class 1, 2 & 3 Published in 2016)

Listen Radio Show: Lok Lhar

Problems in Textbooks

(A case of Urdu books class 1, 2 & 3 Published in 2016)

What we are teaching our Children (Part 1) 

Lok Lhar Radio Show Recorded 4 to 6 Pm at Monday July 25th 2016, Monday
Urdu books class 1 to 3...Published by Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board March 2016
Guests: Dr Imdad Hussain and Nain Sukh along with Afzal Saahir and Aamir Riaz TuTu
Issues related to Language proficiency  , Absence of any study regarding child vocabulary at early stage, Absence of literature related to mother tongue while learning a foreign language either Urdu or English, Over emphasis on religion and nationalism

Since 2004 we spent huge amount on Higher Education which proved futile. It was a bad policy and wastage of money and resources. If your basic education is infected, substandard, irrelevant then how can you get benefit from higher education. Due to that bad policy we have a huge number of substandard HE institutions and substandard degrees as well as professors. It was Tony Blair who revealed in his book that Britain used HE money as foreign policy initiative after 2003. Even a common Pakistani knew that we had a bad and substandard basic education system since 1980s ,we had biased textbooks, we had bad curriculum and on top of it there was not any atmosphere of learning in schools but Mushraff government wanted to use HE as a western face only. Now a days Professors and Teachers are getting reasonably better salaries and perks , in many cases , more than private sector yet education standards are deteriorating not only in public but also in private sector.  You reap what you sow . You forgot your basic education and now you are reaping it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Misleading Narratives: What's Wrong with Education in Pakistan

Misleading Narratives

What's Wrong with Education in Pakistan

A Report Published in 2011 but still relevant. Although there are some good changes over the years in the Punjab yet largely textbook preparation, approval has serious issues while reflection of old narrative is also there. I did this study in 2010-11 and again in 2014-15 and these days am trying to expand it to whole Pakistan. 

We are trying to construct a more inclusive society. We are going to make a country in which no one is left out.

 Franklin D. Roosevelt

Inclusive, good-quality education is a foundation for dynamic and equitable societies. Desmond Tutu
Here i will share some extracts of the report. Will share extracts one by one in coming days because report is pretty long. 

Pre-British education in the Punjab and its surroundings . Basic education was decentralized and governments had no interest in ideological indoctrination ; a phenomenon of modern Nation State which jeopardized the whole concept of education. The major source of pre-colonial education is G W Litner's book cum report "History of indigenous education in the Punjab" published by Government of the Punjab in 1882.

T. B. Macaulay, is among the most misinterpreted, misused British officer who is victim of colonial as well as anti-colonial elements. At February 02, 1835  he delivered a speech known in history as Minute by T. B. Macaulay and in later years we witnessed a pitch battle between supporters and opponents of Macaulay. There are many things in the minute and I will write another blog on it but here i will mention its influence on education only. Along with many things Macaulay said "We abstain, and I trust shall always abstain, from giving any public encouragement to those who are engaged in the work of converting the natives to Christianity." It is not the only sentence in the minute and he also said "Assuredly it is the duty of the British Government in India to be not only tolerant but neutral on all religious questions". There were many disturbing as well as controversial claims in his minute but you can well understand that he oppose use of religion in education. Due to that fact many   Brown sahibs and orthodox generally misinterpret Macaulay according to their needs. His speech reflected the tussle between evangelical and  utilitarian schools raised after 1813 and 1833 chartered Acts. 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Rare & important Videos: History of Subcontinent ..Some rare Videos and commentary

History of Subcontinent ..Some rare Videos and commentary

Will add commentary and some more videos soon. 
Jinnah halaf bardari BBC flim

Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy address on transfer of Power on 16-8-1947

Interview with Prime Minister Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy of Pakistan

Eisenhower visit to Pakistan 1959

Mrs John F Kennedy visit of Pakistan

Lies of Zia regarding infamous death sentence of ZAB

Queen inLhore 1961

Queen in Pakistan at 50th celebration of Indepence

Mountbatten arrival in Pakistan 13 and 14 August 1947

Anti Nehru Narrative

Nehru Could Do Anything Just To Get A Girl Exposed By Rajiv Dixit
Complete lecture

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Kashmir & the Punjab are interdependent Since Ancient Times

Kashmir & the Punjab are interdependent Since Ancient Times

 Charles von Hügel(born Carl Alexander Anselm Baron von Hügel; 25 April 1795 – 2 June 1870) was an Austrian noblearmy officerdiplomatbotanist who traveled in the Punjab & Kashmir during mid 1830s  and wrote his account in 4 volumes in German language. The first and third volumes relate von Hügel's journey across northern India, including meetings with Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Sikh ruler of the Punjab, in Lahore and a number of other European adventurers; the second volume provides an account of Kashmir's history, geography and resources; and the fourth volume is a gazetteer. later on In 1845, a year after the final volume's publication, Major Thomas B. Jervis had translated, abridged, annotated and published an English version of von Hügel's work in London.We donot know what Jervis deleted or added in it but what we had is enough to understand history and geography of the Punjab and Kashmir. The name of the English version of Hugel's abridged book is Travels in Kashmir and the Punjab. I extensively use his findings in my lecture about history of Trade and skills in Pre-colonial Punjab and its surroundings. as well as in a talk Misconceptions regarding the Punjab.
Both Punjab and Kashmir have trade links since centuries In old times war was also a form of trade and in many ways war & trade protected and promoted knowledge too. Alexander of Macedonia came to the Punjab in 327 BC and here he fought with Porus. King of Kashmir supported Maharaja Porus against Alexander of Macedonia. 

Lok Lhar Show: Special program with Comrade Farooq Tariq (General Secretary AWP)

Listen Lok Lhar Radio Show

 Special program with Comrade Farooq Tariq (General Secretary AWP)

Left politics in Pakistan Issues, Achievements and Gapes, Impact of NGO sector on left politics and its positive/negative angles, Impact of  failed Turkish military uprising in Turkey and Pakistan, Okara Mazarine e Punjab movement and its analysis, Support for strengthening and supremacy of parliament, Question of Punjab and Punjabi and AWP tricky position on it along with many more questions. 

Recorded at 18 July @ FM 103 Lhore
Listen the show by Clicking HERE

Revisiting the left politics in Subcontinent during 1940s Some more thoughts

Revisiting Pakistani Left A Review of Abid Hassan Manto's book in the News (TNS)

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Revisiting the left politics in Subcontinent during 1940s...Some more thoughts

Revisiting the left politics in Subcontinent during 1940s

Some more thoughts

Working in popular parties, ,Question of Muslim Majorities, weak position of Congress in the Punjab and Bengal, Impact of WW2, Support for Pakistan Movement, Adhikari thesis, Cabinet Mission Plan, fear of communal-ism, transfer of population on the basis of religion demanded by Congress in the Punjab and Bengal and 3rd June Plan  
Entryism or Supporting popular parties by the communists remains part of the strategy and in this regard they worked in Congress, Muslim League, they supported nationalists and PPP but still we did not have any analysis to understand weaknesses and strengths of the phenomenon i-e Entryism. In his recent book Abid Manto told us that Azad Pakistan Party of Mian Iftikharuddin was the first open front of CPP . Itwas a time when CPP was not banned but it had many pressures and there were many powerful groups against it. If you read the booklet "Mustabal Hamara hai" you will find many fatwas against progressive politics in 199. I donot know why Mian sahib had formed APP in 1950. At that time he had left PML. APP was formed in the presence of CPP and it had a progressive manifesto too but in reality very few communists joined it. Was there any difference of opinion? Similarly some communists from East Pakistan joined Awami league and both examples are among initial efforts of entryism in Pakistan.  In 1954 CPP was banned and after that many communists tried to build their independent groups cum parties since late 1960s but they too could not get success due to numerous reasons. An article published in TNS Left behind by Mr Dr Himayatullah Yaqubi tried to unfold the alliance of communists with ML yet it has many gapes too. The article is largely based on his research article Leftist Politics in British India: A Case Study of the Muslim Majority Provinces but it too has many missing things. He claimed that C R Aslam was president of AIML Lhore but he had no reference in the support of his claim. In the search to understand background of Adhikari thesis i read many hings including Mian Iftiqar u din famous book edited by Abdullah Malik, selected editorials of Sajjad zaheer penned between 1943-6 edited by Ahmad Saleem, Mustaqbil hamara hai by Abdullah Malik, travels and the road by indian bengali communist Mohit Sane, Selected articles of M D Taseer published by majlis e Tarqi Adab, lhore, Interviews of Khwaja Masood, C R Aslam, Har Krishan singh Surjet published in Left journal Awami jumhori Forum edited by me  etc. In past I also read an article  How far left of Partition? Friday Times by Ishtique Ahmad but both Mr Yaqubi and Ishtique, failed to challenge official versions of CPI.. kamran Asdar Ali too wrote a book "Surkh Salam" but largely we still have gapes in these narratives about pre-partition left politics. It needs little attention.
In 21st century we better leave 20th century biases, prides and prejudices either related to Congress Muslim League confrontation or linked with pro-moscow & pro-china politics. It is important to discuss shortcomings, strengths and limitations of numerous parties especially Congress, Muslim League and CPI while analyzing pre-partition era politics. Interestingly entryism often attributed to Leon Trotsky but in our part of the world anti trotsky left too used entryism extensively not only in pre-partition times but also in post partition times.
""The French Turn refers to the classic form of entryism advocated by Leon Trotsky in his essays on "the French Turn". In June 1934, he proposed that the French Trotskyists dissolve their Communist League to join the French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO) and that it also dissolve its youth section to join more easily with revolutionary elements. The tactic was adopted in August 1934, despite some opposition".
From Congress, Muslim league till PPP, NAP and ANP we can easily map achievements and shortcomings of entryism yet author did not touch it due to his reliance on old narrative. But it was not a single missing area. 
The author failed to explain question of Muslim majorities  and largely reproduced Congress thesis. It was President of congress in the Punjab who raised question of Muslim majorities in the Congress and Left circles much before Adhikari thesis.of 1943. He was not alone but have 15 members in the working committee along with Raja ji, Rajgopal Acharya. The demand had nothing to do neither with religious segregation or transfer of population on the basis of religion nor with the division of the Punjab and Bengal. But author failed to understand it mainly due to his pro-congress/pro-Gaffar Khan point of view.  It was a time when British Indian administration had lifted the ban on CPI and the party was running independently yet it used entryism and few communists joined AIML. The party and its organs supported Pakistan movement which was a demand of readjustment of territories. Interestingly at that time Congress and her cronies spoke against communists extensively but author did not mention it. Sardar Patel's infamous remarks are on the record in which he compared communists with a running dog who thinks himself master of the cart. Author had very less information about Punjabi communists. What British communist RP Dutt did in late 1946 is also missing in the narrative. It was CPI that supported Cabinet Mission Plan CMP in late 1946 yet after its rejection by the Congress CPI rightly felt communal violence and it proved right. it was congress who demanded partition of the Punjab and Bengal on religious basis in March 1947, three month before 3rd June Plan. But these facts are missing in the narrative. 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

An insight into a bygone era: Book Review of Shahid Hamid memories by Aziz u din Ahmad

An insight into a bygone era

Book Review of Shahid Hamid memories by Aziz u din Ahmad 

Shahid Hamid provides an insight into the life and values of the Arain community and their peculiar subculture.
. It is part social history, part anecdote and part a recount of events which unfolded during the boyhood and youth of the writer. The narration is brought up to the upheavals of the Partition and a little after.
Read the complete Review by clicking HERE
 The tract of fresh soil thus created is called ‘bate’ in Punjab. ‘Waddian Parjian’ where Shahid Hamid was brought up was one of the villages in the ‘bate.’ Doaba, or the region situated between the rivers Sutlej and Bias where Jalandhar district is located is generally fertile.

Among the well known people of the ‘bate’ was Ch Muhammad Ali who later became the prime minster of Pakistan and belonged to a village nearby
 The region produced Urdu poets like Abdul Aziz Khalid, Shad Nikodari and Arsh Malsiani. Salim Gandhri was not a creative writer but after Partition he set up Nafees Academy in Karachi which was known for its high publishing standard. The poet Ibn-e-Insha lived only a few miles away.
The living conditions also promoted parsimony and humility that characterise the Arain community all over the province. The Arains can assume subtitles like ‘maliks’, ‘mians’ or sardars depending on the larger community in their neighbourhood. They are not finicky about the clan when marrying their daughters

Interview, Extracts, Reviews

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Early Left Critics of Bolshevik Revolution : Emma Goldman

Early Left Critics of Bolshevik Revolution Emma Goldman

Democracy & capitalism are still in experience and their recent challenge is managing tax heavens. You can experience different democratic models (Presidential, Parliamentary, constitutional monarchies etc) . Similarly socialism too has many forms yet majority of us often talk about Russia, Chinese and East European experiences. There were many voices within progressives that criticize Bolsheviks and Emma Goldman was among them. "supportive of that country's Bolshevik revolution, Goldman reversed her opinion in the wake of the Kronstadt rebellion and denounced the Soviet Union for its violent repression of independent voices. " She witnessed Bolshevik Revolution and initially admired it yet in few years she had to change her thoughts and wrote a book My Disillusionment in Russia timely. It is online available at Her autobiography is available online Living My Life ..just read 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Murder of Archives in Pakistan? Can anyone Use this resource? Lok Lhar Show

Radio Show Lok Lhar recorded @ mast FM 103 Lhore station 4rth July 2016

Murder of Archives in Pakistan?

Can anyone Use this resource? 

Guests: Dr Nadeem Omar Tarar and Dr Kanwal Khalid 
Along with Afzal Saahir and Aamir Riaz TuTu

There was a lobby in Pakistan since early days who wanted to coin a new culture which was in fact Old colonial policy wrapped after 1947 in green. As par that narrative there was not any space for indigenous cultures and records. We don't want to introduce neither our Zoroastrian, Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh past nor our connectivity with Chinese, Turks, Persians,Arabs, Central Asians to our young generations. People living in our lands are not ashamed of their cultures & continuity but in the so-called national narrative developed after Objective resolution there was a rejectionist attitude against indigenous cultures, languages, sources of knowledge as well as continuities
That rejectionist attitude was part of the colonial narrative so largely there was a continuity in rejectionist attitudes in our policies. Selective promotion of some cultures always create disillusionment and it is even harmful for citizenship too. Our old national narrative was not inclusive and that is why we have less interest in our archival record. Without accepting diversity we cannot address the core issue. Let us listen the discussion.
The problem further deteriorated due to conflicting priorities of power players including opposition. From the support and opposition of Objrctive resolution till the recent infighting on CEPAK and Orange Train one can easily understand priorities as well as misleading narratives based on immidiate benefits rather than long term objectives. one fine example is continuous destruction of ancient Walled City of Lhore which is not on priority at all. Instead, opposition cum civil society showed more interest in Gulberge trees and few old structures just to fix government. This is part of the problem.
Click & Listen The Show HERE

لوک لہر4 جولائی 2016
تواریخی ورثیاں دی حفاظت کون کرسی؟
سرکار، سول سوسائٹی، سیاسی جماعتاں یا پبلک

گل بات: ڈاکٹر ندیم عمر تارڑ ڈائریکٹر این سی اے پنڈی کیمپس۔ گورنمنٹ کالج لہور توں لے کے فارن یونیورسٹیاں وچ پڑھے ندیم عمر تارڑ سرکار، این جی اوز، سیاسی جماعتاں، محققاں دے جانو نیں۔ انگریزاں دے پھیلائے جھوٹ نوں انہاں انگریزاں دے دیس جاکے چیلنج کیتا اتے ماڑے تے بچھڑے لوکاں دے مفاداں نوں آپدے کھوج پر کھ وچ چیتے رکھدے نیں۔ اشرافیہ نوں نیڑے توں ویکھن والے تارڑ ہوری اشرافیہ دی حرکتاں اتے انہاں دے ہرکاریاں بارے وی جاندے نیں۔
ڈاکٹر کنول خالد ہوراں داعشق لہور اتے اج کل اوہ پنجاب یونیورسٹی وچ ایسوسی ایٹ پروفیسر نیں۔ لاہور میوزیم دی کیوریٹر وی رہے نیں اتے کونج کتھا دے ناں تے اک فورم وی چلاندے نیں۔

سوال ایہہ نیں
-1      کیہہ ساڈی کوئی کلچرل پالیسی ہے؟
-2      اسی آپدے تواریخی ورثیاں توں وانجھے کیوں ہاں؟
-3      تواریخی ورثیاں دی حفاظتاں دے سوال نوں سیاستاں راہیں کون خراب کررہیا ہے؟
-4      ساڈے آر کا ئیوز دی کیہہ صورتحال ہے؟
-5      دنیا وچ آرکائیوز نوں کنج ورتیا جاندا ہے؟

-6      سیاسی جماعتاں، سول سوسائٹی تے عام آدمی ایس حوالے ناں کیہہ کر سکدے نیں۔

Listen Lok Lhar Social Service & Civil Society (In memory of Abdus Sattar Edhi)

Listen Radio Show Lok Lhar

Social Service & Civil Society 

(In memory of Abdus Sattar Edhi)

Can philanthropy resolve issues of people or it is a trap? 
Is it withdrawal of State from its responsibilities regarding service of people?
Is philanthropy A-Political phenomenon?
Is there any politics behind philanthropy works?
What were the old ways regarding distribution of wealth?
Why Edhi failed in transforming his social work into voting power?
What Civil society and Political parties can do in this regard?  

Lok Lhar show Recorded11 July 2016
Only @ Mast FM103 From 4 to 6 pm

Guests Dr Saeed ur Rahman & Dr Imdad Hussain

Along with Aamir Riaz TuTu and Afzal Saahir

Click & Listen Radio Shoe here

گل بات:         ڈاکٹر سعیدالرحمن تے ڈاکٹر امداد حسین۔
جس خطہ وچ اسی رہندے ہاں ایتھے سماجی خدمت دی روایات بہوں پُرانیاں نیں۔ صوفیاءدے درباراں تے چلن والے لنگراں توں لے کے مخیر حضرات دے چلن والے تعلیم تے صحت دے مرکزاں تیک اک لمیرا تسلسل ساڈی رِیت دا حصہ رہیا ہے۔
ایدھی ہوری وی ایسے تسلسل دا اک پڑا سی۔ اتے اسی اج ایہہ حساب لاواں گے پئی سماجی خدمت تے سول سوسائٹی وچ کیہہ تال میل ہے اتے کیہہ ایس نال لوکائی دا مسئلہ حل ہو سکدا ہے۔
-1      سماجی خدمت ریاست نوں آپدی ذمہ داریاں توں لامے کرن دا آہر ہے؟
-2      سماجی خدمت وچ سول سوسائٹی دا کردار نوِیں گل ہے؟
-3      سماجی خدمت لوکاں دے کوتر سو مسئلے حل کر سکدی ہے؟
-4      کیہہ سماجی خدمت اک مغربی خیال ہے؟
-5      سماجی خدمت دا سیاست نال کیہہ تعلق ہے؟ کیہہ ایس دا سیاستاں نال تعلق ہونا چاہیدا ہے؟

پروگرام دے ٹوٹے

انگریزاں دے قبضیاںتوں پہلاں ساڈے سماج وچ سماجی خدمتاں دے بہوں حوالے موجود سن اتے اس دا زیادہ الار لوگ بھلائی ول سی نہ کہ منفعت یا پاور لیٹکس ول۔ اج سماجی خدمت دی نویں نویں شکلاں نیں اتے ایس وچ طاقت دی سیاستاں اتے کاروبار دا اثر بہوں ہے۔ پرانے ویلے حکیم تے استاد صحت تے تعلیم نوں لوک بھلائی دی عینکاں نال ویکھدے سن اتے حکیم تے استاد دی ٹہل سیوا لوک، پنڈ یا محلہ دار آپوں کردے سن۔ ایہو اک پرانا سوشل کنٹریکٹ سی جس نوں 1849بعد سٹ وجی۔ صوفی بھگتاں دے درباراں ، مسیتاں، گردواریاں اتے مدنراں  نال چلن والے لنگر تے پڑھائی لکھائی دے غیر رسمی سلسلے وی پرانے چلن دی نشانیاں نیں۔

ایدھی صاحب دے کم توں انکار نہیں۔ پر ایہہ سوال چیتے رکھنا لوڑی دا ہے پئی اوہ کیوں کوششاں دے باوجود آپدے سماجی کم نوں وٹاں والی سیاست وچ ڈھال نہ سکے۔ اوہ ضیا الحق دی مجلس شوریٰ دے ممبر وی بنے۔ انہاں 1970 وچ آزاد حیثیتاں وچ الیکشن وی لڑیا تے ہار گئے۔ انہاں اک پاسے مقبول سیاستداناں تے بہوں تنقیداں کیتیاں پر اوہ ضیاءمشرف مخالف لہراں توں پرے رہے اتے کراچی دی وڈی سیاسی جماعت بارے خموش رہے۔ سماجی خدمت والیاں نوں پاور یا لیکس توں پرے رہنا چاہیدا ہے، ایہہ بڑا اہم سوال ہے۔ عمران خان، ایدھی تے غیر ملکی امداد نال چلن والی این جی اوز سب نیں سیاسی جماعتاں بناون دے تجربے کیتے پر اوہ توڑ نہیں چڑھے۔ عمران خان دا شوکت خانم انہاں دی سیاستاں پاروں متنازعہ ہوگیا۔ ایہہ سب گلاں ایہہ پتہ دیندیاں نیں پئی سیاسی جماعتاں اتے سماجی خدمت والیاں توں اک دوجے دے کماں وچ مداخلتاں نہیں کرنی چاہیدیاں۔

ڈاکٹر سعید الرحمن: سماجی خدمتاں دی پرانی شکلاں نوں سمجھن دی لوڑ ہے۔ بدھ مت دے بھکشو مانگت سن پر اوہ اپنے لئی نہیں سگوں لوکاں لئی منگدے سن۔ کشکول وچ جو گچھ منگ کے تسی لیاندے سو اوہ لوکاں وچ ونڈن لئی ہوندا سی۔ جدید ریاستاں بنن اتے ٹیکساں دے بندوبست اسارن توں پہلاں دولت دی تقسیم دے دوترے طریقے سن جنہاں وچ منگنا وی سی اتے ڈاکہ، چوری نال امیراں نوں لٹ کے مہاتڑاں وچ ونڈناں وی سی۔ ریاست، بیوروکریسیاں بنن توں بعد ایہہ سلسلہ بدل گیا۔ اج دی جدید وطنی ریاست وچ ٹیکس لتا جاندا ہے تانجے ریاست لوگ بھلے لئی کم کرے، سڑکاں، پل، ہسپتال، سکول وغیرہ بنائے۔ اج دا بندہ بہوں ٹیکس دیندا ہے، براہ راست وی تے بالواسطہ یعنی Indirect وی۔ میرا سپر وائزر جرمنی توں آیا تے پاکستان وچ عام استعمال دے شے واں دی قیمتاں ویکھ کے حیران رہ گیا۔ کافی دا مگا اسلام آباد 400 روپے داہے اتے جرمنی وچ دو، ڈھائی یورو دا۔ دودھ دی قیمت وچ بہوں فرق ہے۔ کیونجے انہاں شئے واں اتے ٹیکس لائے نیں سرکار نیں تاں مارے ایہناں دی قیمتاں وادھو نیں۔ اس ٹیکس دیندے کیوں ہاں؟ تانجے سرکار چنگی تعلیم دے، صحت دی سہولتاں چنگیاں ہون، صاف پانی ملے۔ ٹیکس دے کے وی جے مینوں پرائیوٹ ہسپتال جاج ہے، بوتل دا پانی بازار جو خریدنا ہے، پرائیوٹ تعلیمی اداریاں وچ بچیاں نوں پڑھانا ہے تے میں ٹیکس کیوں دے رہیا ہاں۔ ہن میری تے تنخواہ تے بہوں سارا ٹیکس ہر مہینے کٹ جاندا ہے تے سرکارولوں اک سلپ (کاغذ) مل جاندی ہے۔ اک وار جداں ٹریفک پلس والے میرے کولوں رشوت منگی تے میں اس نوں ٹیکس والی سلپ وکھائی تے آکھیا ”میں تہاڈی وردی دا حصّہ پہلے ہی پادتا ہے“۔ اوہ جواب دتا، پڑھے لکھے لوکاں دے ایہو مسائل نیں“۔ ایدھی صاحب سمیت جیڑے وی لوک سماجی خدمتاں دا کم کررہے نیں اوہ ایہہ پیغام دے رہے نیں پئی سرکار کم کرے یا نا کرے، سانوں اس نوں بھل کے لوک سیوا دے کم کرنے چاہیدے نیں، سرکار ٹیکساں راہیں جیہڑی رقماں لے چکی ہے اس بدلے سرکار جیہڑے کم کرنے نیں، ایدھی ورگے اس لئی لوکاں نوں تیار کرن دی تھاں دوجے پاسے لاندے نیں۔
ڈاکٹر امداد: ایدھی صاحب دے کم دا میں قائل ہاں۔ میں انہاں نال ملیاں وی ساں۔ اوہ لہور آئے ہوئے سن اتے اوہ بہوں سادہ انسان سن۔ انہاں وچ کوئی غرور نظر نہیں آیا۔ ایہہ 2003 دی گل ہوسی۔ اک گل یاد رکھنی چاہیدی ہے پئی جنہاں ریاستاں وچ سرکاراں آپدے بندیاں دا بہوں خیال رکھدیاں نیں اتھے وی سماجی خدمتاں دے ادارے کم کریندے نیں۔ ریاست جیڈا مرضی لوکاں دا خیال رکھدے فیر فی لوکاں دی پدرتے سماجی خدمتاں دی گنجائشاں رہندیاں نیں۔ اس دی شکل بدل سکتی ہے پر گنجائشاں رہندیاں نیں۔ میں جاپان وچ آپدی پی ایچ ڈی کیتی۔ اتھے نیشنل ہیلتھ انشورنس سب جاپانیاں لئی ہے۔ سب دی دوا دارو دا بندوبست سرکاری کردی ہے۔ جاپان وچ سماجی خدمتاں دے وڈے وڈے ادارے وی کم کررہے نیں۔ پورے جاپان وچ مختلف سماجی کماں لئی محلیاں دی سطح تے ڈھائی لکھ توں وادھو انجمناں کم کررہیاں نیں۔ ساڈے ایتھے سماجی خدمت دے کم نوں جدید وطنی بندوبست وچ سیاستاں وچ ورتن پاروں کم زیادہ خراب ہویا ہے۔ جیہڑی گل سعیدالرحمن کیتی ہے اوہ کافی حد تک ساڈے حوالے نال صحیح کاڈھ ہے۔
سعیدالرحمن: پرانے بندوبست وچ سخاوت دا ہور مطلب سی پراج سخاوت دی آبشن تک مطلب ہورہے۔ اک مثال مدر ٹریسا دی ہے اتے اس لئی تہانوں کرسٹو فر ہیچن دی کتاب The Missionary Position پڑھنی چاہیدی ہے۔ اس دسیا ہے پئی مدرٹریسا مختلف وڈے مجرماں، سمگلراں کولوں وڈی رقماں خیرات وچ لیندی سی تے انہاں نوں مختلف حکومتاں کولوں بچاندی سی۔ فیر مدر ٹریسا ہوری آپدے مذہب دی تبلیغاں لئی وی سماجی خدمتاں دے کم نوں ورتدی سی۔ پرایدھی ہوری ایس توں بالکل مختلف سن۔ ایدھی دے کم دیاں عزتاں کرو پر ایہہ تاثر نہیں دینا چاہیدا کہ ایہہ کم ریاست دا متبادل ہے یا اینہاں دی موجودگی وچ ریاست نوں آپدی ذمہ داریاں نوں بھل جانا چاہیدا ہے۔
ڈاکٹر امداد: سیاست تے سماجی خدمت دی سانجھ ہے۔ سماجی خدمت کرن والے تاں مارے زیادہ مشہور ہوجاندے نیں کیونجے سیاستدان سماجی کماں نوں بھلے ہوندے نیں۔
ڈاکٹر سعید الرحمن: ضروری نہیں جیہڑے چنگا ہسپتال چلا سکدے نیں اوہ ملک وی چلاسکدے نیں۔

Interview with Aysha Jalal

  Interview with Aysha Jalal  This interview is aired at 21st February 2025 in Punjabi radio program Lok Lhar.  Click and listen the Intervi...